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[Keyword] ICA(6977hit)


  • Vertical to Surface Transmission Electro-Photonic Device (VSTEP) and Its Application to Optical Interconnection and Information Processing

    Kenichi KASAHARA  Takahiro NUMAI  Hideo KOSAKA  Ichiro OGURA  Kaori KURIHARA  Mitsunori SUGIMOTO  


    E75-C No:1

    The VSTEP concept and its practical application in the form of an LED-type pnpn-VSTEP demonstrating low power consumption through electro-photonic operational modes are both shown. Further, with focus primarily on the new laser-mode VSTEP with high-intensity light output and narrow optical beam divergence, the design features such as threshold gain and optical absorptivity, device fabrication, and characteristics are explained. The possibility of ultimate performance based mainly on electrical to optical power conversion efficiency, important from the application viewpoint of optical interconnection, are also discussed. Also, as two examples of functional optical interconnection achieved by VSTEP, serial-to-parallel data conversion and optical self-routing switches are shown. Finally, future opto-electronic technologies to be developed for two-dimensionally integrable surface-type optical semiconductor devices, including the VSTEP, are discussed.

  • Surface Emitting Lasers and Parallel Operating Devices--Fundamentals and Prospects--

    Kenichi IGA  


    E75-C No:1

    In this paper we review the recent progress and basic technology of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers together with related parallel surface operating optical devices. First, the concept of surface emitting lasers is presented, and then currently developed device technologies will be reviewed. We will feature several technical issues, such as multi-layer structures, 2-dimensional arrays, photonic integration, etc. Lastly, future prospects for parallel lightwave systems will be discussed.

  • Optical Solitons for Signal Processing

    Stephen R. FRIBERG  


    E75-A No:1

    We consider applications of optical solitons to signal processing. Soliton switching devices promise ultrafast operation and compatibility with communications systems using optical pulses. Quantum soliton effects include broadband squeezing and quantum nondemolition measurements, and can reduce noise and increase sensitivities of optical measurements. We report the demonstration of two-color soliton switching and describe progress towards implementation of quantum nondemolition measurement of photon number using soliton collisions.

  • Transient Electromagnetic Fields on a Conducting Sphere Excited by a Pulsed Plane Wave

    Akira ITOH  Toshio HOSONO  Yuuiti HIRAO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:1

    We studied transient fields on a perfectly conducting sphere excited by a half sine pulse wave and examined the Poynting vectors, the energy densities and the energy velocities of the creeping waves. We used FILT (Fast Inversion of Laplace Transform) method for transient analysis. We compared the amplitudes of the creeping wave with that of steady state high frequency approximation obtained by the Watson transformation. The main results are: (1) We confirmed in the transient response that the pulse propagates clockwise and counterclockwise along the geodesic circumference. (2) In the transient electromagnetic field observed in the E-plane we can recognize creeping waves clearly. (3) The existence of creeping waves is not clear in the H-plane. (4) The pulse wave propagation on the sphere is seen more clearly from the Poynting vectors and the energy densities than the field components. (5) The energy velocity of the wave front is equal to the light velocity as should be. The energy velocity of the wave body becomes smaller with the passage of time. (6) The amplitude of the creeping wave for a beat pulse and the amplitude obtained by the Watson transform for mono spectrum agree in the order of relative error below 25%.

  • Vertical to Surface Transmission Electro-Photonic Device (VSTEP) and Its Application to Optical Interconnection and Information Processing

    Kenichi KASAHARA  Takahiro NUMAI  Hideo KOSAKA  Ichiro OGURA  Kaori KURIHARA  Mitsunori SUGIMOTO  


    E75-A No:1

    The VSTEP concept and its practical application in the form of an LED-type pnpn-VSTEP demonstrating low power consumption through electro-photonic operational modes are both shown. Further, with focus primarily on the new laser-mode VSTEP with high-intensity light output and narrow optical beam divergence, the design features such as threshold gain and optical absorptivity, device fabrication, and characteristics are explained. The possibility of ultimate performance based mainly on electrical to optical power conversion efficiency, important from the application viewpoint of optical interconnection, are also discussed. Also, as two examples of functional optical interconnection achieved by VSTEP, serial-to-parallel data conversion and optical self-routing switches are shown. Finally, future opto-electronic technologies to be developed for two-dimensionally integrable surface-type optical semiconductor devices, including the VSTEP, are discussed.

