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[Keyword] quantization(223hit)


  • Secret Key Agreement from Correlated Gaussian Sources by Rate Limited Public Communication

    Shun WATANABE  Yasutada OOHAMA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E93-A No:11

    We investigate the secret key agreement from correlated Gaussian sources in which the legitimate parties can use the public communication with limited rate. For the class of protocols with the one-way public communication, we show a closed form expression of the optimal trade-off between the rate of key generation and the rate of the public communication. Our results clarify an essential difference between the key agreement from discrete sources and that from continuous sources.

  • HMM-Based Voice Conversion Using Quantized F0 Context

    Takashi NOSE  Yuhei OTA  Takao KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Voice Conversion

    E93-D No:9

    We propose a segment-based voice conversion technique using hidden Markov model (HMM)-based speech synthesis with nonparallel training data. In the proposed technique, the phoneme information with durations and a quantized F0 contour are extracted from the input speech of a source speaker, and are transmitted to a synthesis part. In the synthesis part, the quantized F0 symbols are used as prosodic context. A phonetically and prosodically context-dependent label sequence is generated from the transmitted phoneme and the F0 symbols. Then, converted speech is generated from the label sequence with durations using the target speaker's pre-trained context-dependent HMMs. In the model training, the models of the source and target speakers can be trained separately, hence there is no need to prepare parallel speech data of the source and target speakers. Objective and subjective experimental results show that the segment-based voice conversion with phonetic and prosodic contexts works effectively even if the parallel speech data is not available.

  • Cross-Layer QoS Control for Distributed Video Coding

    Chul Keun KIM  Doug Young SUH  Gwang-Hoon PARK  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E93-B No:9

    We propose a new channel adaptive distributed video coding algorithm, which is adaptive to time-varying available bitrate and packet loss ratio. The proposed method controls the quantization parameter according to channel condition of especially error-prone mobile channel. Simulation shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional rate-control-only algorithm.

  • Fixed-Width Group CSD Multiplier Design

    Yong-Eun KIM  Kyung-Ju CHO  Jin-Gyun CHUNG  Xinming HUANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E93-D No:6

    This paper presents an error compensation method for fixed-width group canonic signed digit (GCSD) multipliers that receive a W-bit input and generate a W-bit product. To efficiently compensate for the truncation error, the encoded signals from the GCSD multiplier are used for the generation of the error compensation bias. By Synopsys simulations, it is shown that the proposed method leads to up to 84% reduction in power consumption and up to 78% reduction in area compared with the fixed-width modified Booth multipliers.

  • Adaptive Spread-Transform Dither Modulation Using a New Perceptual Model for Color Image Watermarking

    Lihong MA  Dong YU  Gang WEI  Jing TIAN  Hanqing LU  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E93-D No:4

    Major challenges of the conventional spread-transform dither modulation (STDM) watermarking approach are two-fold: (i) it exploits a fixed watermarking strength (more particularly, the quantization index step size) to the whole cover image; and (ii) it is fairly vulnerable to the amplitude changes. To tackle the above challenges, an adaptive spread-transform dither modulation (ASTDM) approach is proposed in this paper for conducting robust color image watermarking by incorporating a new perceptual model into the conventional STDM framework. The proposed approach exploits a new perceptual model to adjust the quantization index step sizes according to the local perceptual characteristics of a cover image. Furthermore, in contrast to the conventional Watson's model is vulnerable to the amplitude changes, our proposed new perceptual model makes the luminance masking thresholds be consistent with any amplitude change, while keeping the consistence to the properties of the human visual system. In addition, certain color artifacts could be incurred during the watermark embedding procedure, since some intensity values are perceptibly changed to label the watermark. For that, a color artifact suppression algorithm is proposed by mathematically deriving an upper bound for the intensity values according to the inherent relationship between the saturation and the intensity components. Extensive experiments are conducted using 500 images selected from Corel database to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed ASTDM approach.

