1-5hit |
Takato HIRANO Koichiro WADA Keisuke TANAKA
We first consider a variant of the Schmidt-Samoa-Takagi encryption scheme without losing additively homomorphic properties. We show that this variant is secure in the sense of IND-CPA under the decisional composite residuosity assumption, and of OW-CPA under the assumption on the hardness of factoring n=p2q. Second, we introduce new algebraic properties "affine" and "pre-image restriction," which are closely related to homomorphicity. Intuitively, "affine" is a tuple of functions which have a special homomorphic property, and "pre-image restriction" is a function which can restrict the receiver to having information on the encrypted message. Then, we propose an encryption scheme with primitive power roots of unity in (Z/ns+1). We show that our scheme has, in addition to the additively homomorphic property, the above algebraic properties. In addition to the properties, we also show that the encryption scheme is secure in the sense of OW-CPA and IND-CPA under new number theoretic assumptions.
Yutaka KAWAI Takahiro MATSUDA Takato HIRANO Yoshihiro KOSEKI Goichiro HANAOKA
Homomorphic encryption (HE) is useful to analyze encrypted data without decrypting it. However, by using ordinary HE, a user who can decrypt a ciphertext that is generated by executing homomorphic operations, can also decrypt ciphertexts on which homomorphic evaluations have not been performed, since homomorphic operations cannot be executed among ciphertexts which are encrypted under different public keys. To resolve the above problem, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive called Homomorphic Proxy Re-Encryption (HPRE) combining the “key-switching” property of Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) and the homomorphic property of HE. In our HPRE, original ciphertexts (which have not been re-encrypted) guarantee CCA2 security (and in particular satisfy non-malleability). On the other hand, re-encrypted ciphertexts only guarantee CPA security, so that homomorphic operations can be performed on them. We define the functional/security requirements of HPRE, and then propose a specific construction supporting the group operation (over the target group in bilinear groups) based on the PRE scheme by Libert and Vergnaud (PKC 2008) and the CCA secure public key encryption scheme by Lai et al. (CT-RSA 2010), and prove its security in the standard model. Additionally, we show two extensions of our HPRE scheme for the group operation: an HPRE scheme for addition and an HPRE scheme for degree-2 polynomials (in which the number of degree-2 terms is constant), by using the technique of the recent work by Catalano and Fiore (ACMCCS 2015).
Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG Goichiro HANAOKA Takato HIRANO Yutaka KAWAI Yoshihiro KOSEKI Jacob C. N. SCHULDT
In this paper, we put forward the notion of a token-based multi-input functional encryption (token-based MIFE) scheme - a notion intended to give encryptors a mechanism to control the decryption of encrypted messages, by extending the encryption and decryption algorithms to additionally use tokens. The basic idea is that a decryptor must hold an appropriate decryption token in addition to his secrete key, to be able to decrypt. This type of scheme can address security concerns potentially arising in applications of functional encryption aimed at addressing the problem of privacy preserving data analysis. We firstly formalize token-based MIFE, and then provide two basic schemes; both are based on an ordinary MIFE scheme, but the first additionally makes use of a public key encryption scheme, whereas the second makes use of a pseudorandom function (PRF). Lastly, we extend the latter construction to allow decryption tokens to be restricted to specified set of encryptions, even if all encryptions have been done using the same encryption token. This is achieved by using a constrained PRF.
Mitsuhiro HATTORI Takato HIRANO Takashi ITO Nori MATSUDA Takumi MORI Yusuke SAKAI Kazuo OHTA
We propose a new hidden vector encryption (HVE) scheme that we call a ciphertext-policy delegatable hidden vector encryption (CP-dHVE) scheme. Several HVE schemes have been proposed and their properties have been analyzed extensively. Nonetheless, the definition of the HVE has been left unchanged. We therefore reconsider it, and point out that the conventional HVE should be categorized as the key-policy HVE, because the vectors corresponding to the secret keys can contain wildcards (which specify an access policy) whereas those corresponding to the ciphertexts cannot contain them. We then formalize its dual concept, the ciphertext-policy HVE, and propose a concrete scheme. Then, as an application of our scheme, we propose a public-key encryption with conjunctive keyword search scheme that can be used in the hierarchical user systems. Our scheme is novel in that the ciphertext size grows logarithmically to the number of uses in the system, while that of a conventional scheme grows linearly.
We study fast inversion of the Paillier encryption function. Especially, we focus only on key generation, and do not modify the Paillier encryption function. We propose three key generation algorithms based on the speeding-up techniques for the RSA encryption function. By using our algorithms, the size of the private CRT exponent is half of that of Paillier-CRT. The first algorithm employs the extended Euclidean algorithm. The second algorithm employs factoring algorithms, and can construct the private CRT exponent with low Hamming weight. The third algorithm is a variant of the second one, and has some advantage such as compression of the private CRT exponent and no requirement for factoring algorithms. We also propose the settings of the parameters for these algorithms and analyze the security of the Paillier encryption function by these algorithms against known attacks. Finally, we give experimental results of our algorithms.