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Illo YOON Saehanseul YI Chanyoung OH Hyeonjin JUNG Youngmin YI
Video analytics is usually time-consuming as it not only requires video decoding as a first step but also usually applies complex computer vision and machine learning algorithms to the decoded frame. To achieve high efficiency in video analytics with ever increasing frame size, many researches have been conducted for distributed video processing using Hadoop. However, most approaches focused on processing multiple video files on multiple nodes. Such approaches require a number of video files to achieve any speedup, and could easily result in load imbalance when the size of video files is reasonably long since a video file itself is processed sequentially. In contrast, we propose a distributed video decoding method with an extended FFmpeg and VideoRecordReader, by which a single large video file can be processed in parallel across multiple nodes in Hadoop. The experimental results show that a case study of face detection and SURF system achieve 40.6 times and 29.1 times of speedups respectively on a four-node cluster with 12 mappers in each node, showing good scalability.
Chanyoung OH Saehanseul YI Youngmin YI
As energy efficiency has become a major design constraint or objective, heterogeneous manycore architectures have emerged as mainstream target platforms not only in server systems but also in embedded systems. Manycore accelerators such as GPUs are getting also popular in embedded domains, as well as the heterogeneous CPU cores. However, as the number of cores in an embedded GPU is far less than that of a server GPU, it is important to utilize both heterogeneous multi-core CPUs and GPUs to achieve the desired throughput with the minimal energy consumption. In this paper, we present a case study of mapping LBP-based face detection onto a recent CPU-GPU heterogeneous embedded platform, which exploits both task parallelism and data parallelism to achieve maximal energy efficiency with a real-time constraint. We first present the parallelization technique of each task for the GPU execution, then we propose performance and energy models for both task-parallel and data-parallel executions on heterogeneous processors, which are used in design space exploration for the optimal mapping. The design space is huge since not only processor heterogeneity such as CPU-GPU and big.LITTLE, but also various data partitioning ratios for the data-parallel execution on these heterogeneous processors are considered. In our case study of LBP face detection on Exynos 5422, the estimation error of the proposed performance and energy models were on average -2.19% and -3.67% respectively. By systematically finding the optimal mappings with the proposed models, we could achieve 28.6% less energy consumption compared to the manual mapping, while still meeting the real-time constraint.