1. Introduction
Rail-to-rail tapered buffers are extensively applied as gate drivers in a variety of switching-mode circuits such as power amplifiers (PAs) [1]-[4], and DC-DC converters [5]-[8].
While tapered buffers in digital applications emphasize energy and delay [9], [10], gate drivers focus on the energy dissipation for a given drive capability. Research on digital buffers sheds valuable insights into the design of analog gate drivers. For example, Cherkauer et al. provided analytical expressions for the propagation delay, the power dissipation, the physical area, and the system reliability of tapered buffers with fixed ratios between successive stages [11]. In addition, it has been shown that the minimal delay buffer design is contradictory to the purpose of minimizing energy consumption alone [12]-[14].
The driving strength of tapered buffers is manifested by the output transition time, \(\tau_{tb}\), for a certain load. And the total energy dissipation of tapered buffers during transition (denoted as \(E_{tot}\)) consists of the dynamic losses and the short-circuit losses of each stage (denoted as \(E_{dyn}\) and \(E_{sc}\), respectively). While the former can be easily calculated by the corresponding load capacitance, the estimation for \(E_{sc}\) is extremely difficult [15], [16]. Although it is claimed that tapered buffers with fixed tapering factors feature relatively low total \(E_{sc}\) [15], [17], variably changing the dimensions of each buffer stage can further reduce the energy consumption. \(E_{dyn}\) and \(E_{sc}\) decrease with a lower supply voltage, which implies the use of a lower \(V_{DD}\) domain for power constraint applications. Kursun et al. introduced a low-voltage-swing gate drive technique for the tapered buffer to reduce \(E_{dyn}\) [18]. In a buck converter with a 660 MHz switching frequency, a half-rail swing technique for the tapered buffer is employed to reduce the switching losses [19]. While at the same power supply, Frustaci et al. proposed the tapered-\(V_{TH}\) buffer design involving transistors with different \(V_{THs}\). While high-\(V_{TH}\) devices in the front-end stages reduces the leakage and dynamic power, low-\(V_{TH}\) devices in the back-end stages favors the driving capabilities [20]. The applications of tapered buffers often involve different voltage domains in which the frontier and posterior stages operate at different voltages. For example, in DC-DC converters and power amplifiers, the digital control systems are typically powered at a relatively low voltage supply for power reduction and the final stage at a high voltage supply for enhanced driving capabilities. Therefore, a tapered buffer operating at multiple voltage domains is expected to strike a balance between the power consumption and the driving capability.
The analytical model of tapered buffers enables the estimation of its performance, and optimization can be achieved through computer-aided computation methods. For example, Liu et al. applied an iterative optimization algorithm for to improved design metrics such as area, delay, and power [21]. Overeem et al. generated a large quantity of random solutions and select the optimal one [22].
This work aims for the energy-optimized tapered buffer (EOTB) design that meets the output transition time specification (denoted as \(\tau_{tb,spec}\)) for a given load capacitance, while consuming minimal energy consumption. Cross-\(V_{DD}\) energy-optimized tapered buffers (CV-EOTBs) are carefully studied, which consists of two \(V_{DD}\) domains and a level-shifter. A computer-aided traversal optimization scheme is proposed to achieve the optimal solution.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 proposes the analytical models of the output transition time (denoted as \(\tau_{out}\)) and \(E_{sc}\) of CMOS inverters. Section 3 introduces the analytical models of \(\tau_{out}\) and \(E_{sc}\) of level-shifters, which serve as a crucial step for CV-EOTB designs. Section 4 presents the design strategy for single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTBs based on the proposed analytical models. Section 5 discusses the design of CV-EOTBs. Section 6 summaries the performances of the tapered buffers achieved through the proposed optimization procedures. Finally, Sect. 7 concludes the paper. In addition, Appendix A presents the parameter values of the analytical inverter models of the inverter. Appendix B presents four design cases of single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTBs(Case #B1, Case #B2, Case #B3, Case #B4).
