Masao NAKAGAWA Ryuji KOHNO Shin'ichi TACHIKAWA Taka-aki HASEGAWA Tetsushi IKEGAMI Eisuke FUKUDA Yukitsuna FURUYA Shuzo KATO Masashi SATOH Hisao TACHIKA Yoshihiro TANADA Kazuo TSUBOUCHI
A. Roger HAMMONS, Jr. P. Vijay KUMAR
Recently, a family of 4-phase sequences (alphabet {1,j,-1,-j}) was discovered having the same size 2r+1 and period 2r-1 as the family of binary (i.e., {+1, -1}) Gold sequences, but whose maximum nontrivial correlation is smaller by a factor of
The effectiveness of error-control coding in a frequency-hop radio system can be increased greatly by the use of side information that is developed in the radio receiver. The transmission of test symbols provides a simple method for the derivation of side information in a slow-frequency-hop receiver. Requirements on the reliability of the side information are presented, and their implications in determining the necessary number of test symbols are described. Other methods for developing side information are reviewed briefly, and applications of side information to routing protocols for frequency-hop packet radio networks are discussed.
The well known optimum approach to detect spread spectrum signals transmitted in bursts over frequency selective radio channels is matched filtering, which performs despreading, and subsequent Viterbi equalization (VE) to cope with intersymbol interference (ISI). With respect to complexity, VE is feasible only if data modulation schemes with a few symbol levels as e.g. 2PSK are used and if the delay spread of the channel is not too large. The paper gives a survey of suboptimum data detectors based on linear block estimation. Such data detectors are less expensive than VE especially in the case of multilevel data modulation schemes as 4PSK or 16QAM. Special emphasis is laid on data detectors based on Gauss-Markoff estimation because these detectors combine the advantages of unbiasedness and minimum variance of the estimate. In computer simulations, the Gauss-Markoff estimation algorithm is applied to spread spectrum burst transmission over radio channels specified by COST 207. It is shown that the SNR degradation which is a measure of the suboptimality of the detector does not exceed a few dB, and that even moderate spectrum spreading considerably reduces the detrimental effect of channel frequency selectivity.
Indoor radio communications is an important component of the emerging personal communication systems service. It is also the basis for wireless local area networks. The indoor radio channel is characterized by fading multipaths as well as noise. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), with its inherent resistance to multipath interference is an attractive technique for this environment. To allow multiple users within the limited bandwidths available, code division multiple access is needed. This paper analyzes the performance of a DSSS scheme employing random orthogonal codes over fading multipath indoor radio channels using actual channel measurements from five different locations. A RAKE receiver is used to study the effects of power control, code length and receiver structure. The average probability of error as a function of signal-to-noise ratio or as a function of the number of simultaneous transmitters is used as the performance criteria.
An approximate equation of the odd periodic correlation distribution for the family of binary sequences is derived from the exact even periodic correlation distribution. The distribution means the probabilities of correlation values which appear among all the phase-shifted sequences in the family. It is shown that the approximate distribution is almost the same as the computational result of some family such as the Gold sequences with low even periodic correlation magnitudes, or the Kasami sequences, the bent sequences with optimal even periodic correlation properties in the sense of the Welch's lower bound. It is also shown that the odd periodic correlation distribution of the family with optimal periodic correlation properties is not the Gaussian distribution, but that of the family of the Gold sequences with short period seems to be similar to the Gaussian distribution.
It is concluded from numerical examples for the well-known linear PN sequence families of a large range of periods that the mean-square cross-correlation value between sequences is the dominating parameter to the average signal-to-noise power ratio performance of an asynchronous direct-sequence (DS) code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system. The performance parameters derived by Pursley and Sarwate are used for numerical evaluation and the validity of conclusion is supported by reviewing the other related works. The mean-square periodic cross-correlation takes the equal value p (code period) for the known CDMA code families. The equal mean-square cross-correlation performance results from the basic results of coding theory.
