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Partial Enhancement and Channel Aggregation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

Weiwei JING, Zhonghua LI

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Summary :

Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) aims to achieve cross-modality matching between the visible and infrared modalities, thus enabling usage in all-day monitoring scenarios. Existing VI-ReID methods have indeed achieved promising performance by considering the global information for identity-related discriminative learning. However, they often overlook the importance of local information, which can contribute significantly to learning identity-specific discriminative cues. Moreover, the substantial modality gap typically poses challenges during the model training process. In response to the aforementioned issues, we propose a VI-ReID method called partial enhancement and channel aggregation (PECA) and make efforts in the following three aspects. Firstly, to capture local information, we introduce the global-local similarity learning (GSL) module, which compels the encoder to focus on fine-grained details by increasing the similarity between global and local features within various feature spaces. Secondly, to address the modality gap, we propose an inter-modality channel aggregation learning (ICAL) approach, which progressively guides the learning of modality-invariant features. ICAL not only progressively alleviates modality gap but also augments the training data. Additionally, we introduce a novel instance-modality contrastive loss, which facilitates the learning of modality-invariant and identity-related features at both the instance and modality levels. Extensive experiments on the SYSU-MM01 and RegDB datasets have shown that PECA outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information Vol.E108-D No.1 pp.82-91
Publication Date
Online ISSN
Type of Manuscript
Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

1.  Introduction

Traditional person re-identification (ReID) methods [1]-[5] aim to connect images of the same person captured by different cameras, essentially constituting a single-modality image retrieval task. However, in practical applications, a significant number of dark scenarios are encountered, where surveillance cameras capture numerous infrared images [6], [7]. In light of this, researchers have shifted their focus towards visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) [8]-[10]. In contrast to single-modality ReID approaches, VI-ReID endeavors to perform matching between visible and infrared modalities. Specifically, given a visible (infrared) query image, VI-ReID seeks to find images in the gallery composed of infrared (visible) images that share the same identity as the query image. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the substantial gap between the visible and infrared modalities pose significant intra-class variations to VI-ReID [11], [12].

Fig. 1  Each column of images has the same identity. (a) There is a significant gap between visible modality and infrared modality. (b) Several images with different identities only show differences in local areas (circled in red).

Currently, VI-ReID methods primarily focus on mitigating the impact of modality gap between visible and infrared images while learning modality-invariant and identity-related feature representations [13], [14]. For instance, CAJ [13] approaches the problem from a data processing perspective and enhances the model’s robustness to modality gap by employing techniques such as random channel exchangeable augmentation, random channel erasing, random grayscale augmentation, and horizontal flip operation augmentation. FMCNet [14] addresses the modality gap from a feature-based perspective. Specifically, it first employs a single-modality feature decomposition module to decompose the single-modality features into modality-specific and modality-shared features. Subsequently, a feature-level modality compensation module is used to generate modality-specific features from the modality-shared features. Finally, a shared-specific feature fusion module combines the generated features with existing features. Although existing methods have made significant progress, there is still ample room for improvement in their performance.

In this paper, we propose a method called partial enhancement and channel aggregation (PECA) to address the VI-ReID task, which makes efforts in the following three aspects. Firstly, existing VI-ReID methods typically focus solely on global features [13]-[16], while disregarding local features. However, as illustrated in Fig. 1, local features often contain important discriminative information that can help model learn identity-related features and bridge the modality gap. To address this, we introduce a global-local similarity learning (GSL) module, which aims to learn global features while capturing abundant local information. Specifically, GSL first maps global features into various feature spaces and then compels the encoder to attend to fine-grained details by increasing the similarity between multiple global features and multiple local features.

Secondly, in response to modality gap, existing methods [15], [17], [18] usually design a two-stream network to separately extract features from the visible and infrared modalities. Subsequently, a shared encoder is employed to extract modality-shared features. However, the substantial modality gap impedes the learning of inter-modality similarities, making the model optimization challenging. To address this issue, we propose an inter-modality channel aggregation learning (ICAL) approach to facilitate modality-invariant feature learning. ICAL first generates an auxiliary modality and then progressively guides the model to bridge the modality gap by reducing the disparities between the real modality and the auxiliary modality separately. This approach offers dual advantages: on one hand, the progressive learning process from easy to difficult is more manageable and intuitive; on the other hand, the auxiliary modality serves as data augmentation, thereby further enhancing the model’s performance. Moreover, ICAL exhibits a high level of versatility, as it can be readily integrated into any existing VI-ReID method.