2. Transition Time and Short-Circuit Energy of Inverters
Figure 1 shows the circuit schematic of a CMOS inverter. The transition time is defined as the duration of the voltage transition between 10% \(V_{DD}\) and 90% \(V_{DD}\). An accurate inverter model for \(\tau_{out}\), should involve the input transition time, \(\tau_{in}\), the load capacitance, \(C_L\), and the transistor sizes. It has been pointed out that the \(\tau_{out}\) models without considering \(\tau_{in}\) are not accurate, especially for slow input transitions [23]. Thus, Dutta et al. propose a general formulation of \(\tau_{out}\) involving \(\tau_{in}\) by curve fitting between the infinitely fast and slow input scenarios [23]. Maurine et al. derive an explicit model of \(\tau_{out}\) for fast and slow input cases, respectively [24]. It indicates that \(\tau_{out}\) with slow inputs is proportional to the square root of \(\tau_{in}\).
The switching loss of inverters consists of \(E_{dyn}\) and \(E_{sc}\) [16], [25]-[28] which are illustrated in Fig. 2 (a) and (b), respectively. When the output voltage of the inverter flips from low to high, the dynamic energy loss equals \(\frac{1}{2}C_LV_{DD}^2\) as shown in Fig. 2 (a). On the other hand, during the input transition, there is a phase when both the NMOS and PMOS transistors conducts (indicated by the blue line). The associated energy loss is refered to as \(E_{sc}\). Veendrick et al. derived an approximate expression of \(E_{sc}\) for an unloaded inverter and investigate the impact of \(C_L\). The study assumed that with equal \(\tau_{in}\) and \(\tau_{out}\), \(E_{sc}\) would only be a small portion (typically less than 20%) of the total transition loss of an inverter. Thus, it proposed fixed-ratio tapered buffer (FTB) designs which feature equalized \(\tau_{in}\) and \(\tau_{out}\). However, the study has not considered variable gate lengths. For inputs with different \(\tau_{in}\), transistors in an inverter will experience different operating regions. Therefore, Bisdounis et al. classified four catagories of input ramps and constructed \(E_{sc}\) models respectively [29]. Concise models of an inverter is extremely desirable for EOTB designs.
2.1 Analytical Model for Inverter Output Transition Time
The proposed analytical model for \(\tau_{out}\) is dependent on \(C_L\), \(\tau_{in}\) and transistor sizes. It is assumed that while NMOS and PMOS transistors have the same gate length, L, the widths of the PMOS transistor, \(W_p\), and NMOS transistor, \(W_n\), enjoy a fixed ratio S, i.e.,
\[\begin{align} W_p=SW_n \tag{1} \end{align}\] |
It is also assumed that \(|V_{TH,p}| = V_{TH,n} = V_{TH}\). The propagation delay of the inverter, \(t_d\), can be employed as an intermediary variable that correlates \(\tau_{in}\) and \(\tau_{out}\) which is expressed as follows [30],
\[\begin{align} t_d=\left(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1-\nu_{TH}}{1+\alpha}\right)\tau_{in}+\frac{C_LV_{DD}}{2I_{D0}},\nu_{TH}=\frac{V_{TH}}{V_{DD}} \tag{2} \end{align}\] |
where \(\alpha\) is the speed saturation index, and \(I_{D0}\) is the saturation current for \(V_{GS} = V_{DS} = V_{DD}\).
\(t_{ds}\) is the step response of an inverter and is expressed as,
\[\begin{align} t_{ds} = \frac{C_L}{\mu C_{ox}(W_n/L)}\cdot\frac{2V_{DD}}{7/4V_{DD}^2+V_{TH}^2-3V_{DD}V_{TH}} \tag{3} \end{align}\] |
For a given \(\tau_{in}\), \(\tau_{out}\) can be derived as follows [31],
\[\begin{align} \tau_{out} = 2t_{ds}\frac{1-\nu_{TH}}{0.5+\frac{t_d}{\tau_{in}}-\nu_{TH}} \tag{4} \end{align}\] |
Therefore, by combining Eqs. (2), (3) and (4), \(\tau_{out}\) can be expressed as follows,
\[\begin{align} \tau_{out} = \frac{C_L\tau_{in}}{p_1(\frac{W_n}{L})\tau_{in}+p_2C_L} \tag{5} \end{align}\] |
where \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) are the composite fitting parameters depending on \(V_{TH}, \alpha\) and \(V_{DD}\), etc. The unit of \(p_1\) is fF/ns and \(p_2\) is unitless. Units of all quantities used in the proposed analytical models are listed in Table 1.