A simple method is given for obtaining new families of pseudonoise (PN) sequences based on chaotic non-linear maps. Such families are worse than the Gold and the Kasami families in terms of maximum correlation values. Nevertheless, such a method has several advantages: the generation is easy, and various families with an arbitrary family size and sequence period can be obtained primarily because non-linear maps have several parameters to be secret keys for communications security. Hence these sequences are good candidates of spreading sequences for CDMA.
Colin D. FRANK Michael B. PURSLEY
Concatenated coding techniques are applied to slow frequency-hop packet radio communications for channels with partial-band interference. Binary orthogonal signaling (e.g., binary FSK) is employed with noncoherent demodulation. The outer codes are Reed-Solomon codes and the inner codes are convolutional codes. Two concatenated coding schemes are compared. The first employs an interleaver between the outer Reed-Solomon code and the inner convolutional code. The second scheme employs an additional interleaver following the convolutional code. Comparisons are made between the performance of these concatenated coding schemes and the performance of Reed-Solomon codes alone.
Tetsuo MABUCHI Ryuji KOHNO Hideki IMAI
This paper investigates a multihopping scheme for MFSK (Multilevel Frequency Shift Keying) /FH-SSMA (Frequency Hopping-Spread Spectrum Multiple Access) system. Moreover, we propose and investigate a modified decoding scheme for the coded MFSK/FH-SSMA system. In this multi-hopped MFSK/FH-SSMA system, several hopping frequencies per chip are assigned and transmitted in parallel in order to improve its frequency diversity capability for a fading channel. We theoretically analyze the performance of the multihopped MFSK/FH-SSMA system in a Rayleigh fading channel. Moreover, in the coded MFSK/FH-SSMA system, we propose a modified scheme of the error and erasure decoding of an error-correcting code. The modified decoding scheme utilizes the information of rows having the largest number of entries in the decoded time-frequency matrix. Their BER (Bit Error Rate) performance is evaluated by theoretical analysis in order to show the improvement in user capacity.
Four imperfections encountered in transmitter power control (TPC) for direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) cellular mobile communications systems, faulty TPC, finite dynamic range, restricted site diversity, and non-uniform user distribution, are investigated where account is taken of the effect of the propagation constant on the traffic capacity. Computer simulation schemes for traffic capacity estimation under these TPC imperfections are presented. Traffic capacity estimates are produced for a representative DS/CDMA cellular mobile communications system.
Ramjee PRASAD Michel G. JANSEN Adriaan KEGEL
The capacity of a cellular direct sequence code division multiple access system is investigated in situations with and without power control for both the reverse link (from mobile to base station) and the forward link (from base station to mobile). The capacity is defined as the number of simultaneous users per cell with a prespecified performance. A theoretical analysis of the effect of imperfect power control on the reverse link capacity is presented using an analytical model. To investigate the reverse link capacity without any form of power control, a general spatial user distribution is developed which is very suitable for analytical study of any multiple access system with the near-far effect problem. The performance of the reverse link of a CDMA system is also evaluated considering the users located in surrounding cells. Finally, the forward link capacity is studied considering multiple cells. Two possible forward power control schemes, namely carrier-to-interference ratio driven and distance driven systems, are discussed.
In this paper we determine the performance of a direct sequence spread spectrum multiple access system where the users utilize different carrier frequencies. This scheme is applicable to a system, such as an indoor wireless communication system utilizing very high frequencies, where the available bandwidth is so large that it is not feasible to spread the signal over the whole band. The multi-user interference is modeled as a compound Gaussian random variable and expressions are found for the variance of the interference as a function of relative phase and frequency parameters. In addition to different carrier frequencies the analysis also accounts for offsets in the chip clock frequencies, general chip pulse shaping function, and different received signal powers. We give results for the error probability in a multiple access system utilizing BPSK, QPSK, and OQPSK modulation.
