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[Keyword] dynamic analysis(9hit)

  • Identifying Core Objects for Trace Summarization by Analyzing Reference Relations and Dynamic Properties

    Kunihiro NODA  Takashi KOBAYASHI  Noritoshi ATSUMI  


    E101-D No:7

    Behaviors of an object-oriented system can be visualized as reverse-engineered sequence diagrams from execution traces. This approach is a valuable tool for program comprehension tasks. However, owing to the massiveness of information contained in an execution trace, a reverse-engineered sequence diagram is often afflicted by a scalability issue. To address this issue, many trace summarization techniques have been proposed. Most of the previous techniques focused on reducing the vertical size of the diagram. To cope with the scalability issue, decreasing the horizontal size of the diagram is also very important. Nonetheless, few studies have addressed this point; thus, there is a lot of needs for further development of horizontal summarization techniques. We present in this paper a method for identifying core objects for trace summarization by analyzing reference relations and dynamic properties. Visualizing only interactions related to core objects, we can obtain a horizontally compactified reverse-engineered sequence diagram that contains system's key behaviors. To identify core objects, first, we detect and eliminate temporary objects that are trivial for a system by analyzing reference relations and lifetimes of objects. Then, estimating the importance of each non-trivial object based on their dynamic properties, we identify highly important ones (i.e., core objects). We implemented our technique in our tool and evaluated it by using traces from various open-source software systems. The results showed that our technique was much more effective in terms of the horizontal reduction of a reverse-engineered sequence diagram, compared with the state-of-the-art trace summarization technique. The horizontal compression ratio of our technique was 134.6 on average, whereas that of the state-of-the-art technique was 11.5. The runtime overhead imposed by our technique was 167.6% on average. This overhead is relatively small compared with recent scalable dynamic analysis techniques, which shows the practicality of our technique. Overall, our technique can achieve a significant reduction of the horizontal size of a reverse-engineered sequence diagram with a small overhead and is expected to be a valuable tool for program comprehension.

  • Malware Function Estimation Using API in Initial Behavior

    Naoto KAWAGUCHI  Kazumasa OMOTE  


    E100-A No:1

    Malware proliferation has become a serious threat to the Internet in recent years. Most current malware are subspecies of existing malware that have been automatically generated by illegal tools. To conduct an efficient analysis of malware, estimating their functions in advance is effective when we give priority to analyze malware. However, estimating the malware functions has been difficult due to the increasing sophistication of malware. Actually, the previous researches do not estimate the functions of malware sufficiently. In this paper, we propose a new method which estimates the functions of unknown malware from APIs or categories observed by dynamic analysis on a host. We examine whether the proposed method can correctly estimate the malware functions by the supervised machine learning techniques. The results show that our new method can estimate the malware functions with the average accuracy of 83.4% using API information.

  • BotProfiler: Detecting Malware-Infected Hosts by Profiling Variability of Malicious Infrastructure Open Access

    Daiki CHIBA  Takeshi YAGI  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Kazufumi AOKI  Takeo HARIU  Shigeki GOTO  


    E99-B No:5

    Ever-evolving malware makes it difficult to prevent it from infecting hosts. Botnets in particular are one of the most serious threats to cyber security, since they consist of a lot of malware-infected hosts. Many countermeasures against malware infection, such as generating network-based signatures or templates, have been investigated. Such templates are designed to introduce regular expressions to detect polymorphic attacks conducted by attackers. A potential problem with such templates, however, is that they sometimes falsely regard benign communications as malicious, resulting in false positives, due to an inherent aspect of regular expressions. Since the cost of responding to malware infection is quite high, the number of false positives should be kept to a minimum. Therefore, we propose a system to generate templates that cause fewer false positives than a conventional system in order to achieve more accurate detection of malware-infected hosts. We focused on the key idea that malicious infrastructures, such as malware samples or command and control, tend to be reused instead of created from scratch. Our research verifies this idea and proposes here a new system to profile the variability of substrings in HTTP requests, which makes it possible to identify invariable keywords based on the same malicious infrastructures and to generate more accurate templates. The results of implementing our system and validating it using real traffic data indicate that it reduced false positives by up to two-thirds compared to the conventional system and even increased the detection rate of infected hosts.

  • Analysis of Dynamic and Transient Response of Frequency Modulated Class E Amplifier

    Tadashi SUETSUGU  Xiuqin WEI  Marian K. KAZIMIERCZUK  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E97-B No:8

    The dynamic characteristics of the class E power amplifier with frequency modulation are derived. Such an analysis is essential for designing amplitude and frequency modulated amplifier systems such as an EER scheme. Conventionally, an analytical expression for the frequency response of a frequency modulated class E amplifier has not been derived yet. This omission is rectified here by modeling the circuit with both a low-frequency model and a high-frequency model. Further, a time domain waveform is derived from the frequency domain transfer function for some typical time varying drive signals. The analytical results for the frequency response of a 1-MHz class E amplifier are shown to match PSpice simulations and measured values well.