  • Secret Image Transmission Scheme Using Secret Codebook

    Shih-Chieh SHIE  Ji-Han JIANG  Long-Tai CHEN  Zeng-Hui HUANG  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E93-D No:2

    A secret image transmission scheme based on vector quantization (VQ) and a secret codebook is proposed in this article. The goal of this scheme is to transmit a set of good-quality images secretly via another high-quality cover image with the same image size. In order to reduce the data size of secret images, the images are encoded by an adaptive codebook. To guarantee the visual quality of secret images, the adaptive codebook applied at the transmitter is transmitted to the receiver secretly as well. Moreover, to enhance the security of the proposed scheme and to compact the data size of the codebook, the adaptive codebook is encoded based on VQ using another codebook generated from the cover image. Experiments show impressive results.

  • Improved Vector Quantization Based Block Truncation Coding Using Template Matching and Lloyd Quantization

    Seung-Won JUNG  Yeo-Jin YOON  Hyeong-Min NAM  Sung-Jea KO  


    E92-A No:12

    Block truncation coding (BTC) is an efficient image compression algorithm that generates a constant output bit-rate. For color image compression, vector quantization (VQ) is exploited to improve the coding efficiency. In this letter, we propose an improved VQ based BTC (VQ-BTC) algorithm using template matching and Lloyd quantization (LQ). The experimental results show that the proposed method improves the PSNR by 0.9 dB in average compared to the conventional VQ-BTC algorithms.

  • Low-Complexity Wideband LSF Quantization Using Algebraic Trellis VQ

    Abdellah KADDAI  Mohammed HALIMI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E92-D No:12

    In this paper an algebraic trellis vector quantization (ATVQ) that introduces algebraic codebooks into trellis coded vector quantization (TCVQ) structure is presented. Low encoding complexity and minimum memory storage requirements are achieved using the proposed approach. It exploits advantages of both the TCVQ and the algebraic codebooks to know the delayed decision, the codebook widening, the low computational complexity and the no storage of codebook. This novel vector quantization scheme is used to encode the wideband speech line spectral frequencies (LSF) parameters. Experimental results on wideband speech have shown that ATVQ yields the same performance as the traditional split vector quantization (SVQ) and the TCVQ in terms of spectral distortion (SD). It can achieve a transparent quality at 47 bits/frame with a considerable reduction of memory storage and computation complexity when compared to SVQ and TCVQ.

  • Shift-Invariant Sparse Image Representations Using Tree-Structured Dictionaries

    Makoto NAKASHIZUKA  Hidenari NISHIURA  Youji IIGUNI  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E92-A No:11

    In this study, we introduce shift-invariant sparse image representations using tree-structured dictionaries. Sparse coding is a generative signal model that approximates signals by the linear combinations of atoms in a dictionary. Since a sparsity penalty is introduced during signal approximation and dictionary learning, the dictionary represents the primal structures of the signals. Under the shift-invariance constraint, the dictionary comprises translated structuring elements (SEs). The computational cost and number of atoms in the dictionary increase along with the increasing number of SEs. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for shift-invariant sparse image representation, in which SEs are learnt with a tree-structured approach. By using a tree-structured dictionary, we can reduce the computational cost of the image decomposition to the logarithmic order of the number of SEs. We also present the results of our experiments on the SE learning and the use of our algorithm in image recovery applications.

  • A Hybrid Technique for Thickness-Map Visualization of the Hip Cartilages in MRI


    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E92-D No:11

    Quantification of the hip cartilages is clinically important. In this study, we propose an automatic technique for segmentation and visualization of the acetabular and femoral head cartilages based on clinically obtained multi-slice T1-weighted MR data and a hybrid approach. We follow a knowledge based approach by employing several features such as the anatomical shapes of the hip femoral and acetabular cartilages and corresponding image intensities. We estimate the center of the femoral head by a Hough transform and then automatically select the volume of interest. We then automatically segment the hip bones by a self-adaptive vector quantization technique. Next, we localize the articular central line by a modified canny edge detector based on the first and second derivative filters along the radial lines originated from the femoral head center and anatomical constraint. We then roughly segment the acetabular and femoral head cartilages using derivative images obtained in the previous step and a top-hat filter. Final masks of the acetabular and femoral head cartilages are automatically performed by employing the rough results, the estimated articular center line and the anatomical knowledge. Next, we generate a thickness map for each cartilage in the radial direction based on a Euclidian distance. Three dimensional pelvic bones, acetabular and femoral cartilages and corresponding thicknesses are overlaid and visualized. The techniques have been implemented in C++ and MATLAB environment. We have evaluated and clarified the usefulness of the proposed techniques in the presence of 40 clinical hips multi-slice MR images.