Assuming application to the mobile multiple-access communication, chip-asynchronous mobile-to-base performances of FH/FTH (Frequency-Time-Hopped)-MFTSK (Multi-level Frequency-Time Shift Keying) systems are investigated. Analytical expressions are obtained for the probabilities of false detection and missed detection of signal elements, assuming independent and asynchronous arrival of each of the signal elements with Rayleigh fading and optional AWG noise. Using the result or by simulation and employing dual-k coding, parameter optimization was carried out to obtain the maximum spectrum efficiency. The results of the noisy case analysis and simulation show high noise-robustness of the FTH systems. For a given value of information transmission rate the optimized FTH-MFTSK gives an effectively constant spectrum efficiency for a wide range of the number Kf of frequency chips. As a result, FTH-MFTSK well outperforms FTH-MFSK at any, especially small value of Kf. Relative to the overall optimum FH-MFSK, FTH-MFSK systems show typically around 20% of degradation in spectrum efficiency even with one-eighth of Kf. Compared with FH-MFSK, accordingly, FTH-MFTSK systems allow the designer to reduce, without any degradation in multiple-access performances, the number of frequency chips to the minimum value tolerated by the frequency selective fading characteristics and the time chip duration requirement imposed by the signal-to-noise ratio margin and the transmitter peak power rating.
This paper discusses the performance of asynchronous direct-sequence spread-spectrum multiple-access systems using binary or quaternary phase-shift keyed signals with the strict bandwidth-limitation by Nyquist filtering. The signal-to-noise plus interference ratio (SNIR) at the output from the correlation receiver is derived analytically taking the cross-correlation characteristics of spreading sequences into account, and also an approximated SNIR of a simple form is presented for the systems employing Gold sequences. Based on the analyzed result of SNIR, bit error rate performance and spectral efficiency are also estimated.
In this paper, we propose a spread spectrum pulse position modulation (SS-PPM) system, and describe its basic performances. In direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) systems, pseudo-noise (PN) matched filters are often used as information demodulation devices. In the PN matched filter demodulation systems, for simple structure and low cost of each receiver, it is desired that each demodulator uses only one PN matched filter, and that signals transmitted from each transmitter are binary. In such systems, on-off keying (SS-OOK), binary-phase-shift keying (SS-BPSK) and differential phase-shift keying (SS-DPSK) have been conventionally used. As one of such systems, we propose the SS-PPM system; the SS-PPM system is divided into the following two systems: 1) the SS-PPM system without sequence inversion keying (SIK) of the spreading code (Without SIK for short); 2) the SS-PPM system with SIK of the spreading code (With SIK for short). As a result, we show that under the same bandwidth and the same code length, the data transmission rate of the SS-PPM system is superior to that of the other conventional SS systems, and that under the same band-width, the same code length and the same data transmission rate, the SS-PPM system is superior to the other conventional SS systems on the following points: 1) Single channel bit error rate (BER) (BER characteristics of the SS-PPM system improve with increasing the number of chip slots of the SS-PPM system, and as the number of chip slots increases, it approaches Shannon's limit); 2) Asynchronous CDMA BER; 3) Frequency utilization efficiency. In addition, we also show that With SIK is superior to Without SIK on these points.
This paper proposes M-ary/SSMA using co-channel interference cancellation techniques and presents comparisons with conventional DS/SSMA and other systems. First, ideal models of DS/SSMA and M-ary/SSMA using co-channel interference cancellation techniques are analyzed. In the cancellation circuit of DS/SSMA, when an error bit of other user's data arises, the received signal is degraded by "voltage addition" of the error sequence. While, in M-ary/SSMA, it is degraded by only "power addition" of the error code. Therefore, though the circuits are complicated, bit error rate of the proposed system can be improved considerably. Further, improvement of spectral efficiency in these systems are shown for several bit error rate and chip waveforms.
