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Liu ZHANG Zilong WANG Jinyu LU
Based on the framework of a multi-stage key recovery attack for a large block cipher, 2 and 3-round differential-neural distinguishers were trained for AES using partial ciphertext bits. The study introduces the differential characteristics employed for the 2-round ciphertext pairs and explores the reasons behind the near 100% accuracy of the 2-round differential neural distinguisher. Utilizing the trained 2-round distinguisher, the 3-round subkey of AES is successfully recovered through a multi-stage key guessing. Additionally, a complexity analysis of the attack is provided, validating the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Hashcash, which is a Proof of Work (PoW) of bitcoin, is based on a preimage problem of hash functions of SHA-2 and RIPEMD. As these hash functions employ the Merkle-Damgard (MD) construction, a preimage can be found with negligible memory. Since such calculations can be accelerated by dedicated ASICs, it has a potential risk of a so-called 51% attack. To address this issue, we propose a new PoW scheme based on the key recovery problem of cascade block ciphers. By choosing the appropriate parameters, e.g., block sizes and key sizes of underlying block ciphers, we can make this problem a memory-hard problem such that it requires a lot of memory to efficiently solve it. Besides, we can independently adjust the required time complexity and memory complexity, according to requirements by target applications and progress of computational power.
In this short note, we formally show that Keyed-Homomorphic Public Key Encryption (KH-PKE) is secure against key recovery attacks and ciphertext validity attacks that have been introduced as chosen-ciphertext attacks for homomorphic encryption.
In this paper, we explore the security of single-key Even-Mansour ciphers against key-recovery attacks. First, we introduce a simple key-recovery attack using key relations on an n-bit r-round single-key Even-Mansour cipher (r-SEM). This attack is feasible with queries of DTr=O(2rn) and $2^{rac{2r}{r + 1}n}$ memory accesses, which is $2^{rac{1}{r + 1}n}$ times smaller than the previous generic attacks on r-SEM, where D and T are the number of queries to the encryption function EK and the internal permutation P, respectively. Next, we further reduce the time complexity of the key recovery attack on 2-SEM by a start-in-the-middle approach. This is the first attack that is more efficient than an exhaustive key search while keeping the query bound of DT2=O(22n). Finally, we leverage the start-in-the-middle approach to directly improve the previous attacks on 2-SEM by Dinur et al., which exploit t-way collisions of the underlying function. Our improved attacks do not keep the bound of DT2=O(22n), but are the most time-efficient attacks among the existing ones. For n=64, 128 and 256, our attack is feasible with the time complexity of about $2^{n} cdot rac{1}{2 n}$ in the chosen-plaintext model, while Dinur et al.'s attack requires $2^{n} cdot rac{{ m log}(n)}{ n} $ in the known-plaintext model.
We propose new key recovery attacks on the two-round single-key n-bit Even-Mansour ciphers (2SEM) that are secure up to 22n/3 queries against distinguishing attacks proved by Chen et al. Our attacks are based on the meet-in-the-middle technique which can significantly reduce the data complexity. In particular, we introduce novel matching techniques which enable us to compute one of the two permutations without knowing a part of the key information. Moreover, we present two improvements of the proposed attack: one significantly reduces the data complexity and the other reduces the time complexity. Compared with the previously known attacks, our attack first breaks the birthday barrier on the data complexity although it requires chosen plaintexts. When the block size is 64 bits, our attack reduces the required data from 245 known plaintexts to 226 chosen plaintexts with keeping the time complexity required by the previous attacks. Furthermore, by increasing the time complexity up to 262, the required data is further reduced to 28, and DT=270, where DT is the product of data and time complexities. We show that our data-optimized attack requires DT=2n+6 in general cases. Since the proved lower bound on DT for the single-key one-round n-bit Even-Mansour ciphers is 2n, our results imply that adding one round to one-round constructions does not sufficiently improve the security against key recovery attacks. Finally, we propose a time-optimized attacks on 2SEM in which, we aim to minimize the number of the invocations of internal permutations.
