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Frequency domain blind source separation has the great advantage that the complicated convolution in time domain becomes multiple efficient multiplications in frequency domain. However, the inherent ambiguity of permutation of ICA becomes an important problem that the separated signals at different frequencies may be permuted in order. Mapping the separated signal at each frequency to a target source remains to be a difficult problem. In this paper, we first discuss the inter-frequency correlation based method, and propose a new method using the continuity in power between adjacent frequency components of same source. The proposed method also implicitly utilizes the information of inter-frequency correlation, as such has better performance than the previous method.
Xuebin HU Akinobu SHIMIZU Hidefumi KOBATAKE Shigeru NAWANO
This paper presents a new analysis result of two-dimensional four-phase abdominal CT images using variational Bayesian mixture of ICA. The four-phase CT images are assumed to be comprised of several exclusive areas, and each area is generated by a set of corresponding independent components. ICA mixture analysis results show that the CT images could be divided into a set of clinically and anatomically meaningful components. Initial analysis of the independent components shows its promising prospects in medical image processing and computer-aided diagnosis.