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Satoshi DENNO Kazuma HOTTA Yafei HOU
This paper proposes a novel maximum Doppler frequency detection technique for user moving velocity estimation. The maximum Doppler frequency is estimated in the proposed detection technique by making use of the fact that user moving velocity is not distributed continuously. The fluctuation of the channel state information during a packet is applied for the proposed detection, in which likelihood estimation is performed by comparing the fluctuation with the thresholds. The thresholds are theoretically derived on the assumption that the fluctuation is distributed with an exponential function. An approximated detection technique is proposed to simplify the theoretical threshold derivation. The performance of the proposed detection is evaluated by computer simulation. The proposed detection accomplishes better detection performance as the fluctuation values are summed over more packets. The proposed detection achieves about 90% correct detection performance in a fading channel with the Eb/N0 = 35dB, when the fluctuation values are summed over only three packets. Furthermore, the approximated detection also achieves the same detection performance.
Satoshi DENNO Taichi YAMAGAMI Yafei HOU
This paper proposes low complexity resource allocation in frequency domain non-orthogonal multiple access where many devices access with a base station. The number of the devices is assumed to be more than that of the resource for network capacity enhancement, which is demanded in massive machine type communications (mMTC). This paper proposes two types of resource allocation techniques, all of which are based on the MIN-MAX approach. One of them seeks for nicer resource allocation with only channel gains. The other technique applies the message passing algorithm (MPA) for better resource allocation. The proposed resource allocation techniques are evaluated by computer simulation in frequency domain non-orthogonal multiple access. The proposed technique with the MPA achieves the best bit error rate (BER) performance in the proposed techniques. However, the computational complexity of the proposed techniques with channel gains is much smaller than that of the proposed technique with the MPA, whereas the BER performance of the proposed techniques with channel gains is only about 0.1dB inferior to that with the MPA in the multiple access with the overloading ratio of 1.5 at the BER of 10-4. They attain the gain of about 10dB at the BER of 10-4 in the multiple access with the overloading ration of 2.0. Their complexity is 10-16 as small as the conventional technique.
Satoshi DENNO Tomoya TANIKAWA Yafei HOU
This paper proposes overloaded multiple input multiple output (MIMO) bi-directional communication with physical layer network coding (PLNC) to enhance the transmission speed in heterogeneous wireless multihop networks where the number of antennas on the relay is less than that on the terminals. The proposed overloaded MIMO communication system applies precoding and relay filtering to reduce computational complexity in spite of the transmission speed. An eigenvector-based filter is proposed for the relay filter. Furthermore, we propose a technique to select the best filter among candidates eigenvector-based filters. The performance of the proposed overloaded MIMO bi-directional communication is evaluated by computer simulation in a heterogeneous wireless 2-hop network. The proposed filter selection technique attains a gain of about 1.5dB at the BER of 10-5 in a 2-hop network where 2 antennas and 4 antennas are placed on the relay and the terminal, respectively. This paper shows that 6 stream spatial multiplexing is made possible in the system with 2 antennas on the relay.
Satoshi DENNO Shuhei MAKABE Yafei HOU
This paper proposes a non-linear overloaded MIMO detector that outperforms the conventional soft-input maximum likelihood detector (MLD) with less computational complexity. We propose iterative log-likelihood ratio (LLR) estimation and multi stage LLR estimation for the proposed detector to achieve such superior performance. While the iterative LLR estimation achieves better BER performance, the multi stage LLR estimation makes the detector less complex than the conventional soft-input maximum likelihood detector (MLD). The computer simulation reveals that the proposed detector achieves about 0.6dB better BER performance than the soft-input MLD with about half of the soft-input MLD's complexity in a 6×3 overloaded MIMO OFDM system.
Satoshi DENNO Yuta KAWAGUCHI Tsubasa INOUE Yafei HOU
This paper proposes a novel low complexity lattice reduction-aided iterative receiver for overloaded MIMO. Novel noise cancellation is proposed that increases an equivalent channel gain with a scalar gain introduced in this paper, which results in the improvement of the signal to noise power ratio (SNR). We theoretically analyze the performance of the proposed receiver that the lattice reduction raises the SNR of the detector output signals as the scalar gain increases, when the Lenstra-Lenstra-Lova's (LLL) algorithm is applied to implement the lattice reduction. Because the SNR improvement causes the scalar gain to increase, the performance is improved by iterating the reception process. Computer simulations confirm the performance. The proposed receiver attains a gain of about 5dB at the BER of 10-4 in a 6×2 overloaded MIMO channel. Computational complexity of the proposed receiver is about 1/50 as much as that of the maximum likelihood detection (MLD).
