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[Keyword] wireless communications(57hit)


  • Anti-Interception Vortex Microwave Photon Transmission with Covert Differential Channel Open Access

    Yuanhe WANG  Chao ZHANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E107-A No:10

    With the emphasis on personal information privacy protection in wireless communications, the new dimension low-interception covert transmission technology represented by the vortex wave with Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) has received attention from both academia and industry. However, the current OAM low-interception transmission techniques all assume that the eavesdropper can only receive plane wave signals, which is a very ideal situation. Once the eavesdropper is configured with an OAM sensor, the so-called mode covert channel will be completely exposed. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a vortex microwave photon low-interception transmission method. The proposed method utilizes the differential operation between plane and vortex microwave photons signals to construct the covert differential channel, which can hide the user data in the mode domain. Compared with the traditional spread spectrum transmission, our proposed covert differential channel schemes need less transmitted power to achieve reliable transmission, which means less possibility of being intercepted by the eavesdropper.

  • 10-Gbit/s Data Transmission Using 120-GHz-Band Contactless Communication with SRR Integrated Glass Substrate Open Access

    Tomohiro KUMAKI  Akihiko HIRATA  Tubasa SAIJO  Yuma KAWAMOTO  Tadao NAGATSUMA  Osamu KAGAYA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E107-C No:8

    We achieved 10-Gbit/s data transmission using a cutting-edge 120-GHz-band high-speed contactless communication technology, which allows seamless connection to a local area network (LAN) by simply placing devices on a desk. We propose a glass substrate-integrated rectangular waveguide that can control the permeability of the top surface to 120-GHz signals by contacting a dielectric substrate with the substrate. The top surface of the rectangular waveguide was replaced with a glass substrate on which split-ring resonators (SRRs) were integrated. The transmission loss of the waveguide with a glass substrate was 2.5 dB at 125 GHz. When a dielectric sheet with a line pattern formed on the contact surface was in contact with a glass substrate, the transmission loss from the waveguide to the dielectric sheet was 19.2 dB at 125 GHz. We achieved 10-Gbit/s data transmission by contacting a dielectric sheet to the SRR-integrated glass substrate.

  • 300-GHz-Band Dual-Band Bandstop Filter Based on Two Different Sized Split Ring Resonators Open Access

    Akihiko HIRATA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E107-C No:4

    For 6G mobile communications, it is important to realize a 300 GHz band bandpass filter that fits the occupied bandwidth of wireless communication system to prevent inter-system interference. This paper presents the design of a 300-GHz-band dual-band bandstop filter composed of two types of different sized split ring resonator (SRR) unit cells. The SRR unit cells are formed by a 5-μm-thick gold pattern on a 200-μm-thick quartz substrate. When two different-sized SRR unit cells are placed alternately on the same quartz substrate and the SRR unit cell size is over 260 μm, the stopbands of the dual-band bandstop filter are almost the same as those of the bandstop filter, which is composed of a single SRR unit cell. The insertion loss of the dual-band bandstop filter at 297.4 GHz is 1.8 dB and the 3-dB passband becomes 16.0 GHz (290.4-306.4 GHz). The attenuation in the two stopbands is greater than 20 dB. Six types of dual-band bandstop filters with different arrangement and different distance between SRR unit cells are prototyped, and the effect of the distance and arrangement between different sized SRR unit cells on the transmission characteristics of dual-band bandstop filters were clarified.

  • A New Method to Compute Sequence Correlations Over Finite Fields

    Serdar BOZTAŞ  Ferruh ÖZBUDAK  Eda TEKİN  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E106-A No:12

    In this paper we obtain a new method to compute the correlation values of two arbitrary sequences defined by a mapping from F4n to F4. We apply this method to demonstrate that the usual nonbinary maximal length sequences have almost ideal correlation under the canonical complex correlation definition and investigate some decimations giving good cross correlation. The techniques we develop are of independent interest for future investigation of sequence design and related problems, including Boolean functions.

