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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E68 No.7  (Publication Date:1985/07/25)

    Regular Section
  • A Josephson Complementary Circuit Employing Interferometers

    Yutaka HARADA  Nobuo KOTERA  Ushio KAWABE  

    LETTER-Other Devices


    A DC-powered complementary circuit employing interferometers in investigated using simulation. It is shown that an output inductor and two kinds of damping resistors are necessary to suppress circuit oscillations. Switching speed is expected to be less than 25 ps at a current density of 5000 A/cm2 for lead-alloy devices.

  • Time Series Analyses of Periodic Chaos

    Kenji MURAO  Tohru KOHDA  



    It is shown that the previously reported time series analysis using a finite element approximation to the Perron-Frobenius operator can be used to investigate periodic chaos in one-dimensional discrete dynamical systems as well as mixing chaos.

  • The AES and XPS Studies on Interface Layers of Ta-Al-N Anodized Films

    Katsutaka SASAKI  Toshiji UMEZAWA  



    Stoichiometries at interface layers of Ta-Al-N anodized films have been investigated. It is shown that the chemical states of interfaces are consisting of stoichiometric Ta2O5, Al2O3 and metals. Off stoichiometries at interfaces are discussed with respect to dissipation factors.

  • 0-1 Order Mixed Boundary Element Solution in Three Dimensions

    Yasuhiro TANAKA  Toshihisa HONMA  Ikuo KAJI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory


    Numerical characteristics of mixed element solutions are studied in comparison with constant and linear elements'. It is shown that mixed elements give accurate solutions as similar to the previous investigations and also the system of equations is better-conditioned than other elements'.

  • A Two-Dimensional Generalization of Mukhopadhyay's Parallel String Matching Algorithm

    Hiroshi UMEO  

    LETTER-Automata and Languages


    This paper presents a parallel two-dimensional array matching algorithm which can report all occurrences of a given key subarray of size kk within any text array of size nn in n nk1/l steps on lk2 comparator cells, where l(1ln) is the number of matching units. Our algorithm can be regarded as a two-dimensional generalization of Mukhopadhyay's parallel string matching algorithm.

  • High-Strength Tight-Jacketed Optical Fiber with Thermotropic Liquid Crystal Polymer

    Yoshiaki TAKEUCHI  Fumio YAMAMOTO  Yoshito SHUTO  



    A high-strength, low-linear expansion coefficient tight-jacketed optical fiber is proposed using thermotropic liquid crystal polymer (LCP). The 0.9-mm-diameter LCP-jacketed optical fiber with breaking strength of 51 kg at strain of 3.4% at 25 can be used over the wide 60 to 200 temperature range.

  • Characteristic Impedance of the Slab Line with an Anisotropic Dielectric Having a Tilted Principal Axis

    Hisashi SHIBATA  Ryuiti TERAKADO  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems


    The characteristic impedances of the slab line with an anisotropic dielectric having a tilted principal axis are numerically presented for sapphire and pyrolytic boron nitride. Moreover, an approximate formula of the impedance for a small wire is also presented by using the numerical data.

  • Modulation Limit of Semiconductor Lasers by Some Parametric Modulation Schemes

    Kenichi IGA  

    LETTER-Optical and Quantum Electronics


    The limit of modulation speed of semiconductor lasers has been clarified for various modulation of parameters such as the laser gain coefficient, nonradiative recombination lifetime of minority carriers and cavity Q by small signal analysis, and compared with the direct injection modulation. It is found that we can modulate with the frequency fm higher than the resonance-like frequency fr by the gain modulation and cavity Q modulation, but the modulation of nonradiative lifetime of carriers is not different from the direct injection modulation. The frequency of LED for the modulation of direct carrier life time is discussed which shows the wide band modulation capability.

  • Study of Multifunction Imaging and High-Efficiency Data Processing System for Remote Sensing

    Ryshi KUWANO  Riichi NAGURA  

    LETTER-Remote Sensing


    High resolution optical imaging from space is expected to attain further development and achieve greater high grade performance. This paper reports the results of a study for the realization of compact stereoscopic imaging and high efficiency data processing system.