In this paper, we propose a new modulation named parallel combinatory/high compaction multi-carrier modulation (PC/HC-MCM) using the techniques of parallel combinatory orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PC-OFDM) and high compaction multi-carrier modulation (HC-MCM). Two types of PC/HC-MCM systems, which are named as modulated PC/HC-MCM system and (unmodulated) PC/HC-MCM system, can be designed. The modulated PC/HC-MCM system achieves better bit-error rate (BER) performance than that of HC-MCM system with equal bandwidth efficiency (BWE). The PC/HC-MCM system can obtain the better peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) characteristics by selecting appropriate constellation for each subcarrier. On the other hand, since PC/HC-MCM can divide the PC-OFDM symbol duration into multiple time-slots, the advantages of frequency hopping (FH) can be applied in the PC/HC-MCM system. Therefore, we also combine the PC/HC-MCM and frequency hopping multiple access (FHMA) to propose a novel multiple access (MA) system. It can simultaneously transmit multiple users' data within one symbol duration of PC-OFDM.
This paper proposes overloaded MIMO spatial multiplexing that can increase the number of spatially multiplexed signal streams despite of the number of antennas on a terminal and that on a receiver. We propose extension of the channel matrix for the spatial multiplexing to achieve the superb multiplexing performance. Precoding based on the extended channel matrix plays a crucial role in carrying out such spatial multiplexing. We consider three types of QR-decomposition techniques for the proposed spatial multiplexing to improve the transmission performance. The transmission performance of the proposed spatial multiplexing is evaluated by computer simulation. The simulation reveals that the proposed overloaded MIMO spatial multiplexing can implement 6 stream-spatial multiplexing in a 2×2 MIMO system, i.e., the overloading ratio of 3.0. The superior transmission performance is achieved by the proposed overloaded MIMO spatial multiplexing with one of the QR-decomposition techniques.
This paper proposes a low complexity soft input decoding in an iterative linear receiver for overloaded MIMO. The proposed soft input decoding applies two types of lattice reduction-aided linear filters to estimate log-likelihood ratio (LLR) in order to reduce the computational complexity. A lattice reduction-aided linear with whitening filter is introduced for the LLR estimation in the proposed decoding. The equivalent noise caused by the linear filter is mitigated with the decoder output stream and the LLR is re-estimated after the equivalent noise mitigation. Furthermore, LLR clipping is introduced in the proposed decoding to avoid the performance degradation due to the incorrect LLRs. The performance of the proposed decoding is evaluated by computer simulation. The proposed decoding achieves about 2dB better BER performance than soft decoding with the exhaustive search algorithm, so called the MLD, at the BER of 10-4, even though the complexity of the proposed decoding is 1/10 as small as that of soft decoding with the exhaustive search.
Hideaki TSUGITA Satoshi DENNO Yafei HOU
This paper proposes multi-input physical layer network coding (multi-input PLNC) for high speed wireless communication in two-dimensional wireless multihop networks. In the proposed PLNC, all the terminals send their packets simultaneously for the neighboring relays to maximize the network throughput in the first slot, and all the relays also do the same to the neighboring terminals in the second slot. Those simultaneous signal transmissions cause multiple signals to be received at the relays and the terminals. Signal reception in the multi-input PLNC uses multichannel filtering to mitigate the difficulties caused by the multiple signal reception, which enables the two-input PLNC to be applied. In addition, a non-linear precoding is proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the signal detection at the relays and the terminals. The proposed multi-input PLNC makes all the terminals exchange their packets with the neighboring terminals in only two time slots. The performance of the proposed multi-input PLNC is confirmed by computer simulation. The proposed multi-input physical layer network coding achieves much higher network throughput than conventional techniques in a two-dimensional multihop wireless network with 7 terminals. The proposed multi-input physical layer network coding attains superior transmission performance in wireless hexagonal multihop networks, as long as more than 6 antennas are placed on the terminals and the relays.
