To cope with the drastic increase in traffic, space division multiplexing elastic optical networks (SDM-EONs) have been investigated. In multicore fiber environments that realize SDM-EONs, crosstalk (XT) occurs between optical paths transmitted in the same frequency slots of adjacent cores, and the quality of the optical paths is degraded by the mutual influence of XT. To solve this problem, we propose a core and spectrum assignment method that introduces the concept of prohibited frequency slots to protect the degraded optical paths. First-fit-based spectrum resource allocation algorithms, including our previous study, have the problem that only some frequency slots are used at low loads, and XT occurs even though sufficient frequency slots are available. In this study, we propose a core and spectrum assignment method that introduces the concepts of “adjacency criterion” and “XT budget” to suppress XT at low and middle loads without worsening the path blocking rate at high loads. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of the path blocking rate using computer simulations.
Reducing on-chip microwave crosstalk is crucial for semiconductor spin qubit integration. Toward crosstalk reduction and qubit integration, we investigate on-chip microwave crosstalk for gate electrode pad designs with (i) etched trenches between contact pads or (ii) contact pads with reduced sizes. We conclude that the design with feature (ii) is advantageous for high-density integration of semiconductor qubits with small crosstalk (below -25 dB at 6 GHz), favoring the introduction of flip-chip bonding.
Tomokazu ODA Atsushi NAKAMURA Daisuke IIDA Hiroyuki OSHIDA
We propose a technique based on Brillouin optical time domain analysis for measuring loss and crosstalk in few-mode fibers (FMFs). The proposed technique extracts the loss and crosstalk of a specific mode in FMFs from the Brillouin gains and Brillouin gain coefficients measured under two different conditions in terms of the frequency difference between the pump and probe lights. The technique yields the maximum loss and crosstalk at a splice point by changing the electrical field injected into an FMF as the pump light. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed technique can measure the maximum loss and crosstalk of the LP11 mode at a splice point in a two-mode fiber.
Inter-channel crosstalk is one of the limiting factors in multichannel optical systems. This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the bit-error-rate (BER) performance of quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals influenced by multiple crosstalk channels. The field distribution of multiple crosstalk channels in the constellation map is calculated. The BER of the QPSK/QAM signal, onto which the crosstalk light is superimposed, is then evaluated for a varying number of crosstalk channels under the condition that the total crosstalk power is constant. The results quantitatively confirm that as the channel number increases, the BER degradation caused by crosstalk light approaches that caused by Gaussian noise light. It is also confirmed that the degradations caused by crosstalk light and Gaussian light are similar for QAM signals of high-level modulation.
We developed an 8.4-inch electrostatic-tactile touch display using a segmented-electrode array (30×20) as both tactile pixels and touch sensors. Each pixel can be excited independently so that the electrostatic-tactile touch display allows presenting real localized tactile textures in any shape. A driving scheme in which the tactile strength is independent of the grounding state of the human body by employing two-phased actuation was also proposed and demonstrated. Furthermore, tactile crosstalk was investigated to find it was due to the voltage fluctuation in the human body and it was diminished by applying the aforementioned driving scheme.
Wavelength-division multiplexing multicore fibers can transmit a large amount of information over one fiber, and high-density core allocations enable a large number of fiber lines to be deployed in limited spaces. However, inter-core crosstalk degrades the signal in these systems. This paper describes the design of a frequency interleaving scheme for a 7-core hexagonal multicore fiber. Interleaving schemes shift signal spectra between neighboring cores to reduce the signal degradation caused by inter-core crosstalk. The channel frequency allocation that most efficiently lowers the bit error rate is numerically determined in this study. The results indicate that the optimum frequency interleaving improves the allowable crosstalk ratio by 6.3 dB for QPSK signals, demonstrating its potential for improving wavelength-division multiplexing multicore fiber transmission systems.
Inter-channel crosstalk is one of the crucial issues in multichannel optical systems. Conventional studies assume that the crosstalk and the main signals have identical format. The present study, in contrast, considers different signal formats for the main and crosstalk lights, and shows that bit error degradation is different depending on the modulation format. Statistical properties of the crosstalk are also investigated. The result quantitatively confirms that a crosstalk light whose signal distribution is closer to a Gaussian profile causes larger degradation.
