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Zhimeng ZHONG Shihua ZHU Gangming LV
In this letter, we analyze the pairwise error probability (PEP) behaviour of distributed space-time code (DSTC) with amplify-and-forward relaying over Nakagami-m multipath channels. An upper bound of PEP for DSTC is derived. From our analysis, it is seen that of the paths from the source to relays and from relays to the destination, those with smaller diversity order result in an overall system performance bottleneck. Numerical examples are provided to corroborate our theoretical analysis.
Gangming LV Shihua ZHU Zhimeng ZHONG
A delay-oriented packet scheduling scheme is proposed for downlink OFDMA networks with heterogeneous delay requirements. Using a novel packet utility concept, the proposed algorithm can exploit diversity from traffic characteristics and requirements to improve delay performance for delay sensitive traffics. Besides, the proposal also shows good ability in balancing fairness and efficiency. Simulation results show that our proposal outperforms existing delay-oriented scheduling schemes in terms of both delay performance and spectrum efficiency.
Zhenzhen GAO Shihua ZHU Jing XU Zhimeng ZHONG
In this letter, a relay-assisted transmission scenario over frequency-selective fading channels perturbed by different random carrier frequency offsets is considered. OFDM and block-double differential (BDD) design are implemented to overcome the problem of intersymbol interference (ISI) and carrier frequency offsets (CFOs). We analyze the symbol error rate (SER) performance of decode-and-forward relaying with BDD design in wireless cooperative communications over frequency-selective fading channels and derive a theoretical upper bound for average SER when the relay (R) is error free. It can be seen from our analysis that the system performance is influenced by the ability of R to decode, and when R decodes without error, both spatial and multipath diversity can be obtained without requiring any knowledge of channel state information and CFO information at the receivers. Numerical examples are provided to corroborate our theoretical analysis.
Erlin ZENG Shihua ZHU Xuewen LIAO Zhimeng ZHONG
This letter analyzes the outage probability of limited feedback beamforming systems with receive antenna selection. Tight analytical closed-form expressions of outage performance are derived for both cases, with and without spatial fading correlation, which allow for evaluation of the performance as a function of the codebook size, the level of fading correlation, and the number of transmit and receive antennas. Simulation results are also provided to verify the analysis.
Erlin ZENG Shihua ZHU Zhimeng ZHONG Zhenjie FENG
In this letter, we analyze the performance of limited feedback beamforming in a distributed antenna system. We propose a novel codebook design scheme to maximize a lower bound of the averaged effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is a function of the power of the signal and noise, the number of antennas, and the number of total feedback bits for characterizing the quantized channel vector. Simulations verify that the proposed scheme can provide effective capacity improvement.
Erlin ZENG Zhimeng ZHONG Shihua ZHU
In this letter, we study the performance of the multiple-input multiple-output macrodiversity transmission with limited feedback. We modify the model of the quantized channel by Jindal [9] such that the phase ambiguity in the vector quantization procedure can be characterized. Using the modified model, we show that the conventional limited feedback methods cannot obtain the macrodiversity gain even with asymptotically large codebook size, and that the macrodiversity gain can be attained by adding only one bit of phase feedback.
Erlin ZENG Shihua ZHU Xuewen LIAO Zhimeng ZHONG Zhenjie FENG
Prior studies on limited feedback (LFB) beamforming in multiple-antenna orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) have resorted to Monte-Carlo simulations to evaluate the system performance. This letter proposes a novel analytical framework, based on which the averaged signal-to-noise ratio and the ergodic capacity performance of clustering-based LFB beamforming in multiple-antenna OFDM systems are studied. Simulations are also provided to verify the analysis.
Zhenzhen GAO Shihua ZHU Zhimeng ZHONG
A new high-rate space-time block code (STBC) with full transmit diversity gain for four transmit antennas based on a generalized Alamouti code structure is proposed. The proposed code has lower Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding complexity than the Double ABBA scheme does. Constellation rotation is used to maximize the diversity product. With the optimal rotated constellations, the proposed code significantly outperforms some known high-rate STBCs in the literature with similar complexity and the same spectral efficiency.
Erlin ZENG Shihua ZHU Xuewen LIAO Zhimeng ZHONG Zhenjie FENG
Prior studies have shown that the performance of amplify-and-forward (AF) relay systems can be considerably improved by using multiple antennas and low complexity linear processing at the relay nodes. However, there is still a lack of performance analysis for the cases where the processing is based on limited feedback (LFB). Motivated by this, we derive the closed-form expression of the outage probability of AF relay systems with LFB beamforming in this letter. Simulation results are also provided to confirm the analytical studies.