2.2 Analytical Model for Inverter Short-Circuit Energy
\(E_{sc}\) exists due to the direct current path from \(V_{DD}\) to \(V_{SS}\) during the transition. Previous research has revealed that \(\tau_{in}\), \(C_L\), and transistor sizes directly affect \(E_{sc}\), therefore, are involved in the \(E_{sc}\) model.
According to [32], a simplified \(E_{sc}\) formula for inverters with relatively slow inputs is expressed as follows,
\[\begin{align} E_{sc}(\tau_{in} \gg \tau_{out}) = k_{sc1}(\frac{W_n}{L})\tau_{in} \tag{6} \end{align}\] |
where \(k_{sc1}\) is a composite model parameter which is determined according to \(V_{DD}\) and the normalized drain saturated voltage.
For inverters with fast inputs, the \(E_{sc}\) model is expressed as,
\[\begin{align} E_{sc}(\tau_{in} \ll \tau_{out}) = \frac{k_{sc2}(\frac{W_n}{L})^2}{C_L}\tau_{in}^2 \tag{7} \end{align}\] |
where \(k_{sc2}\) is a composite model parameter determined by \(V_{TH}\) and \(\alpha\) [32].
A modified \(E_{sc}\) model is proposed by combining Eqs. (6) and (7) as follows.
\[\begin{align} E_{sc} = \frac{1}{1/E_{sc}(\tau_{in} \ll \tau_{out})+1/E_{sc}(\tau_{in} \gg \tau_{out})} \tag{8} \end{align}\] |
It is simplified as,
\[\begin{align} E_{sc} = \frac{(\frac{W_n}{L})^2\tau_{in}^2}{k_1C_L+k_2(\frac{W_n}{L})\tau_{in}} \tag{9} \end{align}\] |
where \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) are composite fitting parameters. Their units are ns\(^2\)/pJ/fF and ns/pJ, respectively.
2.3 Sub-Models and Parameter Extraction
As pointed out by previouts research [29], [31], \(\tau_{out}\) and \(E_{sc}\) vary significantly for different \(\tau_{in}\). Therefore, it is necessary to split the models into sub-models according to \(\tau_{in}\) for more accurate evaluations. These sub-models are denoted as \(M_{0.1,1}\), \(M_{1,10}\), \(M_{10,100}\), \(M_{100,1000}\), \(M_{1000,10000}\), \(M_{10000,100000}\), respectively, where the subscripts represent their respective ranges of \(\tau_{in}\) in ns. Each sub-model enjoys the same expression but with different model parameters. All the sub-model parameters are extracted through curve-fitting based on SPICE simulations. The results are listed in Appendix A.
3. Transition Time and Short-Circuit Energy Models of Level-Shifters
Figure 3 (a) shows the schematic of a cross-coupled level-shifter between the low \(V_{DD}\) domain, \(V_{DDL}\), and the high \(V_{DD}\) domain, \(V_{DDH}\). As the input signal \(V_{IN}\) turns from \(V_{SS}\) to \(V_{DDL}\), \(M_{N1}\) switches on so that node \(Q_1\) is pulled down. Thereafter, \(M_{P4}\) gradually turns on to pull up node \(Q_2\) to \(V_{DDH}\), so that \(M_{p3}\) is switched off. An input falling transition leads to a similar operation process as shown in Fig. 3 (b).
![]() |
Fig. 3 The operation of a cross-coupled level-shifter upon (a) an input rising transition (b) an input falling transition. |
To ensure the successful operation, NMOS transistors should have a larger driving strength than PMOS transistors at the rising input (Fig. 3 (a)). Therefore, the aspect ratio of NMOS transistors is larger than that of the PMOS transistor.
To model the output transition time (\(\tau_{out,ls}\))and the transition loss of a level-shifter, the following assumptions are made.
(a) The input signal for the level-shifter features an identical rising and falling transition time denoted as \(\tau_{in,ls}\).
(b) \(M_{N1}\) and \(M_{N2}\) have an identical gate width of \(W_{n,ls}\) and \(M_{P3}\) and \(M_{P4}\) have an identical gate width of \(W_{p,ls}\). Both NMOS and PMOS transistors feature an identical gate length of \(L_{ls}\).