This paper proposes a novel interference cancellation technique that prevents radio receivers from degrading due to periodic interference signals caused by electromagnetic waves emitted from high power circuits. The proposed technique cancels periodic interference signals in the frequency domain, even if the periodic interference signals drift in the time domain. We propose a drift estimation based on a super resolution technique such as ESPRIT. Moreover, we propose a sequential drift estimation to enhance the drift estimation performance. The proposed technique employs a linear filter based on the minimum mean square error criterion with assistance of the estimated drifts for the interference cancellation. The performance of the proposed technique is confirmed by computer simulation. The proposed technique achieves a gain of more than 40dB at the higher frequency part in the band. The proposed canceler achieves such superior performance, if the parameter sets are carefully selected. The proposed sequential drift estimation relaxes the parameter constraints, and enables the proposed cancellation to achieve the performance upper bound.
Satoshi DENNO Ryoko SASAKI Yafei HOU
This paper proposes non-orthogonal packet access based on low density signature with phase only adaptive precoding. The proposed access allows multiple user terminals to send their packets simultaneously for implementing massive connectivity, though only one antenna is put on every terminal and on an access point. This paper proposes a criterion that defines the optimum rotation angles for the phase only precoding, and an algorithm based on the steepest descent to approach the optimum rotation angles. Moreover, this paper proposes two complexity-reduced algorithms that converge much faster than the original algorithm. When 6 packets are transmitted in 4 time slots, i.e., overloading ratio of 1.5, the proposed adaptive precoding based on all the proposed algorithms attains a gain of about 4dB at the BER of 10-4 in Rician fading channels.
We present an effective method of collision recovery for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based communications. For the OFDM system, the modulated message data can be demodulated using the partial time-domain OFDM signal. Therefore, the partial time-domain signal can be adopted to reconstruct the whole OFDM time-domain signal with estimated channel information. This property can be utilized to recover packets from the collisions. Since most collisions are cases in which a long packet collides with a short packet, the collided part is assumed to be short. The simulated results show that the method can recover the two collided packets with a certain probability and can be developed to solve the problem of hidden terminals. This method will dramatically benefit the protocol design of wireless networks, including ad hoc and sensor networks.
Satoshi DENNO Kazuma YAMAMOTO Yafei HOU
This paper proposes relay selection techniques for XOR physical layer network coding with MMSE based non-linear precoding in MIMO bi-directional wireless relaying networks. The proposed selection techniques are derived on the different assumption about characteristics of the MMSE based non-linear precoding in the wireless network. We show that the signal to noise power ratio (SNR) is dependent on the product of all the eigenvalues in the channels from the terminals to relays. This paper shows that the best selection techniques in all the proposed techniques is to select a group of the relays that maximizes the product. Therefore, the selection technique is called “product of all eigenvalues (PAE)” in this paper. The performance of the proposed relay selection techniques is evaluated in a MIMO bi-directional wireless relaying network where two terminals with 2 antennas exchange their information via relays. When the PAE is applied to select a group of the 2 relays out of the 10 relays where an antenna is placed, the PAE attains a gain of more than 13dB at the BER of 10-3.
Takuya FUJIWARA Satoshi DENNO Yafei HOU
This paper proposes out-of-bound signal demapping for lattice reduction-aided iterative linear receivers in overloaded MIMO channels. While lattice reduction aided linear receivers sometimes output hard-decision signals that are not contained in the modulation constellation, the proposed demapping converts those hard-decision signals into binary digits that can be mapped onto the modulation constellation. Even though the proposed demapping can be implemented with almost no additional complexity, the proposed demapping achieves more gain as the linear reception is iterated. Furthermore, we show that the transmission performance depends on bit mapping in modulations such as the Gray mapping and the natural mapping. The transmission performance is confirmed by computer simulation in a 6 × 2 MIMO system, i.e., the overloading ratio of 3. One of the proposed demapping called “modulo demapping” attains a gain of about 2 dB at the packet error rate (PER) of 10-1 when the 64QAM is applied.
Taichi YAMAGAMI Satoshi DENNO Yafei HOU
In this paper, we propose a non-orthogonal multiple access with adaptive resource allocation. The proposed non-orthogonal multiple access assigns multiple frequency resources for each device to send packets. Even if the number of devices is more than that of the available frequency resources, the proposed non-orthogonal access allows all the devices to transmit their packets simultaneously for high capacity massive machine-type communications (mMTC). Furthermore, this paper proposes adaptive resource allocation algorithms based on factor graphs that adaptively allocate the frequency resources to the devices for improvement of the transmission performances. This paper proposes two allocation algorithms for the proposed non-orthogonal multiple access. This paper shows that the proposed non-orthogonal multiple access achieves superior transmission performance when the number of the devices is 50% greater than the amount of the resource, i.e., the overloading ratio of 1.5, even without the adaptive resource allocation. The adaptive resource allocation enables the proposed non-orthogonal access to attain a gain of about 5dB at the BER of 10-4.
