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Wenjie XIE De XU Yingjun TANG Geng CUI
Previous works show that the probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) model is one of the best generative models for scene categorization and can obtain an acceptable classification accuracy. However, this method uses a certain number of topics to construct the final image representation. In such a way, it restricts the image description to one level of visual detail and cannot generate a higher accuracy rate. In order to solve this problem, we propose a novel generative model, which is referred to as multi-scale multi-level probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis model (msml-pLSA). This method consists of two parts: multi-scale part, which extracts visual details from the image of diverse resolutions, and multi-level part, which concentrates multiple levels of topic representation to model scene. The msml-pLSA model allows for the description of fine and coarse local image detail in one framework. The proposed method is evaluated on the well-known scene classification dataset with 15 scene categories, and experimental results show that the proposed msml-pLSA model can improve the classification accuracy compared with the typical classification methods.
Wenjie XIE De XU Shuoyan LIU Yingjun TANG
This paper focuses on the relationship between the number of interest points and the accuracy rate in scene classification. Here, we accept the common belief that more interest points can generate higher accuracy. But, few effort have been done in this field. In order to validate this viewpoint, in our paper, extensive experiments based on bag of words method are implemented. In particular, three different SIFT descriptors and five feature selection methods are adopted to change the number of interest points. As innovation point, we propose a novel dense SIFT descriptor named Octave Dense SIFT, which can generate more interest points and higher accuracy, and a new feature selection method called number mutual information (NMI), which has better robustness than other feature selection methods. Experimental results show that the number of interest points can aggressively affect classification accuracy.