(c) The internal inverter in the level-shifter is assumed to perform an ideal inversion, i.e., the input waveforms of \(M_{N1}\) and \(M_{N2}\) are completely symmetric with opposite phases.
(d) The level-shifter is assumed to be open-loaded since it seldom directly drives the actual load.
These assumptions can greatly simplify the analysis and renders CV-EOTBs to satisfy the engineering requirement.
3.1 Output Transition Time Balancing Scheme
A primary requirement for level-shifter designs is to achieve equalized output rising and falling transition times, i.e., \(\tau_{r,ls} = \tau_{f,ls}\). Figure 3 (a) shows the operation upon an input rising transition. The arrows indicate the transient current flow directions. Since \(M_{N2}\) is turned off before \(M_{P4}\) is turned on, there is no contention and the output rising transition is calculated as,
\[\begin{align} C_{Q2}\frac{\mathrm{d}V_{Q2}}{\mathrm{d}t}=I_{MP4} \tag{10} \end{align}\] |
where \(C_{Q2}\) is the capacitance at node \(Q_2\).
Figure 3 (b) shows the operation of the level-shifter upon an input falling transition. In this case, there is a contention between \(M_{P4}\) and \(M_{N2}\). Hence, the output voltage satisfies the following relationship,
\[\begin{align} I_{MN2} + C_{Q2}\frac{\mathrm{d}V_{Q2}}{\mathrm{d}t} = I_{MP4} \tag{11} \end{align}\] |
It is observed from equations and that \(\tau_{in,ls}\) has uneven impacts on \(\tau_{r,ls}\) and \(\tau_{f,ls}\). Figure 4 and 5 demonstrate a set of exemplary simulation results, where \(V_{DDL} = 0.9 V, V_{DDH} = 1.2 V,W_{n,ls} = 2.8 \mu m,W_{p,ls} = 0.22 \mu m\),and \(L_{ls} = 0.18 \mu m\). When \(\tau_{in,ls}\) varies from 0.5 ns to 2 ns, \(\tau_{f,ls}\) changes from 0.117 ns to 0.372 ns (Fig. 4 (b)), while \(\tau_{r,ls}\) only experiences a relatively small change from 0.203 ns to 0.214 ns (Fig. 4 (a)).
![]() |
Fig. 4 The uneven impacts on the output transition times due to input transition time variations. Output (a) rising and (b) falling waveforms |
Figure 5 summarizes the dependence of output transition times on \(\tau_{in,ls}\). It shows that \(\tau_{f,ls}\) features a linear dependence on \(\tau_{in,ls}\), while \(\tau_{r,ls}\) shows a relative independency. As \(\tau_{in,ls}\) increases, level-shifter sizes must be adjusted accordingly to guarantee \(\tau_{r,ls} = \tau_{f,ls}\). It is achieved by increasing \(W_{n,ls} / W_{p,ls}\). The relationship between \(W_{n,ls} / W_{p,ls}\) and \(\tau_{in,ls}\) can be concluded as,
\[\begin{align} \frac{W_{n,ls}}{W_{p,ls}} = s_1\tau_{in,ls} + s_2 \tag{12} \end{align}\] |
where \(s_1(ns^{-1})\) and \(s_2\) are the fitting parameters which can be obtained from SPICE simulations.
It is also empirically observed that the \(W_{n,ls} / W_{p,ls}\) ratio is inversely proportional to \(L_{ls}\). Therefore, a sizing factor, \(\beta\), is proposed as follows,
\[\begin{align} \beta = \frac{W_{n,ls}L_{ls}}{W_{p,ls}L_{min}} = s_1\tau_{in,ls} + s_2 \tag{13} \end{align}\] |
Table 2 enlists the values of \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) for different \(V_{DDL}\) and \(V_{DDH}\).
3.2 Short-Circuit Energy Model
The switching loss of a level-shifter comprises the dynamic and the short-circuit energies. While the dynamic energy has a similar form as that of an inverter, its short-circuit energy, \(E_{sc,ls}\), is heavily dependent on \(\tau_{in,ls}\) and transistor sizes. The impact of \(\tau_{in,ls}\) is proportional to the aspect ratio of the PMOS transistors. Therefore, a scale factor, \(k\), is introduced as follows,
\[\begin{align} k = \frac{W_{p,ls}/L_{ls}}{W_{p,min}/L_{min}} \tag{14} \end{align}\] |
where \(W_{p,min}\) is the minimum width of PMOS transistors.