  • Color Image Retrieval Based on Distance-Weighted Boundary Predictive Vector Quantization Index Histograms

    Zhen SUN  Zhe-Ming LU  Hao LUO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:9

    This Letter proposes a new kind of features for color image retrieval based on Distance-weighted Boundary Predictive Vector Quantization (DWBPVQ) Index Histograms. For each color image in the database, 6 histograms (2 for each color component) are calculated from the six corresponding DWBPVQ index sequences. The retrieval simulation results show that, compared with the traditional Spatial-domain Color-Histogram-based (SCH) features and the DCTVQ index histogram-based (DCTVQIH) features, the proposed DWBPVQIH features can greatly improve the recall and precision performance.

  • Two Bit Quantization for Turbo Decoder Extrinsic Information with Parameter Reset

    Do-Sik YOO  Jongtae LIM  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:8

    In this letter, we propose a two-bit representation method for turbo decoder extrinsic information based on bit error count minimization and parameter reset. We show that the performance of the proposed system approaches that of the full precision decoder within 0.17 dB and 0.48 dB at 1 % packet error rate for packet lengths of 500 and 10,000 information bits. The idea of parameter reset we introduce can be used not only in turbo decoder but also in many other iterative algorithms.

  • Color Image Classification Using Block Matching and Learning

    Kazuki KONDO  Seiji HOTTA  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E92-D No:7

    In this paper, we propose block matching and learning for color image classification. In our method, training images are partitioned into small blocks. Given a test image, it is also partitioned into small blocks, and mean-blocks corresponding to each test block are calculated with neighbor training blocks. Our method classifies a test image into the class that has the shortest total sum of distances between mean blocks and test ones. We also propose a learning method for reducing memory requirement. Experimental results show that our classification outperforms other classifiers such as support vector machine with bag of keypoints.

  • A Reduced Complexity Quantization Error Correction Method for Lattice Reduction Aided Vector Precoding

    Xuan GENG   Ling-ge JIANG  Chen HE  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:7

    A reduced complexity quantization error correction method for lattice reduction aided (LRA) vector precoding is proposed. For LRA vector precoding,Babai's approximation procedure can generate quantization errors leading to performance loss. Instead of making a list to correct all possible errors as is done in the existing scheme, we propose a novel method in which only a subset of all possible errors are corrected. The size of the subset is determined by the probability distribution of the number of actual errors. Thus, the computation complexity of our correction procedure is reduced with little performance loss compared with the existing correction scheme.

  • Segmentation of Arteries in Minimally Invasive Surgery Using Change Detection

    Hamed AKBARI  Yukio KOSUGI  Kazuyuki KOJIMA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E92-D No:3

    In laparoscopic surgery, the lack of tactile sensation and 3D visual feedback make it difficult to identify the position of a blood vessel intraoperatively. An unintentional partial tear or complete rupture of a blood vessel may result in a serious complication; moreover, if the surgeon cannot manage this situation, open surgery will be necessary. Differentiation of arteries from veins and other structures and the ability to independently detect them has a variety of applications in surgical procedures involving the head, neck, lung, heart, abdomen, and extremities. We have used the artery's pulsatile movement to detect and differentiate arteries from veins. The algorithm for change detection in this study uses edge detection for unsupervised image registration. Changed regions are identified by subtracting the systolic and diastolic images. As a post-processing step, region properties, including color average, area, major and minor axis lengths, perimeter, and solidity, are used as inputs of the LVQ (Learning Vector Quantization) network. The output results in two object classes: arteries and non-artery regions. After post-processing, arteries can be detected in the laparoscopic field. The registration method used here is evaluated in comparison with other linear and nonlinear elastic methods. The performance of this method is evaluated for the detection of arteries in several laparoscopic surgeries on an animal model and on eleven human patients. The performance evaluation criteria are based on false negative and false positive rates. This algorithm is able to detect artery regions, even in cases where the arteries are obscured by other tissues.

