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[Keyword] ISDN(65hit)


  • "Service-uniform" ONU Based on Low Cost Audio AD/DA Converters and CDM with Novel Code Word Sets

    Tetsuya ONODA  Tetsuo TSUJIOKA  Ryuma KAKINUMA  Seiichi YAMANO  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E82-B No:9

    This paper proposes a novel universal line termination scheme for the ONUs (optical network units) of fiber-optic local access systems. Its main feature is that only low cost AD/DA converters for Hi-Fi audio are needed. Because audio AD/DA converters are insufficient for ISDN basic rate access (● 320kbaud) and cause waveform distortion, we develop a simple detection algorithm that does not use any equalizing filter. The algorithm can handle plural channels with one general purpose MPU (micro-processing unit). Based on this, a novel architecture for a fiber-optic local access system is presented that removes the MPUs from each optical network unit (ONU) and places them in the central office (CO). The proposed system yields a small, service-uniform ONU that supports a wide range of narrow-band services (POTS & ISDN) with no distinction. To realize this system at the lowest possible cost, a high-speed code division multiplexing (CDM) scheme with novel code word sets is developed.

  • Performance Analysis of the D Channel Access Control Scheme in the ISDN Basic User/Network Interface

    Shimpei YAGYU  Hideaki TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E82-B No:4

    In the basic user/network interface of ISDN (ITU-T Recommendation I. 430), the D-channel is shared by up to 8 terminals for signal and data packets. An analytical model is proposed to reveal the performance characteristics of the access control scheme for the D-channel. Numerical and simulation results are shown to demonstrate the performance differentiation of the terminals with different priorities. It is observed that the mean signal delay at low load may become large because of long service time for packets, and that the priority mechanism may not work properly when the loads at terminals are very asymmetric.

  • Network Design and System Performance of FREDERICFile Retrieval Engineering on Distributed EnviRonment and Interactive Communication System


    PAPER-Network Design, Operation, and Management

    E81-B No:12

    An extended desktop multimedia conference system named FREDERIC (File Retrieval Engineering on Distributed EnviRonment and Interactive Communication system) has been developed for international cooperative work by sharing CAD and image data among multi-point users. This paper describes the basic network design concept of utilizing the Internet as a best-effort service and ISDN as a high-speed guaranteed service. Service system requirements and designs were developed to access common databases and collaborative work of multimedia information those are shared by customers with desktop computers and to allow remote offices to use a plant walkthrough system. The performance of the prototype system especially focused on the file transmission time which is the key factor in developing and constructing the system. By applying the image compression technology of multi-tone entropy coding, it is shown that the short time CAD data transfer to meet the requirements can be achieved.

  • Developing Customer-Focused IP Network Services

    Katsuya OKIMI  


    E81-B No:11

    In pursuing its vision that digital signals will come to dominate not only voice communications but also various services on an integrated basis in future telecommunications, NTT has successfully completed a major part of telephone network preparations by digitizing all of its networks by the end of 1997. Accompanying digitization, it has also started providing various new services including the initiation of best-effort services through OCN. At the same time, the steady progress in Internet diffusion, the globalization of enterprise networks and inter-company electronic transactions are leading to the full scale usage of IP network communications. Because IP networks are still faced with pressing demand and unresolved issues, NTT believes it is also necessary to structure and provide computer-compatible networks suitable for IP communications by shifting from telephone-focused architecture in order to respond better to these growing needs. This paper overviews the digital network assets including ISDN that NTT has accumulated as a carrier as well as the IP networks such as the Internet that have spread throughout our societies. It also outlines new access services and network offerings based on optical and other technologies and the ATM networks that serve as the infrastructure for highly reliable and economical IP networks, and presents our thinking behind how such networks will be organically combined.

  • ATM Internode Signalling Processing for a Multimedia Network

    Hiroshi SUNAGA  Takumi OHBA  

    PAPER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E81-B No:3

    This paper describes key technologies for implementing ATM internode signalling. The reliability of a multimedia handling network can be improved by setting multiple virtual paths(VPs)between two nodes and setting signalling links over each internode VP. A software structure appropriate for handling the signalling protocol(MTP3b)within this framework is proposed. We also propose a cost-effective and reliable way to set a signalling route between a node and the service control point(SCP), based on the associate mode structure. Evaluation by implementing a node system shows that it requires only 15% more dynamic program steps for one sending/receiving sequence of the VP signalling than the existing method for circuit-related information. Thus, we could attain highly reliable and cost-effective signalling for ATM multimedia networks.

  • Architectural Choices in Large Scale ATM Switches

    Jonathan TURNER  Naoaki YAMANAKA  


    E81-B No:2

    The rapid development of Asynchronous Transfer Mode technology in the last 10-15 years has stimulated renewed interest in the design and analysis of switching systems, leading to new ideas for system designs and new insights into the performance and evaluation of such systems. As ATM moves closer to realizing the vision of ubiquitous broadband ISDN services, the design of switching systems takes on growing importance. This paper seeks to clarify the key architectural issues for ATM switching system design and provides a survey of the current state-of-the-art.