  • Towards Logging Optimization for Dynamic Object Process Graph Construction

    Takashi ISHIO  Hiroki WAKISAKA  Yuki MANABE  Katsuro INOUE  

    LETTER-Software System

    E96-D No:11

    Logging the execution process of a program is a popular activity for practical program understanding. However, understanding the behavior of a program from a complete execution trace is difficult because a system may generate a substantial number of runtime events. To focus on a small subset of runtime events, a dynamic object process graph (DOPG) has been proposed. Although a DOPG can potentially facilitate program understanding, the logging process has not been adapted for DOPGs. If a developer is interested in the behavior of a particular object, only the runtime events related to the object are necessary to construct a DOPG. The vast majority of runtime events in a complete execution trace are irrelevant to the interesting object. This paper analyzes actual DOPGs and reports that a logging tool can be optimized to record only the runtime events related to a particular object specified by a developer.

  • Catching the Behavioral Differences between Multiple Executions for Malware Detection

    Takahiro KASAMA  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Daisuke INOUE  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-System Security

    E96-A No:1

    As the number of new malware has increased explosively, traditional malware detection approaches based on pattern matching have been less effective. Therefore, it is important to develop a detection method which relies on not signatures but characteristic behaviors of malware. Recently, malware authors have been embedding functions for countermeasure against malware analyses and detections into malware. Accordingly, modern malware often changes their runtime behaviors in each execution to tolerate against malware analyses and detections. For example, when malware copies itself on a file system, it can randomly determine its file name for avoiding the detections. Another example is that when malware tries to connect its command and control server, it randomly chooses a domain name from a hard-coded domain name list to avoid being blocked by a static blacklist of malicious domain names. We assume that such evasive behaviors are unnecessary for benign software. Therefore the behaviors can be the clues to distinguish malware from benign software. In this paper, we propose a novel behavior-based malware detection method which focuses attention on such characteristics. Our proposed method conducts dynamic analysis on an executable file multiple times in same sandbox environment so as to obtain plural lists of API call sequences and plural traffic logs, and then compares the lists and the logs to find the difference between the multiple executions. In the experiments with 5,697 malware samples and 819 benign software samples, we can detect about 70% malware samples and the false positive rate is about 1%. In addition, we can detect about 50% malware samples which were not detected by each Anti-Virus Software engine. Therefore we confirm the possibility the proposed method may be able to improve the accuracy of malware detection utilizing in combination with other existing methods.

  • Automated Malware Analysis System and Its Sandbox for Revealing Malware's Internal and External Activities

    Daisuke INOUE  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Masashi ETO  Yuji HOSHIZAWA  Koji NAKAO  

    PAPER-Malware Detection

    E92-D No:5

    Malware has been recognized as one of the major security threats in the Internet . Previous researches have mainly focused on malware's internal activity in a system. However, it is crucial that the malware analysis extracts a malware's external activity toward the network to correlate with a security incident. We propose a novel way to analyze malware: focus closely on the malware's external (i.e., network) activity. A malware sample is executed on a sandbox that consists of a real machine as victim and a virtual Internet environment. Since this sandbox environment is totally isolated from the real Internet, the execution of the sample causes no further unwanted propagation. The sandbox is configurable so as to extract specific activity of malware, such as scan behaviors. We implement a fully automated malware analysis system with the sandbox, which enables us to carry out the large-scale malware analysis. We present concrete analysis results that are gained by using the proposed system.

  • Design Pattern Detection by Using Meta Patterns

    Shinpei HAYASHI  Junya KATADA  Ryota SAKAMOTO  Takashi KOBAYASHI  Motoshi SAEKI  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E91-D No:4

    One of the approaches to improve program understanding is to extract what kinds of design pattern are used in existing object-oriented software. This paper proposes a technique for efficiently and accurately detecting occurrences of design patterns included in source codes. We use both static and dynamic analyses to achieve the detection with high accuracy. Moreover, to reduce computation and maintenance costs, detection conditions are hierarchically specified based on Pree's meta patterns as common structures of design patterns. The usage of Prolog to represent the detection conditions enables us to easily add and modify them. Finally, we have implemented an automated tool as an Eclipse plug-in and conducted experiments with Java programs. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach.

  • On the Feasibility of High Data Rate Services in Wireless System Using Code Division Multiple Access

    Jie ZHOU  Ushio YAMAMOTO  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  


    E83-A No:7

    In this paper, using a standard propagation model, the performance evaluation of a code-division-multiple-access (CDMA) cellular system with high data rate services for the reverse and forward links is investigated. In the approach, we propose "Equivalent Load" to estimate two cases of the system termed as the static analysis and the dynamic analysis. Performance measures of the static analysis obtained include the system capacity plane, outage probability and throughput. Performance measures of the dynamic analysis obtained include the allowed maximum data rate and the constraint set between the load situation and the data rate. We also estimate the effects of the power control on the system.

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