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Chi-Min LI Shao-Min WEN Pao-Jen WANG Jia-Chyi WU I-Tseng TANG
In this paper, we propose a Frequency Domain Equalizer (FDE) without inserting the Guard Interval (GI) at the transmitter which is applicable to the Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) and Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The proposed FDE adopts the Overlap-Cut (OC) method to avoid the Inter-Block Interference (IBI) and exploits the decision feedback structure to improve the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. Without inserting the GI, the proposed FDE will be compatible to the frame format of the current High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA). Besides, it can improve the BER performance and bandwidth utilization when the GI is less than the channel length of the OFDM system.
How-Rern LIN Wei-Hao CHIU Tsung-Yi WU
A new conditional isolation technique (CI-Domino) in domino logic is proposed for wide domino gates. This technique can not only reduce the subthreshold and gate oxide leakage currents simultaneously without sacrificing circuit performance, but also it can be utilized to speed up the evaluation time of domino gate. Simulations on high fan-in domino OR gates with 0.18 µm process technology show that the proposed technique achieves reduction on total static power by 36%, dynamic power by 49.14%, and delay time by 60.27% compared to the conventional domino gate. Meanwhile, the proposed technique also gains about 48.14% improvement on leakage tolerance.
Xiaohua WANG Mingzhe RONG Juan QIU Dingxin LIU Biao SU Yi WU
A new type of algorithm for predicting the mechanical faults of a vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) based on an artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed in this paper. There are two types of mechanical faults in a VCB: operation mechanism faults and tripping circuit faults. An angle displacement sensor is used to measure the main axle angle displacement which reflects the displacement of the moving contact, to obtain the state of the operation mechanism in the VCB, while a Hall current sensor is used to measure the trip coil current, which reflects the operation state of the tripping circuit. Then an ANN prediction algorithm based on a sliding time window is proposed in this paper and successfully used to predict mechanical faults in a VCB. The research results in this paper provide a theoretical basis for the realization of online monitoring and fault diagnosis of a VCB.
Mingzhe RONG Yi WU Qian YANG Guangxia HU Shengli JIA Jianhua WANG
This paper is devoted to simulate the arc movement in the quenching chamber of the low-voltage circuit breaker. Based on a group of governing equations, a three-dimensional (3-D) arc model is built and solved by a modified commercial code. According to the simulated results, some phenomena such as a 'bulge' in front of the arc column, a tail in the rear of the arc column, arc shrinkage near the electrodes and arc movement characteristics versus different chamber configuration and external magnetic field are found, and the mechanism of the above phenomena is described in detail. Finally, in order to verify the simulation results, arc movement is investigated by hi-spec motion analyzer experimentally.
Wei LI Yi WU Chunlin SHEN Huajun GONG
We present a system to improve the robustness of real-time 3D surface reconstruction by utilizing non-inertial localization sensor. Benefiting from such sensor, our easy-to-build system can effectively avoid tracking drift and lost comparing with conventional dense tracking and mapping systems. To best fusing the sensor, we first adopt a hand-eye calibration and performance analysis for our setup and then propose a novel optimization framework based on adaptive criterion function to improve the robustness as well as accuracy. We apply our system to several challenging reconstruction tasks, which show significant improvement in scanning robustness and reconstruction quality.
Yi WU Mingzhe RONG Jian LI Xiaohua WANG
In this paper we mainly focus on the effect of a ferromagnetic material on the critical current of Bi-2223 tape. The magnetic field distributions of tapes with several different layouts of a ferromagnetic material are investigated by calculation and the corresponding critical current is tested experimentally. The analysis indicates that the critical current of the tape can be improved effectively by laying the ferromagnetic material perpendicularly next to the tape edge. Furthermore, various other ferromagnetic parameters are also important for reducing the magnetic field induced by the current flowing through the tape.
Yi WU Hailong HE Zhengyong HU Fei YANG Mingzhe RONG Yang LI
This paper focuses on the research of a new high-speed DC switch repulsion mechanism with experimental and simulation methods. Multi-physical equations reflecting the transient electromagnetic field, electric circuit, mechanical motion and material deformation are coupled in the calculation. For the reason of accuracy, skin effect and the proximity effect caused by the current in the coil are also taken into account. According to the simulation results, which indicate several key parameters severely affecting the mechanism speed, a high-speed DC switch repulsion mechanism is developed. By the test of mechanism motion, its average speed can be up to 8.4 m/s and its mechanism response time is 250 µs, which verifies the simulation results. Furthermore, during high speed motion the stress on the metal plate and moving contact is also discussed. It is noticed that the influence of the material deformation on the mechanical motion is very important.