  • Global Motion Representation of Video Shot Based on Vector Quantization Index Histogram

    Fa-Xin YU  Zhe-Ming LU  Zhen LI  Hao LUO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:1

    In this Letter, we propose a novel method of low-level global motion feature description based on Vector Quantization (VQ) index histograms of motion feature vectors (MFVVQIH) for the purpose of video shot retrieval. The contribution lies in three aspects: first, we use VQ to eliminate singular points in the motion feature vector space; second, we utilize the global motion feature vector index histogram of a video shot as the global motion signature; third, video shot retrieval based on index histograms instead of original motion feature vectors guarantees the low computation complexity, and thus assures a real-time video shot retrieval. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme has high accuracy and low computation complexity.

  • Highly Efficient Comparator Design Automation for TIQ Flash A/D Converter

    Insoo KIM  Jincheol YOO  JongSoo KIM  Kyusun CHOI  

    PAPER-Physical Level Design

    E91-A No:12

    Threshold Inverter Quantization (TIQ) technique has been gaining its importance in high speed flash A/D converters due to its fast data conversion speed. It eliminates the need of resistor ladders for reference voltages generation which requires substantial power consumption. The key to TIQ comparators design is to generate 2n - 1 different sized TIQ comparators for an n-bit A/D converter. This paper presents a highly efficient TIQ comparator design methodology based on an analytical model as well as SPICE simulation experimental model. One can find any sets of TIQ comparators efficiently using the proposed method. A 6-bit TIQ A/D converter has been designed in a 0.18 µm standard CMOS technology using the proposed method, and compared to the previous measured results in order to verify the proposed methodology.

  • Fuzzy Logic-Based Quantized Event Filter for RFID Data Processing

    Sung Ho JANG  Hi Sung CHOUN  Heung Seok CHAE  Jong Sik LEE  


    E91-B No:11

    RFID event filtering is an important issue of RFID data management. Tag read events from readers have some problems like unreliability, redundancy, and disordering of tag readings. Duplicated events lead to performance degradation of RFID systems with a flood of similar tag information. Therefore, this paper proposes a fuzzy logic-based quantized event filter. In order to reduce duplicated tag readings and solve disordering of tag readings, the filter applies a fuzzy logic system to control a filtering threshold by the change in circumstances of readers. Continuous tag readings are converted into discrete values for event generation by the filtering threshold. And, the filter generates as many events as the discrete values at a point of event generation time. Experimental results comparing the proposed filter with existing RFID event filters, such as the primitive event filter and the smoothing event filter, verify effectiveness and efficiency of the fuzzy logic-based quantized event filter.

  • Research on Channel Quantization Algorithm of Time Correlated Channels

    Zhenjie FENG  Taiyi ZHANG  Erlin ZENG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E91-A No:10

    Focusing on time correlation of real communication channels, a channel quantization algorithm based on finite state vector quantization (FSVQ) is proposed. Firstly channels are partitioned into finite states, then codebooks corresponding to each state are constructed, which are used to quantize channels transferred from corresponding states. Further, the state transition function is designed to ensure the synchronization between transmitter and receiver. The proposed algorithm can achieve improved performance with the same feedback load compared with classical memoryless channel quantizer without consideration of the influence of time correlation. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Unitary Space Vector Quantization Codebook Design for Precoding MIMO System

    Ping WU  Lihua LI  Ping ZHANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E91-B No:9

    In a codebook based precoding MIMO system, the precoding codebook significantly determines the system performance. Consequently, it is crucial to design the precoding codebook, which is related to the channel fading, antenna number, spatial correlation etc. So specific channel conditions correspond to respective optimum codebooks. In this paper, in order to obtain the optimum codebooks, a universal unitary space vector quantization (USVQ) codebook design criterion is provided, which can design the optimum codebooks for various fading and spatial correlated channels with arbitrary antenna configurations. Furthermore, the unitary space K-mean (USK) algorithm is also proposed to generate the USVQ codebook, which is iterative and convergent. Simulations show that the capacities of the precoding MIMO schemes using the USVQ codebooks are very close to those of the ideal precoding cases and outperform those of the schemes using the traditional Grassmannian codebooks and the 3GPP LTE DFT (discrete Fourier transform) codebooks.


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