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Guangna ZHANG Yuanyuan GAO Huadong LUO Nan SHA Shijie WANG Kui XU
In this paper, we investigate a cooperative communication system comprised of a source, a destination, and multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays in the presence of a potential malicious eavesdropper is within or without the coverage area of the source. Based on the more general Nakagami-m fading channels, we analyze the security performance of the single-relay selection and multi-relay selection schemes for protecting the source against eavesdropping. In the single-relay selection scheme, only the best relay is chosen to assist in the source transmission. Differing from the single-relay selection, multi-relay selection scheme allows multiple relays to forward the source to the destination. We also consider the classic direct transmission as a benchmark scheme to compare with the two relay selection schemes. We derive the exact closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for the direct transmission, the single-relay selection as well as the multi-relay selection scheme over Nakagami-m fading channel when the eavesdropper is within and without the coverage area of the source. Moreover, the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) of these three schemes are also analyzed. It is verified that the SRT of the multi-relay selection consistently outperforms the single-relay selection, which of both the single-relay and multi-relay selection schemes outperform the direct transmission when the number of relays is large, no matter the eavesdropper is within or without the coverage of the source. In addition, as the number of DF relays increases, the SRT of relay selection schemes improve notably. However, the SRT of both two relay selection approaches become worse when the eavesdropper is within the coverage area of the source.
Nan SHA Yuanyuan GAO Xiaoxin YI Wenlong LI Weiwei YANG
A joint continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) modulation and physical-layer network coding (PNC), i.e., CPFSK-PNC, is proposed for two-way relay channels (TWRCs). This letter discusses the signal detection of the CPFSK-PNC scheme with emphasis on the maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) algorithm for the relay receiver. The end-to-end error performance of the proposed CPFSK-PNC scheme is evaluated through simulations.
Xiaochen LIU Yuanyuan GAO Nan SHA Guozhen ZANG Kui XU
In this letter, we investigate the secure transmission in radio frequency (RF) powered two-hop untrusted relay networks, where the source node and untrusted relay are both wireless powered by an RF power supplier. Specifically, considering the non-linear energy-harvesting (EH) model, the two-process communication protocol is proposed. The secrecy rate is maximized by jointly designing the beamforming vector at source and beamforming matrix at relay, under the constraints of transmit power at RF power supplier and destination. The secrecy rate maximization (SRM) is non-convex, hence we propose an alternative optimization (AO) based iterative algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can significantly increase the secrecy rate compared to the baseline schemes.
Shijie WANG Yuanyuan GAO Xiaochen LIU Guangna ZHANG Nan SHA Mingxi GUO Kui XU
In this paper, we explore how to enhance the physical layer security performance in downlink cellular networks through cooperative jamming technology. Idle user equipments (UE) are used to cooperatively transmit jamming signal to confuse eavesdroppers (Eve). We propose a threshold-based jammer selection scheme to decide which idle UE should participate in the transmission of jamming signal. Threshold conditions are carefully designed to decrease interference to legitimate channel, while maintain the interference to the Eves. Moreover, fewer UE are activated, which is helpful for saving energy consumptions of cooperative UEs. Analytical expressions of the connection and secrecy performances are derived, which are validated through Monte Carlo simulations. Theoretical and simulation results reveal that our proposed scheme can improve connection performance, while approaches the secrecy performance of [12]. Furthermore, only 43% idle UEs of [12] are used for cooperative jamming, which helps to decrease energy consumption of network.
Guangna ZHANG Yuanyuan GAO Huadong LUO Nan SHA Mingxi GUO Kui XU
In this paper, we investigate a novel joint multi-relay and jammer selection (JMRJS) scheme in order to improve the physical layer security of wireless networks. In the JMRJS scheme, all the relays succeeding in source decoding are selected to assist in the source signal transmission and meanwhile, all the remaining relay nodes are employed to act as friendly jammers to disturb the eavesdroppers by broadcasting artificial noise. Based on the more general Nakagami-m fading channel, we analyze the security performance of the JMRJS scheme for protecting the source signal against eavesdropping. The exact closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for the JMRJS scheme over Nakagami-m fading channel are derived. Moreover, we analyze the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) of this scheme. Simulation results show that as the number of decode-and-forward (DF)relay nodes increases, the SRT of the JMRJS scheme improves notably. And when the transmit power is below a certain value, the SRT of the JMRJS scheme consistently outperforms the joint single-relay and jammer selection (JSRJS) scheme and joint equal-relay and jammer selection (JERJS) scheme respectively. In addition, the SRT of this scheme is always better than that of the multi-relay selection (MRS) scheme.
Guangna ZHANG Yuanyuan GAO Huadong LUO Xiaochen LIU Nan SHA Kui XU
In this paper, we explore the physical layer security of an Internet of Things (IoT) network comprised of multiple relay-user pairs in the presence of multiple malicious eavesdroppers and channel estimation error (CEE). In order to guarantee secure transmission with channel estimation error, we propose a channel estimation error oriented joint relay-user pair and friendly jammer selection (CEE-JRUPaFJS) scheme to improve the physical layer security of IoT networks. For the purpose of comparison, the channel estimation error oriented traditional round-robin (CEE-TRR) scheme and the channel estimation error oriented traditional pure relay-user pair selection (CEE-TPRUPS) scheme are considered as benchmark schemes. The exact closed-form expressions of outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for the CEE-TRR and CEE-TPRUPS schemes as well as the CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme are derived over Rayleigh fading channels, which are employed to characterize network reliability and security, respectively. Moreover, the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) is analyzed as a metric to evaluate the tradeoff performance of CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme. It is verified that the proposed CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme is superior to both the CEE-TRR and CEE-TPRUPS schemes in terms of SRT, which demonstrates our proposed CEE-JRUPaFJS scheme are capable of improving the security and reliability performance of IoT networks in the face of multiple eavesdroppers. Moreover, as the number of relay-user pairs increases, CEE-TPRUPS and CEE-JRUPaFJS schemes offer significant increases in SRT. Conversely, with an increasing number of eavesdroppers, the SRT of all these three schemes become worse.