An asynchronous spread spectrum (SS) wireless modem has been implemented using an efficient ZnO-SiO2-Si surface acoustic wave (SAW) convolver. The modem is based on a direct-sequence/frequency-shift-keying (DS/FSK) method for the modulation. The demodulation is carried out asynchronously utilizing the coherent correlation characteristics of the SAW convolver. In order to improve the narrowband interference rejection capability, we propose a new technique based on the reference signal control. A notched-reference-signal circuit and a self-convolution canceler are implemented in the SS modem for the reference signal control. It was found that the antijam capability for narrowband interference is at least -24dB of desired-to-undesired power ratio (D/U); the improvement of the antijam capability is 16dB up as compared with our previous SS modem.
Hiroji KUSAKA Toshihisa NAKAI Masahiro KIMURA Tetsuya NIINO
A narrowband interference in direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems also affects the characteristics of a delay lock loop. In this paper, the delay errors of a baseband delay lock loop (DLL) in the presence of the interference which consists of a narrowband Gaussian noise and several tones are examined, and when a filter is used to reject the interference, the characteristics of the DLL are analyzed using the Fourier method. Furthermore, from the calculation results of the delay error in case where a prediction error filter with two-sided taps is used as the rejection filter, it is shown that the filter is necessary to keep the DLL in the lock-on state.
In this paper we consider multiuser detection using a neural network in a synchronous code-division multiple-access channel. In a code-division multiple-access channel, a matched filter is widely used as a receiver. However, when the relative powers of the interfering signals are large, i.e. the near-far problem, the performances of the matched filter receiver degrade. Although the optimum receiver for multiuser detection is superior to the matched filter receiver in such situations, the optimum receiver is too complex to be implemented. A simple technique to implement the optimum multiuser detection is required. Recurrent neural networks which consist of a number of simple processing units can rapidly provide a collectively-computed solution. Moreover, the network can seek out a minimum in the energy function. On the other hand, the optimum multiuser detection in a synchronous channel is carried out by the maximization of a likelihood function. In this paper, it is shown that the energy function of the neural network is identical to the likelihood function of the optimum multiuser detection and the neural network can be used to implement the optimum multiuser detection. Performance comparisons among the optimum receiver, the matched filter one and the neural network one are carried out by computer simulations. It is shown that the neural network receiver has a capability to achieve near-optimum performance in several situations and local minimum problems are few serious.
A new type of synchronous code division multiple access (S/CDMA) scheme for optical subscriber systems is reported. Passive channel multiplexing is promising for optical subscriber systems because it realizes high system performance at low cost. Unfortunately, passive channel multiplexing suffers from phase differences among the upstream channels, and these differences prevent the usage of traditional
Industrial radio control systems require a high degree of safety and reliability even in operating environments where harsh interference conditions exist. In order to implement Spread Spectrum (SS) modulation techniques in industrial radio control systems, a hybrid Direct Sequence/Frequency Hopping (DS/FH) system with high speed synchronization capability was designed, implemented and evaluated. In this system, a digital matched filter was utilized for despreading the DS signal. By manipulating the despread signal and sensing the correlation peak, the frequency hopping circuit can operate without a special synchronizing circuit. The focus of this report is on an engineering sample created for the 900MHz band available as an ISM band in the U.S. In this sample, error correction code was integrated with the hybrid DS/FH which gives the system excellent narrow-band interference rejection properties and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) capabilities.
The spread spectrum system (abbreviated as SS system) is known to be an excellent communication system which resists jamming. Recently, its application to a simplified wireless communication system has been considered to be suited for consumer communication. In Japan, SS wireless LAN system has got the approval on 2.4GHz ISM band already. A compact SS transceiver for the SS wireless LAN is realized, whose data ratio is 230kbps. The SS transceiver is based on a direct sequence for the modulation, and the demodulation is carried out by a specially developed SAW device. In the first part of this paper, the technical conditions of the SS wireless LAN are mentioned. Then the SAW device and the principle of the demodulation are discussed. Finally, the configuration of the SS transceiver and the protocol of the SS wireless LAN are presented.
