1-1hit |
Many-core computer systems with GPUs are coming into mainstream use from high-end computing, including supercomputers, to embedded processors. Consequently, the implementation of cryptographic methods on GPGPU is also becoming popular because of such systems' performance. However, many factors affect the performance of GPUs. To cope with this problem, we developed a new translator, HiCrypt, which can generate an optimized GPGPU program written in both of CUDA and OpenCL from a cipher program written in standard C language with directives. Users must annotate only variables and an encoding/decoding function, which are characteristics of cipher programs, with directives. To evaluate the translator, five representative cipher programs are translated into CUDA and OpenCL programs by the translator. Generated programs perform high throughput almost identical to hand optimized programs for all five cipher programs. HiCrypt will contribute to development and evaluate of new and various symmetric block ciphers using GPGPU.