Additionally, we introduce a novel instance-modality contrastive loss. The widely used triplet loss [15], [18], [19] typically focuses solely on the similarity between instances while neglecting modality-level similarity. In contrast to triplet loss, the instance-modality contrastive loss not only enhances the positive similarity and reduces the negative similarity at the instance-level but also guides the model to extract modality-invariant and identity-related features at the modality-level. Furthermore, this approach offers a broader optimization scope compared to triplet loss.

Our main contributions are summarized below:

  • We propose a global-local similarity learning (GSL) module, which compels the encoder to focus on fine-grained details by increasing the similarity between global and local features within multiple feature spaces.

  • To enhance the model’s robustness to modality gap, we propose an inter-modality channel aggregation learning (ICAL) algorithm to generate an auxiliary modality, progressively guiding the learning of modality-invariant features.

  • We introduce an instance-modality contrastive loss, which aims to learn modality-invariant and identity-related features at both the instance and modality levels.

  • We conduct extensive experiments on two cross-modality datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of each component and the superiority of the proposed method.

2.  Related Work

2.1  Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

As VI-ReID demonstrates potential in practical applications, it is increasingly garnering attention. Wu et al. [6] proposed the first VI-ReID method, which handles modality gap from the channel perspective and uses a single-stream network to extract modality-shared features. Subsequent research efforts, such as TONE+HCML [20] and BDTR [18], adopt dual-stream networks to simultaneously consider modality-specific and modality-shared features, incorporating contrastive losses to guide the learning process. Inspired by GAN [21], [22], cmGAN [23] employs a generative adversarial approach to encourage the encoder to extract modality-invariant feature representations. MAC [24] introduces a collaborative learning scheme to regularize both modality-shared and modality-specific classifiers. This collaborative learning idea has also been proven effective in subsequent studies [25]. DDAG [26] simultaneously explores intra-modality part-level and cross-modality graph-level contextual cues to learn discriminative features. To align the feature distributions of the two modalities and learn modality-invariant features, JSIA [27] generates cross-modality paired-images and performs both global set-level and fine-grained instance-level alignments. Subsequent research focuses on dealing with modality-shared and modality-specific features separately. For example, cm-SSFT [19] models the affinities of different modality samples based on shared features and propagates both shared and specific features between modalities. Hi-CMD [16] decouples identity-related and identity-unrelated features from the images and employs only identity-related features for identification.

In recent works, researchers have introduced various strategies in the VI-ReID field. For instance, Chen et al. propose the neural feature search [28] to achieve automated feature selection in VI-ReID. Tian et al. present the variational self-distillation [29] strategy to fit mutual information, allowing the information bottleneck to capture the intrinsic correlation between features and labels. To mitigate the impact of modality gap, Ye et al. design the channel exchangeable augmentation strategy [13], which generates color-independent images by randomly swapping color channels. This method can be integrated into existing augmentation operations to continually improve the model’s robustness to color variations. Huang et al. propose a method called modality adaptive mixup and invariant decomposition (MID) [30], which generates mixed images between visible and infrared modalities to alleviate modality gap. To learn certain modality-specific information related to humans, FMCNet [14] prompts the model to generate modality-specific features from modality-shared features and utilizes a shared-specific feature fusion module to combine the existing features with the generated features. Existing methods have achieved promising performance but often focus solely on global features, neglecting to capture fine-grained details. In contrast, our approach not only emphasizes local information but also integrates the two modalities from the channel perspective to gradually bridge the modality gap.

