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In this paper, a study of a sufficient condition on the optimality of a decoded codeword of soft-decision decodings for binary linear codes is shown for a quantized case. A typical uniform 4-level quantizer for soft-decision decodings is employed for the analysis. Simulation results on the (64,42,8) Reed-Muller code indicates that the condition is effective for SN ratios at 3[dB] or higher for any iterative style optimum decodings.
Yuki NANJO Masaaki SHIRASE Takuya KUSAKA Yasuyuki NOGAMI
A quadratic extension field (QEF) defined by F1 = Fp[α]/(α2+1) is typically used for a supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH). However, there exist other attractive QEFs Fi that result in a competitive or rather efficient performing the SIDH comparing with that of F1. To exploit these QEFs without a time-consuming computation of the initial setting, the authors propose to convert existing parameter sets defined over F1 to Fi by using an isomorphic map F1 → Fi.
In this paper, a study on the design and implementation of uniform 4-level quantizers for soft-decision decodings for binary linear codes is shown. Simulation results on quantized Viterbi decoding with a 4-level quantizer for the (64,42,8) Reed-Muller code show that the optimum stepsize, which is derived from the cutoff rate, gives an almost optimum error performance. In addition, the simulation results show that the case where the number of optimum codewords is larger than the one for a received sequence causes non-negligible degradation on error performance at high SN ratios of Eb/N0.
Yuki NANJO Masaaki SHIRASE Takuya KUSAKA Yasuyuki NOGAMI
To be suitable in practice, pairings are typically carried out by two steps, which consist of the Miller loop and final exponentiation. To improve the final exponentiation step of a pairing on the BLS family of pairing-friendly elliptic curves with embedding degree 15, the authors provide a new representation of the exponent. The proposal can achieve a more reduction of the calculation cost of the final exponentiation than the previous method by Fouotsa et al.
Yuta KODERA Takeru MIYAZAKI Md. Al-Amin KHANDAKER Md. Arshad ALI Takuya KUSAKA Yasuyuki NOGAMI Satoshi UEHARA
The authors have proposed a multi-value sequence called an NTU sequence which is generated by a trace function and the Legendre symbol over a finite field. Most of the properties for NTU sequence such as period, linear complexity, autocorrelation, and cross-correlation have been theoretically shown in our previous work. However, the distribution of digit patterns, which is one of the most important features for security applications, has not been shown yet. In this paper, the distribution has been formulated with a theoretic proof by focusing on the number of 0's contained in the digit pattern.
Shunsuke UEDA Ken IKUTA Takuya KUSAKA Md. Al-Amin KHANDAKER Md. Arshad ALI Yasuyuki NOGAMI
Generalized Minimum Distance (GMD) decoding is a well-known soft-decision decoding for linear codes. Previous research on GMD decoding focused mainly on unquantized AWGN channels with BPSK signaling for binary linear codes. In this paper, a study on the design of a 4-level uniform quantizer for GMD decoding is given. In addition, an extended version of a GMD decoding algorithm for a 4-level quantizer is proposed, and the effectiveness of the proposed decoding is shown by simulation.
Computing the weight distribution of a code is a challenging problem in coding theory. In this paper, the weight distributions of (256, k) extended binary primitive BCH codes with k≤71 and k≥187 are given. The weight distributions of the codes with k≤63 and k≥207 have already been obtained in our previous work. Affine permutation and trellis structure are used to reduce the computing time. Computer programs in C language which use recent CPU instructions, such as SIMD, are developed. These programs can be deployed even on an entry model workstation to obtain the new results in this paper.
A recursive and efficient method for generating binary vectors in non-increasing order of their likelihood for a set of all binary vectors is proposed. Numerical results on experiments show the effectiveness of this method. Efficient decoding algorithms with simulation results are also proposed as applications of the method.
An algebraic group is an essential mathematical structure for current communication systems and information security technologies. Further, as a widely used technology underlying such systems, pseudorandom number generators have become an indispensable part of their construction. This paper focuses on a theoretical analysis for a series of pseudorandom sequences generated by a trace function and the Legendre symbol over an odd characteristic field. As a consequence, the authors give a theoretical proof that ensures a set of subsequences forms a group with a specific binary operation.