Yuhei WATANABE Takanori ISOBE Masakatu MORII
Kreyvium is a NLFSR-based stream cipher which is oriented to homomorphic-ciphertext compression. This is a variant of Trivium with 128-bit security. Designers have evaluated the security of Kreyvium and concluded that the resistance of Kreyvium to the conditional differential cryptanalysis is at least the resistance of Trivium, and even better. However, we consider that this attack is effective for reduced Kreyvium due to the structure of it. This paper shows the conditional differential cryptanalysis for Kreyvium, and we propose distinguishing and key recovery attacks. We show how to arrange differences and conditions to obtain good higher-order conditional differential characteristics. We use two types of higher-order conditional differential characteristics to find a distinguisher, e.g. the bias of higher-order conditional differential characteristics of a keystream and the probabilistic bias of them. In the first one, we obtain the distinguisher on Kreyvium with 730 rounds from 20-th order characteristics. In the second one, we obtain the distinguisher on Kreyvium with 899 rounds from 25-th order conditional differential characteristics. Moreover, we show the key recovery attack on Kreyvium with 736 rounds from 20-th order characteristics. We experimentally confirm all our attacks. The second distinguisher shows that we can obtain the distinguisher on Kreyvium with more rounds than the distinguisher on Trivium. Therefore, Kreyvium has a smaller security margin than Trivium for the conditional differential cryptanalysis.
Cold boot attack is a side channel attack that recovers data from memory, which persists for a short period after power is lost. In the course of this attack, the memory gradually degrades over time and only a corrupted version of the data may be available to the attacker. Recently, great efforts have been made to reconstruct the original data from a corrupted version of AES key schedules, based on the assumption that all bits in the charged states tend to decay to the ground states while no bit in the ground state ever inverts. However, in practice, there is a small number of bits flipping in the opposite direction, called reverse flipping errors. In this paper, motivated by the latest work that formulates the relations of AES key bits as a Boolean Satisfiability problem, we move one step further by taking the reverse flipping errors into consideration and employing off-the-shelf SAT and MaxSAT solvers to accomplish the recovery of AES-128 key schedules from decayed memory images. Experimental results show that, in the presence of reverse flipping errors, the MaxSAT approach enables reliable recovery of key schedules with significantly less time, compared with the SAT approach that relies on brute force search to find out the target errors. Moreover, in order to further enhance the efficiency of key recovery, we simplify the original problem by removing variables and formulas that have relatively weak relations to the whole key schedule. Experimental results demonstrate that the improved MaxSAT approach reduces the scale of the problem and recover AES key schedules more efficiently when the decay factor is relatively large.
This paper presents key recovery attacks on Sandwich-MAC instantiating MD5, where Sandwich-MAC is an improved variant of HMAC and achieves the same provable security level and better performance especially for short messages. The increased interest in lightweight cryptography motivates us to analyze such a MAC scheme. Our attacks are based on a distinguishing-H attack on HMAC-MD5 proposed by Wang et al. We first improve its complexity from 297 to 289.04. With this improvement, we then propose key recovery attacks on Sandwich-MAC-MD5 by combining various techniques such as distinguishing-H for HMAC-MD5, IV Bridge for APOP, dBB-near-collisions for related-key NMAC-MD5, meet-in-the-middle attack etc. In particular, we generalize a previous key-recovery technique as a new tool exploiting a conditional key-dependent distribution. Surprisingly, a key which is even longer than the tag size can be recovered without the knowledge of the key size. Finally, our attack also improves the previous partial-key (K1) recovery on MD5-MAC, and extends it to recover both of K1 and K2.
In this paper, we deal with upper bounds for the security of some Feistel networks. Such a topic has been discussed since the introduction of Luby-Rackoff construction. The Luby-Rackoff construction is unrealistic because its round functions must be chosen at random from the set of all functions. Knudsen dealt with a more practical construction whose round functions are chosen at random from a family of 2k randomly chosen functions, and showed an upper bound for the security by demonstrating generic key recovery attacks. However it is still difficult for designers to choose functions randomly. Then, this paper considers the security of some Feistel networks which have more efficient and practical round functions, and such Feistel networks are indeed used by some Feistel ciphers in practice. We show new properties using the relationship between plaintexts and ciphertexts. We propose new generic key recovery attacks by using our properties, and confirm the feasibility by implementing the attack on Feistel ciphers with small block sizes. As a result, we conclude that efficient and practical 6-round Feistel networks are not secure.