2.2  Memory-Based Learning

Memory-based learning has been widely applied in unsupervised learning [31]-[34]. For instance, Moco [32] utilizes memory to increase the quantity of stored keys for improved contrastive learning. XBM [35] leverages historical features in memory for enhanced hard mining. In the context of single-modality unsupervised ReID, Wang et al. [33] employ memory to store camera centroids and assign positive and negative camera centroids to each sample, thus alleviating the impact of camera variations during the optimization process. Pang et al. [34] use memory to store cluster centers and utilize all centers in memory as reference points to estimate the reliability of pseudo-labels. In contrast to the aforementioned methods, we employ memory to address modality gap. Specifically, we store all modality centroids in a memory, which serves as guidance for subsequent optimization. Additionally, we update the modality centroids during the optimization process.

3.  Partial Enhancement and Channel Aggregation

For VI-ReID, during the training phase, we are given a visible image set \(\{ x_i^v,y_i^v\} _{i = 1}^N\) and an infrared image set \(\{ x_i^{ir},y_i^{ir}\} _{i = 1}^M\), where \(x_i^v\) and \(x_i^{ir}\) represent samples from the visible and infrared image sets respectively, and \(y_i^v\) and \(y_i^{ir}\) denote their corresponding identity labels. \(N\) and \(M\) are the numbers of images contained in the two sets, respectively. For ease of description, we will no longer distinguish between samples, images, and instances. They all refer to cross-modality data.

The overall framework of our proposed partial enhancement and channel aggregation (PECA) is shown in Fig. 2. PECA consists of three novel components: global-local similarity learning (GSL), inter-modality channel aggregation learning (ICAL), and instance-modality contrastive loss \(L_{imcl}\). GSL guides the model to focus on fine-grained details, ICAL aims to progressively enhance the model’s robustness to modality gap, and \(L_{imcl}\) encourages the model to extract modality-invariant and identity-related features. In the subsequent sections, we introduce each of these components separately. We use CNN models to extract features \(f_i^v\) and \(f_i^{ir}\) from \(x_i^v\) and \(x_i^{ir}\) respectively. In the subsequent sections, we refer to \(f_i^v\) and \(f_i^{ir}\) collectively as \({f_i}\).

Fig. 2  The input data, from top to bottom, consists of visible images, ICAL-generated images, and infrared images. We have designed a three-stream encoder, where the first layer is responsible for learning modality-specific features, and the subsequent layers share their weights. The visible images and infrared images are further divided into upper, middle, and lower parts, which are also fed into the encoder. Additionally, we introduce a centroid memory to store modality centroids based on global features. In GSL, we use a multilayer perceptron (MLP) to map global features into different local feature spaces.

During the inference phase, we are provided with a query set and a gallery. For each query image in the query set, we rank all images in the gallery in descending order based on the similarity of their features to the features of the query image. In the re-identification process, we consider that images ranked higher in the sequence are more likely to share the same identity with the query image.

3.1  Global-Local Similarity Learning

Existing methods often focus solely on global features [13]-[16] while neglecting local discriminative information. To fully leverage local information to aid identification, we propose global-local similarity learning (GSL) to encourage the model to extract global features that are rich in local information. As shown in Fig. 2, for each visible or infrared image, we first extract the features of the overall image and the local image respectively to obtain a global feature \(f_i\) and three local features (\(f_i^u\), \(f_i^m\) and \(f_i^l\)). Where \(f_i^u\), \(f_i^m\) and \(f_i^l\) represent the upper, middle and lower features of the image respectively. Subsequently, we input the global feature \(f_i\) into three separate \(MLP\)s with non-shared parameters. We introduce three different \(MLP\)s with the purpose of mapping the global feature \(f_i\) into three distinct local features (upper, middle, and lower). Considering that these three local features serve different semantic purposes, we use three separate \(MLP\)s to accomplish these tasks tailored to their respective objectives. The outputs of the three \(MLP\)s are then concatenated to obtain the feature \(f_i^g\). Meanwhile, we concatenate \(f_i^u\), \(f_i^m\), and \(f_i^l\) to obtain feature \(f_i^s\). Finally, we applied a global-local similarity loss to \(f_i^g\) and \(f_i^s\):

\[\begin{align} L_{sim} = - \frac{{f_i^g}}{{||f_i^g|{|_2}}} \cdot stopgrad\left(\frac{{f_i^s}}{{||f_i^s|{|_2}}}\right) \tag{1} \end{align}\]

where \(stopgrad\) is the stop gradient operation [36]. That is, the local features branch does not receive the gradient from \(L_{sim}\). This approach has been validated to effectively prevent model collapse [36]. \(L_{sim}\) will make \(f_i^g\) approach \(f_i^s\). When the global feature contains sufficient local information, the value of \(L_{sim}\) is small. Due to the fact that \(L_{sim}\) incorporates local information into the global features, we focus only on the global features in the subsequent optimization. In the following sections, all mentions of “features” refer to “global features”.

