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Yunjian JIA Quoc Tuan TRAN Shinsuke HARA
We have proposed two space division multiple access (SDMA) approaches for OFDM signals: "Virtual Subcarrier Assignment (VISA)" and "Preamble Subcarrier Assignment (PASA)," both of which can enhance the system capacity without significant change of transmitter/receiver structures for already-existing OFDM-based standards such as IEEE802.11a. In order to investigate the performance of the proposed approaches in real wireless scenarios, we conducted a measurement campaign to obtain real channel state data at 5-GHz band in an indoor environment. Using the measured channel data, we can make the performance evaluation realistic. In this paper, after the brief overview of the two proposed SDMA approaches, we describe our measurement campaign in detail. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of VISA-based system and PASA-based system by computer simulations using the measured channel state data and present a comparative study on the performance of the two proposed SDMA approaches in the realistic wireless environment.