1-3hit |
Kosuke MORI Fumio TERAOKA Shinichiro HARUYAMA
There are demands for high-speed and stable ground-to-train optical communication as a network environment for trains. The existing ground-to-train optical communication system developed by the authors uses a camera and a QPD (Quadrant photo diode) to capture beacon light. The problem with the existing system is that it is impossible to identify the ground station. In the system proposed in this paper, a beacon light modulated with the ID of the ground station is transmitted, and the ground station is identified by demodulating the image from the dual-port camera on the opposite side. In this paper, we developed an actual system and conducted experiments using a car on the road. The results showed that only one packet was lost with the ping command every 1 ms near handover. Although the communication device itself has a bandwidth of 100 Mbps, the throughput before and after the handover was about 94 Mbps, and only dropped to about 89.4 Mbps during the handover.
Kosuke MORI Masanori TERADA Daisuke YAMAGUCHI Kazuki NAKAMURA Kunitake KANEKO Fumio TERAOKA Shinichiro HARUYAMA
There is a strong demand to enjoy broadband and stable Internet connectivity not only in office and the home but also in high-speed train. Several systems are providing high-speed train with Internet connectivity using various technologies such as leaky coaxial cable (LCX), Wi-Fi, and WiMAX. However, their actual throughputs are less than 2Mbps. We developed a free-space optical (FSO) communication transceiver called LaserTrainComm2014 that achieves the throughput of 1 Gbps between the ground and a train. LaserTrainComm2014 employs a high-speed image sensor for coarse tracking and a quadrant photo-diode (QPD) for accurate tracking. Since the image captured by the high-speed image sensor has several types of noise, image processing is necessary to detect the beacon light of the other LaserTrainComm2014. As a result of field experiments in a vehicle test course, LaserTrainComm2014 achieves handover time of 21 milliseconds (ms) in the link layer at the speed of 60km/h. Even if the network layer signaling takes time of 10 milliseconds, the total communication disruption time due to handover is short enough to provide passengers with Internet connectivity for live streaming Internet applications such as YouTube, Internet Radio, and Skype.
Information services for drivers and passengers in land vehicles have been drastically increasing in recent years. Frequency spectra used in vehicle communications cover an extremely wide band ranging from the LF band to the millimeter-wave band. Today, a variety of properties are required of antennas depending on the types of radio systems; more than ten kinds of antennas are installed in land vehicles. Advances in such land vehicle antennas developed in Japan are reviewed in reference to antennas for broadcasting reception and mobile communication systems. Typical antennas are introduced for each system, and the technology and performance are described.