Nan SHA Yuanyuan GAO Xiaoxin YI Wei JIAN Weiwei YANG
In this letter, we combine minimum-shift keying (MSK) with physical-layer network coding (PNC) to form a new scheme, i.e., MSK-PNC, for two-way relay channels (TWRCs). The signal detection of the MSK-PNC scheme is investigated, and two detection methods are proposed. The first one is orthogonal demodulation and mapping (ODM), and the second one is two-state differential detection (TSDD). The error performance of the proposed MSK-PNC scheme is evaluated through simulations.
Wei ZHOU Chengdong WU Yuan GAO Xiaosheng YU
Accurate optic disc localization and segmentation are two main steps when designing automated screening systems for diabetic retinopathy. In this paper, a novel optic disc detection approach based on saliency object detection and modified local intensity clustering model is proposed. It consists of two stages: in the first stage, the saliency detection technique is introduced to the enhanced retinal image with the aim of locating the optic disc. In the second stage, the optic disc boundary is extracted by the modified Local Intensity Clustering (LIC) model with oval-shaped constrain. The performance of our proposed approach is tested on the public DIARETDB1 database. Compared to the state-of-the-art approaches, the experimental results show the advantages and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Nan SHA Yuanyuan GAO Mingxi GUO Shijie WANG Kui XU
We consider a physical-layer network coding (PNC) scheme based on M-ary continuous phase frequency shift keying (M-CPFSK) modulation for a bidirectional relay network. In this scheme, the maximum-likelihood sequence detection (MLSD) algorithm for the relay receiver over Rayleigh fading channels is discussed. Moreover, an upper bound on the minimum Euclidean distance for the superimposed signals is analyzed and the corresponding lower bound for the average symbol error rate (SER) at the relay is derived. Numerical results are also sustained by simulations which corroborate the exactness of the theoretical analysis.
Nan SHA Lihua CHEN Yuanyuan GAO Mingxi GUO Kui XU
A physical-layer network coding (PNC) scheme is developed using serially concatenated continuous phase modulation (SCCPM) with symbol interleavers in a two-way relay channel (TWRC), i.e., SCCPM-PNC. The decoding structure of the relay is designed and the corresponding soft input soft output (SISO) iterative decoding algorithm is discussed. Simulation results show that the proposed SCCPM-PNC scheme performs good performance in bit error rate (BER) and considerable improvements can be achieved by increasing the interleaver size and number of iterations.
Guodong SUN Zhen ZHOU Yuan GAO Yun XU Liang XU Song LIN
In this paper we design a fast fabric defect detection framework (Fast-DDF) based on gray histogram back-projection, which adopts end to end multi-convoluted network model to realize defect classification. First, the back-projection image is established through the gray histogram on fabric image, and the closing operation and adaptive threshold segmentation method are performed to screen the impurity information and extract the defect regions. Then, the defect images segmented by the Fast-DDF are marked and normalized into the multi-layer convolutional neural network for training. Finally, in order to solve the problem of difficult adjustment of network model parameters and long training time, some strategies such as batch normalization of samples and network fine tuning are proposed. The experimental results on the TILDA database show that our method can deal with various defect types of textile fabrics. The average detection accuracy with a higher rate of 96.12% in the database of five different defects, and the single image detection speed only needs 0.72s.
Nan SHA Mingxi GUO Yuanyuan GAO Lihua CHEN Kui XU
In this letter, a physical-layer network coding (PNC) scheme based on continuous phase modulation (CPM) signal using the titled-phase model, i.e., TIP-CPM-PNC, is presented, and the combined titled-phase state trellis for the superimposed CPM signal in TIP-CPM-PNC is discussed. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme with low decoding complexity can achieve the same error performance as CPM-PNC using the traditional-phase model.
Yuan GAO Chengdong WU Xiaosheng YU Wei ZHOU Jiahui WU
Efficient optic disc (OD) segmentation plays a significant role in retinal image analysis and retinal disease screening. In this paper, we present a full-automatic segmentation approach called double boundary extraction for the OD segmentation. The proposed approach consists of the following two stages: first, we utilize an unsupervised learning technology and statistical method based on OD boundary information to obtain the initial contour adaptively. Second, the final optic disc boundary is extracted using the proposed LSO model. The performance of the proposed method is tested on the public DIARETDB1 database and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and advantage of the proposed method.
Kun XU Yuanyuan GAO Xiaoxin YI Weiwei YANG
Joint transmit and receive antenna selection (JTRAS) is proposed for the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) two-way relaying channel. A simple and closed-form lower bound on the outage probability of JTRAS is derived. Furthermore, asymptotic analysis reveals that JTRAS can attain the maximum achievable diversity order of the MIMO dual-hop relaying channel.