  • Generalization of Athermal Condition for Optical Element with Plane Parallel End-Faces

    Teruhito MISHIMA  Ichiro SAKURABA  

    LETTER-Optical and Quantum Electronics


    Temperature coefficient of optical path length of solid with plane parallel end-faces is discussed. The athermal condition is generalized for oblique incidence. Useful conditions are derived in the case when vacuum surrounds the solid and in the case when gas surrounds it for reducing temperature dependence.

  • A Decentralized On-Line Algorithm for Social Resource Acquisition in Value-Added Network Environments

    Satoshi MARUMOTO  Kenji ONAGA  Kazuo KISHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Data Processing


    In the Value-Added Network (VAN) environment Dijkstra's Dining Philosopher Problem" is extended to a social resource acquisition problem of entrepreneurs and craftsmen where the formers wish to employ, for their projects at hand, certain sets of craftsmen of requisite skills and the latters wish to maximize their chance of employment. This paper sets up a framework of rules for the solution process that compromise conflicts of personal interests, designs communication protocols for message exchanges, and proposes a decentralized on-line algorithm for guiding individual participants toward their own benefits while assuring the solvability of the problem. Although propagation of messages through VAN are restricted in order to reflect an indefinite nature of participation and protection of privacy, the proposed algorithm is capable of activating the maximum number of concurrent resource aquisition as the present conflicting-situation allows.

  • Transient Solution of Convective Diffusion Problem by Boundary Element Method

    Masatoshi IKEUCHI  



    Transient solution of convective diffusion equation in s dimension (s1, 2 or 3) is formulated by boundary integral equation. Fundamental solution to the convective diffusion operator is also presented in uniform velocity field. In particular, the one-dimensional case (s1) is treated because a discussion on the stability of transient solution is very important in practical applications. For discretization of the integral equation, constant and linear elements in time and constant elements in space (internal cells) are employed. A simple time-marching scheme is also developed. In numerical experiments, three model problems are considered. As the result, it is found out that the transient solution is stably calculated in time and space, and that its stability is independent upon the usual criteria that the Courant number C(vΔtx)1 and the diffusion number D(kΔtx2)1/2. In addition, a comparison with the exact solution is given, and the accuracy is discussed.

  • Design of Wave Digital Filters with Simplified Structures

    Eiji WATANABE  Akinori NISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory


    In the design of digital filters, it is desirable to achieve lower sensitivity. Wave digital filters (WDF's) are considered one solution to this problem, and two design approaches have been proposed. However, WDF's have complicated structures compared with conventional ones. This will make it difficult to implement WDF's. The aim of this paper is to reduce the difficulty owing to the complexity of the network structures. Two kinds of simplification techniques are presented. One is to reduce the number of adders. For this purpose, new series and parallel sections and a new port matching scheme are proposed. The other is to construct WDF's using identical 3-port adaptors except the one to match the port resistance. Examples of WDF's with proposed structures are provided and the effectiveness of the proposed techniques is also shown.

  • General Model of Periodically Sampled Queues

    Makoto YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Switching Systems


    This paper presents a general model and analysis of periodically sampled queues, which cover a variety of real-time processing systems such as TSS computers and telecommunication switching systems. Generating functions of the number of calls in a system immediately following sampling points are formulated under the conditions of; (1) general sampling period distribution, (2) independent, identically distributed arrivals per sampling interval, (3) maximum S processing capability per sampling interval, and (4) service probability per sampling interval in accordance with the number of calls in the system immediately following sampling points. Thus, probability distributions of the number of calls at arbitrary instants are formulated as generating functions. With these, performance measures such as the average number of calls in a system and the average waiting time are derived. The universality of this model is demonstrated by special cases. Numerical examples are given to examine the effects of sampling distributions under a single server condition, taken as an example.

  • Low-Sensitivity Leapfrog Switched-Capacitor Filters Using the Differential-Mode Building Blocks

    Takahiro INOUE  Fumio UENO  Kiyohito TAGAMI  Shinji MASUDA  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory


    The realization and the design of three types of low-sensitivity leapfrog switched-capacitor filters (SCF's) are proposed. These SCF's realized with new differential-mode building blocks exhibit an excellent reduction in worstcase sensitivity to component variations. The design for each proposed SCF was confirmed by the experiment. Since the proposed SCF's are all parasitics-compensated, they are realizable in MOS IC forms.