3.2  Inter-Modality Channel Aggregation Learning

Existing methods typically directly align the visible and infrared modalities [15], [17], [18]. However, the model’s initial performance is poor, and there are significant gaps between the two modalities, making the optimization process particularly challenging. To address this issue, we have designed inter-modality channel aggregation learning (ICAL) to gradually guide the model’s optimization process.

Inspired by CAJ [13], we process the data from the channel perspective. However, unlike CAJ, we do not randomly select one channel from the visible image to replace the other channels. Instead, we randomly select one infrared image and replace one or two channels of a visible image with the randomly selected infrared image, provided that both images belong to the same identity. For example, for a visible image \(x_i^v\) and an infrared image \(x_i^{ir}\) from the same person, we can get a variety of enhanced images:

\[\begin{align} \begin{aligned} &x_i^{v,RG} = (x_i^{v,r},x_i^{v,g},x_i^{ir})\\ &x_i^{v,RB} = (x_i^{v,r},x_i^{v,ir},x_i^{v,b})\\ &x_i^{v,GB} = (x_i^{v,ir},x_i^{v,g},x_i^{v,b})\\ &x_i^{v,R} = (x_i^{v,r},x_i^{ir},x_i^{ir})\\ &x_i^{v,G} = (x_i^{ir},x_i^{v,g},x_i^{ir})\\ &x_i^{v,B} = (x_i^{ir},x_i^{ir},x_i^{v,b}) \end{aligned} \tag{2} \end{align}\]

where \(x_i^{v,r}\), \(x_i^{v,g}\) and \(x_i^{v,b}\) are the red, green and blue channels of the visible image respectively. From Eq. (2), it is evident that ICAL can easily be combined with CAJ [13] and other traditional data augmentation methods and integrated into any existing VI-ReID method. Based on the generated images mentioned above, we can progressively optimize the model:

\[\begin{align} L_{mix} &= \max [||D(x_i^v,x_i^g) - m||_{2},0] \notag\\ &\hphantom{={}} + \max [||D(x_i^{ir},x_i^g) - m||_{2},0] \tag{3} \end{align}\]

where \(x_i^g\) represents any image generated by a visible image \(x_i^v\) and an infrared image \(x_i^{ir}\) from the same person in Eq. (2). \(m\) is the distance margin. \(D(\cdot, \cdot)\) is the Euclidean distance function used to measure the distance between two sample features. To stabilize the convergence, all features are normalized.

ICAL has a dual advantage: on one hand, it can generate an auxiliary modality with minimal time cost. On the other hand, based on an auxiliary modality composed of generated images \(\{ x_i^g\}\) that lie between the visible and infrared modalities, ICAL encourages the model to produce similar features for real images and generated images from the same person, as specified in Eq. (3). In other words, ICAL progressively enhances the model’s robustness to the modality gap by increasing the similarity between features from different modalities.

3.3  Instance-Modality Contrastive Loss

To learn identity related feature representations, existing VI-ReID methods [15], [37] typically use cross-entropy loss to optimize the model:

\[\begin{align} L_{ce} &= - \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n \log P(y_i^v|C(E(x_i^v))) \notag\\ &\hphantom{={}} - \frac{1}{m}\sum\limits_{j = 1}^m \log P(y_j^{ir}|C(E(x_j^{ir}))) \tag{4} \end{align}\]

where \(E\) represents encoding operation, and \(C\) represents classification layer. \(y_i^v\) and \(y_j^{ir}\) represent the identity labels corresponding to samples \(x_i^v\) and \(x_j^{ir}\), respectively. In addition, triplet loss [15], [18], [19] is also widely used to guide the encoder to extract discriminable features. Unlike triplet loss, we design an instance-modality contrastive loss in this paper:

\[\begin{align} L_{imcl} = L_{ins} + \lambda_m L_{mod} \tag{5} \end{align}\]

where \(L_{imcl}\) includes two parts: instance-similarity contrastive loss \(L_{ins}\) and modality-similarity contrastive loss \(L_{mod}\), and \(\lambda_m\) represents the weight of \(L_{mod}\). \(L_{imcl}\) has a wider optimization range compared to triple loss.

