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[Author] Go TANAKA(22hit)


  • Examination of Quantitative Evaluation Index of Contrast Improvement for Dichromats



    E106-A No:6

    For dichromats to receive the information represented in color images, it is important to study contrast improvement methods and quantitative evaluation indices of color conversion results. There is an index to evaluate the degree of contrast improvement and in this index, the contrast for dichromacy caused by the lightness component is given importance. In addition, random sampling was introduced in the computation of this index. Although the validity of the index has been shown through comparison with a subjective evaluation, it is considered that the following two points should be examined. First, should contrast for normal trichromacy caused by the lightness component also be attached importance. Second, the influence of random sampling should be examined in detail. In this paper, a new index is proposed and the above-mentioned points are examined. For the first point, the following is revealed through experiment. Consideration of the contrast for normal trichromacy caused by a lightness component that is the same as that for dichromacy may or may not result in a good outcome. The evaluation performance of the proposed index is equivalent to that of the previous index overall. It can be said that the proposed index is superior to the previous one in terms of the unity of evaluating contrast. For the second point, the computation time and the evaluation of significant digits are shown. In this paper, a sampling number such that the number of significant digits can be considered as three is used. In this case, the variation caused by random sampling is negligible compared with the range of the proposed index, whereas the computation time is about one-seventh that when the sampling is not adopted.

  • Color-to-Gray Conversion Method Considering Contrasts in Color Image

    Shi BAO  Zhiqiang LIU  Go TANAKA  


    E101-A No:11

    A new projection-based color-to-gray conversion method is proposed in this letter. In the proposed method, an objective function which considers color contrasts in an input image is defined. Projection coefficients are determined by minimizing the objective function. Experimental results show the validity of the proposed method.

  • Color Removal Considering Differences of Colors and Achromatic Color Preservation

    Go TANAKA  Noriaki SUETAKE  Eiji UCHINO  


    E96-A No:11

    In this letter, a novel color removal method considering differences of colors in an input color image and achromatic color preservation is proposed. The achromatic color preservation is assigning lightness values to gray-levels concerning achromatic pixels for natural impression. The effectiveness and validity of the proposed method are verified by experiments.

  • Downsized Bow-Tie Antenna with Folded Elements



    E93-C No:7

    It has been reported that by adding two folded elements, bow-tie antenna can be miniaturized, but the antenna has VSWR degradation problem. In this paper, the details of the VSWR degradation are investigated and the physical mechanism of the degradation is clarified. The best position for folded element is also shown. Moreover, the bow-tie antenna is bent in half in order to realize more size reduction. When the two folded elements are added to the half bent bow-tie antenna, the lowest operation frequency goes down and the proposed antenna can be more downsized than the previous proposed antenna. The gain is slightly lower than that of the previous model, however, the antenna area is reduced from 31%, which is the antenna area ratio of privious proposed antenna and conventional bow-tie antenna, to 19%. The bandwidth of 92% is obtained for VSWR≤2.

  • Proposal of New Signed Color Distance for Color-to-Gray Conversion

    Shi BAO  Go TANAKA  


    E98-A No:2

    A new signed color distance for color-to-gray conversion is proposed. It is suited to reflect gradation and detailed color change in an input color image into an output monochrome image. Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed distance.

  • Cost Function-Based Vector Filter for Suppressing False Color

    Shi BAO  Go TANAKA  


    E97-A No:11

    In the impulse noise removal from a color image, vector filters are suitable for suppressing false color generation. However, the vector filters do not select optimal vectors to restore noise corrupted pixels. To cope with this problem, a cost function-based vector filter is proposed in this letter.

  • Yellow-Blue Component Modification of Color Image for Protanopia or Deuteranopia

    Go TANAKA  Noriaki SUETAKE  Eiji UCHINO  


    E94-A No:2

    A new recoloring method to improve visibility of indiscriminable colors for protanopes or deuteranopes is proposed. In the proposed method, yellow-blue components of a color image perceived by protanopes/deuteranopes are adequately modified. Moreover, the gamut mapping is considered to obtain proper output color values in this method.

