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[Author] Xiankai MENG(5hit)

  • A Highly Reliable Compilation Optimization Passes Sequence Generation Framework

    Jiang WU  Jianjun XU  Xiankai MENG  Yan LEI  

    LETTER-Software System

    E103-D No:9

    We propose a new framework named ROICF based on reinforcement learning orienting reliable compilation optimization sequence generation. On the foundation of the LLVM standard compilation optimization passes, we can obtain specific effective phase ordering for different programs to improve program reliability.

  • A Data Augmentation Method for Fault Localization with Fault Propagation Context and VAE

    Zhuo ZHANG  Donghui LI  Lei XIA  Ya LI  Xiankai MENG  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E107-D No:2

    With the growing complexity and scale of software, detecting and repairing errant behaviors at an early stage are critical to reduce the cost of software development. In the practice of fault localization, a typical process usually includes three steps: execution of input domain test cases, construction of model domain test vectors and suspiciousness evaluation. The effectiveness of model domain test vectors is significant for locating the faulty code. However, test vectors with failing labels usually account for a small portion, which inevitably degrades the effectiveness of fault localization. In this paper, we propose a data augmentation method PVaug by using fault propagation context and variational autoencoder (VAE). Our empirical results on 14 programs illustrate that PVaug has promoted the effectiveness of fault localization.

  • Smart Contract Timestamp Vulnerability Detection Based on Code Homogeneity Open Access

    Weizhi WANG  Lei XIA  Zhuo ZHANG  Xiankai MENG  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E107-D No:10

    Smart contracts, as a form of digital protocol, are computer programs designed for the automatic execution, control, and recording of contractual terms. They permit transactions to be conducted without the need for an intermediary. However, the economic property of smart contracts makes their vulnerabilities susceptible to hacking attacks, leading to significant losses. In this paper, we introduce a smart contract timestamp vulnerability detection technique HomoDec based on code homogeneity. The core idea of this technique involves comparing the homogeneity between the code of the test smart contract and the existing smart contract vulnerability codes in the database to determine whether the tested code has a timestamp vulnerability. Specifically, HomoDec first explores how to vectorize smart contracts reasonably and efficiently, representing smart contract code as a high-dimensional vector containing features of code vulnerabilities. Subsequently, it investigates methods to determine the homogeneity between the test codes and the ones in vulnerability code base, enabling the detection of potential timestamp vulnerabilities in smart contract code.

  • Character Feature Learning for Named Entity Recognition

    Ping ZENG  Qingping TAN  Haoyu ZHANG  Xiankai MENG  Zhuo ZHANG  Jianjun XU  Yan LEI  


    E101-D No:7

    The deep neural named entity recognition model automatically learns and extracts the features of entities and solves the problem of the traditional model relying heavily on complex feature engineering and obscure professional knowledge. This issue has become a hot topic in recent years. Existing deep neural models only involve simple character learning and extraction methods, which limit their capability. To further explore the performance of deep neural models, we propose two character feature learning models based on convolution neural network and long short-term memory network. These two models consider the local semantic and position features of word characters. Experiments conducted on the CoNLL-2003 dataset show that the proposed models outperform traditional ones and demonstrate excellent performance.

  • Modeling Complex Relationship Paths for Knowledge Graph Completion

    Ping ZENG  Qingping TAN  Xiankai MENG  Haoyu ZHANG  Jianjun XU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:5

    Determining the validity of knowledge triples and filling in the missing entities or relationships in the knowledge graph are the crucial tasks for large-scale knowledge graph completion. So far, the main solutions use machine learning methods to learn the low-dimensional distributed representations of entities and relationships to complete the knowledge graph. Among them, translation models obtain excellent performance. However, the proposed translation models do not adequately consider the indirect relationships among entities, affecting the precision of the representation. Based on the long short-term memory neural network and existing translation models, we propose a multiple-module hybrid neural network model called TransP. By modeling the entity paths and their relationship paths, TransP can effectively excavate the indirect relationships among the entities, and thus, improve the quality of knowledge graph completion tasks. Experimental results show that TransP outperforms state-of-the-art models in the entity prediction task, and achieves the comparable performance with previous models in the relationship prediction task.

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