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[Author] Takashi SHIMIZU(20hit)

  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Takashi Shimizu  


    E102-B No:3
  • Spectral Efficiency of Fundamental Cooperative Relaying in Interference-Limited Environments

    Koji YAMAMOTO  Hirofumi MARUYAMA  Takashi SHIMIZU  Hidekazu MURATA  Susumu YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E91-B No:8

    The spectral efficiency of cooperative relaying in interference-limited environments in which a given channel is spatially reused is investigated. Cooperative relaying is a promising technique that uses neighboring stations to forward the data toward the destination in order to achieve spatial diversity gain. It has been reported that by introducing cooperative relaying into communication between an isolated source-destination pair, the error rate or spectral efficiency is generally improved. However, it is not intuitively clear whether cooperative relaying can improve the performance in interference-limited environments because the simultaneous transmission of multiple stations increases the number of interference signals. Assuming the most fundamental cooperative relaying arrangement, which consists of only one relay station, numerical results reveal that cooperative relaying is not always superior to non-cooperative single-hop and two-hop transmissions in terms of spectral efficiency.

  • Modularization and Processor Placement for DSP Neo-Systolic Array

    Kazuhito ITO  Kesami HAGIWARA  Takashi SHIMIZU  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E76-A No:3

    A further study on a VLSI system compiler, named VEGA (VLSI Embodiment for General Algorithms), is presented. It maps a general digital signal processing algorithm onto a neo-systolic array, which is a VLSI oriented multiprocessor array. Highly complicated mapping problem is divided into subproblems such as modularization, operation grouping, processor placement, scheduling, control logic synthesis, and mask pattern generation. In this paper, the modularization technique is proposed which homogenizes all the operations of the processing algorithm to multiply-add operations. The processor placement algorithm to map processing algorithm onto a neo-systolic array so as to minimize data transfer time is also proposed.

  • Thin-Film Slot Antenna for 700 GHz Submillimeter Wave Radiation

    Takashi SHIMIZU  yasuhiko ABE  Yoshizumi YASUOKA  


    E78-C No:8

    Thin-film slot antennas for 700 GHz submillimeter wave radiation were designed on the basis of the experimental results obtained at microwave frequency regions, and fabricated with photolithographic methods. The antenna patterns measured for the HCOOH laser radiation agreed well with the theoretical antenna pattern. This shows that the fabricated antenna works as a slot antenna in the 700 GHz submillimeter region.

  • A NRD Guide Fed Dielectric Lens Antenna with High Gain and Low Sidelobe Characteristics

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Tsukasa YONEYAMA  

    LETTER-Active Circuits & Antenna

    E88-C No:7

    A NRD guide fed dielectric lens antenna with high gain and low sidelobe characteristics is proposed for millimeter wave applications. The measured results showed very good performance at 60 GHz. It exhibited a gain of 24.9 dBi, 27 dB sidelobe level suppression.

  • MXQ (MaXimal Queuing): A Network Mechanism for Controlling Misbehaving Flows in Best Effort Networks

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Masayoshi NABESHIMA  Ikuo YAMASAKI  Takashi KURIMOTO  


    E84-D No:5

    The problems caused by misbehaving flows are becoming important issues in high-speed best effort networks. In this paper, we propose the MXQ (MaXimal Queuing) mechanism which correctly identifies and adequately penalizes misbehaving flows. Identification and penalization are the keys to controlling misbehaving flows, which is believed to be crucial for providing best effort services to a large number of residential customers at reasonable cost. The proposed mechanism consists of estimating incoming traffic at network edges and selective packet discard at network nodes. This combination realizes the identification and penalization in a correct, adequate and easy to understand way, thus maintaining the stability and efficiency of best effort networks. A number of experiments are performed on a prototype system to examine the unfairness caused by different TCP implementations, which is one type of misbehavior. The results show that the MXQ mechanism can adequately penalize the misbehaving flows, and can improve fairness, even when differently implemented TCP flows are present.

  • ATM Superpacket Network for Responsive Mega-Data Delivery Service

    Hisaya HADAMA  Takashi SHIMIZU  Masayoshi NABESHIMA  Toshinori TSUBOI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:5