Qiang MA Mingzhe RONG Anthony B. MURPHY Yi WU Tiejun XU Fei YANG
This paper focuses on the numerical and experimental investigations of the influence of two polymers (PA6 and POM) on the arc behavior during arc motion process. The mathematical model of 3-dimentional air arc plasma considering the ablation of lateral walls is built based on magnetic hydro-dynamics (MHD). By adopting the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package based on control-volume method, the above MHD model is solved and the distribution of temperature field, concentration field, flow field and electrical potential field in the arc chamber are calculated. The simulation results indicate that the vapor concentration behind the arc column is higher than that in front of the arc column because of the existence of "double vortices" in the arc chamber. The use of polymers causes the maximal arc voltage increase 16.2% with POM and 18.9% with PA6 in this case and causes the average arc velocity increase 15.8% with POM and 21.1% with PA6 in this case. The experiments are also carried out to study the influence of polymers on arc voltage and arc root position in the arc chamber during arc motion. The experimental results prove the validity of the numerical investigation.
Yiying LIU Mingzhe RONG Yi WU Chenxi PAN Hong LIU Shijie YU
The liquid metal current limiter (LMCL) is a possible alternative to limit the short current of power system due to its special merits. This paper is devoted to the investigation of the arc behavior in liquid metal GaInSn for current limiting application. Firstly, the arc evolution including arc initiation, arc expansion and arc extinguish is observed through an experimental device. The resistance of arc and the self healing property of liquid metal are described. Subsequently, the arc erosion on electrodes is presented with its causes analyzed. Finally, the arc characteristics with the influence of rise rate of prospective current and channel diameter are discussed in details.
Wei LI Huajun GONG Chunlin SHEN Yi WU
Surface light field advances conventional light field rendering techniques by utilizing geometry information. Using surface light field, real-world objects with complex appearance could be faithfully represented. This capability could play an important role in many VR/AR applications. However, an accurate geometric model is needed for surface light field sampling and processing, which limits its wide usage since many objects of interests are difficult to reconstruct with their usually very complex appearances. We propose a novel two-step optimization framework to reduce the dependency of accurate geometry. The key insight is to treat surface light field sampling as a multi-view multi-texture optimization problem. Our approach can deal with both model inaccuracy and image to model misalignment, making it possible to create high-fidelity surface light field models without using high-precision special hardware.
In this paper, we propose novel transmission-gate-based (TG-based) AND gates, TG-based OR gates, and pass-transistor logic gates that have new structures and have lower transistor counts than those proposed by other authors. All our proposed gates operate in full swing and have less leakage currents and shorter delays than conventional CMOS gates. Compared with the conventional 65 nm CMOS gates, our proposed 65 nm gates in this paper can improve leakage currents, dynamic power consumption, and propagation delays by averages of 42.4%, 8.1%, and 13.5%, respectively. Logic synthesizers can use them to facilitate power reduction. The experimental results show that a commercial power optimization tool can further reduce the leakage current and dynamic power up to 39.85% and 18.69%, respectively, when the standard cell library used by the tool contains our proposed gates.
The exchanged hypercube, denoted by EH(s,t), is a graph obtained by systematically removing edges from the corresponding hypercube, while preserving many of the hypercube's attractive properties. Moreover, ring-connected topology is one of the most promising topologies in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. Let Rn denote a ring-connected topology. In this paper, we address the routing and wavelength assignment problem for implementing the EH(s,t) communication pattern on Rn, where n=s+t+1. We design an embedding scheme. Based on the embedding scheme, a near-optimal wavelength assignment algorithm using 2s+t-2+⌊2t/3⌋ wavelengths is proposed. We also show that the wavelength assignment algorithm uses no more than an additional 25 percent of (or ⌊2t-1/3⌋) wavelengths, compared to the optimal wavelength assignment algorithm.