  • 300-GHz-Band Diplexer for Frequency-Division Multiplexed Wireless Communication

    Yuma KAWAMOTO  Toki YOSHIOKA  Norihiko SHIBATA  Daniel HEADLAND  Masayuki FUJITA  Ryo KOMA  Ryo IGARASHI  Kazutaka HARA  Jun-ichi KANI  Tadao NAGATSUMA  


    E106-C No:11

    We propose a novel silicon diplexer integrated with filters for frequency-division multiplexing in the 300-GHz band. The diplexer consists of a directional coupler formed of unclad silicon wires, a photonic bandgap-based low-pass filter, and a high-pass filter based on frequency-dependent bending loss. These integrated filters are capable of suppressing crosstalk and providing >15dB isolation over 40GHz, which is highly beneficial for terahertz-range wireless communications applications. We have used this diplexer in a simultaneous error-free wireless transmission of 300-GHz and 335-GHz channels at the aggregate data rate of 36Gbit/s.

  • Metric-Combining Multiuser Detection Using Replica Cancellation with RTS and Enhanced CTS for High-Reliable and Low-Latency Wireless Communications

    Hideya SO  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hayato SOYA  Yuyuan CHANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:11

    In unlicensed spectrum, wireless communications employing carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) suffer from longer transmission delay time as the number of user terminals (UTs) increases, because packet collisions are more likely to occur. To cope with this problem, this paper proposes a new multiuser detection (MUD) scheme that uses both request-to-send (RTS) and enhanced clear-to-send (eCTS) for high-reliable and low-latency wireless communications. As in conventional MUD scheme, the metric-combining MUD (MC-MUD) calculates log likelihood functions called metrics and accumulates the metrics for the maximum likelihood detection (MLD). To avoid increasing the number of states for MLD, MC-MUD forces the relevant UTs to retransmit their packets until all the collided packets are correctly detected, which requires a kind of central control and reduces the system throughput. To overcome these drawbacks, the proposed scheme, which is referred to as cancelling MC-MUD (CMC-MUD), deletes replicas of some of the collided packets from the received signals, once the packets are correctly detected during the retransmission. This cancellation enables new UTs to transmit their packets and then performs MLD without increasing the number of states, which improves the system throughput without increasing the complexity. In addition, the proposed scheme adopts RTS and eCTS. One UT that suffers from packet collision transmits RTS before the retransmission. Then, the corresponding access point (AP) transmits eCTS including addresses of the other UTs, which have experienced the same packet collision. To reproduce the same packet collision, these other UTs transmit their packets once they receive the eCTS. Computer simulations under one AP conditions evaluate an average carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) range in which the proposed scheme is effective, and clarify that the transmission delay time of the proposed scheme is shorter than that of the conventional schemes. In two APs environments that can cause the hidden terminal problem, it is demonstrated that the proposed scheme achieves shorter transmission delay times than the conventional scheme with RTS and conventional CTS.

  • Design of a Wideband Constant-on-Time Control Envelope Amplifier for Wireless Basestation Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers

    Deng-Fong LU  Chin HSIA  


    E102-C No:10

    Envelope tracking (ET) technology provides the potential for achieving high efficiency in power amplifiers (PAs) with high peak-to-average ratio (PAR) signals. Envelope amplifiers with high fidelity, high efficiency, and wide bandwidth are critical components for the widespread application of envelope tracking. This paper presents the design of a linear-assisted switching buck converter for use in an envelope amplifier. To effectively leverage the high efficiency of buck converters and the wide bandwidth capabilities of linear amplifiers, a parallel combination of these two devices is employed in this work. A novel current-sense constant-on-time (COT) controller is proposed to coordinate this hybrid power supply. The combination mainly enables the switching converter to provide the average power required by the PA with high efficiency, while the wideband linear amplifier provides a wide range of dynamic voltages. The technique improves the efficiency of the envelope amplifier, especially for applications requiring high PAR with wider bandwidth signals. Measurement of the envelope amplifier showed an efficiency of approximately 77% with 10 W output power using LTE downlink signals. The overall ET system was demonstrated by using a GaN PA. The measured average power-added efficiency of the amplifier reached above 45% for an LTE modulated signal with 20 MHz bandwidth and PAR of 8.0 dB, at an average output power of 5 W and gain of 10.1 dB. The measured normalized RMS error is below 2.1% with adjacent channel leakage ratio of -48 dBc at an offset frequency of 20 MHz.