Tadashi WADAYAMA Taisuke IZUMI
Several types of capacitive crosstalk avoidance codes have been devised in order to prevent capacitive crosstalk in on-chip buses. These codes are designed to prohibit transition patterns prone to capacitive crosstalk from any two consecutive words transmitted to on-chip buses. The present paper provides a rigorous analysis of the asymptotic rate for (p,q)-transition free word sequences under the assumption that coding is based on a stateful encoder and a stateless decoder. Here, p and q represent k-bit transition patterns that should not appear in any two consecutive words at the same adjacent k-bit positions. The maximum rate for the sequences is proven to be equal to the subgraph domatic number of the (p,q)-transition free graph. Based on the theoretical results for the subgraph domatic partition problem, lower and upper bounds on the asymptotic rate are derived. We also show that the asymptotic rate 0.8325 is achievable for p=01 and q=10 transition free word sequences.
This paper describes a top-down design methodology to optimize resonant capacitance in a wireless power transfer system with 3-D stacked two receivers. A 1:2 selective wireless power transfer is realized by a frequency/time division multiplexing scheme. The power transfer function is analytically formulated and the optimum tuning capacitance is derived, which is validated by comparing with system simulation results. By using the optimized values, power transfer efficiencies at 6.78MHz and 13.56MHz are simulated to be 80% and 84%, respectively, which are <3% worse than a conventional wireless power transfer system.
Tao LIANG Flavia GRASSI Giordano SPADACINI Sergio Amedeo PIGNARI
This work presents a hybrid formulation of the stochastic reduced order model (SROM) algorithm, which makes use of Gauss quadrature, a key ingredient of the stochastic collocation method, to avoid the cumbersome optimization process required by SROM for optimal extraction of the sample set. With respect to classic SROM algorithms, the proposed formulation allows a significant reduction in computation time and burden as well as a remarkable improvement in the accuracy and convergence rate in the estimation of statistical moments. The method is here applied to a specific case study, that is the prediction of crosstalk in a two-conductor wiring structure with electrical and geometrical parameters not perfectly known. Both univariate and multivariate analyses are carried out, with the final objective being to compare the performance of the two SROM formulations with respected to Monte Carlo simulations.
We have demonstrated crosstalk mitigation in single-mode MCFs using optical space coding. Four types of single-mode multicore fiber (MCF) models were evaluated by our scheme with the modified prime code and differential detection. Typically, intercore crosstalk was improved by 7-20 dB in 9-core fibers with an original crosstalk of 10-20 dB.
We present dynamic mode switching characteristic by using a 2 × 2 optical mode switch based on silicon waveguide. The configuration of optical mode switch is similar to MZI where the width of input and output ports are designed to permit the combining of the fundamental mode and the first order mode. We designed the symmetrical arms with phase shifter based on p-i-n structure in one arm to generate a π-phase difference between each arm. As a result, mode switching with the injection current of 60mA (5.7V) was successfully achieved with the mode crosstalk of -10dB at λ=1550nm. A minimum of less than 60ns and 40ns mode switching time for the fundamental mode to first order mode and first order mode to fundamental mode, was achieved respectively in this time.
Flavia GRASSI Giordano SPADACINI Keliang YUAN Sergio A. PIGNARI
In this work, a novel formulation of crosstalk (XT) is developed, in which the perturbation/loading effect that the generator circuit exerts on the passive part of the receptor circuit is elucidated. Practical conditions (i.e., weak coupling and matching/mismatching of the generator circuit) under which this effect can be neglected are then discussed and exploited to develop an alternative radiated susceptibility (RS) test procedure, which resorts to crosstalk to induce at the terminations of a cable harness the same disturbance that would be induced by an external uniform plane-wave field. The proposed procedure, here developed with reference to typical RS setups foreseen by Standards of the aerospace sector, assures equivalence with field coupling without a priori knowledge and/or specific assumptions on the units connected to the terminations of the cable harness. Accuracy of the proposed scheme of equivalence is assessed by virtual experiments carried out in a full-wave simulation environment.
Masahiko JINNO Takuya NAKAGAWA Yutaka MORI Koichi MARU Haruna MATSUSHITA
We investigate through simulation simultaneous linear and nonlinear impairments using a realistic reconfigurable optical add drop multiplexer (ROADM) model while considering optical filtering and in-band coherent crosstalk at each ROADM and the nonlinear interfering effects from neighbor superchannels with the QPSK or 16QAM modulation format.
We have proposed and demonstrated the principle of optical mode switch. However, the crosstalk between modes has not yet reported due to the difficulty of mode recognition and distinction. To accomplish this mode crosstalk evaluation, we integrated multimode interference (MMI) mode filter with the optical mode switch in this work. As a result, for the both TE and TM modes, the crosstalk of approximately -10 dB has been evaluated experimentally.