Takanori ISOBE Toshihiro OHIGASHI Yuhei WATANABE Masakatu MORII
After the disclosure of the RC4 algorithm in 1994, a number of keystream biases of RC4 were reported, e.g., Mantin and Shamir showed that the second byte of the keystream is biased to 0, Sepehrdad et al. found that the l-th byte of the keystream is biased to -l, and Maitra et al. showed that 3rd to 255th bytes of the keystream are also biased to 0, where l is the keylength in byte. However, it is unknown that which bias is strongest in each byte of initial bytes. This paper comprehensively analyzes initial keystream biases of RC4. In particular, we introduce several new biases in the initial (1st to 257th) bytes of the RC4 keystream, which are substantially stronger than known biases. Combining the new biases with the known ones, a complete list of strongest single-byte biases in the first 257bytes of the RC4 keystream is constructed for the first time. Then, we show that our set of these biases are applicable to plaintext recovery attacks, key recovery attacks and distinguishing attacks.
BEAN is a newly proposed lightweight stream cipher adopting Fibonacci FCSRs. It is designed for very constrained environments and aims at providing a balance between security, efficiency and cost. A weakness in BEAN was first found by Å gren and Hell in 2011, resulting in a key recovery attack slightly better than brute force. In this paper, we present new correlations between state and keystream with large statistical advantage, leading to a much more efficient key recovery attack. The time and data complexities of this attack are 257.53 and 259.94, respectively. Moreover, two new output functions are provided as alternatives, which are more efficent than the function used in BEAN and are immune to all attacks proposed on the cipher. Also, suggestions for improving the FCSRs are given.
In key-recovery methods using smart cards, a user can recover the disk encryption key in cooperation with the system administrator, even if the user has lost the smart card including the disk encryption key. However, the disk encryption key is known to the system administrator in advance in most key-recovery methods. Hence user's disk data may be read by the system administrator. Furthermore, if the disk encryption key is not known to the system administrator in advance, it is difficult to achieve a key authentication. In this paper, we propose a scheme which enables to recover the disk encryption key when the user's smart card is lost. In our scheme, the disk encryption key is not preserved anywhere and then the system administrator cannot know the key before key-recovery phase. Only someone who has a user's smart card and knows the user's password can decrypt that user's disk data. Furthermore, we measured the processing time required for user authentication in an experimental environment using a virtual machine monitor. As a result, we found that this processing time is short enough to be practical.
Takanori ISOBE Toshihiro OHIGASHI Hidenori KUWAKADO Masakatu MORII
In this paper, we propose an effective key recovery attack on stream ciphers Py and Pypy with chosen IVs. Our method uses an internal-state correlation based on the vulnerability that the randomization of the internal state in the KSA is inadequate, and it improves two previous attacks proposed by Wu and Preneel (a WP-1 attack and a WP-2 attack). For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the WP-1 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 272. First, we improve the WP-1 attack by using the internal-state correlation (called a P-1 attack). For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the P-1 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 248, which is 1/224 of that of the WP-1 attack. The WP-2 attack is another improvement on the WP-1 attack, and it has been known as the best previous attack against Py and Pypy. For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the WP-2 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 224. Second, we improve the WP-2 attack by using the internal-state correlation as well as the P-1 attack (called a P-2 attack). For a 128-bit key and a 128-bit IV, the P-2 attack can recover a key with 223 chosen IVs and time complexity 224, which is the same capability as that of the WP-2 attack. However, when the IV size is from 64 bits to 120 bits, the P-2 attack is more effective than the WP-2 attack. Thus, the P-2 attack is the known best attack against Py and Pypy.
Although threshold key-recovery systems for the discrete log based cryptosystems such as the ElGamal scheme have been proposed by Feldman and Pedersen , no (practical) threshold key-recovery system for the factoring based cryptosystems such as the RSA scheme has been proposed. This paper proposes the first (practical) threshold key-recovery systems for the factoring based cryptosystems including the RSA and Rabin schemes. Almost all of the proposed systems are unconditionally secure, since the systems utilize unconditionally secure bit-commitment protocols and unconditionally secure VSS.