As shown in Fig. 3, the purpose of the instance-similarity contrastive loss \(L_{ins}\) is not only to handle hard samples but also to increase intra-class similarity and inter-class separability. For any sample \(x_i\) from any modality, we refer to the sample with the same identity as \({x_i}\) and having the farthest distance as the hard positive sample of \(x_i\). Additionally, we define a set \(Q\) of \(|Q|\) samples that have different identities from \(x_i\) and are closest to \(x_i\) as the hard negative set of \(x_i\). For sample \(x_i\), \(L_{ins}\) is defined as:

\[\begin{align} L_{ins} = E\left[ - \log \frac{\exp (f_i^T \cdot f_j/\tau _{ins})} {\sum\limits_{f_k \in f_j \cup Q} \exp (f_i^T \cdot f_k/\tau _{ins})} \right] \tag{6} \end{align}\]

where \(f_i\) is the feature of sample \(x_i\), \(f_j\) is the feature of hard positive sample \(x_j\) of \(x_i\), and \(\tau _{ins}\) is the temperature hyper-parameter [38] of \(L_{ins}\). \(L_{ins}\) aims to increase the similarity between the features of \(x_i\) and \(x_j\), and reduce the similarity between the features of \(x_i\) and the features of all samples in the set \(Q\).

Fig. 3  Illustration of \(L_{ins}\) and \(L_{mod}\). Different colors indicate different identities, and different shapes indicate different modalities.

As shown in Fig. 3, in addition to the instance-similarity contrastive loss \(L_{ins}\), we also introduce the modality-similarity contrastive loss \(L_{mod}\) to impose constraints on the model at the modality-level. For each identity, we calculate all modality centroids within that identity. For example, the centroid of the visible modality of the \(i\)-th identity is defined as:

\[\begin{align} m_i^v = \frac{1}{n_i^v} \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n_i^v} f_i^v \tag{7} \end{align}\]

where \(f_i^v\) is the feature of any sample in the visible modality of the \(i\)-th identity, and \(n_i^v\) is the number of samples in the visible modality of the \(i\)-th identity. Similarly, the centroid of the infrared modality of the \(i\)-th identity is defined as:

\[\begin{align} m_i^{ir} = \frac{1}{n_i^{ir}} \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n_i^{ir}} f_i^{ir} \tag{8} \end{align}\]

where \(f_i^{ir}\) is the feature of any sample in the infrared modality of the \(i\)-th identity, and \(n_i^{ir}\) is the number of samples in the infrared modality of the \(i\)-th identity. As shown in Fig. 2, we use centroid memory to store all modality centroids and update them during the optimization process. For example, for any input image \(x_i\) from any modality, we update its modality centroid through moving average:

\[\begin{align} m_i \leftarrow (1 - \alpha) m_i + \alpha f_i \tag{9} \end{align}\]

where \(f_i\) is the feature of sample \(x_i\), and \(m_i\) is the modality centroid to which \(x_i\) belongs, and \(\alpha\) is an updating rate.

For any sample \(x_i\) from any modality, we refer to all modality centroids with the same identity label as \(x_i\) as the positive modality centroid set \(P\), and all modality centroids with the same modality label but different identity labels as \(x_i\) as the negative modality centroid set \(U\). For sample \(x_i\), the modality-similarity contrastive loss \(L_{mod}\) is defined as:

\[\begin{align} L_{mod} = E \!\left[ - \frac{1}{|P|} \sum\limits_{m_i \in P} \! \log \frac{\exp (f_i^T \cdot m_i/\tau _{mod})} {\sum\limits_{m_k \in P \cup U} \exp (f_i^T \cdot m_k/\tau _{mod})} \right] \tag{10} \end{align}\]

where \(f_i\) is the feature of sample \(x_i\), and \(|P|\) is the number of modality centroids contained in set \(P\). \(\tau _{mod}\) is the temperature hyper-parameter [38] of \(L_{mod}\). \(L_{mod}\) aims to reduce the impact of modality gap and further enhance the intra-class compactness of the learned feature representations.