  • Impulse Noise Removal of Digital Image Considering Local Line Structure

    Shi BAO  Go TANAKA  


    E102-A No:12

    For the impulse noise removal from a digital image, most of existing methods cannot repair line structures in an input image. In this letter, a method which considers the local line structure is proposed. In order to judge the direction of the line structure, adjacent lines are considered. The effectiveness of the proposed filter is shown by experiments.

  • Lightness Modification Method Considering Craik-O'Brien Effect for Protanopia and Deuteranopia

    Shi BAO  Go TANAKA  Hakaru TAMUKOH  Noriaki SUETAKE  


    E99-A No:11

    Protanopes and deuteranopes are difficult to distinguish some color pairs. In this letter, a new lightness modification method which considers the Craik-O'Brien effect is proposed. The lightness modification is performed at parts which are difficult to distinguish in the protanopia or deuteranopia. Experiments show the validity of the proposed method.

  • A Balance-Fed Loop Antenna System for Handset

    Hisashi MORISHITA  Hiroki FURUUCHI  Harushige IDE  Zengo TANAKA  Kyohei FUJIMOTO  


    E82-A No:7

    In the conventional antenna system for the handset, some gain degradation has been observed when an operator holds the handset. This is caused by the variation of the current on the conducting box used in the handset due to the body effect. This paper presents (1) design concept of antenna for the handset and (2) analysis of a newly proposed loop antenna system, which has the balance structure for the antenna feed to reduce the effect of currents on the conducting box. In order to confirm the effectiveness of using the balance-fed loop antenna, a simple model using a small loop antenna mounted on a ground plane is analyzed. The current distribution for the balance-fed loop antenna system is obtained calculatedly and also experimentally and is compared with that for the unbalance-fed loop antenna system. In a result, remarkable decrease in the current distribution on the ground plane for the case of the balance-fed antennas system is shown. Calculated results are in good agreement with measured results.

  • Proposal of Dehazing Method and Quantitative Index for Evaluation of Haze Removal Quality

    Yi RU  Go TANAKA  


    E100-A No:4

    When haze exists in an image of an outdoor scene, the visibility of objects in the image is deteriorated. In recent years, to improve the visibility of objects in such images, many dehazing methods have been investigated. Most of the methods are based on the atmospheric scattering model. In such methods, the transmittance and global atmospheric light are estimated from an input image and a dehazed image is obtained by substituting them into the model. To estimate the transmittance and global atmospheric light, the dark channel prior is a major and powerful concept that is employed in many dehazing methods. In this paper, we propose a new dehazing method in which the degree of haze removal can be adjusted by changing its parameters. Our method is also based on the atmospheric scattering model and employs the dark channel prior. In our method, the estimated transmittance is adjusted to a more suitable value by a transform function. By choosing appropriate parameter values for each input image, good haze removal results can be obtained by our method. In addition, a quantitative index for evaluating the quality of a dehazed image is proposed in this paper. It can be considered that haze removal is a type of saturation enhancement. On the other hand, an output image obtained using the atmospheric scattering model is generally darker than the input image. Therefore, we evaluate the quality of dehazed images by considering the balance between the brightness and saturation of the input and output images. The validity of the proposed index is examined using our dehazing method. Then a comparison between several dehazing methods is carried out using the index. Through these experiments, the effectiveness of our dehazing method and the quantitative index is confirmed.

  • Invertible Color-to-Monochrome Conversion Based on Color Quantization with Lightness Constraint

    Go TANAKA  Noriaki SUETAKE  Eiji UCHINO  


    E95-A No:11

    A method obtaining a monochrome image which can rebuild colors is proposed. In this method, colors in an input image are quantized under a lightness constraint and a palette, which represents relationship between quantized colors and gray-levels, is generated. Using the palette, an output monochrome image is obtained. Experiments show that the proposed method obtains good monochrome and rebuilt color images.

