1-2hit |
A new transmission scheme for OFDM systems that uses the odd discrete Fourier transform to provide frequency diversity gain is proposed. Odd DFT allows the transmission of data subcarriers in frequencies that are centred between those employed by the traditional DFT. This fact is exploited to transmit data subcarriers on the group of frequencies that gives better performance using either traditional DFT or odd DFT. As an example, by using this approach a diversity gain up to 5.3 dB at a BER of 10-4 in a typical indoor channel model can be achieved.
Sandra ROGER Alberto GONZALEZ Vicenc ALMENAR Antonio M. VIDAL
It is known that MIMO channel matrix condition number influences detectors performance. Several authors have proposed combined decoders, mainly suboptimal, to cope with this fact. These combined algorithms require an estimation of the MIMO channel matrix condition number and a selection of a suitable threshold condition number. This letter presents practical algorithms to carry out the referred tasks and shows their performance in practice.