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A formal necessary and sufficient condition on the general Petri net reachability problem is presented by eliminating all spurious solutions among known nonnegative integer solutions of state equation and unifying all the causes of those spurious solutions into a maximal-strongly-connected and siphon-and-trap subnet Nw. This result is based on the decomposition of a given net (N, Mo) with Md and the concepts of "no immature siphon at the reduced initial marking Mwo" and "no immature trap at the reduced end marking Mwd" on Nw which are both extended from "no token-free siphon at the initial marking Mo" and "no token-free trap at the end marking Md" on N, respectively, which have been both effectively, explicitly or implicitly, used in the well-known fundamental and simple subclasses.
Petri nets are one of useful models for discrete event systems in which liveness problem as well as reachability problem is one of big issues. But, it has not been completely solved from the point of view of useful initial-marking-based liveness conditions in general Petri nets. In this paper, to guarantee local liveness (i. e. , liveness underMoD) for each minimal deadlock (MSDL),ND=(SD,TD,FD,MoD), with real deadlock-trap structure, it is shown that the minimum number of required live minimal structural traps (MSTRs),NT=(ST,TT,FT,MoT) s. t. SD ST, is conditionally (which means that the conditions of Lemma 4-9 are fulfilled for a bounded MSDL ND containing at least one MSTR NT s. t. SD ST and see also Remarks 4-2 (3) in Sect. 4. 3) "one. " Note that this local liveness for ND s. t. SD ST is one of useful necessary conditions for liveness condition of general Petri nets N=(S,T,F,Mo) s. t. S SD. However, because this has not been discussed in literature and is not trivial, some new concepts such as T-cornucopias and return paths are introduced into the real deadlock-trap structure s. t. SD ST in N and this is proven by dividing it into two cases: ND s. t. SD ST is live and unbounded under MoD and ND s. t. SD ST is live and bounded under MoD. Usefulness for the results obtained is also discussed.
A siphon (or alternatively a structutal deadlock) of a Petri net is defined as a set S of places such that existence of any edge from a transition t to a place of S implies that there is an edge from some place of S to t. A minimal siphon is a siphon such that any proper subset is not a siphon. The results of the paper are as follows. (1) The problem of deciding whether or not a given Petri net has a minimum siphon (i.e., a minimum-cardinality minimal siphon) is NP-complete. (2) A polynomial-time algorithm to find, if any, a minimal siphon or even a maximal calss of mutually disjoint minimal siphons of a general Petri net is proposed.
A minimal siphon (or alternatively a structural deadlock) of a Petri net is defined as a minimal set S of places such that existence of any edge from a transition t to a place of S implies that there is an edge from some place of S to t. The subject of the paper is to find a minimal siphon containing a given set of specified places of a general Petri net.
Up to now, the only useful and well-known structural or initial-marking-based necessary and sufficient liveness conditions of Petri nets have only been those of an extended free-choice (EFC) net and its subclasses such as a free-choice (FC) net, a forward conflict free (FCF) net, a marked graph (MG), and a state machine (SM). All the above subclasses are activated only by deadlock-trap properties (i.e., real d-t properties in this paper), which mean that every minimal structural deadlock (MSDL ND=(SD, TD, FD, MoD)) in a net contains at least one live minimal structural trap (MSTR NT=(ST, TT, FT, MoT)) which is initially marked. However, the necessary and sufficient liveness conditions for EFCF, EBCF, EMGEFCFEBCF, AC (EFCFC), and the net with kindling traps NKT have recently been determined, in which each MSDL without real d-t properties was also activated by a new type of trap of trap, i.e., behavioral traps (BTRs), which are defined by introducing a virtual MSTR, a virtual maximal structural trap (virtual STR), a virtual MSDL, and a virtual maximal structural deadlock (virtual SDL) into a target MSDL. In this paper, a structural or initial-marking-based necessary and sufficient condition for local liveness (i.e., virtual deadlock-trap properties) of each MSDL ND s.t. SDST, SD
If a general Petri net N = (S, T, F, Mo) is transition-live under Mo, it is evident that each maximal structural deadlock SDL(
Petri nets are useful in modeling and analyzing various types of discrete-event systems such as parallel processing systems, distributed systems, and sequential control systems, because Petri nets can easily be used to represent such properties of these systems as concurrency, nondecidability, and causality. Various behavioral analytic problems on Petri nets are reduced to reachability and liveness on them. It is also known that the decidability of liveness is equivalent to that of reachability which is solvable. However, useful necessary and sufficient structural liveness conditions have been given only for extended free-choice (EFC) nets and their subclasses. Moreover recently, a necessary and sufficient structural liveness condition for a useful subclass NKT=(SKT, TKT, FKT, MoKT) (i.e., a Petri net in which each minimal structural deadlock (MSDL) contains at least one real or virtual kindling trap, each locally structural-live MSDL ND=(SD, TD, FD, MoD) is never globally dead even if all key transitions for local liveness of each MSDL are controlled by the net of SKT