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[Keyword] session(39hit)


  • A Personalised Session-Based Recommender System with Sequential Updating Based on Aggregation of Item Embeddings Open Access

    Yuma NAGI  Kazushi OKAMOTO  


    E107-D No:5

    The study proposes a personalised session-based recommender system that embeds items by using Word2Vec and sequentially updates the session and user embeddings with the hierarchicalization and aggregation of item embeddings. To process a recommendation request, the system constructs a real-time user embedding that considers users’ general preferences and sequential behaviour to handle short-term changes in user preferences with a low computational cost. The system performance was experimentally evaluated in terms of the accuracy, diversity, and novelty of the ranking of recommended items and the training and prediction times of the system for three different datasets. The results of these evaluations were then compared with those of the five baseline systems. According to the evaluation experiment, the proposed system achieved a relatively high recommendation accuracy compared with baseline systems and the diversity and novelty scores of the proposed system did not fall below 90% for any dataset. Furthermore, the training times of the Word2Vec-based systems, including the proposed system, were shorter than those of FPMC and GRU4Rec. The evaluation results suggest that the proposed recommender system succeeds in keeping the computational cost for training low while maintaining high-level recommendation accuracy, diversity, and novelty.

  • Enhancing Purchase Behavior Prediction with Temporally Popular Items

    Chen CHEN  Chunyan HOU  Jiakun XIAO  Yanlong WEN  Xiaojie YUAN  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E100-D No:9

    In the era of e-commerce, purchase behavior prediction is one of the most important issues to promote both online companies' sales and the consumers' experience. The previous researches usually use traditional features based on the statistics and temporal dynamics of items. Those features lead to the loss of detailed items' information. In this study, we propose a novel kind of features based on temporally popular items to improve the prediction. Experiments on the real-world dataset have demonstrated the effectiveness and the efficiency of our proposed method. Features based on temporally popular items are compared with traditional features which are associated with statistics, temporal dynamics and collaborative filter of items. We find that temporally popular items are an effective and irreplaceable supplement of traditional features. Our study shed light on the effectiveness of the combination of popularity and temporal dynamics of items which can widely used for a variety of recommendations in e-commerce sites.

  • Improving Purchase Behavior Prediction with Most Popular Items

    Chen CHEN  Jiakun XIAO  Chunyan HOU  Xiaojie YUAN  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E100-D No:2

    Purchase behavior prediction is one of the most important issues to promote both e-commerce companies' sales and the consumers' satisfaction. The prediction usually uses features based on the statistics of items. This kind of features can lead to the loss of detailed information of items. While all items are included, a large number of features has the negative impact on the efficiency of learning the predictive model. In this study, we propose to use the most popular items for improving the prediction. Experiments on the real-world dataset have demonstrated the effectiveness and the efficiency of our proposed method. We also analyze the reason for the performance of the most popular items. In addition, our work also reveals if interactions among most popular items are taken into account, the further significant improvement can be achieved. One possible explanation is that online retailers usually use a variety of sales promotion methods and the interactions can help to predict the purchase behavior.

  • A Tightly-Secure Multisignature Scheme with Improved Verification

    Jong Hwan PARK  Young-Ho PARK  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E99-A No:2

    A multisignature (MS) scheme enables a group of signers to produce a compact signature on a common message. In analyzing security of MS schemes, a key registration protocol with proof-of-possession (POP) is considered to prevent rogue key attacks. In this paper, we refine the POP-based security model by formalizing a new strengthened POP model and showing relations between the previous POP models and the new one. We next suggest a MS scheme that achieves: (1) non-interactive signing process, (2) O(1) pairing computations in verification, (3) tight security reduction under the co-CDH assumption, and (4) security under the new strengthened POP model. Compared to the tightly-secure BNN-MS scheme, the verification in ours can be at least 7 times faster at the 80-bit security level and 10 times faster at the 128-bit security level. To achieve our goal, we introduce a novel and simple POP generation method that can be viewed as a one-time signature without random oracles. Our POP technique can also be applied to the LOSSW-MS scheme (without random oracles), giving the security in the strengthened POP model.

  • Efficient Data Possession Auditing for Real-World Cloud Storage Environments

    Da XIAO  Lvyin YANG  Chuanyi LIU  Bin SUN  Shihui ZHENG  

    PAPER-Cloud Security

    E98-D No:4

    Provable Data Possession (PDP) schemes enable users to efficiently check the integrity of their data in the cloud. Support for massive and dynamic sets of data and adaptability to third-party auditing are two key factors that affect the practicality of existing PDP schemes. We propose a secure and efficient PDP system called IDPA-MF-PDP, by exploiting the characteristics of real-world cloud storage environments. The cost of auditing massive and dynamic sets of data is dramatically reduced by utilizing a multiple-file PDP scheme (MF-PDP), based on the data update patterns of cloud storage. Deployment and operational costs of third-party auditing and information leakage risks are reduced by an auditing framework based on integrated data possession auditors (DPAs), instantiated by trusted hardware and tamper-evident audit logs. The interaction protocols between the user, the cloud server, and the DPA integrate MF-PDP with the auditing framework. Analytical and experimental results demonstrate that IDPA-MF-PDP provides the same level of security as the original PDP scheme while reducing computation and communication overhead on the DPA, from linear the size of data to near constant. The performance of the system is bounded by disk I/O capacity.

