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Tomohiro KAIZU Yoshinao ISOBE Masato SUZUKI
Sequence diagrams are often used in the modular design of softwares. In this paper, we propose a method to verify correctness of sequence diagrams. With this method, using the process algebra CSP, concurrent systems can be synthesized from a number of sequence diagrams. We define new CSP operators for the synthesis of sequence diagrams. We also report on a tool implementing our synthesis method and demonstrate how the tool analyzes sequence diagrams.
Yoshinao ISOBE Isao KOJIMA Kazuhito OHMAKI
The purpose of this research is to analyze production rules with coupling modes in active databases and to exploit an assistant system for rule programming. Each production rule is a specification including an event, a condition, and an action. The action is automatically executed whenever the event occurs and the condition is satisfied. Coupling modes are useful to control execution order of transactions. For example, a transaction for consistency check should be executed after transactions for update. An active database, which is a database with production rules, can spontaneously update database states and check their consistency. Production rules provide a powerful mechanism for knowledge-bases. However it is very difficult in general to predict how a set of production rules will behave because of cascading rule triggers, concurrency, and so on. We are attempting to adopt a process algebra as a basic tool to analyze production rules. In order to describe and analyze concurrent and communicating systems, process algebras such as CCS, CSP, ACP, and π-calculus, are well known. However there are some difficulties to apply existing process algebras to analysis of production rules in growing process trees by process creation. In this paper we propose a process algebra named CCSPR (a Calculus of Communicating Systems with Production Rules), Which is an extension of CCS. An advantage of CCSPR is to syntactically describe growing process trees. Therefore, production rules can be appropriately analyzed in CCSPR. After giving definitions and properties of CCSPR, we show an example of analysis of production rules in CCSPR.
Yoshinao ISOBE Yutaka SATO Kazuhito OHMAKI
We have already proposed a process algebra µLOTOS as a mathematical framework to synthesize a process from a number of (incomplete) specifications, in which requirements for the process do not have to be completely determined. It is guaranteed that the synthesized process satisfies all the given specifications, if they are consistent. For example, µLOTOS is useful for incremental design. The advantage of µLOTOS is that liveness properties can be expressed by least fixpoints and disjunctions . In this paper, we present µLOTOSR, which is a refined µLOTOS. The improvement is that µLOTOSR has a conjunction operator . Therefore, the consistency between a number of specifications S1,,S2 can be checked by the satisfiability of the conjunction specification S1 S2. µLOTOSR does not need the complex consistency check used in µLOTOS.
Yoshinao ISOBE Nobuhiko MIYAMOTO Noriaki ANDO Yutaka OIWA
In this paper, we demonstrate that a formal approach is effective for improving reliability of cooperative robot designs, where the control logics are expressed in concurrent FSMs (Finite State Machines), especially in accordance with the standard FSM4RTC (FSM for Robotic Technology Components), by a case study of cooperative transport robots. In the case study, FSMs are modeled in the formal specification language CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) and checked by the model-checking tool FDR, where we show techniques for modeling and verification of cooperative robots implemented with the help of the RTM (Robotic Technology Middleware).
Yoshinao ISOBE Hisabumi HATSUGAI Akira TANAKA Yutaka OIWA Takanori AMBE Akimasa OKADA Satoru KITAMURA Yamato FUKUTA Takashi KUNIFUJI
This paper presents a formal approach for generating train timetables in a mesoscopic level that is more concrete than the macroscopic level, where each station is simply expressed in a black-box, and more abstract than the microscopic level, where the infrastructure in each station-area is expressed in detail. The accuracy of generated timetable and the computational effort for the generation is a trade-off. In this paper, we design a formal mesoscopic modeling language by analyzing real railways, for example Tazawako-line as the first step of this work. Then, we define the constraint formulae for generating train timetables with the help of SMT (Satisfiability Module Theories)-Solver, and explain our tool RW-Solver that is an implementation of the constraint formulae. Finally, we demonstrate how RW-Solver with the help of SMT-Solver can be used for generating timetables in a case study of Tazawako-line.