1-3hit |
Jaehyuk YOUN Hoongee YANG Yongseek CHUNG Wonzoo CHUNG Myungdeuk JEONG
In order to execute coherent Doppler processing in a high range-rate scenario, whether it is for detection, estimation or imaging, range walk embedded in target return should be compensated first. In case of a bistatic radar geometry where a transmitter, a receiver and a target can be all moving, the extent of range walk depends on their relative positions and velocities. This paper presents a coherent Doppler processing algorithm to achieve target detection and Doppler frequency estimation of a target under a bistatic radar geometry. This algorithm is based on the assumption that a target has constant Doppler frequency during a coherent processing interval (CPI). Thus, we first show under what condition the assumption could be valid. We next develop an algorithm, along with its implementation procedures where the region of range walk, called a window, is manipulated. Finally, the performance of a proposed algorithm is examined through simulations.
Kwanggoo YEO Hyuk-soo SHIN Hoon-gee YANG Young-seek CHUNG Myung-deuk JEONG Wonzoo CHUNG
This letter presents a novel phase synchronization algorithm for a MIMO radar system in order to overcome the limitation of the existing algorithms relying on channel reciprocity, or line-of-sight, assumption between radar elements. The proposed algorithm is capable of synchronizing local oscillator phases among radar elements even if line-of-sight communication links are not available. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm exhibits robust MSE performance in the presence of frequency estimation error. The performance of the proposed algorithm was analyzed theoretically and verified by simulations.
Jangwoo PARK Youngsun HA Wonzoo CHUNG
We propose a reduced complexity maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) equalizer for wireless communications using bidirectional decision feedback equalizers (DFEs). We apply reduced-length two-level estimates produced by a bidirectional DFE. Therefore, the computationally expensive MLSD algorithm is applied sparingly for two-level signals with the effective channel length shorter than the original channel, regardless of the original constellation size of the symbols. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing combination schemes based on bidirectional DFEs, especially for large constellations.