Finally, the overall loss of PECA is defined as:

\[\begin{align} L_{PECA} = L_{ce} + L_{sim} + L_{mix} + L_{imcl} \tag{11} \end{align}\]

4.  Experiments

4.1  Experimental Setting
4.1.1  Datasets and Evaluation Protocols

We evaluated the proposed method on the SYSU-MM01 [6] and RegDB [7] datasets.

SYSU-MM01 is a challenging cross-modality dataset that includes images captured by 4 visible and 2 infrared cameras, containing data from 491 identities. The training set comprises 22,258 visible images and 11,909 infrared images from 395 identities. During the testing phase, this dataset offers two testing modes: all search and indoor search, with the former being more challenging compared to the latter.

RegDB is a small-scale cross-modality dataset comprising images captured by one visible and one thermal infrared camera, containing data from 412 identities. Each identity consists of 10 visible images and 10 thermal infrared images. Following the approach of previous methods [13], [20], we select images from 206 identities as the training set and use the remaining images as the test set. This partitioning is repeated ten times, and the average performance across the ten repetitions is reported as the final performance.

We evaluate the performance using the cumulated matching characteristics (CMC) and the mean average precision (mAP).

4.1.2  Implementation Details

In the data preprocessing stage, all images are resized to \(288\times144\), and random flipping and cropping are applied to augment all images. For visible images, we utilize random channel exchangeable augmentation and random channel erasing techniques [13]. For infrared images, we input three replicated channels into the network. The encoder follows AGW [39] and employs a ResNet-50 [40] pretrained on ImageNet [41] as the backbone. \(MLP\) contains two fully connected layers, excluding BN and ReLU. We use stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer to train the model and set the initial learning rate to 0.1. For \(L_{ins}\), we set \(|Q| = 50\). We use the warm-up strategy [42] in the first 10 epochs. We set the distance margin \(m\) to 0.7, and set the updating rate \(\alpha\) to 0.8. For each minibatch, we randomly select 8 identities and then sample 4 visible images and 4 infrared images from each identity. During the training phase, a total of 100 epochs are conducted. In the test phase, only the encoder is used for the inference.

4.2  Parameter Analysis

In this subsection, we analyze the impact of hyper-parameters \(\tau _{ins}\), \(\tau _{mod}\) and \(\lambda _m\) on performance on SYSU-MM01 [6] and RegDB [7] dataset. For SYSU-MM01, we analyze the performance under the all search mode, which is more challenging compared to the indoor search mode. For RegDB, we analyze the performance under the visible to infrared mode.

4.2.1  \(\tau _{ins}\) and \(\tau _{mod}\)

As shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, we analyze the performance variation of the model for different values of \(\tau _{ins}\) and \(\tau _{mod}\) within the range of \([0.05, 0.25]\). We find that when \(\tau _{ins} = 0.15\) and \(\tau _{mod} = 0.10\), the model achieves optimal performance on both datasets. This verifies the generalization of \(\tau _{ins}\) and \(\tau _{mod}\). The temperature hyperparameter primarily adjusts the flexibility of the probability distribution. When \(\tau _{ins}\) and \(\tau _{mod}\) take on either very high or very low values, the model performance is usually suboptimal. This is because a larger temperature hyperparameter makes the probability distribution too flat and increases uncertainty, while a smaller temperature hyperparameter makes the probability distribution too sharp, making the model overly confident. Additionally, since the modality-similarity contrastive loss aims to handle large modality gap, \(\tau _{mod}\) should be slightly smaller than \(\tau _{ins}\) to provide sufficiently high prediction values for the positive modality centroids with different modality labels from the features, thereby mitigating the impact of modality gap. Therefore, theoretically, the model can achieve optimal performance when \(\tau _{ins}\) and \(\tau _{mod}\) are approximately 0.15 and 0.10, respectively.