  • Implementation of an ATM-SLIC for VTOA in a Trial ATM Switching System

    Hideaki IWATA  Hiroki YAMADA  

    PAPER-ATM switch interworking

    E81-B No:2

    ATM technology can integrate not only new multimedia services but also existing services such as plain old telephone services (POTS) and narrow-band ISDN (N-ISDN) services. We developed ATM subscriber line interface circuits (ATM-SLIC), which can accommodate POTS or N-ISDN subscribers, and a trial ATM access switching system using the ATM-SLICs. This paper proposes embedded trunk functions, a message-type signaling transfer method, an economical ATM interface structure, and a cell-based system control method. Moreover, it shows the main characteristics and efficiency of these proposals in terms of experimental data.

  • Voice Message Connection Control for PSTN and N-ISDN Subscribers in ATM Switching System

    Hyeon PARK  Sung-Back HONG  Yong-Kyun LEE  

    PAPER-ATM switch interworking

    E81-B No:2

    The ATM switching system accommodating the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and narrowband ISDN (N-ISDN) subscribers should ensure the continued support of existing services and applications and guarantee the same quality of voice services for the telephone users. The voice message connection control discussed in this paper is one of the various technical issues for voice services in the interworking function unit, IWF between asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) node and existing synchronous transfer mode (STM) node [2]. We describe the technical points for the implementation of the voice message connection control with the consideration of the development time and cost. And then we discuss several technical problems such as mapping pulse code modulation PCM coded voice data into an ATM cell, different switching operation, keeping performance of the ATM-PSTN interworking system and then present benefits of the voice message connection control processing from the hardware/software point of views.

  • I-PROT: ISDN Protocol Fault Detection System

    Hikaru SUZUKI  Narumi TAKAHASHI  


    E80-B No:6

    This paper discribes the ISDN PROtocol Testing system (I-PROT). The system consists of translation & distribution function block, layer-2 fault surveillance function block, layer-3 fault surveillance function block, cause detection function block, and HMI. The system receives data from protocol monitors and detects the error recovery sequences, (we call "quasi-normal sequences"), as well as the sequences that do not follow the protocol specifications, (we call "abnormal sequences"). In the layer-3 fault surveillance function block, we use the protocol specification database whose records are converted from the state transition rules and added the judgment which classify the rules into the "normal" and "quasi-normal." We also show the classification method which is applicable to all connection-oriented protocol specifications. In the layer-2 fault surveillance function block, we explain the another easy detecting method. In the cause function block, we describe the partial pattern matching method to relate the protocol fault to the real cause of the fault. We built the prototype of the I-PROT and examine the turn around time (TAT) performance. As a result of the examination, we find the TAT of the I-PROT is directly proportional to the number of the frames analyzed by the system, and the system can reduce the load of the conventional manual analysis by the maintenance personnel.

  • New Performance Measure and Overload Control for Switching Systems with Focused Traffic

    Shinichi NAKAGAWA  Shuichi SUMITA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E80-B No:2

    Narrow-band ISDN services may experience nonstationary traffic conditions. Therefore, switch design should take account of these conditions. We propose new performance measures for switching systems and describe a traffic model, which is a mixture of stationary Poissonian traffic and momentarily focused traffic. On the basis of this model, performance measures are determined so as to satisfy grade of service requirements that are in effect during some short interval after the momentarily focused traffic enters the system. We also propose an overload control scheme that uses these new performance measures. Finally, we show practical and numerical examples for the performance measures and overload control scheme.

  • ATM Node System Technology for Effective Maintainability

    Noriharu MIYAHO  Arata ITOH  Kouhei SHIOMOTO  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E79-B No:12

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is considered to bo the key technology for realizing B-ISDN. This paper discusses current research on ATM switching nodes for high-speed communication networks. Although some ATM switching nodes have been deployed, much work continues for resolving problems as regards operations and maintainability, such as ATM layer performance evaluation including layered management scheme upon detection of line failure, function test methods regarding channel connectivity for multicasting, and real-time ATM traffic-monitoring mechanism with QoS control. To achieve sufficient ATM node maintainability, the ATM cell transfer quality on the VP and VC levels should be ensured both within the ATM nodes and between adjacent ATM nodes. Since ATM switching nods handle many kinds of virtual paths and virtual channels, each channel's connectivity must be confirmed. This paper proposes ATM layer performance evaluation concept, layered management scheme upon detection of line failure, function test methods for a multicast switch using test cells that periodically pass through pre-determined switching path routes. It also proposes the concept of test cell generation for simulating multiplexed ATM test cells taking ATM truffic characteristics into account. Furthermore, this paper describes a fault diagnosis scheme using test cells that can continually observe the entire ATM connection length in the system. A real-time traffic monitoring hardware configuration and an interface with software control are also discussed and it is clarified that the required functions can be realized by using commercially available DSPs.