  • ZNA: A Six-Layer Network Architecture for New Generation Networks —— Focusing on the Session Layer, the Network Layer, and Cross-Layer Cooperation —— Open Access

    Fumio TERAOKA  Sho KANEMARU  Kazuma YONEMURA  Motoki IDE  Shinji KAWAGUCHI  Kunitake KANEKO  


    E97-B No:12

    Using “clean-slate approach” to redesign the Internet has attracted considerable attention. ZNA (Z Network Architecture) is one of clean-slate network architectures based on the layered model. The major features of ZNA are as follows: (1) introducing the session layer to provide the applications with sophisticated communication services, (2) employing inter-node cross-layer cooperation to adapt to the dynamically changing network conditions, (3) splitting the node identifier and the node locator for mobility, multi-homing, and heterogeneity of network layer protocols, (4) splitting the data plane and the control plane for high manageability, and (5) introducing a recursive layered model to support network virtualization. This paper focuses on the first three topics as well as the basic design of ZNA.

  • Secure Mobility Management Application Capable of Fast Layer 3 Handovers for MIPv6-Non-Aware Mobile Hosts

    Younchan JUNG  Marnel PERADILLA  J. William ATWOOD  


    E97-B No:7

    Currently, a correspondent host will have difficulties in establishing a direct session path to a mobile host because of the partial deployment of MIPv6-aware mobile hosts. Even MIPv6-aware hosts will spend up to several seconds to obtain the new location of the mobile host during Layer 3 (L3) handover. This paper proposes an application-level mobility management scheme that can solve the problems related to the increase of Internet traffic end-to-end delay under the current situation that most of the mobile devices are MIPv6-non-aware. The proposed Secure Mobility Management Application (SMMA) enables the updates of care-of address to be faster and more reliable even when L3 handovers occur frequently. SMMA uses a cross-layer approach for session mobility management with the support of Binding Updates to the home agent via IPSec tunnels. The main feature of SMMA is to handle the session-related mobility management for which operation starts just after the completion of name resolution as a pre-call mobility management, which operates in conjunction with the DNS. Our session-related mobility management introduces three new signaling messages: SS-Create for session state creation, SS-Refresh for session state extension and SS-Renewal for updating new care-of address at the mid-session. Finally, this paper analyzes the work load imposed on a mobile host to create a session state and the security strength of the SS-Renewal message, which depends on the key size used.

  • A Session State Migration Architecture for Flexible Server Consolidation

    Takeshi USUI  Kiyohide NAKAUCHI  Yozo SHOJI  Yoshinori KITATSUJI  Hidetoshi YOKOTA  Nozomu NISHINAGA  


    E96-B No:7

    This paper proposes a session state migration architecture for flexible server consolidation. One of technical challenges is how to split a session state from a connection and bind the session state to another connection in any servers. A conventional server and client application assumes that a session state is statically bound to a connection once the connection has been established. The proposed architecture reduces the migration latency, compared to an existing study by splitting the session state from the connection. This paper classifies common procedures of session state migration for various services. The session state migration architecture enables service providers to conduct server maintenance at their own convenience, and to conserve energy consumption at servers by consolidating them. A simulation to evaluate server consolidation reveals that the session state migration reduces the number of servers for accommdating users, compared to virtual machine migration. This paper also shows implementation of the session state migration architecture. Experimental results reveal that the impact caused by the proposed architecture on real-time applications is small.

  • On the Security of the Verifiably Encrypted Signature Scheme of Boneh, Gentry, Lynn and Shacham Revisited

    Bennian DOU  


    E96-A No:6

    At Eurocrypt'03, Boneh, Gentry, Lynn and Shacham proposed a pairing based verifiably encrypted signature scheme (the BGLS-VES scheme). In 2004, Hess mounted an efficient rogue-key attack on the BGLS-VES scheme in the plain public-key model. In this letter, we show that the BGLS-VES scheme is not secure in the proof of possession (POP) model.