Fig. 4  Parameter analysis of \(\tau _{ins}\).

Fig. 5  Parameter analysis of \(\tau _{mod}\).

4.2.2  \(\lambda _m\) of \(L_{mod}\)

In Fig. 6, we illustrate how the performance varies as \(\lambda _m\) is varied from 0 to 1 via plots of Rank-1 and mAP. We find that when \(\lambda _m = 0.50\), the model achieves optimal performance. This is because setting \(\lambda _m\) close to 1 reduces the relative weight of \(L_{ins}\), thereby affecting the model’s ability to learn identity-related features. Conversely, when \(\lambda _m\) is set too low, \(L_{mod}\) cannot sufficiently contribute to the model’s optimization, leaving the model significantly impacted by modality gap. When \(\lambda _m = 0\) and \(L_{mod}\) are not effective, the model achieves the worst performance. This preliminarily verifies the effectiveness of \(L_{mod}\).

Fig. 6  Parameter analysis of \(\lambda _m\).

4.3  Comparison with State-of-the-Art Methods

In this subsection, we compare our PECA with state-of-the-art VI-ReID methods on the SYSU-MM01 and RegDB datasets, including Zero-Pad [6], HCML [20], MSR [15], Hi-CMD [16], cm-SSFT [19], AGW [39], MPANet [37], NFS [28], CAJ [13], CM-NAS [43], DTRM [44], MID [30], DART [45], FMCNet [14], MAUM [46], PMT [47] and CAL [48].

As shown in Table 1, on the SYSU-MM01 dataset, MAUM [46] and CAL [48] have achieved superior performance. The comprehensive performance of our method surpasses the above methods on SYSU-MM01 dataset. Specifically, for Rank-1 and mAP, in the all search testing mode, PECA surpasses CAL by 0.23% and 0.55%, respectively, and in the indoor search testing mode, PECA outperforms CAL by 0.27% and 0.28%, respectively. This improvement is attributed to PECA’s consideration of local discriminative information and the design of progressive data augmentation methods to address modality gap.

Table 1  Comparison to the state-of-the-art VI-ReID methods on the SYSU-MM01 dataset. The optimal and suboptimal performance are represented in bold and italic, respectively. “*” denotes results reproduced under our conditions. “-” indicates that the experimental result was not reported in the original paper.

As shown in Table 2, on the RegDB dataset, FMCNet [14], MAUM [46] and CAL [48] achieve relatively superior performance. The performance of our proposed method, PECA, on the RegDB dataset significantly outperforms FMCNet [14] and MAUM [46]. Specifically, for Rank-1 and mAP, PECA in the Visible to Infrared testing mode performs 5.85% and 4.64% better than FMCNet, respectively. In the Infrared to Visible testing mode, PECA outperforms FMCNet by 4.68% in Rank-1 and 6.36% in mAP. Moreover, our method achieves performance comparable to CAL [48] on the RegDB dataset.

Table 2  Comparison to the state-of-the-art VI-ReID methods on the RegDB dataset. The optimal and suboptimal performance are represented in bold and italic, respectively. “*” denotes results reproduced under our conditions. “-” indicates that the experimental result was not reported in the original paper.

Based on the comprehensive experimental results, it can be observed that our PECA outperforms existing VI-ReID methods in terms of overall performance on the SYSU-MM01 and RegDB datasets.

4.4  Ablation Study

In this subsection, we conduct a series of experiments to validate the effectiveness of each component. The performance of all methods is shown in Table 3. Following CAJ [13], M1 optimizes the model using cross-entropy loss and triplet loss without utilizing random grayscale augmentation. M2 replaces the triplet loss with \(L_{ins}\). M3 builds upon M2 by introducing \(L_{mod}\). M4 and M5 further incorporate GSL and ICAL, respectively, on top of M3.

Table 3  The ablation study results for each component in PECA.

