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[Keyword] dynamic time warping(7hit)

  • Online Signature Verification Using Single-Template Matching Through Locally and Globally Weighted Dynamic Time Warping

    Manabu OKAWA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E103-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose a novel single-template strategy based on a mean template set and locally/globally weighted dynamic time warping (LG-DTW) to improve the performance of online signature verification. Specifically, in the enrollment phase, we implement a time series averaging method, Euclidean barycenter-based DTW barycenter averaging, to obtain a mean template set considering intra-user variability among reference samples. Then, we acquire a local weighting estimate considering a local stability sequence that is obtained analyzing multiple matching points of an optimal match between the mean template and reference sets. Thereafter, we derive a global weighting estimate based on the variable importance estimated by gradient boosting. Finally, in the verification phase, we apply both local and global weighting methods to acquire a discriminative LG-DTW distance between the mean template set and a query sample. Experimental results obtained on the public SVC2004 Task2 and MCYT-100 signature datasets confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method for online signature verification.

  • Data Augmented Dynamic Time Warping for Skeletal Action Classification

    Ju Yong CHANG  Yong Seok HEO  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E101-D No:6

    We present a new action classification method for skeletal sequence data. The proposed method is based on simple nonparametric feature matching without a learning process. We first augment the training dataset to implicitly construct an exponentially increasing number of training sequences, which can be used to improve the generalization power of the proposed action classifier. These augmented training sequences are matched to the test sequence with the relaxed dynamic time warping (DTW) technique. Our relaxed formulation allows the proposed method to work faster and with higher efficiency than the conventional DTW-based method using a non-augmented dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed approach produces effective action classification results for various scales of real datasets.

  • Scalable and Parameterized Architecture for Efficient Stream Mining

    Li ZHANG  Dawei LI  Xuecheng ZOU  Yu HU  Xiaowei XU  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E101-A No:1

    With an annual growth of billions of sensor-based devices, it is an urgent need to do stream mining for the massive data streams produced by these devices. Cloud computing is a competitive choice for this, with powerful computational capabilities. However, it sacrifices real-time feature and energy efficiency. Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is with high performance and efficiency, which is not cost-effective for diverse applications. The general-purpose microcontroller is of low performance. Therefore, it is a challenge to do stream mining on these low-cost devices with scalability and efficiency. In this paper, we introduce an FPGA-based scalable and parameterized architecture for stream mining.Particularly, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) based k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) is adopted in the architecture. Two processing element (PE) rings for DTW and kNN are designed to achieve parameterization and scalability with high performance. We implement the proposed architecture on an FPGA and perform a comprehensive performance evaluation. The experimental results indicate thatcompared to the multi-core CPU-based implementation, our approach demonstrates over one order of magnitude on speedup and three orders of magnitude on energy-efficiency.

  • Flexible and Fast Similarity Search for Enriched Trajectories

    Hideaki OHASHI  Toshiyuki SHIMIZU  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E100-D No:9

    In this study, we focus on a method to search for similar trajectories. In the majority of previous works on searching for similar trajectories, only raw trajectory data were used. However, to obtain deeper insights, additional time-dependent trajectory features should be utilized depending on the search intent. For instance, to identify similar combination plays in soccer games, such additional features include the movements of the team players. In this paper, we develop a framework to flexibly search for similar trajectories associated with time-dependent features, which we call enriched trajectories. In this framework, weights, which represent the relative importance of each feature, can be flexibly given by users. Moreover, to facilitate fast searching, we first propose a lower bounding measure of the DTW distance between enriched trajectories, and then we propose algorithms based on this lower bounding measure. We evaluate the effectiveness of the lower bounding measure and compare the performances of the algorithms under various conditions using soccer data and synthetic data. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed lower bounding measure is superior to the existing measure, and one of the proposed algorithms, which is based on the threshold algorithm, is suitable for practical use.

  • Parallelization of Dynamic Time Warping on a Heterogeneous Platform

    Yao ZHENG  Limin XIAO  Wenqi TANG  Lihong SHANG  Guangchao YAO  Li RUAN  

    LETTER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E97-A No:11

    The dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm is widely used to determine time series similarity search. As DTW has quadratic time complexity, the time taken for similarity search is the bottleneck for virtually all time series data mining algorithms. In this paper, we present a parallel approach for DTW on a heterogeneous platform with a graphics processing unit (GPU). In order to exploit fine-grained data-level parallelism, we propose a specific parallel decomposition in DTW. Furthermore, we introduce an optimization technique called diamond tiling to improve the utilization of threads. Results show that our approach substantially reduces computational time.

  • Out-of-Sequence Traffic Classification Based on Improved Dynamic Time Warping

    Jinghua YAN  Xiaochun YUN  Hao LUO  Zhigang WU  Shuzhuang ZHANG  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E96-D No:11

    Traffic classification has recently gained much attention in both academic and industrial research communities. Many machine learning methods have been proposed to tackle this problem and have shown good results. However, when applied to traffic with out-of-sequence packets, the accuracy of existing machine learning approaches decreases dramatically. We observe the main reason is that the out-of-sequence packets change the spatial representation of feature vectors, which means the property of linear mapping relation among features used in machine learning approaches cannot hold any more. To address this problem, this paper proposes an Improved Dynamic Time Warping (IDTW) method, which can align two feature vectors using non-linear alignment. Experimental results on two real traces show that IDTW achieves better classification accuracy in out-of-sequence traffic classification, in comparison to existing machine learning approaches.

  • Content-Based Retrieval of Motion Capture Data Using Short-Term Feature Extraction

    Jianfeng XU  Haruhisa KATO  Akio YONEYAMA  

    PAPER-Contents Technology and Web Information Systems

    E92-D No:9

    This paper presents a content-based retrieval algorithm for motion capture data, which is required to re-use a large-scale database that has many variations in the same category of motions. The most challenging problem is that logically similar motions may not be numerically similar due to the motion variations in a category. Our algorithm can effectively retrieve logically similar motions to a query, where a distance metric between our novel short-term features is defined properly as a fundamental component in our system. We extract the features based on short-term analysis of joint velocities after dividing an entire motion capture sequence into many small overlapped clips. In each clip, we select not only the magnitude but also the dynamic pattern of the joint velocities as our features, which can discard the motion variations while keeping the significant motion information in a category. Simultaneously, the amount of data is reduced, alleviating the computational cost. Using the extracted features, we define a novel distance metric between two motion clips. By dynamic time warping, a motion dissimilarity measure is calculated between two motion capture sequences. Then, given a query, we rank all the motions in our dataset according to their motion dissimilarity measures. Our experiments, which are performed on a test dataset consisting of more than 190 motions, demonstrate that our algorithm greatly improves the performance compared to two conventional methods according to a popular evaluation measure P(NR).

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