1-2hit |
Ru-Chwen WU Yu Ted SU Wen-Chang LIN
Noncoherent detectors for use in acquiring data-modulated direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DS/SS) signals are considered in this paper. Taking data modulation and timing uncertainty into account and using the generalized maximum likelihood (GML) or maximum likelihood (ML) detection approaches, we derive optimal detectors in the sense of Bayes or Neyman-Pearson and propose various suboptimal detectors. A simple systematic means for their realization is suggested and the numerical performance of these detectors is presented. We also compare their performance with that of the noncoherent combining (NC1) detector that had been proposed to serve the same need. Numerical results show that even the proposed suboptimal detectors can outperform the NC1 detector in most cases of interest.
In this paper, we investigate a coded solution to compensate for the nonlinear distortion of TDMA satellite waveforms. Based on a Volterra-type channel model and the turbo principle, we present a turbo-like system that includes a simple rate-1 encoder at the transmit side in addition to a conventional channel encoder; the receive side iteratively equalizes the nonlinear channel effect and decodes the received symbols. Some other design alternatives are also explored and computer simulated performance is presented. Numerical results show that significant improvement over conventional approaches can be achieved by the proposed turbo system.