Phuc V. TRINH Ngoc T. DANG Truong C. THANG Anh T. PHAM
This paper newly proposes and theoretically analyzes the performance of multi-hop free-space optical (FSO) systems employing optical amplify-and-forward (OAF) relaying technique and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The proposed system can provide a low cost, low latency, high flexibility, and large bandwidth access network for multiple users in areas where installation of optical fiber is unfavorable. In WDM/FSO systems, WDM channels suffer from the interchannel crosstalk while FSO channels can be severely affected by the atmospheric turbulence. These impairments together with the accumulation of background and amplifying noises over multiple relays significantly degrade the overall system performance. To deal with this problem, the use of the M-ary pulse position modulation (M-PPM) together with the OAF relaying technique is advocated as a powerful remedy to mitigate the effects of atmospheric turbulence. For the performance analysis, we use a realistic model of Gaussian pulse propagation to investigate major atmospheric effects, including signal turbulence and pulse broadening. We qualitatively discuss the impact of various system parameters, including the required average transmitted powers per information bit corresponding to specific values of bit error rate (BER), transmission distance, number of relays, and turbulence strength. Our numerical results are also thoroughly validated by Monte-Carlo (M-C) simulations.
We propose a practical method that acquires dense light transports from unknown 3D objects by employing orthogonal illumination based on a Walsh-Hadamard matrix for relighting computation. We assume the presence of color crosstalk, which represents color mixing between projector pixels and camera pixels, and then describe the light transport matrix by using sets of the orthogonal illumination and the corresponding camera response. Our method handles not only direct reflection light but also global light radiated from the entire environment. Tests of the proposed method using real images show that orthogonal illumination is an effective way of acquiring accurate light transports from various 3D objects. We demonstrate a relighting test based on acquired light transports and confirm that our method outputs excellent relighting images that compare favorably with the actual images observed by the system.
Masatoshi TANAKA Masayoshi HACHIWAKA Hirokazu TANIGUCHI
Fan-in/fan-out devices are necessary for the construction of multi-core fiber communication systems. A fan-out device using a capillary is proposed and made by connecting a tapered fiber bundle and a multi-core fiber. The tapered fiber bundle is elongated so that the core arrangement and the mode field diameter (MFD) of single-core fibers agree with those of the multi-core fiber. Suppressing the MFD change is necessary to reduce the coupling loss of the fan-out device. While elongating the fiber bundle, the MFD decreases at the beginning until the core reaches a certain core diameter, and then it begins to increase. We suppress the MFD change of the fan-out device by using this phenomenon. The average insertion loss at both ends of a multi-core fiber was approximately 1.6dB when the fabricated fan-in/fan-out devices were connected to the multi-core fiber.
Binaural reproduction is one of the promising approaches to present a highly realistic virtual auditory space to a listener. Generally, binaural signals are reproduced using a set of headphones that leads to a simple implementation of such a system. In contrast, binaural signals can be presented to a listener using a technique called “transaural reproduction” which employs a few loudspeakers with crosstalk cancellation for compensating acoustic transmissions from the loudspeakers to both ears of the listener. The major advantage of transaural reproduction is that a listener is able to experience binaural reproduction without wearing any device. This leads to a more natural listening environment. However, in transaural reproduction, the listener is required to be still within a very narrow sweet spot because the crosstalk canceller is very sensitive to the listener's head position and orientation. To solve this problem, dynamic transaural systems have been developed by utilizing contact type head tracking. This paper introduces the development of a dynamic transaural system with non-contact head tracking which releases the listener from any attachment, thereby preserving the advantage of transaural reproduction. Experimental results revealed that sound images presented in the horizontal and median planes were localized more accurately when the system tracked the listener's head rotation than when the listeners did not rotate their heads or when the system did not track the listener's head rotation. These results demonstrate that the system works effectively and correctly with the listener's head rotation.
The stochastic behavior of inter-core crosstalk in multi-core fiber is discussed based on a theoretical model validated by measurements, and the effect of the crosstalk on the Q-factor in transmission systems, using multi-core fiber is investigated theoretically. The measurements show that the crosstalk rapidly changes with wavelength, and gradually changes with time, in obedience to the Gaussian distribution in I-Q planes. Therefore, the behavior of the crosstalk as a noise may depend on the bandwidth of the signal light. If the bandwidth is adequately broad, the crosstalk may behave as a virtual additive white Gaussian noise on I-Q planes, and the Q-penalty at the Q-factor of 9.8dB is less than 1dB when the statistical mean of the crosstalk from other cores is less than -16.7dB for PDM-QPSK, -23.7dB for PDM-16QAM, and -29.9dB for PDM-64QAM. If the bandwidth is adequately narrow, the crosstalk may behave as virtually static coupling that changes very gradually with time and heavily depends on the wavelength. To cope with a static crosstalk much higher than its statistical mean, a margin of several decibels from the mean crosstalk may be necessary for suppressing Q-penalty in the case of adequately narrow bandwidth.