  • Monte Carlo Based Channel Characteristics for Underwater Optical Wireless Communications

    Ai-ping HUANG  Lin-wei TAO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:4

    In this paper, we investigate the channel characteristics of underwater optical wireless communications (UOWC) based on Monte Carlo simulation method. The impulse response and channel time dispersion of the link are discussed. Also we consider the channel parameters comprehensively like the water type, attenuation length, divergence angle, beam width, field-of-view (FOV), receiver aperture and position. Simulation results suggest that in clear water, the channel can effectively be considered as non inter-symbol interference (ISI) when working over distance of up to 40m. Therefore, in practice the receiver does not need to perform computationally complex signal processing operations. However, in harbor water, the channel time dispersion will enlarge with larger FOV or divergence angle, and reduce the data transmission efficiency. When the attenuation length is smaller than diffused length, larger receivers offer lower intensity than smaller ones. In contrast, the intensity enhances with larger receiver at the small FOV, however, they trend to similar regardless of the apertures at large FOV. Furthermore, we study the effect of misalignment of the transmitter and receiver on the received intensity. The results give us some insight in terms of what constitutes an accurate UOWC channel.

  • Reduced Complexity K-Best Decoder via Adaptive Symbol Constellation for Uncoded MIMO Wireless Systems


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:2

    In this paper, we present a low and variable computation complexity decoder based on K-Best for uncoded detection in spatially multiplexed MIMO systems. In the variable complexity K-Best (VKB), the detection of each symbol is carried out using only a symbol constellation of variable size. This symbol constellation is obtained by considering the channel properties and a given target SNR. Simulations show that the proposed technique almost matches the performance of the original K-Best decoder. Moreover, it is able to reduce the average computation complexity by at least 75% in terms of the number of visited nodes.

  • Integrated-Circuit Approaches to THz Communications: Challenges, Advances, and Future Prospects

    Minoru FUJISHIMA  Shuhei AMAKAWA  


    E100-A No:2

    Frequencies around 300GHz offer extremely broad atmospheric transmission window with relatively low losses of up to 10dB/km and can be regarded as the ultimate platform for ultrahigh-speed wireless communications with near-fiber-optic data rates. This paper reviews technical challenges and recent advances in integrated circuits targeted at communications using these and nearby “terahertz (THz)” frequencies. Possible new applications of THz wireless links that are hard to realize by other means are also discussed.

  • Adaptive Control for LED-Based Underwater Wireless Communications Using Visible Light

    Xin LIN  


    E100-A No:1

    One of the major subjects for marine resources development and information processing is how to realize underwater short-range and large-capacity data transmissions. The acoustic wave is an effective carrier and has been used for underwater data transmissions because it has lower attenuation in seawater than the radio wave, and has average propagation distance of about 10km or more. However, along with the imaging of transmission data, the inherent low speed of the acoustic wave makes it cannot and become an ideal carrier for high-speed and large-capacity communications. On the other hand, visible-light wave with wavelength of 400nm-650nm is an ideal carrier, which has received much attention. Its attractive features are high transparency and low attenuation rate in underwater, easily control the propagation direction and range by the visibility, and high data rate and capacity, making it excellent for application in underwater wireless communications. However, visible-light waves in the seawater have the spectral attenuation characteristics due to different marine environment. Therefore, in this paper an underwater optical wireless communication method with adaptation seawater function is considered for seawater turbidity of the spatio-temporal change. Two crucial components in the underwater optical wireless communication system, the light wavelength and the modulation method are controlled using wavelength- and modulation-adaptation techniques, respectively. The effectiveness of the method of the adaptation wavelength is demonstrated in underwater optical image transmissions.

  • A Linear Combining Scheme to Suppress Interference in Multiple Relay Systems

    Ahmet Ihsan CANBOLAT  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:8

    This paper proposes an interference suppression scheme based on linear combining for multiple relay systems. Interference from base stations and relays in neighboring cells degrades the bit error rate (BER) performance of mobile stations (MSs) near cell boundaries. To suppress such interference for half-duplex relay systems, the proposed scheme linearly combines received signals of the first and second phases at MS. Without channel state information (CSI) feedback, weight coefficients for the linear combining are estimated by the recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm, which requires only information on preamble symbols of the target MS. Computer simulations of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission under two-cell and frequency selective fading conditions are conducted. It is demonstrated that the RLS-based linear combining with decision directed estimation is superior to the RLS-based linear combining using only the preamble and can outperform the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) combining with estimated CSI when the number of preamble symbols is two and four that correspond to the minimum requirements for MMSE and RLS, respectively.

