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Concurrency bugs do significantly affect system reliability. Although many efforts have been made to address this problem, there are still many bugs that cannot be detected because of the complexity of concurrent programs. Compared with atomicity violations, order violations are always neglected. Efficient and effective approaches to detecting order violations are therefore in urgent need. This paper presents a bidirectional predictive trace analysis approach, BIPED, which can detect order violations in parallel based on a recorded program execution. BIPED collects an expected-order execution trace into a layered bidirectional prediction model, which intensively represents two types of expected-order data flows in the bottom layer and combines the lock sets and the bidirectionally order constraints in the upper layer. BIPED then recognizes two types of candidate violation intervals driven by the bottom-layer model and then checks these recognized intervals bidirectionally based on the upper-layer constraint model. Consequently, concrete schedules can be generated to expose order violation bugs. Our experimental results show that BIPED can effectively detect real order violation bugs and the analysis speed is 2.3x-10.9x and 1.24x-1.8x relative to the state-of-the-art predictive dynamic analysis approaches and hybrid model based static prediction analysis approaches in terms of order violation bugs.
Zhuo ZHANG Yan LEI Qingping TAN Xiaoguang MAO Ping ZENG Xi CHANG
Fault localization is essential for solving the issue of software faults. Aiming at improving fault localization, this paper proposes a deep learning-based fault localization with contextual information. Specifically, our approach uses deep neural network to construct a suspiciousness evaluation model to evaluate the suspiciousness of a statement being faulty, and then leverages dynamic backward slicing to extract contextual information. The empirical results show that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art technique Dstar.
Zhuo ZHANG Yan LEI Jianjun XU Xiaoguang MAO Xi CHANG
Existing fault localization based on neural networks utilize the information of whether a statement is executed or not executed to identify suspicious statements potentially responsible for a failure. However, the information just shows the binary execution states of a statement, and cannot show how important a statement is in executions. Consequently, it may degrade fault localization effectiveness. To address this issue, this paper proposes TFIDF-FL by using term frequency-inverse document frequency to identify a high or low degree of the influence of a statement in an execution. Our empirical results on 8 real-world programs show that TFIDF-FL significantly improves fault localization effectiveness.