Hidenori TAGA Jyun-Yi WU Wei-Tong SHIH Seng-Sheng SHU
Transmission performance of amplitude and phase shift keying (APSK) format is studied theoretically. The extinction ratio of the amplitude shift keying (ASK) signal of the APSK format causes a trade-off of the performance between the ASK and the phase shift keying (PSK) signal of the APSK format. Then, zero-nulling method is proposed to improve the performance of the APSK format, and its effectiveness is confirmed by the numerical simulation.
Zhiqiang SUN Mingzhe RONG Yi WU Jian LI Fei YANG
This paper proposes the P-1 radiation model for the calculation of low voltage arc plasma. The influence of both emission and self-absorption are taken into account in this model. Based on the couple of electric field, magnetic field, flow field and thermal field, a three-dimensional arc chamber model is constructed and its radiation energy is calculated by the P-1 model with the spectrum divided into six bands. From the obtained distributions of temperature, incident radiation intensity, plasma velocity and current density by P-1 model, it is observed that temperature is obviously different from the result by net emission coefficient (NEC) method in the low temperature region. Arc column edges near the arc root also absorb radiation energy. Furthermore, compared with the result by NEC method, the arc column voltage calculated by P-1 model is lower and more close to the experimental result.
Mingzhe RONG Jian LI Yi WU Zhiqiang SUN
There are two interesting phenomena for the electrical contact characteristics of YBCO bulk. One is the transition between low and high contact resistance states at a threshold current value which is called a transfer current; the other is the forming reason of the residual resistance when the carrying current is lower than the transfer current. In this paper, an axial symmetric model is constructed to investigate these two phenomena. During the calculation, the thermal field, the electrical field and the self magnetic field are coupled with each other. The detailed fields' distributions are obtained. The calculation results are accordance with the experimental results. And some useful conclusions are drawn based on the numerical analyses.
Because the leakage current of a digital circuit depends on the states of the circuit's logic gates, assigning a minimum leakage vector (MLV) for the primary inputs and the flip-flops' outputs of the circuit that operates in the sleep mode is a popular technique for leakage current reduction. In this paper, we propose a novel probability-based algorithm and technique that can rapidly find an MLV. Unlike most traditional techniques that ignore the leakage current overhead of the newborn vector controller, our technique can take this overhead into account. Ignoring this overhead during solution space exploration may bring a side effect that is misrecognizing a non-optimal solution as an optimal one. Experimental results show that our heuristic algorithm can reduce the leakage current up to 59.5% and can find the optimal solutions on most of the small MCNC benchmark circuits. Moreover, the required CPU time of our probability-based program is significantly less than that of a random search program.
Tsung-Yi WU Tzi-Wei KAO How-Rern LIN
In a typical SoC (System-on-Chip) design, a huge peak current often occurs near the time of an active clock edge because of aggregate switching of a large number of transistors. The number of aggregate switching transistors can be lessened if the SoC design can use a clock scheme of mixed rising and falling triggering edges rather than one of pure rising (falling) triggering edges. In this paper, we propose a clock-triggering-edge assignment technique and algorithms that can assign either a rising triggering edge or a falling triggering edge to each clock of each IP core of a given IP-based SoC/NoC (Network-on-Chip) design. The goal of the algorithms is to reduce the peak current of the design. Our proposed technique has been implemented as a software system. The system can use an LP technique to find an optimal or suboptimal solution within several seconds. The system also can use an ILP technique to find an optimal solution, but the ILP technique is not suitable to be used to solve a complex design. Experimental results show that our algorithms can reduce peak currents up to 56.3%.
Yi WU Zhisheng NIU Junli ZHENG
As a highly efficient radio link technology, the opportunistic scheduling policy has been widely investigated and implemented. Therefore, new challenges come up in the case of TCP over opportunistic scheduling systems. In this paper we investigate the impact of wireless opportunistic scheduling on TCP throughput. It shows that the optimization of the wireless link mechanisms needs to be maintained at the transport layer by cooperation of the adjacent layers. We propose a new ACK Reservoir Method to smooth the TCP behavior combating against the spurious timeout caused by scheduling. Based on performance analysis and simulation results, the proposed method is shown to enhance the TCP throughput by up to 100% in the presence of opportunistic scheduling. Finally, the proposed method is evaluated in a practical simulation scenario of CDMA/HDR system.