  • Theoretical Bit Error Rate in a Circular Polarized Optical OFDM System

    Kazuo HAGIHARA  Kouji OHUCHI  


    E99-A No:1

    Circular Polarized Optical OFDM (CPO-OFDM) is a system that applies OFDM to optical wireless communications. This system separates OFDM signals into positive and negative signals and converts these signals into left-handed and right-handed polarization and then multiplexes the resulting polarized signals. In CPO-OFDM, the separated signals must be combined at the receiver. Then, as a noise-reduction method, the comparison method compares the signal amplitudes of the positive and negative signals and uses the signal having the larger amplitude as the received signal. However, if we use the comparison method when the received signals have background light, the combined signals are distorted. In the present paper, we herein report a method by which the receiver estimates the amplitude of the background light and then removes the background light, which is easily accomplished. Furthermore, we also report a theoretical method for analyzing the bit error rate (BER). We develop a closed form of the theoretical formula for the BER in an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. By using this formula and through numerical integration, we investigate the theoretical BER for a scintillation channel. We compare the results of the theoretical analysis with those of the simulations. As a result, the theoretical BER is generally coincident with the BER obtained through simulation. Even if we use the closed-form formula, we can derive the BER with sufficient accuracy.

  • Small Antennas Used in the Vicinity of Human Body Open Access

    Koichi ITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Kazuyuki SAITO  

    INVITED PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:1

    Recently, wearable wireless devices or terminals have become hot a topic not only in research but also in business. Implantable wireless devices can temporarily be utilized to monitor a patient's condition in an emergency situation or to identify people in highly secured places. Unlike conventional wireless devices, wearable or implantable devices are used on or in the human body. In this sense, body-centric wireless communications (BCWCs) have become a very active area of research. Radio-frequency or microwave medical devices used for cancer treatment systems and surgical operation have completely different functions, but they are used on or in the human body. In terms of research techniques, such medical devices have a lot of similarities to BCWCs. The antennas to be used in the vicinity of the human body should be safe, small and robust. Also, their interaction with the human body should be well considered. This review paper describes some of the wearable antennas as well as implantable antennas that have been studied in our laboratory.

  • Optimum Selection of Radio Access Technologies in a 5G Heterogeneous Multicomm Environment Open Access

    Markus MUECK  Majdi MSALLEM  Christian DREWES  Markus STINNER  


    E98-B No:10

    This contribution addresses optimum wireless link selection in a 5G heterogeneous Multicomm environment in which multiple distinct Radio Access Technologies can be operated simultaneously by a given Mobile Device. The related decision making mechanisms are proposed to be part of the Mobile Device User Equipment which identifies the preferred Radio Access Technologies to be operated as well as the preferred Modulation and Coding parameters and finally selects the optimum choice either independently or through negotiation with the Network Infrastructure Equipment. In this context, the concerned Mobile Device is able to manage the bandwidth to be employed for communication — the bandwidth per Radio Access Technology is typically defined by the Network Infrastructure but the possibility for aggregating a multitude of distinct technologies introduces a new degree of freedom enabling the choice of the bandwidth selection. Simulation results demonstrate that the Mobile Device driven selection of a Multicomm configuration may either substantially reduce Mobile Device power consumption (75% in a typical example) or increase the aggregate throughput at an identical power consumption level compared to the single link case (a 3x factor in a typical example).