\(E_{sc,ls}\) features its linear dependence on the product of \(\tau_{in,ls}\) and \(k\), and is modeled as follows,
\[\begin{align} E_{sc,ls} = r_1k\tau_{in,ls} + r_2 \tag{15} \end{align}\] |
where \(r_1(pJ/ns)\) and \(r_2(pJ)\) are curve-fitting parameters. Table 3 lists the values of \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) for different \(V_{DDL}\) and \(V_{DDH}\). The accuracies of the fitting models in Eqs. (13) and (15) are intuitively illustrated in Fig. 6, which shows the fitting results for \(V_{DDH}=1.8V\) and \(V_{DDL}=0.9V\). The fitting functions are remarkably close to the SPICE simulation results.
![]() |
Fig. 6 Comparisons between the SPICE simulation results of (a) \(\beta\) and (b) \(E_{sc,ls}\) with the fitting functions for \(V_{DDH}=1.8V\) and \(V_{DDL}=0.9V\). |
\(\tau_{out,ls}\) can be calculated as either the rising or the falling transition times since they are equal. The output resistance can be expressed as,
\[\begin{align} R_{eq,p} = R_{eq,p0} / k \tag{16} \end{align}\] |
where \(R_{eq,p0}\) is the output resistance of the PMOS transistor with \(W_{p,min}\) and \(L_{min}\). The output transition time of the level-shifter is proportional to \(R_{eq,p}C_{Q2}\). For example, the transition time from 10% \(V_{DDH}\) and 90% \(V_{DDH}\) takes about \(2.2R_{eq,p}C_{Q2}\).
4. Design Strategy for Single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTBs
Performance evaluation of tapered buffers relies on the estimation of the equivalent load capacitances of each stage as shown in Fig. 7. In a tapered buffer, the load capacitance of the \(i\)-th stage (\(i \geqslant 1\)), \(C_i\), is composed of the output capacitance of the \(i\)-th stage, \(C_{out,i}\), and the input gate capacitance of the (\(i\)+1)-th stage, \(C_{g,i+1}\). For each stage, a fixed process-dependent ratio, \(\gamma\), exists between the output and input capacitances, i.e., \(C_{out,i} = \gamma C_{g,i}\).
Therefore, \(C_i\) can be expressed as [32],
\[\begin{align} C_i = (1+S)(W_{n,i+1}L_{i+1} + \gamma W_{n,i}L_i)C_{ox} \tag{17} \end{align}\] |
where the widths of the NMOS and PMOS transistors in the \(i\)-th stage are represented as \(W_{n,i}\) and \(W_{p,i}\), respectively, with a ratio of \(S\). Their gate lengths are denoted as \(L_i\).
Figure 7 shows the circuit schematic of a single-\(V_{DD}\) N-stage tapered buffer where \(R_s\) is the source resistance and \(C_{L,tb}\) is the load capacitance. The output transition time and short-circuit energy of each stage can be calculated according to Eqs. (5) and (9). The design of a single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTB is essentially to minimize the overall transition loss, \(E_{tot}\), while meeting the output transition time specification, \(\tau_{tb,spec}\), i.e.,
\[\begin{align} \begin{cases} E_{eotb} &= \min E_{tot} = \min \sum_{i=1}^N (E_{dyn,i} + E_{sc,i}) \\ \tau_{tb} &= \tau_N \in [\tau_{tb,spec} - \vartriangle\tau, \tau_{tb,spec} + \vartriangle\tau] \end{cases} \tag{18} \end{align}\] |
where \(E_{eotb}\) is the total energy dissipation of the EOTB, while \(E_{dyn,i}\) and \(E_{sc,i}\) represent the dynamic and short-circuit energy dissipation of the i-\(th\) stage in the tapered buffer, respectively. \(\tau_N\) is the output transition time of the N-\(th\) stage, and \(\vartriangle\)\(\tau\) is the acceptable error margin of the output transition time, \(\tau_{tb}\). A computer-aided traversal algorithm is proposed accordingly as shown in Fig. 8. \(\tau_{tb,spec}\) is determined according the application requirements, i.e., the driving capability of the tapered buffer. And, \(E_{eotb}\) is the minimum energy consumption among that of all feasible designs that satisfy \(\tau_{tb,spec}\). It is worth mentioning that the ideality of the optimal design is determined by the range of the design set and the step size of the travesal algorithm. There is a trade-off between the accuracy and the algorithm execution time.