  • Rogue Key Attacks on Lu et al.'s Verifiably Encrypted Signature Scheme

    Bennian DOU  Hong ZHANG  Chun-Hua CHEN  Chungen XU  


    E96-A No:1

    At Eurocrypt'2006, Lu et al. proposed a pairing based verifiably encrypted signature scheme (the LOSSW-VES scheme) without random oracles. In this letter, we show that the LOSSW-VES scheme does not have opacity against rogue-key attacks.

  • A Session Type System with Subject Reduction

    Keigo IMAI  Shoji YUEN  Kiyoshi AGUSA  

    PAPER-Software System

    E95-D No:8

    Distributed applications and services have become pervasive in our society due to the widespread use of internet and mobile devices. There are urgent demands to efficiently ensure safety and correctness of such software. A session-type system is a framework to statically check whether communication descriptions conform to certain protocols. They are shown to be effective yet simple enough to fit in harmony with existing programming languages. In the original session type system, the subject reduction property does not hold. This paper establishes a conservative extension of the original session type system with the subject reduction property. Finally, it is also shown that our typing rule properly extends the set of typeable processes.

  • Strongly Secure Predicate-Based Authenticated Key Exchange: Definition and Constructions

    Atsushi FUJIOKA  Koutarou SUZUKI  Kazuki YONEYAMA  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E95-A No:1

    This paper firstly provides the extended Canetti-Krawzcyk (eCK) security model for predicate-based authenticated key exchange (AKE) that guarantees resistance to leakage of ephemeral secret keys. Moreover, we propose two-pass key-policy (resp. session-policy) attribute-based AKE protocol secure in the proposed predicate-based eCK security model based on key-policy (resp. ciphertext-policy) attribute-based encryption. The proposed protocols have advantages in security against leakage of ephemeral secret keys and the round complexity compared to the previous predicate-based AKE protocols.

  • Proposal of a Next Generation Network Architecture Based on Web Service Technologies

    Yoshitoshi MURATA  Tsuyoshi TAKAYAMA  Nobuyoshi SATO  Kei KIKUCHI  


    E94-B No:6

    The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) establishes a session between end terminals as a client/server application in the Next Generation Network (NGN). These days, many application services are being provided as Web services. In this letter, we propose a new NGN architecture conforming to the architectural styles of Representational State Transfer (REST), which is a Web service technology for solving interoperability and traffic concentration problems in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

  • Research on Intersession Variability Compensation for MLLR-SVM Speaker Recognition

    Shan ZHONG  Yuxiang SHAN  Liang HE  Jia LIU  


    E92-A No:8

    One of the most important challenges in speaker recognition is intersession variability (ISV), primarily cross-channel effects. Recent NIST speaker recognition evaluations (SRE) include a multilingual scenario with training conversations involving multilingual speakers collected in a number of other languages, leading to further performance decline. One important reason for this is that more and more researchers are using phonetic clustering to introduce high level information to improve speaker recognition. But such language dependent methods do not work well in multilingual conditions. In this paper, we study both language and channel mismatch using a support vector machine (SVM) speaker recognition system. Maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) transforms adapting a universal background model (UBM) are adopted as features. We first introduce a novel language independent statistical binary-decision tree to reduce multi-language effects, and compare this data-driven approach with a traditional knowledge based one. We also construct a framework for channel compensation using feature-domain latent factor analysis (LFA) and MLLR supervector kernel-based nuisance attribute projection (NAP) in the model-domain. Results on the NIST SRE 2006 1conv4w-1conv4w/mic corpus show significant improvement. We also compare our compensated MLLR-SVM system with state-of-the-art cepstral Gaussian mixture and SVM systems, and combine them for a further improvement.

  • Stronger Chikazawa-Yamagishi ID-Based Key Distribution

    Ik Rae JEONG  Jeong Ok KWON  Dong Hoon LEE  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:5

    The Chikazawa-Yamagishi scheme is an ID-based key distribution scheme which is based on the RSA cryptosystem. There are several variant schemes to improve the efficiency and the security of the Chikazawa-Yamagishi scheme. Unfortunately, all of the proposed schemes have some weaknesses. First, all the proposed schemes require time synchronization of the communicating parties. Second, none of the proposed schemes provide both forward secrecy and security against session state reveal attacks. In this paper, we suggest an ID-based key distribution scheme which does not require time synchronization and provides both forward secrecy and security against session state reveal attacks.

  • S3: Smart Session Selection for Voice Communications in Next Generation Wireless Network

    Tein-Yaw CHUNG  Fong-Ching YUAN  Yung-Mu CHEN  Baw-Jhiune LIU  

    PAPER-Mobile Mulimedia Communication

    E91-A No:10

    Selecting transparently a proper network connection for voice communication will be a fundamental requirement in future multi-mode heterogeneous wireless network. This paper presented a smart session selection (S3) scheme to meet this requirement. Instead of selecting a best access network as in conventional Always Best Connected (ABC) paradigm, S3 enables users to select a best network connection, which consists of source and destination access network pair, to satisfy quality constraint and users' preference. To support S3, we develop a user profile to specify network connection priority. Meanwhile IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) is extended to make smart decision for users. Finally, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to recommend a network connection with assistance of user profile and IMS signaling. An example is illustrated to show that AHP can successfully select a good network connection that fulfills the requirement of users.