Tetsushi IKEGAMI Shinichi TAIRA Yoshiya ARAKAKI
The bit error performance of a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Communication system in actual land mobile satellite channel is evaluated with experiments. Field test results with the ETS-V satellite in urban and suburban environments at L-band frequency show that this land mobile satellite channel of 3MHz bandwidth can be seen as a non-frequency selective Rician fading channel as well as shadowing channel. The bit error performance can be estimated from signal power measurement as in the case of narrow band modulation signals.
In this paper, we propose an adaptive RAKE receiver, which does not need to send the sounding signals and can track the fluctuations caused by fading. The channel estimation can be done by using a least squares method of the first and second equations suppressing additive noise and tracking the channel fluctuations. It is confirmed by computer simulations that the result has good agreement with theory and the performance is almost same as that of the conventional RAKE with the sounding signals.
A new method of multipath diversity combination is proposed for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DS-SS) mobile communications. In this method, the transmitted signal from the base staion is the sum of a number of the same spread signal, each one delayed and scaled according to the delay and the strength of the multipaths of the transmission channel. As a result the received signal at the mobile unit will already be a Rake combination of the multipath signals. This new method is called Pre-Rake diversity combination because the Rake diversity combination process is performed before transmission By this method the size and complexity of the mobile unit can be minimized, and the unit is made as simple as a non-combining single path receiver. A theoretical examination of the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and the Bit Error Rate (BER) results for the traditional Rake and the Pre-Rake combiners as well as computer simulations show that the performance of the Pre-Rake combiner is equivalent to that of the Rake combiner.
Tobias FELHAUER Paul W. BAIER Winfried KÖNIG Werner MOHR
In this paper, an optimized wideband channel sounder designed for measuring the time variant impulse response of outdoor radio channels in the frequency range 1800-2000 MHz is presented. Prior to hardware implementation the system was first modelled on a high performance supercomputer to enable the system designer to optimize the digital signal processing algorithms and the parameters of the hardware components by simulation. It is shown that the proposed measuring system offers a significantly larger amplitude resolution, i.e. dynamic range, than conventional systems applying matched filtering. This is achieved by transmitting digitally generated periodic spread spectrum test signals adjusted to amplifier non-linearities and by applying optimum unbiased estimation instead of matched filtering in the receiver. A further advantage of the hardware implementation of the proposed system compared to conventional systems [5]-[7] is its high flexibility with respect to measuring bandwidth, period of the test signal and sounding rate. The main features of the optimized system are described and first measurement results are presented.
A time division duplex (TDD) direct sequence spread spectrum communication (DS-SS) system is proposed for operation in channels with Rayleigh fading characteristics. It is shown that using the TDD method is advantageous because the devices can be designed more simply, the method is more frequency efficient and as a result the systems will be less costly and less power consuming. It is also shown that an efficient power control method can be implemented for the TDD systems. In contrast to the traditional access techniques such as frequency division multiple access (FDMA) and time division multiple access (TDMA) that are mainly frequency limited, the code division multiple access (CDMA) method which uses the DS-SS technique is interference limited. This means that an efficient power control method can increase the capacity of the DS-SS communications system. Computer simulations are used to evaluate the performance of the TDD power control method. Performance improvement of order of 12 to 17dB at bit error rate (BER) of 10-3 can be obtained for different methods of power control. The advantages of the TDD technique for the future DS-SS systems operating in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band are explained in an appendix to this paper.
In this paper we present a new tracking scheme using two tracking modes which are based on the concept of Delay Lock Loop (DLL). Under the multipath fading channels, a conventional DLL has problems of jitter performance degradation, lock-off and delay offset. It is necessary to solve these problems, because mobile communications have increased drastically. We propose the combination of a coarse tracking mode and a fine tracking mode. The former mode is employed for reducing the possibility of losing lock, the latter mode is used for suppressing the jitter of delay error and the delay offset in the presence of multipath fading. The both modes utilize the power of delay paths shown in the auto-correlation function of the received signal at the DLL. Computer simulation results show that our proposed scheme is extremely useful comparing with a conventional scheme over the multipath fading channels.