    This paper shows new techniques to construct a service network which realizes responsive large-size data transmission for widely distributed mass users. We set our service target as transferring mega-byte scale data from a server to a client within one second. ATM is recognized as a powerful technology with which to construct a wide area network infrastructure that supports multiple bandwidth services. Our fundamental principles in developing such a service network are as follows: a) The bandwidth sharing mechanism should be of the best effort rather than resource reservation type. This is because only best effort schemes remove bandwidth reservation/release overheads. b) More than a 100 Mb/s data transmission rate should be supported throughout data transfer. c) Data transfer should be completed within the round trip through the network (or a small multiple thereof). This is necessary to minimize the effect of transmission time in large-scale networks. d) The user network interface should be simply defined to allow independent evolution of both network and terminal technologies. e) Congestion control must block the spread of congestion within the network. Based on these principles, we propose the "ATM superpacket network (ATM-SN)" as the service network to realize our target service. Key techniques are as follows. (1) Best effort and cut-through transmission of superpackets whose length reaches ten mega-bytes. (2) Network nodes with large-capacity buffer memories that prevent superpacket collisions. (3) Superpacket admission control at network nodes to prevent cell overflow. (4) Superpacket-based congestion control. Our proposal assumes the existence of a high-quality ATM infrastructure that can provide a large bandwidth with a high-quality DBR cell transmission capability (cell loss ratio is less than 10E-7) and small bit error ratios (less than 10E-10). First, we detail our proposal of the ATM-SN. Next, we propose a superpacket-based congestion control technique coupled with a simple Usage Parameter Control function. We then show the evaluation results of those key techniques to confirm the effectiveness of the superpacket network.

  • NRD Guide Excited Millimeter Wave Narrow Bandpass Filter Using Sapphire Disk Resonators

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Yoshinori KOGAMI  


    E95-C No:7

    Recent years, millimeter wave applications for wireless communication have attracted much attention and expected. We focused on an NRD guide and sapphire which have the excellent low loss characteristics in millimeter wave region. In this paper, an NRD guide excited sapphire disk resonator and millimeter wave bandpass filter with narrow bandwidth using proposed resonators were designed and fabricated. As a result, it was realized that the 3-pole bandpass filter with center frequency 58.64 GHz and 3 dB bandwidth 273 MHz. Moreover, its insertion loss was found to be about 1.5 dB.

  • Performance of Fair Queuing with In/Out Bit in Core Stateless Networks

    Masayoshi NABESHIMA  Takashi SHIMIZU  Ikuo YAMASAKI  


    E84-B No:6

    The differentiated services (diffserv) architecture has been proposed for implementing scalable service differentiation in the Internet. Expedited forwarding and assured forwarding have been standardized as Per-Hop Behaviors (PHB) in diffserv. Assured forwarding can be utilized to realize the service, which provides each user with a minimum guaranteed rate and a fair share of the residual bandwidth. We call it guaranteed rate (GR) service. With GR service, each packet for flow i is marked in or out based on comparison between the sending rate and the minimum guaranteed rate. When congestion occurs in networks, out packets are dropped more aggressively than in packets. Recently, several fair queuing schemes have been proposed for core stateless networks. They can achieve fairer bandwidth allocation than random early detection (RED). However, there have not been any studies that consider in/out bit usage to support GR service. This paper proposes how to extend the schemes that have been proposed for core stateless networks to allow the support of in/out bit usage. We present the performance of one of the extended schemes and compare the scheme to RED with in/out bit (RIO) in terms of fair bandwidth allocation.

  • Design of a Grooved Circular Cavity for Dielectric Substrate Measurements in Millimeter Wave Region

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Zhewang MA  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  


    E86-C No:8

    A grooved circular cavity is designed for the millimeter wave measurements of dielectric substrates. The grooves are introduced to separate the degenerate TE01p and TM11p modes in circular cavities. A rigorous mode-matching method is used to investigate the influence of grooves on both the TE01p and TM11p modes. The dimensions of the grooves are determined from the numerical results. Comparative experiments of circular cavities with and without grooves validate the design method.

  • Cut-Off Circular Waveguide Method for Dielectric Substrate Measurements in Millimeter Wave Range

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-General Methods, Materials, and Passive Circuits

    E87-C No:5

    A novel resonator structure for the cut-off circular waveguide method is proposed to suppress the unwanted TE modes in the axial direction and TM modes in the radial direction. In this method, a dielectric plate sample is placed between two copper circular cylinders and clamped by two clips. The cylinder regions constitute the TE0m mode cut-off waveguides. The measurement principle is based on a rigorous analysis by the Ritz-Galerkin method. Many resonance modes observed in the measurement can be identified effectively by mode charts. In order to verify the validity of the novel structure for this method, the temperature dependences for three low-loss organic material plates were measured in the frequency range 40 to 50 GHz. It is found that modified polyolefin plates have comparable electric characteristics and low price, compared with PTFE plates. Moreover, it is verified that the novel resonator structure is effective in improvement of accuracy and stability in measurement. The measurement precisions are estimated within 1 percent for εr and within 15 percent for tan δ.