4.4.1  Effectiveness of \(L_{ins}\)

\(L_{ins}\) is designed to handle hard samples and increase intra-class similarity and inter-class separability. As shown in Table 3, when M2 replaces the triplet loss in M1 with \(L_{ins}\), the performance improves. Specifically, in the SYSU-MM01 (All Search) scenario, M2 outperforms M1 by 0.86%, 0.42%, 0.27%, and 0.92% in terms of Rank-1, Rank-10, Rank-20, and mAP, respectively. In the RegDB (Visible to Infrared) scenario, M2 achieves 1.02%, 0.47%, 0.01%, and 0.80% higher performance than M1 for the four metrics. This validates the effectiveness and superiority of \(L_{ins}\).

4.4.2  Effectiveness of \(L_{mod}\)

\(L_{mod}\) aims to reduce the impact of modality gap and further improve intra-class compactness. As shown in Table 3, we find that with the help of \(L_{mod}\), M3 outperforms M2. Specifically, in the SYSU-MM01 (All Search) scenario, M3 achieves 1.25%, 0.46%, 0.09%, and 0.66% higher performance than M2 for Rank-1, Rank-10, Rank-20, and mAP, respectively. In the RegDB (Visible to Infrared) scenario, M3 demonstrates 1.92%, 1.12%, 0.97%, and 1.46% improvement over M2 for the four metrics. This validates the effectiveness of \(L_{mod}\).

4.4.3  Effectiveness of GSL

GSL aims to guide the model to extract global features that are rich in fine-grained information. As shown in Table 3, we observe that in both the SYSU-MM01 (All Search) and RegDB (Visible to Infrared) scenarios, M4 achieves Rank-1 and mAP metrics that are more than 5% higher than M3. Additionally, we find that PECA’s performance in both of these scenarios is significantly better than M5. We visualize the visual explanations [49] of the models as shown in Fig. 7. The attention of M5 is typically more scattered and may even focus on identity-irrelevant information such as the background. In contrast, PECA with the introduction of GSL tends to focus more on discriminative identity-related local information in the image. This validates that GSL can enhance the model’s recognition performance by embedding fine-grained information in global features.

Fig. 7  The visual explanations of the models.

4.4.4  Effectiveness of ICAL

The significant improvement of M5 over M3, and the superiority of PECA over M4, after the introduction of ICAL is attributed to ICAL’s gradual guidance in bridging the modality gap. To further understand the effectiveness of ICAL in alleviating modality gap, we visualize the inter-modality feature distances and intra-modality feature distances in M4 and PECA, respectively. As shown in Fig. 8, compared to M4, PECA can bring the distribution of inter-modality feature distances closer to the distribution of intra-modality feature distances, thus further reducing the impact of modality gap.

Fig. 8  The distance distributions of intra-modality and inter-modality.

Additionally, we find that PECA outperforms all methods listed in Table 3, validating the effectiveness of the combination of all components. From a qualitative perspective, as shown in Fig. 7, PECA focuses more on identity-related information compared to M5 by introducing GSL. This validates that GSL can effectively integrate with other components. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 8, PECA significantly reduces the difference between inter-modality feature distances and intra-modality feature distances by introducing ICAL. This validates that ICAL can organically combine with other components to mitigate the impact of modality gap. This further confirms that combining these advantageous components can enhance the overall performance of the model.

5.  Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a partial enhancement and channel aggregation (PECA) method to address the VI-ReID problem. PECA consists of three components: global-local similarity learning (GSL), inter-modality channel aggregation learning (ICAL), and instance-modality contrastive loss. We conduct an analysis of the key hyper-parameters in PECA and perform ablation studies on each component. The results verify that GSL can enhance recognition performance by embedding local information in global features, ICAL can effectively reduce the impact of modality gap, and instance-modality contrastive loss can further improve the model’s performance by learning modality-invariant and identity-related features at both instance and modality levels. Extensive experimental results on the SYSU-MM01 and RegDB datasets validate the effectiveness and superiority of PECA.


Thanks to all who have supported this work during the research process. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


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Weiwei JING
  North University of China

received the M.S. degree from North University of China, P.R. China. Now, she works in School of Semiconductors and Physics. Her research interests encompass deep learning and person re-identification. She has authored several scholarly papers in these domains.

Zhonghua LI
  North University of China

received the M.S. degree from North University of China, P.R. China. Now, he works in School of Sport And Physical Education. He has long been dedicated to research in image retrieval, particularly in the area of person re-identification. He has published several academic papers in this field.


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