Group multicasting is a generalization of multicasting whereby every member of a group is allowed to multicast messages to other members that belongs to the same group. The group multicast routing problem (GMRP) is that of finding a set of multicast trees with bandwidth requirements, each rooted at a member of the group, for multicasting messages to other members of the group. An optimal solution to GMRP is a set of trees, one for each member of the group, that incurs the least overall cost. This problem is known to be NP-complete and hence heuristic algorithms are likely to be the only viable approach for computing near optimal solutions in practice. In this paper, we derive a lower bound on the cost of an optimal solution to GMRP by using Lagrangean Relaxation and Subgradient Optimization. This lower bound is used to evaluate the two existing heuristic algorithms in terms of their ability to find close-to-optimal solutions.
Tree task structures occur frequently in many applications where parallelization may be desirable. We present a formal treatment of non-preemptively scheduling task trees on distributed memory multiprocessors and show that the fundamental problems of scheduling (i) a task tree in absence of any inter-task communication on a fixed number of processors and (ii) a task tree with inter-task communication on an unbounded number of processors are NP-complete. For task trees that satisfy certain constraints, we present an optimal scheduling algorithm. The algorithm is shown optimal over a wider set of task trees than previous works.
Masahiro YAMAUCHI Toshimasa WATANABE
Given a Petri net N=(P, T, E), a siphon is a set S of places such that the set of input transitions to S is included in the set of output transitions from S. Concerning extraction of one or more minimal siphons containing a given specified set Q of places, the paper shows several results on polynomial time solvability and NP-completeness, mainly for the case |Q| 1.
A siphon (or alternatively a structutal deadlock) of a Petri net is defined as a set S of places such that existence of any edge from a transition t to a place of S implies that there is an edge from some place of S to t. A minimal siphon is a siphon such that any proper subset is not a siphon. The results of the paper are as follows. (1) The problem of deciding whether or not a given Petri net has a minimum siphon (i.e., a minimum-cardinality minimal siphon) is NP-complete. (2) A polynomial-time algorithm to find, if any, a minimal siphon or even a maximal calss of mutually disjoint minimal siphons of a general Petri net is proposed.
A minimal siphon (or alternatively a structural deadlock) of a Petri net is defined as a minimal set S of places such that existence of any edge from a transition t to a place of S implies that there is an edge from some place of S to t. The subject of the paper is to find a minimal siphon containing a given set of specified places of a general Petri net.
It is known that the problem of determining, given a planar graph G with maximum vertex degree at most 4 and integers m and n, whether G is embeddable in an m n grid with unit congestion is NP-hard. In this paper, we show that it is also NP-complete to determine whether G is embeddable in ak n grid with unit congestion for any fixed integer k 3. In addition, we show a necessary and sufficient condition for G to be embeddable in a 2 grid with unit congestion, and show that G satisfying the condition is embeddable in a 2 |V(G)| grid. Based on the characterization, we suggest a linear time algorithm for recognizing graphs embeddable in a 2 grid with unit congestion.
An s-t flow in a directed network is called uncontrollable, when the flow is representable as a positive sum of elementary s-t path flows. In this paper, we discuss the problem Is a given flow uncontrollable?. We show that the problem is NP-complete.