  • Optimal Grain Size Determination for Tree-Structured Parallel Programs

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  


    E75-D No:1

    In this paper we study the problem of scheduling a tree-structured program on multiprocessors so as to minimize the total execution time, which includes communication delay between processors. It is assumed in the problem that a sufficiently large number of processors are available. It is known that if the program structures are restricted to be out-trees, the problem can be solved in O(n2) time, where n denotes the number of modules of a program. However, this problem is known to be NP-hard if the program structures are allowed to be in-trees. Up to now, no optimal algorithm, except an obvious one, was known for the latter case while some approximation algorithms were shown. We present an optimization algorithm with a nontrivial time bound O((1.52)nn log n) for the in-tree case.

  • Knowledge-Based Protocol Design for Computer Communication Systems


    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E75-D No:1

    This paper proposes a knowledge-based design method of a protocol of a communication network system based on the knowledge-based design methodology for computer communication systems. In the proposed method, two knowledge models, i.e., the communication network architecture model (CNAM) and the communication protocol architecture model (CPAM), are introduced and a protocol design task is modeled as a successive transformation process of these knowledge models. Giving CNAM which represents the users' requirements concerning a communication network system, the requirements specification of a protocol is derived from CNAM and represented as CPAM. Then, the detailed requirements specification of a protocol is also derived from CPAM and represented by the formal description technique (FDT-Expressions). The derivations of CPAM and FDT-Expressions are executed by the transformation rules which represent the mappings between knowledge models. Due to formally defined knowledge models and mappings, the proposed method provides a framework of a systematic support of knowledge-based protocol design. In this paper, the formal definitions of CNAM and CPAM are given, then the derivation process of FDT-Expressions of a protocol is also formalized based on these knowledge models. Furthermore, a design example is demonstrated by using LOTOS as one of the FDT-Expressions of a protocol.

  • A Fast Viterbi Decoding in Optical Channels

    Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Jouji SUZUKI  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E75-B No:1

    A fast Viterbi decoding technique with path reduction in optical channels is presented. This decoding exploits the asymmetric characteristic of optical channels. In the decoding trellis, the branches with low or no possibility being correct path are eliminated based on the detected signal level. The number of Add-Compare-Select (ACS) operations which occupy the dominant part of Viterbi decoding is considerably reduced due to branch eliminations, and fast decoding is realized by decoding asynchronously to received sequence. The reduction of the number of ACS operations is derived for the codes with rate 1/2. It is shown that the number of ACS operations is considerably reduced compared with the conventional Viterbi decoding. The bit error probability of the proposed decoding is derived for noiseless photon counting channel. It is also shown that the decoding technique can be applied to the cases using avalanche photo diode (APD) based receiver with dark current noise at a cost of negligible degradation on the bit error probability.

  • Optical Information Processing Systems

    W. Thomas CATHEY  Satoshi ISHIHARA  Soo-Young LEE  Jacek CHROSTOWSKI  


    E75-A No:1

    We review the role of optics in interconnects, analog processing, neural networks, and digital computing. The properties of low interference, massively parallel interconnections, and very high data rates promise extremely high performance for optical information processing systems.

  • Human Interfaces in Telecommunications and Computers

    Takaya ENDO  


    E75-B No:1

    This paper discusses new trends and directions in human interface (HI) technologies, and the effects of HI technologies on human life or on social activities. This paper postulates that the HI subsumes man-machine interface, human-computer interaction, human-human interaction, human-organizational interface, human-environmental interface, human-social interface, etc. A new communication model, called Human Interface Communication Model (HICOM), and a new human dialogue model, called Human Interface Dialogue model (HIDIM), are derived by reexamining trends and directions on HI technologies from the viewpoint of functional meanings of interfaces, and from the viewpoint of a socially distributed cognition mechanism.