  • Theoretical Analysis of Optical Illumination Effect in MISS Devices

    Akira SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Electron Devices


    The metal-insulator (tunnel)-n/p+ semiconductor-switch (MISS) device is known to display current-controlled negative resistance in the current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics and can be applied as shift registers, optical switching element, etc. However the effect of optical illumination on the J-V characteristics has not been understood theoretically. In this paper the illumination effects in the three parts of the device, i.e., the p+n junction, the insulator-semiconductor junction and the depletion region of the n layer, are calculated, and the J-V characteristics under illumination are obtained. The fractional voltage drops across the above three parts with respect to the total voltage of the MISS device are calculated under dark and illuminated conditions. It is shown that the minority carrier charge, generated by illumination and stored at the insulator-semiconductor interface, reduces the switching voltage below that under the dark condition which corresponds to entire punch-through.

  • The Change of Response Properties of Retinal Horizontal Cell during Light-Adaptation-- An Approach Using Repetition of Pseudo-White-Noise-Modulated Light--

    Osamu UMINO  Kosuke WATANABE  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering


    The process of light-adaptation with an intense illumination was examined in the carp horizontal cell by using a new approach comprised of two steps. First, light was periodically modulated by pseudo-white-noise and applied to the retina. Second, the statistical properties of reponses corresponding to one cycle (2.5 sec in this study) of stimuli at different times were examined. Our experiments and analyses gave the following results. The dark-adapted L-cells responded with a sudden initial hyperpolarization followed by a small fluctuation superimposed on the slowly declining steady potential. As light-adaptation proceeded, the response fluctuation gradually increased, then slowly decreased and leveled off. During about the first 1 min of light-adaptation, the amplitude distribution of responses departed from normal distribution in symmetry as well as peakedness, then it rapidly approached normal distribution. The equivalent bandwidth of the power spectrum increased monotonically for about 3 min of light-adaptation but then attained a steady state level (45 Hz). The initial increase of the power at high frequencies was related to the nonlinearity and was probably produced in relation to the power at low frequencies. On the other hand, the later increase of the power at high frequencies implies that the cell became to respond to the high frequency components of the stimulating light.

  • A Josephson Logic Gate Array

    Yutaka HARADA  Yuji HATANO  Kunio YAMASHITA  Mikio HIRANO  Ushio KAWABE  

    PAPER-Integrated Circuits


    A newly developed Josephson logic gate array is described. This gate array has 576 switching devices (Josephson Interferometers) and it has attained the high speed switching time of 33ps with a 2-input OR circuit. Employing and AC-powered latch circuit, the gate array has a single power supply. The total power dissipation of the gate array chip has been estimated to be 2 mW. This gate array includes all the necessary types of function blocks to accommodate any kinds of computer logics. Shift-resistor and 4-bit full-adder circuits have been successfully operated.

  • A Hierarchical Computation Scheme


    PAPER-Computation Scheme


    In recent years a lot of attention has been focused on writing error-free programs in an easily readable and understandable manner. It is also recognized that the so called von Neumann" or Imperative" languages may not be the right medium to work in this direction as these have a complex body lacking the solid foundation of computational mathematics. With the announcement of yet another such language, there is a further addition of various new language constructs thereby only helping to build up the confusion. On the other hand, functional languages are based upon a solid foundation and produce programs which are semantically very clear. These language, however, have not found favor with the computing community primarily because these are not history sensitive apart from being inefficient to run on presently available computers. An appearling alternative has been proposed by Backus in terms of an applicative language independent of the lambda calculus and possessing history sensitivity by means of a loose coupling between computation and the state (of the store). In this paper, we pick up his ideas and work up a computation scheme which introduces an amount of abstraction in the representation of variables. Specifically, we do not bind a variable to a particular value to the declared type, but rather we assign limits to the values of the variable. These limits are changeable and depend upon the available semantic information. It is observed that such a scheme can exploit the potentials of working at higher levels, notable among which in this particular scheme is, the possibility of considerable increase in the speed of computation.

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