5. Design Strategy of CV-EOTBs
As \(E_{sc}\) increases with \(V_{DD}\) [33], it is favorable to adopt a lower \(V_{DD}\) at the front-end stages of tapered buffers to reduce power consumption and a higher \(V_{DD}\) at the back-end stages to ensure driving capabilities as depicted in the circuit schematic in Fig. 9. Such implementations require cross-\(V_{DD}\) level-shifters and are referred to as CV-EOTBs in this work.
5.1 CV-EOTB Design
The CV-EOTB design should start from the sizing of the level-shifter as it influences the load capacitance of the front-end buffer (denoted as \(C_{L,fe}\)) and the source resistance of the back-end buffer (denoted as \(R_{s,be}\)). \(C_{L,fe}\), i.e., input capacitance of the level-shifter, is calculated as follows,
\[\begin{align} C_{L,fe} = W_{n,ls}L_{ls}C_{ox} \tag{19} \end{align}\] |
\(R_{s,be}\), i.e., \(R_{eq,p}\) of the level-shifter, is determined by \(k\). \(\tau_{in,ls}\) and \(k\) determine \(E_{sc,ls}\) according to Eqs. (15). It also partially determines the size of the NMOS transistor according to Eqs. (13). To simplify the algorithm, when \(k>\)1, \(L_{ls}\) is chosen to be the minimum size and \(W_{p,ls}\) is increase to satisfy \(k\). Conversely, when \(k<\)1, \(W_{p,ls}\) is chosen as the minimum size and \(L_{ls}\) is increased.
Therefore, a traversal algorithm based on \(\tau_{in,ls}\) and \(k\) is employed to achieve the optimized CV-EOTBs design. The algorithm flow is shown in Fig. 10. As \(C_{L,fe}\) and \(R_{s,be}\) can be calculated for any combination of \(\tau_{in,ls}\) and \(k\), the CV-EOTB design problem is transformed to the low-energy design of the front-end and back-end buffers, respectively. Their switching losses are is denoted as \(E_{fe,eotb}\) and \(E_{be,eotb}\), respectively, while that of the level-shifter is denoted as \(E_{ls}\). The design constraints for front-end and back-end EOTBs are summarized in Table 4.
5.2 CV-EOTB Design Example
A design case (CV-EOTB Design #1) is presented to exemplify the proposed CV-EOTB design procedure. The design constraints are the following: \(V_{DDL} = 1.2 V, V_{DDH} = 1.8 V, R_s = 100 M\Omega, C_{L,tb} = 200 fF\),and \(\tau_{tb,spec} = 1 ns\). Through the optimization algorithm, \(k\) and \(\tau_{in,ls}\) are determined to be 0.123 and 1 ns, respectively. \(\beta\) is calculated to be 18.22 according to Eqs. (13). Therefore, \(W_{n,ls}, W_{p.ls}\) and \(L_{ls}\) are determined to be 0.49 \(\mu m\),0.22 \(\mu m\) and 1.47 \(\mu m\), respectively. The front-end and back-end EOTB designs are obtained according to the EOTB design procedure in Fig. 8. The optimized solutions are presented in Table 5 and Table 6, respectively.
In this design, \(E_{fe,eotb}, E_{be,eotb}\) and \(E_{ls}\) are estimated to 0.51 pJ, 0.71 pJ, and 0.06 pJ, respectively, which sum to be 1.28 pJ(denoted as \(E_{cv,eotb}\)). In contrast, transistor-level SPICE simulation leads to \(E_{fe,eotb}, E_{be,eotb}\) and \(E_{ls}\) of 0.86 pJ, 0.77 pJ and 0.09 pJ, respectively, which sum to be 1.72 pJ. Both results are remarkably close which validates the proposed design procedure.
