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[Keyword] diffraction(105hit)


  • Feasibility Study on Theoretical Prediction of Mean Field Strength in Small-Cell Mobile Radio Communications

    Trisila Heru LAKSONO  Fumio IKEGAMI  Yasushi KITANO  


    E76-B No:2

    A theoretical method is required for prediction of mean field strength in land mobile radio systems, instead of the conventional empirical methods. Feasibility study of theoretical prediction using the ray-tracing method, was made in a 1.2GHz band for a model of a small-cell system. Theoretical values showed better agreement with the measured, when diffraction around the side edges of a building is taken into account. Comparison between mean field strengths in summer and winter suggested the seasonal variations in attenuation due to trees.

  • Diffraction by a Parallel-Plate Waveguide Cavity with a Thick Planar Termination

    Shoichi KOSHIKAWA  Kazuya KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E76-C No:1

    The diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a parallel-plate waveguide cavity with a thick planar termination is rigorously analyzed for both the E and the H polarization using the Wiener-Hopf technique. Introducing the Fourier transform for the unknown scattered field and applying boundary conditions in the transform domain, the problem is formulated in terms of the simultaneous Wiener-Hopf equations, which are solved exactly in a formal sense via the factorization and decomposition procedure. Since the formal solution involves an infinite number of unknowns and branch-cut integrals with unknown integrands, approximation procedures based on rigorous asymptotics are further presented to yield the approximate solution convenient for numerical computations. The scattered field inside and outside the cavity is evaluated by taking the inverse Fourier transform and applying the saddle point method. Representative numerical examples of the monostatic and bistatic radar cross sections are presented for various physical parameters, and the scattering characteristics of the cavity are discussed in detail.

  • An Efficient Reconstruction Algorithm for Diffraction Tomography

    Haruyuki HARADA  Takashi TAKENAKA  Mitsuru TANAKA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:11

    An efficient reconstruction algorithm for diffraction tomography based on the modified Newton-Kantorovich method is presented and numerically studies. With the Fréchet derivative obtained for the Helmholtz equation, one can derive an iterative formula for getting an object function, which is a function of refractive index of a scatterer. Setting an initial guess of the object function to zero, the pth estimate of the function is obtained by performing the inverse Fourier transform of its spectrum. Since the spectrum is bandlimited within a low-frequency band, the algorithm does not require usual regularization techniques to circumvent ill-posedness of the problem. For numerical calculation of the direct scattering problem, the moment method and the FFT-CG method are utilized. Computer simulations are made for lossless and homogeneous dielectric circular cylinders of various radii and refractive indices. In the iteration process of image reconstruction, the imaginary part of the object function is set to zero with a priori knowledge of the lossless scatterer. Then the convergence behavior of the algorithm remarkably gets improved. From the simulated results, it is seen that the algorithm provides high-quality reconstructed images even for cases where the first-order Born approximation breaks down. Furthermore, the results demonstrate fast convergence properties of the iterative procedure. In particular, we can successfully reconstruct the cylinder of radius 1 wavelength and refractive index that differs by 10% from the surrounding medium. The proposed algorithm is also effective for an object of larger radius.

  • Equivalent Edge Currents for Arbitrary Angle Wedges Using Paths of Most Rapid Phase Variation

    Keiichi NATSUHARA  Tsutomu MURASAKI  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:9

    Recently most of the singularities of the equivalent edge currents for flat plates were eliminated by the authors using the paths of most rapid phase variation. A unique direction on the plate was determined for given incidence and observer. This paper extends this method for arbitrary angle wedges and presents the new expressions of the equivalent edge currents. The resultant expressions are valid for any incidence and observation aspects and have no false singularities. Diffraction patterns and radar cross sections of 3-D objects composed of wedges are calculated by using these currents. They show good agreements with experimental data or the results by the other methods.

  • On Quality Improvement of Reconstructed Images in Diffraction Tomography

    Haruyuki HARADA  Mitsuru TANAKA  Takashi TAKENAKA  


    E75-A No:7

    This letter discusses the quality improvement of reconstructed images in diffraction tomography. An efficient iterative procedure based on the modified Newton-Kantorovich method and the Gerchberg-Papoulis algorithm is presented. The simulated results demonstrate the property of high-quality reconstruction even for cases where the first-order Born approximation fails.


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