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Xin XIAO Yuanchun SHI Yun TANG Nan ZHANG
During recent years, there has been a rapid growth in deployment of gossip-based protocol in many multicast applications. In a typical gossip-based protocol, each node acts as dual roles of receiver and sender, independently exchanging data with its neighbors to facilitate scalability and resilience. However, most of previous work in this literature seldom considered cheating issue of end users, which is also very important in face of the fact that the mutual cooperation inherently determines overall system performance. In this paper, we investigate the dishonest behaviors in decentralized gossip-based protocol through extensive experimental study. Our original contributions come in two-fold: In the first part of cheating study, we analytically discuss two typical cheating strategies, that is, intentionally increasing subscription requests and untruthfully calculating forwarding probability, and further evaluate their negative impacts. The results indicate that more attention should be paid to defending cheating behaviors in gossip-based protocol. In the second part of anti-cheating study, we propose a receiver-driven measurement mechanism, which evaluates individual forwarding traffic from the perspective of receivers and thus identifies cheating nodes with high incoming/outgoing ratio. Furthermore, we extend our mechanism by introducing reliable factor to further improve its accuracy. The experiments under various conditions show that it performs quite well in case of serious cheating and achieves considerable performance in other cases.
Huaxin XIAO Yu LIU Wei WANG Maojun ZHANG
In consideration of the image noise captured by photoelectric cameras at nighttime, a robust motion detection algorithm based on sparse representation is proposed in this study. A universal dictionary for arbitrary scenes is presented. Realistic and synthetic experiments demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach.
Chen CHEN Huaxin XIAO Yu LIU Maojun ZHANG
Pedestrian detection is a critical problem in computer vision with significant impact on many real-world applications. In this paper, we introduce an fast dual-task pedestrian detector with integrated segmentation context (DTISC) which predicts pedestrian location as well as its pixel-wise segmentation. The proposed network has three branches where two main branches can independently complete their tasks while useful representations from each task are shared between two branches via the integration branch. Each branch is based on fully convolutional network and is proven effective in its own task. We optimize the detection and segmentation branch on separate ground truths. With reasonable connections, the shared features introduce additional supervision and clues into each branch. Consequently, the two branches are infused at feature spaces increasing their robustness and comprehensiveness. Extensive experiments on pedestrian detection and segmentation benchmarks demonstrate that our joint model improves the performance of detection and segmentation against state-of-the-art algorithms.
Xin XIA Xiaozhen ZHOU David LO Xiaoqiong ZHAO Ye WANG
A build system converts source code, libraries and other data into executable programs by orchestrating the execution of compilers and other tools. The whole building process is managed by a software build system, such as Make, Ant, CMake, Maven, Scons, and QMake. Many studies have investigated bugs and fixes in several systems, but to our best knowledge, none focused on bugs in build systems. One significant feature of software build systems is that they should work on various platforms, i.e., various operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux), various development environments (e.g., Eclipse, Visual Studio), and various programming languages (e.g., C, C++, Java, C#), so the study of software build systems deserves special consideration. In this paper, we perform an empirical study on bugs in software build systems. We analyze four software build systems, Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, which are four typical and widely-used software build systems, and can be used to build Java, C, C++ systems. We investigate their bug database and code repositories, randomly sample a set of bug reports and their fixes (800 bugs reports totally, and 199, 250, 200, and 151 bug reports for Ant, Maven, CMake and QMake, respectively), and manually assign them into various categories. We find that 21.35% of the bugs belong to the external interface category, 18.23% of the bugs belong to the logic category, and 12.86% of the bugs belong to the configuration category. We also investigate the relationship between bug categories and bug severities, bug fixing time, and number of bug comments.
Xin TAN Yu LIU Huaxin XIAO Maojun ZHANG
A cascaded video denoising method based on frame averaging is proposed in this paper. A novel segmentation approach using intensity and structure tensor is used for change compensation, which can effectively suppress noise while preserving the structure of an image. The cascaded framework solves the problem of noise residual caused by single-frame averaging. The classical Wiener filter is used for spatial denoising in changing areas. Our algorithm works in real-time on an FPGA, since it does not involve future frames. Experiments on standard grayscale videos for various noise levels demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive with current state-of-the-art video denoising algorithms on both peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity evaluations, particularly when dealing with large-scale noise.
Chen CHEN Maojun ZHANG Hanlin TAN Huaxin XIAO
Pedestrian detection is an essential but challenging task in computer vision, especially in crowded scenes due to heavy intra-class occlusion. In human visual system, head information can be used to locate pedestrian in a crowd because it is more stable and less likely to be occluded. Inspired by this clue, we propose a dual-task detector which detects head and human body simultaneously. Concretely, we estimate human body candidates from head regions with statistical head-body ratio. A head-body alignment map is proposed to perform relational learning between human bodies and heads based on their inherent correlation. We leverage the head information as a strict detection criterion to suppress common false positives of pedestrian detection via a novel pull-push loss. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed method on the CrowdHuman and CityPersons benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves impressive performance in detecting heavy-occluded pedestrians with little additional computation cost.
Xin LONG Xiangrong ZENG Chen CHEN Huaxin XIAO Maojun ZHANG
The increase in computation cost and storage of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) severely hinders their applications on limited-resources devices in recent years. As a result, there is impending necessity to accelerate the networks by certain methods. In this paper, we propose a loss-driven method to prune redundant channels of CNNs. It identifies unimportant channels by using Taylor expansion technique regarding to scaling and shifting factors, and prunes those channels by fixed percentile threshold. By doing so, we obtain a compact network with less parameters and FLOPs consumption. In experimental section, we evaluate the proposed method in CIFAR datasets with several popular networks, including VGG-19, DenseNet-40 and ResNet-164, and experimental results demonstrate the proposed method is able to prune over 70% channels and parameters with no performance loss. Moreover, iterative pruning could be used to obtain more compact network.