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Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) OFDM technique is an attractive solution to increase the spectrum efficiency for mobile transmission applications. However, high spatial correlation makes signal detection difficult in real outdoor environments, and thus various methods have been developed to improve the detection performance. An iterative low-density parity-check (LDPC) coded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is a promising method for solving this problem, and its performance has been analyzed theoretically. This paper proposes an iterative LDPC minimum mean square error with soft interference cancellation (LDPC-MMSE-SIC) receiver with a time de-interleaver in front of the MMSE detector and evaluates its performance by computer simulation using channel state information (CSI) acquired in real outdoor measurements. We show that the iterative detection and decoding system with time interleaving, which is long enough to cover a fading cycle, achieves excellent error rate performance in mobile LOS environments and outperforms an LDPC maximum likelihood detection (LDPC-MLD) receiver with the same error correction and interleaving.
Shinichi SUZUKI Takayuki NAKAGAWA Tetsuomi IKEDA
The Millimeter-wave Mobile Camera (MiMoCam) developed by NHK STRL uses millimeter-wave band (42 GHz/55 GHz) to transmit Hi-Vision TV picture with high quality and low latency. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology which uses a number of antennas at both the transmitter and receiver can be adapted to use to transmit higher quality Hi-Vision TV picture. The camera was intended to be used in a studio environment where there is a high degree of multi-path, however there are also many requests for the MiMoCam to be used outdoor. This will present a different channel statistics where the camera will be operating in a near line-of-sight (LOS) environment without much reflected waves. We have conducted an outdoor transmission test and measured the outdoors transmission performance of the proposed MIMO system to clarify the possibility of using the MiMoCam in outdoor environment. This paper introduces the features of the MiMoCam system and the MIMO transmission technique used in the MiMoCam and presents the findings of this outdoor test. It was also confirmed that channel correlation of the MIMO propagation channels were suppressed by using orthogonally polarized waves and bit error rate (BER) characteristics with respect to the average receiving carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) was improved. Finally, we could find the feasibility of the MiMoCam outdoor operation from these results.
Kazuhiko MITSUYAMA Tetsuomi IKEDA Tomoaki OHTSUKI
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with antenna selection are practical in that they can alleviate the computational complexity at the receiver and achieve good reception performance. Channel correlation, not just carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR), has a great impact on reception performance in MIMO channels. We propose a practical receive antenna subset selection algorithm with reduced complexity that uses the condition number of the partial channel matrix and a predetermined CNR threshold. This paper describes the algorithm and its performance evaluation by both computer simulation and indoor experiments using a prototype receiver and received signals obtained in an actual mobile outdoor experiment. The results confirm that our proposed method provides good bit error rate performance by setting the CNR threshold properly.
A Trellis-Coded 8PSK (TCM) modem has been developed. This modem can transmit HDTV programs at a bit rate of 60Mbps over a satellite channel. In addition to Trellis coding, the (255, 235) Reed-Solomon code is adopted together with an interleaving technique to improve bit error performance. As a result, it has been confirmed that bit error rate of 10-10 is achievable at a carrier to noise ratio of around 8.5dB over a 30MHz Gaussian noise channel. This TCM modem is also designed to double as a DQPSK modem. We examined the performances of these two modulation methods in a nonlinear channel. It was found that TCM is less disturbed than DQPSK by nonlinear distortion due to TWT. In addition, a limiter amplifier cascaded to TWT improves DQPSK performance and disturbs TCM performance. However it was confirmed that TCM still has a coding gain of 3dB over DQPSK.