  • Properties and Effective Extensions of Local Similarity-Based Pixel Value Restoration for Impulse Noise Removal

    Go TANAKA  Noriaki SUETAKE  Eiji UCHINO  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E95-A No:11

    In this paper, impulse noise removal for digital images is handled. It is well-known that switching-type processing is effective for the impulse noise removal. In the process, noise-corrupted pixels are first detected, and then, filtering is applied to the detected pixels. This switching process prevents distorting original signals. A noise detector is of course important in the process, a filter for pixel value restoration is also important to obtain excellent results. The authors have proposed a local similarity-based filter (LSF). It utilizes local similarity in a digital image and its capability against restoration of orderly regions has shown in the previous paper. In this paper, first, further experiments are carried out and properties of the LSF are revealed. Although LSF is inferior to an existing filter when disorderly regions are processed and evaluated by the peak signal-to-noise ratio, its outputs are subjectively adequate even in the case. If noise positions are correctly detected, capability of the LSF is guaranteed. On the other hand, some errors may occur in actual noise detection. In that case, LSF sometimes fails to restoration. After properties are examined, we propose two effective extensions to the LSF. First one is for computational cost reduction and another is for color image processing. The original LSF is very time consuming, and in this paper, computational cost reduction is realized introducing a search area. Second proposal is the vector LSF (VLSF) for color images. Although color images can be processed using a filter, which is for monochrome images, to each color component, it sometimes causes color drift. Hence vector processing has been investigated so far. However, existing vector filters do not excel in preservation of orderly pattern although color drift is suppressed. Our proposed VLSF is superior both in orderly pattern preservation and color drift suppression. Effectiveness of the proposed extensions to LSF is verified through experiments.

  • Hellinger Distance-Based Parameter Tuning for ε-Filter

    Noriaki SUETAKE  Go TANAKA  Hayato HASHII  Eiji UCHINO  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E93-D No:9

    In this letter, we propose a new tuning method of ε value, which is a parameter in the ε-filter, using a metric between signal distributions, i.e., Hellinger distance. The difference between the input and output signals is evaluated using Hellinger distance and used for the parameter tuning in the proposed method.

  • Digital Color Image Contrast Enhancement Method Based on Luminance Weight Adjustment

    Yuyao LIU  Shi BAO  Go TANAKA  Yujun LIU  Dongsheng XU  


    E105-A No:6

    When collecting images, owing to the influence of shooting equipment, shooting environment, and other factors, often low-illumination images with insufficient exposure are obtained. For low-illumination images, it is necessary to improve the contrast. In this paper, a digital color image contrast enhancement method based on luminance weight adjustment is proposed. This method improves the contrast of the image and maintains the detail and nature of the image. In the proposed method, the illumination of the histogram equalization image and the adaptive gamma correction with weighted distribution image are adjusted by the luminance weight of w1 to obtain a detailed image of the bright areas. Thereafter, the suppressed multi-scale retinex (MSR) is used to process the input image and obtain a detailed image of the dark areas. Finally, the luminance weight w2 is used to adjust the illumination component of the detailed images of the bright and dark areas, respectively, to obtain the output image. The experimental results show that the proposed method can enhance the details of the input image and avoid excessive enhancement of contrast, which maintains the naturalness of the input image well. Furthermore, we used the discrete entropy and lightness order error function to perform a numerical evaluation to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Folded Monopole Antenna with Parasitic Element in Small Terminal for WiMAX and WLAN MIMO Systems

    Tsutomu ITO  Mio NAGATOSHI  Shingo TANAKA  Hisashi MORISHITA  


    E97-B No:10

    Two types of 3D folded dipole antenna with feed line (FDAFL) were reported for a small terminal, which covered WiMAX 2.5/3.5GHz bands and WLAN 2.4GHz band. In this study, folded monopole antenna (FMA) is proposed as a variant of FDAFL. We show the broadband characteristics of FMA and determine the most suitable configuration of FMA array for realizing MIMO system. Also, a multiband variant is created by introducing a parasitic element to FMA. The result is a multiband FMA array with parasitic elements operating at 5GHz band of WiMAX and WLAN as well as WiMAX 2.5/3.5GHz bands and WLAN 2.4GHz band with total antenna efficiency of between 70% to 96% and the envelope correlation coefficient of less than 0.02. Finally, a prototype antenna is implemented, and we confirm the validity of the simulation by comparison to measured results.

