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He TIAN Kaihong GUO Xueting GUAN Zheng WU
In order to improve the anomaly detection efficiency of network traffic, firstly, the model is established for network flows based on complex networks. Aiming at the uncertainty and fuzziness between network traffic characteristics and network states, the deviation extent is measured from the normal network state using deviation interval uniformly, and the intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) are established for the various characteristics on the network model that the membership degree, non-membership degree and hesitation margin of the IFSs are used to quantify the ownership of values to be tested and the corresponding network state. Then, the knowledge measure (KM) is introduced into the intuitionistic fuzzy weighted geometry (IFWGω) to weight the results of IFSs corresponding to the same network state with different characteristics together to detect network anomaly comprehensively. Finally, experiments are carried out on different network traffic datasets to analyze the evaluation indicators of network characteristics by our method, and compare with other existing anomaly detection methods. The experimental results demonstrate that the changes of various network characteristics are inconsistent under abnormal attack, and the accuracy of anomaly detection results obtained by our method is higher, verifying our method has a better detection performance.
The relationships between producers and consumers have changed radically by the recent growth of sharing economy. Promoting resource sharing can contribute to finding a solution to environmental issues (e.g. reducing food waste, consuming surplus electricity, and so on). Although prosumers have both roles as consumers and suppliers, matching between suppliers and consumers should be determined when the prosumers share resources. Especially, it is important to achieve envy-freeness that is a metric indicating how the number of prosumers feeling unfairness is kept small since the capacity of prosumers to supply resources is limited. Changing resource capacity and demand will make the situation more complex. This paper proposes a resource sharing model based on a temporal network and flows to realize envy-free resource sharing among prosumers. Experimental results demonstrate the deviation of envy among prosumers can be reduced by setting appropriate weights in a flow network.
Bei YU Sheqin DONG Song CHEN Satoshi GOTO
Low Power Design has become a significant requirement when the CMOS technology entered the nanometer era. Multiple-Supply Voltage (MSV) is a popular and effective method for both dynamic and static power reduction while maintaining performance. Level shifters may cause area and Interconnect Length Overhead (ILO), and should be considered at both floorplanning and post-floorplanning stages. In this paper, we propose a two phases algorithm framework, called VLSAF, to solve voltage and level shifter assignment problem. At floorplanning phase, we use a convex cost network flow algorithm to assign voltage and a minimum cost flow algorithm to handle level-shifter assignment. At post-floorplanning phase, a heuristic method is adopted to redistribute white spaces and calculate the positions and shapes of level shifters. The experimental results show VLSAF is effective.
In this paper, we consider the quickest flow problem in a network which consists of a directed graph with capacities and transit times on its arcs. We present an O(n log n) time algorithm for the quickest flow problem in a network of grid structure with uniform arc capacity which has a single sink where n is the number of vertices in the network.
Digital halftoning is a technique to convert a continuous-tone image into a binary image consisting of black and white dots. It is an important technique for printing machines and printers to output an image with few intensity levels or colors which looks similar to an input image. This paper surveys how algorithm engineering can contribute to digital halftoning or what combinatorial problems are related to digital halftoning. A common criterion on optimal digital halftoning leads to a negative result that obtaining an optimal halftoned image is NP-complete. So, there are two choices: approximation algorithm and polynomial-time algorithm with relaxed condition. Main algorithmic notions related are geometric discrepancy, matrix (or array) rounding problems, and network-flow algorithms.
In this paper, we propose an improved network-flow based multi-way circuit partitioning algorithm whose objective is to minimize the number of sub-circuits. It iteratively extracts a size-maximal feasible sub-circuit one at a time. In our approach, two devices are applied. One is in the use of an exact min-cut graph, and the other is in the idea of keeping the number of I/O pins of the residual circuit as small as possible after one-time extraction. We implemented our algorithm in C for experiments, and tested it with several industrial cases and MCNC benchmarks. Compared to the known approach, we observed more than 10% reduction in average of the sub-circuit number.
In this paper we present two contributions for a set of local transformations (a selection set) to improve a performance of a very large circuit. The first contribution is an idea of "padding node" and "multi-separator-set. " We have proven that combination of padding node and multi-separator-set provides the optimum selection set. The second contribution is our heuristic method to find a semi-optimum multi-separator-set, which uses a network flow algorithm. Our method is robust for very large circuits, because its memory usage and calculation time are linear and polynomial order with the size of the circuit. We have compared our method with Singh's selection function method, which provides the optimum selection set and is the best method in literature to date. Our method has successfully optimized delays of all circuits, while Singh's selection function method has aborted with three large circuits because of memory overflow. The results also has shown our method has a comparable capability in delay optimization to Singh's method, although our method is heuristic.
We improve the algorithm to obtain the min-cut graph of a hyper-graph and show an application to the sub-network extraction problem. The min-cut graph is a directed acyclic graph whose directed cuts correspond one-to-one to the min-cuts of the hyper-graph. While the known approach trades the exactness of the min-cut graph for some speed improvement, our proposed algorithm gives an exact one without substantial computation overhead. By using the exact min-cut graph, an exhaustive algorithm finds an optimal sub-circuit that is extracted by a min-cut from the circuit. By experiments with the industrial data, the proposing method showed a performance enough for practical use.