  • Body Movement Synchrony in Psychotherapeutic Counseling: A Study Using the Video-Based Quantification Method

    Chika NAGAOKA  Masashi KOMORI  

    PAPER-Human Information Processing

    E91-D No:6

    Body movement synchrony (i.e. rhythmic synchronization between the body movements of interacting partners) has been described by subjective impressions of skilled counselors and has been considered to reflect the depth of the client-counselor relationship. This study analyzed temporal changes in body movement synchrony through a video analysis of client-counselor dialogues in counseling sessions. Four 50-minute psychotherapeutic counseling sessions were analyzed, including two negatively evaluated sessions (low evaluation groups) and two positively evaluated sessions (high evaluation groups). In addition, two 50-minute ordinary advice sessions between two high school teachers and the clients in the high rating group were analyzed. All sessions represent role-playing. The intensity of the participants' body movement was measured using a video-based system. Temporal change of body movement synchrony was analyzed using moving correlations of the intensity between the two time series. The results revealed (1) A consistent temporal pattern among the four counseling cases, though the moving correlation coefficients were higher for the high evaluation group than the low evaluation group and (2) Different temporal patterns for the counseling and advice sessions even when the clients were the same. These results were discussed from the perspective of the quality of client-counselor relationship.

  • Strong ID-Based Key Distribution

    Ik Rae JEONG  Jeong Ok KWON  Dong Hoon LEE  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E91-B No:1

    Several ID-based key distribution schemes can be used to realize secure broadcasting systems. Unfortunately, none of the proposed schemes provide both security against long-term key reveal attacks and security against session state reveal attacks. In this letter, we suggest an ID-based key distribution scheme secure against long-term key reveal attacks and session state reveal attacks.

  • A Protocol for Policy-Based Session Control in Disruption Tolerant Sensor Networks

    Ryohei SUZUKI  Kaoru SEZAKI  Yoshito TOBE  


    E90-B No:12

    Recently there has been a great deal of research on using mobility in sensor networks to assist their sensing tasks. In this paper, we propose a policy-based session control protocol for Multi-Robot Sensor Networks (MRSNs) called Billiards. In a MRSN, all messages are transported by the physical motion of participants (mobile nodes) in the network. When a large volume of data or continuous data is required to be transferred, there exists a problem determining how the data is fragmented and how the mobile nodes are formed for carrying the data to the destination. To overcome the issues, we propose a suitable method of session control which is determined based on a state of surrounding mobile nodes such as number, maximum-velocity and buffer-size. Billiards also takes a system policy of delay minimization into consideration. In this paper, we describe the protocol and model of Billiards and analyze the model. We evaluated the performance of Billiards utilizing mobile robots which are equipped with MICA2 mote and comparing with non optimized method. The experimental results demonstrate that Billiards achieves less delay than non optimized method at every velocity and buffer-size of each robot.

  • Signaling Channel for Coordinated Multicast Service Delivery in Next Generation Wireless Networks

    Alexander GLUHAK  Masugi INOUE  Klaus MOESSNER  Rahim TAFAZOLLI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E90-B No:7

    Multicast delivery in heterogeneous wireless networks requires careful coordination, in order to take full advantage of the resources such an interworking network environment can offer. Effective coordination, however, may require interworking signaling from coordinating network entities to receivers of a multicast service. Scalable delivery of such signaling is of great importance, since a large number of receivers may be interested in a multicast service. This paper therefore investigates the use of a multicast signaling channel (MSCH) to carry such interworking signaling in a scalable manner. Applications of interworking signaling for multicast service delivery in heterogeneous wireless networks are presented, motivating the need for an MSCH. Then a comparative study is performed analysing potential benefits of employing an MSCH for signaling message delivery compared to conventional unicast signaling. The analysis reveals that the benefits of the MSCH depend mainly on the selection of an appropriate signaling network to carry the MSCH and also on efficient addressing of a subset of receivers within the MSCH. Based on the findings, guidelines for the selection of a suitable signaling network are provided. Furthermore a novel approach is proposed that allows efficient addressing of a subset of receivers within a multicast group. The approach minimizes the required signaling load on the MSCH by reducing the size of the required addressing information. This is achieved by an aggregation of receivers with common context information. To demonstrate the concept, a prototype of the MSCH has been developed and is presented in the paper.


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