  • Wideband 3D Folded Dipole Antenna with Feed Line for Small Terminal

    Tsutomu ITO  Mio NAGATOSHI  Shingo TANAKA  Hisashi MORISHITA  


    E96-B No:10

    Folded dipole antenna with feed line (FDAFL) whose relative bandwidth is 65% (VSWR≤3) has been reported as a wideband planar antenna for a small terminal. However, this antenna is constructed outside of the ground plane (50×80mm2) by 12mm. In this study, we analyze the antenna configurations of FDAFL in 3D so that the antenna does not protrude from the ground plane as much as possible. Two different 3D antenna models derived from FDAFL are investigated. The first model is folded over the ground plane, and the second one is folded outside of the ground plane. The relative bandwidth, the VSWR characteristics and radiation patterns are studied. As a result, it is confirmed that antenna prominence could be reduced and broadband characteristics over 74% and 83% are obtained by the 3D models, respectively, which are wider than the bandwidth of conventional 2D model. Thus, FDAFL could be used in both 2D and 3D for a small terminal.

  • Broadband Characteristics of a Planar Folded Dipole Antenna with a Feed Line


    PAPER-Antennas and Antenna Measurement

    E94-B No:5

    Various planar folded dipole antennas with feed lines are introduced and analyzed. With the added feed line, the planar folded dipole antenna has two resonance modes. Moreover, adjusting the spacing and width of the feed line improves the broadband characteristics of the antenna. The attached feed line has not only an impedance transforming characteristic but also a bandwidth transforming characteristic. The bandwidth transforming characteristic means that the feed line can broaden the bandwidth of folded dipole antenna. A way to reduce the antenna area is also studied, and the characteristics of the resulting compact antenna are analyzed.

  • Distortion Reduction Filters for Radio-on-Fiber System

    Shingo TANAKA  Noritaka TAGUCHI  Tsuneto KIMURA  Yasunori ATSUMI  


    E90-C No:2

    Three distortion reduction filters for radio-on-fiber systems are proposed and evaluated from the standpoint of improvements in in-band third order intermodulation (IM3) components (spurious components), insertion loss, temperature stability and so on. The basic filter configuration includes optical comb filter, RF (radiowave frequency) comb filter, and RF dual band rejection filter (DBRF). Experiments are conducted at 2 GHz band for frequency separation Δf=5 MHz and 100 MHz in the temperature range of -10 to +50. These filters can reduce IM3 components even in the saturation region, unlike conventional linearizers. An optical comb filter can reduce IM3 components more than 20 dB and noise level around 10 dB if its polarization controller is properly adjusted, but its insertion loss is large and stability against vibration is very poor. The proposed RF comb filter and RF-DBRF can reduce IM3 components by more than 20 dB and noise level by more than 3 dB. Their stability against vibration and temperature change is good, and insertion losses are 1-2 dB for Δf=100 MHz.

  • Comparisons of Simulated and Measured Electric Field Distributions in a Cabin of a Simplified Scale Car Model

    Satoru HORIUCHI  Kunihiko YAMADA  Shingo TANAKA  Yoshihide YAMADA  Naobumi MICHISHITA  


    E90-B No:9

    The electric fields inside and outside a car must be carefully determined when designing a wireless communication system to be employed in the car. This paper introduces an effective simulation method and a precise measurement method of electric field distributions in a cabin of a simplified scale car model. A 1/3 car model is employed for ease of measurement. The scaled frequency of 2859 MHz, 3 times 953 MHz, is employed. The use of a moment method simulator utilizing the multilevel fast multipole method allows calculations to be performed on a personal computer. In order to judge the accuracy of simulation results, convergence of simulation output in accordance with segment size (triangle edge length) changes is ensured. Simulation loads in the case of metallic body only and a metallic body with window glass are also shown. In the measurements, an optical electric field probe is employed so as to minimize the disturbances that would otherwise be caused by metallic feed cable; precise measurement results are obtained. Comparisons of measured and simulated results demonstrate very good agreement which confirms the accuracy of the calculated results. 3-dimensional electric field distributions in the car model are shown and 3-dimensional standing wave shapes are clarified. Moreover, calculated and measured radiation patterns of the car model are shown so the total electric field distributions around a car are clarified.


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