6. Performances of EOTBs and CV-EOTBs
The proposed single- \(V_{DD}\) EOTB design strategy is applied in four design cases(Case #B1, Case #B2, Case #B3, Case #B4) each with different design constraints as listed in Appendix B. The estimated \(\tau_{tb}\) and \(E_{eotb}\) results are compared with those obtained from SPICE simulations, and the average errors of this four cases are only 16.43% and 8.65%, respectively. These four examples encompass \(V_{DD}\) from 0.9V to 1.8V, \(R_{s}\) from 30M\(\Omega\) to 1G\(\Omega\), \(C_{L}\) from 0.5pF to 5pF, and \(\tau_{tb,spec}\) from 1ns to 20ns, which are typical values in practical applications.
As a key variable in the optimization procedure, the effect of \(N\) is demonstrated in an example in Fig. 11. For \(V_{DD} = 1.8 V, R_s = 50 M\Omega, C_{L,tb} = 5 pF\), and \(\tau_{tb,spec} = 8 ns\), the design of EOTBs for \(N=3\) and \(N=4\) are shown in Fig. 11 (a) and 11 (b), respectively. The 4-stage EOTB achieves a lower \(E_{eotb}\) thanks to the reduction of \(E_{sc}\). It is also worth noting that, for an \(N\)-stage EOTB, \(E_{sc}\) of the first stage and \(E_{dyn}\) of the last stage usually take a dominant part.
Figure 12 plots the optimized designs of a 3-stage EOTB for \(V_{DD} = 1.8 V, R_s = 100 M\Omega, C_{L,tb} = 3 pF\) and \(\tau_{tb,spec}\in{(5ns,15ns)}\). Tapered buffers with random optimized sizes are demonstrated for comparison, in which the gate widths and lengths have been randomly modified (always with \(W_{n,1} < W_{n,2} < W_{n,3}\)). For any \(\tau_{tb,spec}\), the EOTB design achieves the lowest transition loss.
Figure 13 (a) and 13 (b) displays the size, \(E_{sc}\), and \(E_{dyn}\) of each stage of an optimized single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTB design, where \(V_{DD} = 1.8 V,R_s = 100 M\Omega,C_{L,tb} = 3 pF,\tau_{tb,spec} = 5 ns\). Figure 13 (c) and 13 (d) demonstrate the corresponding transient voltage and the transient current waveforms, respectively.
Based on the accurate modeling of EOTBs, the design of CV-EOTBs is transformed to the that of the front-end and back-end EOTBs along with a level shifter. Figure 14 displays the transition losses of CV-EOTB-design #1 and the single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTB design assuming the same constraints and the supply of \(V_{DDH}\). For the single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTB, \(E_{sc}\) alone is estimated to be 10.68 pJ, according to SPICE simulations and \(E_{eotb}\) is estimated to be 11.35 pJ. In contrast, CV-EOTB-design #1 reduces the transition loss by 84.8%. Corner simulations are performed for CV-EOTB-design #1. It shows that the effects of potential process variations are limited. Table 7 enlists \(E_{cv,eotb}\) and \(\tau_{tb}\) of CV-EOTB-Design #1 with different process corners.
7. Conclusion
The low-power design of taper buffers is crucial for a series of switch-mode analog applications. This paper proposes the optimization procedure for taper buffers based on analytical models of \(\tau_{out}\) and \(E_{sc}\) of CMOS inverters and level-shifters.
Computer-aided traversal algorithms for the single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTB and CV-EOTB optimization are proposed with the latter being transformed to the front-end and back-end single-\(V_{DD}\) designs, respectively. The proposed design procedures are validated against SPICE simulation results manifesting their effectiveness in addressing practical engineering problems.
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Appendix A: Sub-Model Parameters of Inverters
Appendix B: Single-\(V_{DD}\) EOTB Design Cases
Table A⋅5 Case #B1:180-nm technology, \(V_{DD}\)=1.8 V, \(R_s\)=100 M\(\Omega\), \(C_{L,tb}\)=1 pF, \(\tau_{tb,spec}\)=2 ns |
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Table A⋅6 Case #B2:180-nm technology, \(V_{DD}\)=1.5 V, \(R_s\)=1 G\(\Omega\), \(C_{L,tb}\)=0.5 pF, \(\tau_{tb,spec}\)=5 ns |
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