1-3hit |
Yilun WU Xinye LIN Xicheng LU Jinshu SU Peixin CHEN
Public auditing is a new technique to protect the integrity of outsourced data in the remote cloud. Users delegate the ability of auditing to a third party auditor (TPA), and assume that each result from the TPA is correct. However, the TPA is not always trustworthy in reality. In this paper, we consider a scenario in which the TPA may lower the reputation of the cloud server by cheating users, and propose a novel public auditing scheme to address this security issue. The analyses and the evaluation prove that our scheme is both secure and efficient.
Ziwen ZHANG Zhigang SUN Baokang ZHAO Jiangchuan LIU Xicheng LU
In cloud computing, multiple users coexist in one datacenter infrastructure and the network is always shared using VMs. Network bandwidth allocation is necessary for security and performance guarantees in the datacenter. InfiniBand (IB) is more widely applied in the construction of datacenter cluster and attracts more interest from the academic field. In this paper, we propose an IB dynamic bandwidth allocation mechanism IBShare to achieve different Weight-proportional and Min-guarantee requirements of allocation entities. The differentiated IB Congestion Control (CC) configuration is proven to offer the proportional throughput characteristic at the flow level. IBShare leverages distributed congestion detection, global congestion computation and configuration to dynamically provide predictable bandwidth division. The real IB experiment results showed IBShare can promptly adapt to the congestion variation and achieve the above two allocation demands through CC reconfiguration. IBShare improved the network utilization than reservation and its computation/configuration overhead was low.
Hongjun LIU Baokang ZHAO Xiaofeng HU Dan ZHAO Xicheng LU
Root cause analysis of BGP updates is the key to debug and troubleshoot BGP routing problems. However, it is a challenge to precisely diagnose the cause and the origin of routing instability. In this paper, we are the first to distinguish link failure events from policy change events based on BGP updates from single vantage points by analyzing the relationship of the closed loops formed through intersecting all the transient paths during instability and the length variation of the stable paths after instability. Once link failure events are recognized, their origins are precisely inferred with 100% accuracy. Through simulation, our method is effective to distinguish link failure events from link restoration events and policy related events, and reduce the size of candidate set of origins.