  • A Waveguide Compatible NRD Guide E-Plane Bandpass Filter for 55 GHz Band OFDM Applications

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Yuki KAWAHARA  Takayuki NAKAGAWA  Tsukasa YONEYAMA  

    PAPER-Passive Devices/Circuits

    E90-C No:9

    A rectangular waveguide compatible NRD guide E-plane bandpass filter is proposed for 55 GHz band OFDM applications. The NRD guide E-plane bandpass filter is constructed by inserting a metal foil array in the E-plane of NRD guide. Simulation, fabrication, and handling of the filter are not difficult because each resonator is constructed by a couple of metal foils of a simple shape. A Chebyshev response 5-pole bandpass filter with a very narrow bandwidth of 550 MHz is designed and fabricated at 55 GHz band. Simulated and measured filter performances agree well with the design specifications. Insertion loss of the fabricated filter is found to be around 2.0 dB. Although temperature stability of the fabricated filter are found to be within manageable level, the adoption of cyclo olefin polymer can be one of solution for the temperature stability improvement.

  • Development of a 100 GHz Grooved Circular Empty Cavity for Complex Permittivity Measurements in W Band

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Yuki KAWAHARA  Seizo AKASAKA  Yoshinori KOGAMI  

    PAPER-Measurement Techniques

    E94-C No:10

    A 100 GHz grooved circular empty cavity is proposed for the low loss dielectric substrate measurements by the cut-off circular waveguide method in W band. The influence of the excitation holes for the coaxial cable with a small loop are revealed by an FEM based 3D electromagnetic simulator. And also, the diameter of the excitation hole is determined based on the calculated results and the manufacturing accuracy. Then, two kinds of four 100 GHz grooved circular empty cavities are fabricated. Comparative experiments of the cavities with the different excitation holes validate the simulated results. Moreover, the complex permittivity of a PTFE plate is measured using the fabricated four cavities by the cut-off circular waveguide method around 84 GHz. The measured results agree within measurement error about 0.5% for εr and 5% for tanδ. Also, these results accord with results measured by the Whispering-Gallery mode resonator method in 85–110 GHz band. It verifies that the proposed 100 GHz cavity for the cut-off waveguide method is useful for the complex permittivity measurement of low loss dielectric substrates in W band.

  • A Cost-Effective Network for Very Large ATM Cross-Connects--The Delta Network with Expanded Middle Stages--

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E77-B No:11

    This paper presents a cost-effective network for very large ATM cross-connects. In order to develop it, we propose the delta network with expanded middle stages. This proposed network is the intermediate network between a nonblocking network and the delta network with respect to the cost of hardware and internal blocking probability. Using this network, we explore the tradeoff between the cost and internal blocking probability, and derive the optimum configuration under temporarily deviating traffic. Internal blocking occurs when input traffic temporarily deviates from its average value. However, we cannot evaluate the internal blocking probability by using conventional traffic models. In this paper, we adopt temporarily deviating traffic such that all traffic is described as the superposition of the paths which are defined by traffic parameters. As can easily be seen, the path corresponds to virtual path (VP) or virtual channel (VC). Therefore, we believe that our model describes actual traffic more exactly than conventional models do. We show that the optimum configuration is the proposed network whose expansion ratio γ=3 when the maximum number of paths that can be accommodated in one link is greater than 22. This network achieves the internal blocking probability of 10-10. As an example of this network, we show that the proposed network of size 7272 is constructed with only 40% of the hardware required by the nonblocking network.

  • Evaluation Technique for Complex Permittivity of Mid-Loss Underfill Materials by a Cut-Off Circular Waveguide Method in Millimeter Wave Bands

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Yoshinori KOGAMI  


    E97-C No:10

    Underfill materials are used in a packaging of millimeter wave IC. However, there are few reports for dielectric properties of underfill materials in millimeter wave region. A cut-off circular waveguide method is one of a powerful technique to evaluate precisely complex permittivity in millimeter wave region. This method may be useful not only for low-loss materials, but also for mid-loss ones with loss tangent of 10$^{-2}$ order. In this paper, an evaluation technique based on the cut-off circular waveguide method is presented to measure mid-loss underfill materials. As a result, the relative permittivity $ arepsilon_{r}$ and the loss tangent tan$delta$ are in the range of 2.8$sim $3.4 and (1.0$sim$1.6)$ imes10^{-2}$, respectively. Also, the measurement precision is 2.3% for $ arepsilon_{r} approx 3$ and 40% for tan$delta approx 10^{-2}$.