This paper proposes a novel approach to low complexity soft input decoding for lattice reduction-aided MIMO receivers. The proposed approach feeds a soft input decoder with soft signals made from hard decision signals generated by using a lattice reduction-aided linear detector. The soft signal is a weighted-sum of some candidate vectors that are near by the hard decision signal coming out from the lattice reduction-aided linear detector. This paper proposes a technique to adjust the weight adapt to the channel for the higher transmission performance. Furthermore, we propose to introduce a coefficient that is used for the weights in order to enhance the transmission performance. The transmission performance is evaluated in a 4×4 MIMO channel. When a linear MMSE filter or a serial interference canceller is used as the linear detector, the proposed technique achieves about 1.0dB better transmission performance at the BER of 10-5 than the decoder fed with the hard decision signals. In addition, the low computational complexity of the proposed technique is quantitatively evaluated.
Radio over Fiber (RoF) is a promising solution for providing wireless access services. Heterogeneous radio signals are transferred via an optical fiber link using an analog transmission technique. When the RoF and the radio frequency (RF) devices have a nonlinear characteristic, these will create the intermodulation products (IMPs) in the system and generate the intermodulation distortion (IMD). In this paper, the IMD interference in the uplink RF signals from the coupling effect between the downlink and the uplink antennas has been addressed. We propose a method using the dynamic channel allocation (DCA) algorithm with the predistortion (PD) technique to improve the throughput performance of the multi-channel RoF system. The carrier to distortion plus noise power ratio (CDNR) is evaluated for all channel allocation combinations; then the best channel combination is assigned as a set of active channels to minimize the effect of IMD. The results show that the DCA with PD has the lowest IMD and obtains a better throughput performance.
Satoshi DENNO Kazuma YAMAMOTO Yafei HOU
This paper proposes coded modulation for physical layer network coding in multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) bi-directional wireless relay systems where precoding is applied. The proposed coded modulation enables the relays to decode the received signals, which improves the transmission performance. Soft input decoding for the proposed coded modulation is proposed. Furthermore, we propose two precoder weight optimization techniques, called “per subcarrier weight optimization” and “total weight optimization”. This paper shows a precoder configuration based on the optimization with the lattice reduction or the sorted QR-decomposition. The performance of the proposed network coding is evaluated by computer simulation in a MIMO-OFDM two-hop wireless relay system with the 16 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) or the 256QAM. The proposed coded modulation attains a coding gain of about 2dB at the BER of 10-4. The total weight optimization achieves about 1dB better BER performance than the other at the BER of 10-4.
Satoshi DENNO Yuto NAGAI Yafei HOU
This paper proposes an XOR physical layer network coding (XOR-PLNC) with non-linear precoding for quadrature amplitude modulations (QAMs) in bi-directional MIMO relay systems. The proposed XOR-PLNC applies power loading in order to improve the transmission performance. The proposed XOR-PLNC introduces a modulus adapted to channel gains. Moreover, the modulus is further reduced in cooperation with modulo operation which the non-linear precoding employs for improvement of transmission power efficiency. The use of the reduced modulus improves the energy efficiency of the signal transmission, which improves the transmission performance in the proposed XOR-PLNC. The performance is evaluated by computer simulations in bi-directional MIMO relay channels with 16QAM to 1024QAM.
In this paper, we propose a simple but effective way of improving the performance of channel estimation (CE) for pilot cyclic prefixed single carrier (PCP-SC) system. The proposed method utilizes the property that the shifting signal of the PCP pilot signal can also be utilized to estimate the channel information. The receiver can continuously estimate the channel information by just shifting the received pilot signal. Regardless of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the pilot type, the proposed method can achieve about a 1.72 dB performance gain in terms of the mean squared error (MSE) of channel estimation with a slight increase in computational complexity. The BER performance with the proposed CE improvement are evaluated in a multipath fading channel using a zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer and an minmum mean squared error (MMSE) equalizer by computer simulation. It is shown that the proposed CE improvment method using an MMSE equalizer which has an unbiased vlaue of noise variance (NV) estimator gives a promising BER performance. The proposed method also benefits the estimation of the SNR for the single carrier system.