1-3hit |
Xiaopeng LIU Xihong CHEN Lunsheng XUE Zedong XIE
In this paper, we investigate a novel preamble channel estimation (CE) method based on the compressed sensing (CS) theory in the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system with offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM/OFDM) over a frequency selective fading channel. Most of the preamble based CE methods waste power by deploying the pilots in all the subcarriers. Inspired by the CS theory, we focus on using many fewer pilots than one of traditional CE methods and realize accurate reconstruction of the channel response. After describing and analyzing the concept of OQAM/OFDM and its traditional CE methods, we propose a novel channel estimation method based on CS that requires fewer pilots in the preamble, and we design the corresponding preamble pattern to meet the requirements of CS. Simulation results validate the efficiency and superior performance of the proposed method in wireless channel.
Zhenyu LIU Fang YANG Jian SONG
In this paper, a novel channel estimation method for time domain synchrotrons orthogonal frequency domain multiplexing (TDS-OFDM) based on training sequence cyclic reconstruction is proposed to eliminate residual inter-block interference (IBI); it estimates the channel impulse response (CIR) in an iterative manner. A simulation and analysis show that the proposed method can effectively perform the channel estimation over long-delay multipath channels with low complexity.
In this paper, we propose a simple but effective way of improving the performance of channel estimation (CE) for pilot cyclic prefixed single carrier (PCP-SC) system. The proposed method utilizes the property that the shifting signal of the PCP pilot signal can also be utilized to estimate the channel information. The receiver can continuously estimate the channel information by just shifting the received pilot signal. Regardless of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the pilot type, the proposed method can achieve about a 1.72 dB performance gain in terms of the mean squared error (MSE) of channel estimation with a slight increase in computational complexity. The BER performance with the proposed CE improvement are evaluated in a multipath fading channel using a zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer and an minmum mean squared error (MMSE) equalizer by computer simulation. It is shown that the proposed CE improvment method using an MMSE equalizer which has an unbiased vlaue of noise variance (NV) estimator gives a promising BER performance. The proposed method also benefits the estimation of the SNR for the single carrier system.