  • Parallel Rate-Variable Punctured Convolutional Coded PPM in Photon Communication

    Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-A No:1

    We propose parallel rate-variable punctured convolutional coded PPM in photon communication to achieve high energy information efficiency Ie for desired bit error rate (BER) and transmission bandwidth. We theoretically show the BER performance, bandwidth expansion factor β and necessary Ie to achieve BER=10-6 of the proposed systems for some combinations of code rates. It is found that the proposed system can achieve high Ie for desired BER and β by selecting a suitable combination of code rates depending on the channel conditions. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed system has better BER performance than RS-coded PPM in the range of small β.

  • Future Trends in Telecommunication Education

    Subbarayan PASUPATHY  


    E75-B No:1

    This article briefly looks at the future of telecommunication education in the universities as it evolves from present concerns and trends. Five year bachelor's programs and top-down curricular design will be common. Textbooks supplemented by advance organizers, instruction and testing according to individual learning styles and global integration of education using multi-media services and broadband technology will be some of the other features. Finally, the importance of industry-university partnership in all aspects of engineering education is emphasized.

  • Coherent Optical Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) Homodyne System Using Phase-Diversity Receivers

    Ichiro SETO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-A No:1

    We propose Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) homodyne system using phase-diversity receivers and theoretically analyze its bit-error-rate (BER) performance. Since the proposed system uses polarization modulation and homodyne detection, it can cancel the phase noise and is attractive at a high bit-rate transmission. It is found that the receiver sensitivity of the proposed POLSK homodyne system is the same as that of POLSK heterodyne system and is much better than that of DPSK phase-diversity homodyne systems at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We also cosider theoretically the effect of the fluctuation of state of polarization (SOP) on the BER performance of POLSK homodyne system.

  • Surface Emitting Lasers and Parallel Operating Devices--Fundamentals and Prospects--

    Kenichi IGA  


    E75-A No:1

    In this paper we review the recent progress and basic technology of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers together with related parallel surface operating optical devices. First, the concept of surface emitting lasers is presented, and then currently developed device technologies will be reviewed. We will feature several technical issues, such as multi-layer structures, 2-dimensional arrays, photonic integration, etc. Lastly, future prospects for parallel lightwave systems will be discussed.

  • Optical Stimulated Amplification and Absorption in Erbium-Doped Fiber

    Guoli YIN  Xianglin YANG  Mingde ZHANG  


    E75-C No:1

    Based on the semiclassical theory, we deduce the expressions of stimulated absorption, stimulated amplification and threshold by using density matrix equation in the Er3+-doped fibers. Meaningful results have been given and some phenomena occuring in experiments are explained theoretically.

  • Parallel Rate-Variable Punctured Convolutional Coded PPM in Photon Communication

    Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-C No:1

    We propose parallel rate-variable punctured convolutional coded PPM in photon communication to achieve high energy information efficiency Ie for desired bit error rate (BER) and transmission bandwidth. We theoretically show the BER performance, bandwidth expansion factor β and necessary Ie to achieve BER10-6 of the proposed systems for some combinations of code rates. It is found that the proposed system can achieve high Ie for desired BER and β by selecting a suitable combination of code rates depending on the channel conditions. Moreover, it is showm that the proposed system has better BER performance than RS-coded PPM in the range of small β.

  • Coherent Optical Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) Homodyne System Using Phase-Diversity Receivers

    Ichiro SETO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-C No:1

    We propose Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) homodyne system using phase-diversity receivers and theoretically analyze its bit-error-rate (BER) performance. Since the proposed system uses polarization modulation and homodyne detection, it can cancel the phase noise and is attractive at a high bit-rate transmission. It is found that the receiver sensitivity of the proposed POLSK homodyne system is the same as that of POLSK heterodyne system and is much better than that of DPSK phase-diversity homodyne systems at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We also cosider theoreically the effect of the fluctuation of state of polarization (SOP) on the BER performance of POLSK homodyne system.


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