  • A Semifixed Complexity Sphere Decoder for Uncoded Symbols for Wireless Communications


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:12

    The development of high data rate wireless communications systems using Multiple Input — Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna techniques requires detectors with reduced complexity and good Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. In this paper, we present the Semi-fixed Complexity Sphere Decoder (SCSD), which executes the process of detection in MIMO systems with a significantly lower computation cost than the high-performance/reduced-complexity detectors: Sphere Decoder (SD), K-best, Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD) and Adaptive Set Partitioning (ASP). Simulation results show that when the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is less than 15dB, the SCSD reduces the complexity by up to 90% with respect to SD, up to 60% with respect to K-best or ASP and by up to 90% with respect to FSD. In the proposed algorithm, the BER performance does not show significant degradation and therefore, can be considered as a complexity reduction scheme suitable for implementing in MIMO detectors.

  • E- and W-Band High-Capacity Hybrid Fiber-Wireless Links



    E97-B No:7

    In this paper we summarize the work conducted in our group in the area of E- and W-band optical high-capacity fiber-wireless links. We present performance evaluations of E- and W-band mm-wave signal generation using photonic frequency upconversion employing both VCSELs and ECLs, along with transmission over different type of optical fibers and for a number of values for the wireless link distance. Hybrid wireless-optical links can be composed of mature and resilient technology available off-the-shelf, and provide functionalities that can add value to optical access networks, specifically in mobile backhaul/fronthaul applications, dense distributed antenna systems and fiber-over-radio scenarios.

  • Subcarrier Intensity Modulation/Spatial Modulation for Optical Wireless Communications

    Yan CHENG  Seung-Hoon HWANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:5

    In this paper, we investigate a combination scheme of subcarrier intensity-modulation (SIM) with spatial modulation (SM) for optical wireless communication. Using computer simulation, the performances of the proposed SIM/SM scheme are investigated and compared with those of the conventional SIM scheme in the additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) as well as in outdoor environment with turbulence induced fading characteristics. Numerical results show that the proposed SIM/SM scheme can outperform the conventional SIM in an environment with different spectral efficiencies. When the spectral efficiency is varied from 2bits/s/Hz to 4bits/s/Hz, an Eb/N0 gain of 2dB to 5dB is achieved, when the bit error rate of 10-5 is maintained. It shows that the employment of SM may further improve the power efficiency of SIM, when the number of subcarriers increases according to the spectral efficiency. When the spectral efficiency is 4bits/s/Hz, the SIM/SM scheme for 0.5 of log-irradiance variance in the log-normal turbulence channel shows the same performance as SIM with variance of 0.3. This means that the SIM/SM can be an alternative choice in even worse environments.

  • Low-Power Dynamic MIMO Detection for a 4×4 MIMO-OFDM Receiver

    Nozomi MIYAZAKI  Shingo YOSHIZAWA  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E97-A No:1

    This paper describes low-power dynamic multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) detection for a 4×4 MIMO-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) receiver. MIMO-OFDM systems achieve high-speed and large capacity communications. However, they impose high computational cost in MIMO detection when separating spatially multiplexed signals and they consume vast amounts of power. We propose low-power dynamic MIMO detection that controls detection speed according to wireless environments. The power consumption is reduced by dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) that controls the operating voltage and clock frequency in the MIMO detector. We implemented dynamic MIMO detection in a pipelined minimum mean square error (MMSE) MIMO detector that we developed in our previous work. A power saving of 92% was achieved under lowest clock frequency mode conditions.

  • High-Speed Full-Duplex Optical Wireless Communication System with Single Channel Imaging Receiver for Personal Area Networks

    Ke WANG  Ampalavanapillai NIRMALATHAS  Christina LIM  Efstratios SKAFIDAS  


    E96-C No:2

    In this paper, we propose a high-speed full-duplex optical wireless communication system using a single channel imaging receiver for personal area network applications. This receiver is composed of an imaging lens, a small sensitive-area photodiode, and a 2-aixs actuator and it can reject most of the background light. Compared with the previously proposed system with single wide field-of-view (FOV) non-imaging receiver, the coverage area at 12.5 Gb/s is extended by > 20%. Furthermore, since the rough location information of the user is available in our proposed system, instead of searching for the focused light spot over a large area on the focal plane of the lens, only a small possible area needs to be scanned. In addition, by pre-setting a proper comparison threshold when searching for the focused light spot, the time needed for searching can be further reduced. Proof-of-concept experiments have been carried out and the results show that with this partial searching algorithm and pre-set threshold, better performance is achieved.


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