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Identity-based encryption (IBE) is one of the most important primitives in cryptography, and various security notions of IBE (e.g., IND-ID-CCA2, NM-ID-CCA2, IND-sID-CPA etc.) have been introduced. The relations among them have been clarified recently. This paper, for the first time, investigates the security of IBE in the universally composable (UC) framework. This paper first defines the UC-security of IBE, i.e., we define the ideal functionality of IBE, FIBE. We then show that UC-secure IBE is equivalent to conventionally-secure (IND-ID-CCA2-secure) IBE.
Non-repudiation is a basic security requirement for electronic business applications to protect against a sender's false denial of having created and sent a message. Typically non-repudiation protocols are constructed based on digital signatures. However, there has been no theoretical treatment of such non-repudiation protocols. In this paper, we provide a formal security definition of non-repudiation protocols and analyze the security of a signature-based protocol. Our security definition and analysis are based on Canetti's framework of universally composable security.