  • A Modeling and Protocol of the Out-Channel Interaction for PCS in Intelligent Network

    Takeshi SUGIYAMA  Tomoki OMIYA  Kazumasa TAKAMI  Shuji ESAKI  

    PAPER-Network architecture, signaling and protocols for PCS

    E79-B No:9

    We discuss the requirements, a model and protocol for the out-channel interaction for PCS in Intelligent Networks. As PCS can utilize the DSSI function (i.e. location update, authentication), it is reasonable to consider a model and protocol of the interaction for PCS as well as DSSI. To obtain the model/protocol, two types of interactions, call-related and call-unrelated, are considered. It is necessary to enhance the Basic Call State Model (BCSM) for the former, and to introduce a state model similar to BCSM for the latter, which represents association management and component exchange between a user and the network. The authentication function allocation for the dominant traffic, location update, is discussed based on the model and protocol, and this can co-exist with the proposed generic model and protocol.

  • Image Database System Featuring Graceful Oblivion

    Yasuhiko YASUDA  Takayuki YASUNO  Fumio KATAYAMA  Takashi TOIDA  Hideyuki SAKATA  


    E79-B No:8

    Intending to contribute to constructing better multimedia network systems, we propose a new concept of image database system of which form of storage is featuring exponential or graceful oblivion and abrupt recollection like the human memory property. By virtue of this property of database storages that is realized by employing hierarchical or pyramidal image coding, the database memory and transmission costs can be significantly reduced. In this paper we will describe the details of the concept, the results of theoretical analysis based on a simplified model which reveals the effectiveness of the proposed system, the structure of an experimental prototype system and the result of an experimental image retrieval service carried out by implementing it over ATM high speed channels.

  • Optimal Bandwidth Reservation for Circuit Groups Handling Asymmetric Multi-Connection Calls

    Hajime NAKAMURA  Toshikane ODA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:6

    This paper is concerned with bandwidth reservation for circuit groups which handle calls requesting asymmetric forward and backward multi-connections. A model of circuit group with sub-group configuration is treated, and two types of the bandwidth reservation schemes for the model are studied in this paper. One is a global scheme with monitoring the whole circuit group, and the other is a local scheme with monitoring each sub-group independently. The problems of optimizing the reservation parameters are formulated, and optimization methods for the problems are proposed. Numerical example are presented, and effectiveness of the reservation schemes with using the optimized parameters is numerically examined.

  • Analysis of Communication Behaviors in ISDN-TV Model Conferences Using Synchronous and Asynchronous Speech Transmission

    Sooja CHOI  


    E79-D No:6

    Intricate Speech Communication Mode (I-SC Mode) is observed in verbal interaction during ISDN-TV conferencing. It is characterized by conflicts and multiple interactions of speech. I-SC Mode might cause mental stress to participants and be obstacles for smooth communication. However, the reasons of I-SC Mode on the environment of information transmission are hitherto unknown. Furthermore, analyses on the talks inside a conference site (LT: local talk or a talk inside a local site) and between remote sites (MT: media talk or a talk between remote sites) are originally conceived on assumed differences in cognitive distance and media intimacy. This study deals with communication effects/barriers and cognitive distance/intimacy of media correlated with audio-video transmission signals and speech modes or talk types and response delay in human speech interactions by using an innovated conference model (decision-making transaction model: DT-Model) in synchronous ISDN-TV conference systems (SYN) and asynchronous ones (ASYN). The effects of intricate communication can be predicted to a certain extent and in some ways. In I-SC Mode, because a timely answer can not be received from recipients (or partner), response time delay and response rate are analyzed. These factors are thus analyzed with an innovated dynamic model, where the recognizable acceptance of delay is evaluated. The nonlinear model shows that the larger the response time delay, the lower the response rate becomes. Comparing the response rate between SYN and ASYN, the latter is notably lower than the former. This indicates that the communication efficiency is lower in ASYN. An I-SC Mode is the main mode that occurs during ASYN conferences, and this in turn causes psychological stress. Statistics show the prevalence of a high incidence of complicated plural talks and a low response rate exists as the main factors preventing smooth human-to-human communication. Furthermore, comparing the response delays in face-to-face LT (Tf) and machine-mediated MT (Tm), human communication delay is significantly extended by the effects of initial mechanical delays. Therefore, cognitive intimacy of media is clearly affected by the existence of physical distance.

