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Won Seug CHOI Harksoo KIM Jungyun SEO
Analysis of speech acts and discourse structures is essential to a dialogue understanding system because speech acts and discourse structures are closely tied with the speaker's intention. However, it has been difficult to infer a speech act and a discourse structure from a surface utterance because they highly depend on the context of the utterance. We propose a statistical dialogue analysis model to determine discourse structures as well as speech acts using a maximum entropy model. The model can automatically acquire probabilistic discourse knowledge from an annotated dialogue corpus. Moreover, the model can analyze speech acts and discourse structures in one framework. In the experiment, the model showed better performance than other previous works.
Hanmin JUNG Gary Geunbae LEE Won Seug CHOI KyungKoo MIN Jungyun SEO
This paper describes a highly-portable multilingual question answering system on multiple relational databases. We apply techniques which were verified on open-domain text-based question answering, such as semantic category and pattern-based grammars, into natural language interfaces to relational databases. Lexico-semantic pattern (LSP) and multi-level grammars achieve portability of languages, domains, and DB management systems. The LSP-based linguistic processing does not require deep analysis that sacrifices robustness and flexibility, but can handle delicate natural language questions. To maximize portability, we drive three dependency factors into the following two parts: language-dependent part into front linguistic analysis, and domain-dependent and database-dependent parts into backend SQL query generation. We also support session-based dialog by preserving SQL queries created from previous user's question, and then re-generating new SQL query for the successive questions. Experiments with 779 queries generate only constraint-missing errors, which can be easily corrected by adding new terms, of 2.25% for English and 5.67% for Korean.