Hiro ITO Hideyuki UEHARA Mitsuo YOKOYAMA
For a given graph G=(V, E), edge capacities c(e) for edges e E, and flow-demands d(v) for nodes v V, a problem of finding the minimum size source-set S V such that the maximum flow-amount between S and v is greater than or equal to d(v) for every v V is called generalized plural cover problem (GPC). For this problem, O(np s(n,m)) time algorithm is presented, where n, m, and p is the number of nodes, edges, and different values of d(v), respectively, and s(n,m) is the time required to solve the maximum flow problem of a graph with n nodes and m edges. This algorithm also constructs a set of optimal solutions in the same time. This property is convenient for applying it to real problems, because other constraints can also be taken into account.
We first describe fundamental results about submodular functions and submodular flows, which lay a basis for devising efficient algorithms for submodular flows. We then give a comprehensive survey on algorithms for submodular flows and show some possible future research directions.
The lower-bounded p-collection problem is the problem where to locate p sinks in a flow network with lower bounds such that the value of a maximum flow is maximum. This paper discusses the cover problems corresponding to the lower bounded p-collection problem. We consider the complexity of the cover problem, and we show polynomial time algorithms for its subproblems in a network with tree structure.
In this paper we extend the p-collection problem to a flow network with lower bounds, and call the extended problem the lower-bounded p-collection problem. First we discuss the complexity of this problem to show NP-hardness for a network with path structure. Next we present a linear time algorithm for the lower-bounded 1-collection problem in a network with tree structure, and a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm with dynamic programming type for the lower-bounded p-collection problem in a network with tree structure. Using the pseudo-polynomial time algorithm, we show an exponential algorithm, which is efficient in a connected network with few cycles, for the lower-bounded p-collection problem.
Transport-processing FPGAs have been proposed for flexible telecommunication systems. Since those FPGAs have finer granularity of logic functions to implement circuits on them, the amount of routing resources tends to increase. In order to keep routing congstion small, it is necessary to execute placement and routing simultaneously. This paper proposes a simultaneous placement and global routing algorithm for transport-processing FPGAs whose primary objective is minimizing routing congestion. The algorithm is based on hierarchical bipartition of layout regions and sets of LUTs (Look Up Tables) to be placed. It achieves bipartitioning which leads to small routing congestion by applying a network flow technique to it and computing a maximum flow and a minimum cut. If there exist connections between bipartitioned LUT sets, pairs of pseudo-terminals are introduced to preserve the connections. A sequence of pseudo-terminals represents a global route of each net. As a result, both placement of LUTs and global routing are determined when hierarchical bipartitioning procedures are finished. The proposed algorithm has been implemented and applied to practical transport-processing circuits. The experimental results demonstrate that it decreases routing congestion by an average of 37% compared with a conventional algorithm and achieves 100% routing for the circuits for which the conventional algorithm causes unrouted nets.
An s-t flow in a directed network is called uncontrollable, when the flow is representable as a positive sum of elementary s-t path flows. In this paper, we discuss the problem Is a given flow uncontrollable?. We show that the problem is NP-complete.
In circuit partitioning for FPGAs, partitioned signal nets are connected using I/O blocks, through which signals are coming from or going to external pins. However, the number of I/O blocks per chip is relatively small compared with the number of logic-blocks, which realize logic functions, accommodated in the FPGA chip. Because of the I/O block limitation, the size of a circuit implemented on each FPGA chip is usually small, which leads to a serious decrease of logic-block utilization. It is required to utilize unused logic-blocks in terms of reducing the number of I/O blocks and realize circuits on given FPGA chips. In this paper, we propose an algorithm which partitions an initial circuit into multi-FPGA chips. The algorithm is based on recursive bi-partitioning of a circuit. In each bi-partitioning, it searches a partitioning position of a circuit such that each of partitioned subcircuits is accommodated in each FPGA chip with making the number of signal nets between chips as small as possible. Such bi-partitioning is achieved by computing a minimum cut repeatedly applying a network flow technique, and replicating logic-blocks appropriately. Since a set of logic-blocks assigned to each chip is computed separately, logic-blocks to be replicated are naturally determined. This means that the algorithm makes good use of unused logic-blocks from the viewpoint of reducing the number of signal nets between chips, i.e. the number of required I/O blocks. The algorithm has been implemented and applied to MCNC PARTITIONING 93 benchmark circuits. The experimental results demonstrate that it decreases the maximum number of I/O blocks per chip by a maximum of 49% compared with conventional algorithms.
Sang-Young CHO Cheol-Hoon LEE Myunghwan KIM
This paper deals with the problem of assigning tasks to the processors of a multiprocessor system such that the sum of execution and communication costs is minimized. If the number of processors is two, this problem can be solved efficiently using the network flow approach pioneered by Stone. This problem is, however, known to be NP-complete in the general case, and thus intractable for systems with a large number of processors. In this paper, we propose a network flow approach for the task assignment problem in homogeneous hypercube networks, i.e., hypercube networks with functionally identical processors. The task assignment problem for an n-dimensional homogeneous hypercube network of N (=2n) processors and M tasks is first transformed into n two-terminal network flow problems, and then solved in time no worse than O(M3 log N) by applying the Goldberg-Tarjan's maximum flow algorithm on each two-terminal network flow problem.