  • Cost Comparison of STM and ATM Path Networks

    Hisaya HADAMA  Tsutomu IZAKI  Ikuo TOKIZAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:3

    In order to pave the way to B-ISDN, one of the most important issues for network providers is to identify the most efficient B-ISDN introduction strategy. This paper focuses on the costs of introducing ATM transmission systems into backbone transport networks which must provide highly reliable broad band transmission capability. In this context, the main rival to ATM is Synchronous Transfer Mode (STM); recent Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) equipment supports the establishment of advanced STM-based high speed transport networks. This paper offers a cost comparison of ATM and STM based backbone transport networks. A digital path network in STM has a hierarchical structure determined by the hierarchical multiplexing scheme employed. The minimum cost STM path network can only be determined by developing a path design method that considers all hierarchical path levels and yields the optimum balance of link cost and node cost. Virtual paths have desirable features such as non-deterministic path bandwidth and non-hierarchical and direct multiplexing capability into high speed optical transmission links. These features make it possible to implement a non-hierarchical VP network with ATM cross connect systems which can handle any bandwidth VP with a universal cell switching function. This paper shows that the non-hierarchical VP routing, which strongly minimizes link cost, can be implemented without significantly increasing node cost. Network design simulations show that the virtual path scheme, possible only in an ATM network, yields the most cost effective path network configuration.

  • A Parallel Multicast Fast Packet Switch with Ring Network and Its Performance

    Jinchun KIM  Byungho KIM  Hyunsoo YOON  Jung Wan CHO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E79-B No:1

    A goal of a broadband ISDN network is to provide integrated transport for a wide range of applications such as teleconferencing, entertainment video, and file distribution. These require multipoint communications in addition to conventional point-to-point connections. The essential component to provide multipoint communications is a multicast packet switch. In this paper, we propose and analyze a new parallel multicast packet switch which easily approaches a maximum throughput of 100% as the number of fanout and multicast rate are increased. The proposed switch consists of a simple ring network and a point-to-point switch network in parallel. The ring network provides both replication and routing of multicast packets. The point-to-point switch network is responsible for delivering only unicast packets. The ring network provided in this switch overcomes the problems of clock synchronization and unfairness of access in the slotted ring by synchronizing the ring to the time slot used in the point-to-point switch and providing small amount of speed-up. Moreover, the significant drawbacks of the basic cascaded multicast fabric design are removed in this parallel switch which can separate the unicast and multicast packets before entering the switch fabric. The performance analysis shows that this switch with the small size of input/output buffers achieves good performance in delay and throughput, and the packet loss probability less than 10-9.

  • An ATM Chip Set for High Performance Computer Interfaces, Affording over 100 Mbps Sustained Throughput

    Yasuharu TOMIMITSU  Satoru KAWANAGO  Hirotaka YAMANE  Hideki KOBUNAYA  Shoji OHGANE  Nobuyuki MIZUKOSHI  Hiroshi SUZUKI  


    E78-C No:12

    The transmission and processing of multimedia information requires a high-speed communications network infrastructure. This is especially true for the networks between the user's computer and the information highway. An Ethernet LAN is widely used for these networks, but it has limited throughput. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) LAN technology is a promising approach to overcome this limitation. We have developed a chip set which can be used to connect personal computers (PCs) and workstations (WSs) to a 156-Mbps ATM LAN. The advanced architecture, optimized performance and efficient buffer management enables a sustained more than 100 Mbps transfer speed to be obtained. The chip set is implemented in a 0.8 µm triple metal-layer CMOS process to integrate total 460 K transistors and consumes total 4 W at 5 V.

  • Terminal Design for Audio-Visual Communication Services

    Hisashi IBARAKI  Shizuo NAKANO  Dai ANDO  Naoya REN  Yasuhiro TOMITA  


    E78-B No:10

    Realizing an effective channel connection scheme and a useful human-machine interface is important for popularizing the audio-visual communication services that should become significant in the near future. This paper describes a terminal design that is applicable to various audio-visual communication services. First, future audio-visual services are classified into three types: Videophone, Tele-monitoring and Video On Demand(VOD). The requirements for these services are discussed in detail. Second, a channel connection scheme is specified taking into consideration for the requirements and characteristics of various networks such as N-ISDN and LANs. Terminals based on these specifications are developed as prototypes and demonstrated to confirm the validity of these specifications.

  • A Congestion Control Method for DQDB/B-ISDN Interconnection Gateway

    Jung-Shyr WU  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E78-B No:6

    In this paper we propose a congestion control method for interconnecting connectionless MANs with ATM networks which works at the gateway of DQDB. Since connectionless traffic belong to loss sensitive data, they should experience small cell loss rate. Due to the function of congestion control in the gateway, we can prevent the network from overload which not only introduces serious cell loss at remote destination gateway but also lots of undesirable retransmissions and time delay in the ATM network. It neither needs to modify the slot format of DQDB nor to increase the overhead so the implementation is simple and cost effective. Performance results are also provided to verify the effectiveness.


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