  • Wideband NRD Guide and Rectangular Waveguide H-Plane Transition at 60 GHz Band

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Tsukasa YONEYAMA  


    E90-C No:12

    A wideband NRD guide and rectangular waveguide H-plane transition is proposed to transfer millimeter waves from a dielectric strip to the outer conductor surface of NRD guide through a short length of waveguide made through the conductor plate. As a result, it has a bandwidth about 6.7 GHz of |S11| -15 dB and a low transition loss about 0.35 dB at 60 GHz band.

  • 60 GHz Bandpass Filter Using NRD Guide E-Plane Resonators

    Takashi SHIMIZU  Tsukasa YONEYAMA  

    PAPER-Passive Circuits/Components

    E89-C No:12

    A novel structure of bandpass filter using NRD guide E-plane resonators is proposed. The NRD guide E-plane resonator is constructed by inserting metal foils in the E-plane of NRD guide. Simulation, fabrication and handling of the filter are very easy because each resonator is separated by simple metal foils. Chebyshev response bandpass filters are designed based on the theory of direct-coupled resonator filters and fabricated at 60 GHz. Simulated and measured filter performances agreed well with the design specifications. Insertion losses of the fabricated filters were found to be around 0.3 dB for 3-pole filter and 0.5 dB for 5-pole bandpass filter, respectively.

  • Core-Stateless RED Algorithm for Improving Fairness in a Best-Effort Network

    Takashi KURIMOTO  Takashi SHIMIZU  Ryutaro KAWAMURA  


    E84-B No:5

    A new algorithm called core-stateless random-early-detection (CS-RED) is described. This algorithm can improve the fairness characteristics under a wide range of network conditions and is robust in terms of the setting of its control parameters. It can be used in a distributed architecture, as can the core-stateless fair-queuing (CSFQ) algorithm, so it is applicable to large-capacity backbone routers. Through a detailed evaluation, we have identified and clarified the fairness degradation problem in the CSFQ algorithm. We solved this problem by incorporating the congestion notification proposed in the RED algorithm into CSFQ; we call this hybrid CS-RED. Comparison of the fairness characteristics in a computer-simulated network using either the CS-RED or CSFQ algorithm showed that a higher level of fairness is achieved with the CS-RED algorithm under a wide variety of network conditions without degrading link utilization. Furthermore, the CS-RED algorithm uses a treatment that is more general than the penalty box mechanism to penalize unresponsive flows in best-effort networks.

  • NRD-Guide Passive Components and Devices for Millimeter Wave Wireless Applications

    Tsukasa YONEYAMA  Hirokazu SAWADA  Takashi SHIMIZU  


    E90-C No:12

    Owing to simple structure, low cost and high performance, NRD-guide millimeter wave circuits have attracted much attention in recent years. In this paper, a variety of NRD-guide passive components are reviewed with emphasis on design techniques and performance estimation in the 60 GHz frequency band where the license-free advantage is available. The passive components to be discussed here include compact bends, wideband hybrid couplers, practical three-port junctions, versatile E-plane filters, and effective feeding structures for lens antennas. Some of them are employed to construct millimeter wave transceivers. Eye patterns observed at 1.5 Gbps confirm the potential ability of the fabricated NRD-guide transceivers for high bit-rate, wireless applications.

  • Highly Reliable Radio Access Scheme by Duplicate Transmissions via Multiple Frequency Channels and Suppressed Useless Transmission under Interference from Other Systems

    Hideya SO  Takafumi FUJITA  Kento YOSHIZAWA  Maiko NAYA  Takashi SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E104-B No:6

    This paper proposes a novel radio access scheme that uses duplicated transmission via multiple frequency channels to achieve mission critical Internet of Things (IoT) services requiring highly reliable wireless communications; the interference constraints that yield the required reliability are revealed. To achieve mission critical IoT services by wireless communication, it is necessary to improve reliability in addition to satisfying the required transmission delay time. Reliability is defined as the packet arrival rate without exceeding the desired transmission delay time. Traffic of the own system and interference from the other systems using the same frequency channel such as unlicensed bands degrades the reliability. One solution is the frequency/time diversity technique. However, these techniques may not achieve the required reliability because of the time taken to achieve the correct reception. This paper proposes a novel scheme that transmits duplicate packets utilizing multiple wireless interfaces over multiple frequency channels. It also proposes a suppressed duplicate transmission (SDT) scheme, which prevents the wastage of radio resources. The proposed scheme achieves the same reliable performance as the conventional scheme but has higher tolerance against interference than retransmission. We evaluate the relationship between the reliability and the occupation time ratio where the interference occupation time ratio is defined as the usage ratio of the frequency resources occupied by the other systems. We reveal the upper bound of the interference occupation time ratio for each frequency channel, which is needed if channel selection control is to achieve the required reliability.

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