Qian DENG Li GUO Jiaru LIN Zhihui LIU
In this paper, we propose an efficient regularized zero-forcing (RZF) precoding method that has lower hardware resource requirements and produces a shorter delay to the first transmitted symbol compared with truncated polynomial expansion (TPE) that is based on Neumann series in massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The proposed precoding scheme, named matrix decomposition-polynomial expansion (MDPE), essentially applies a matrix decomposition algorithm based on polynomial expansion to significantly reduce full matrix multiplication computational complexity. Accordingly, it is suitable for real-time hardware implementations and high-mobility scenarios. Furthermore, the proposed method provides a simple expression that links the optimization coefficients to the ratio of BS/UTs antennas (β). This approach can speed-up the convergence to the matrix inverse by a matrix polynomial with small terms and further reduce computation costs. Simulation results show that the MDPE scheme can rapidly approximate the performance of the full precision RZF and optimal TPE algorithm, while adaptively selecting matrix polynomial terms in accordance with the different β and SNR situations. It thereby obtains a high average achievable rate of the UTs under power allocation.
Fangliao YANG Kai NIU Chao DONG Baoyu TIAN Zhihui LIU
The transmission on fronthaul links in the cloud radio access network has become a bottleneck with the increasing data rate. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stage compression scheme for fronthaul links. In the first stage, the commonly used techniques like cyclic prefix stripping and sampling rate adaptation are implemented. In the second stage, a structure called linear prediction coding with decision threshold (LPC-DT) is proposed to remove the redundancies of signal. Considering that the linear prediction outputs have large dynamic range, a two-piecewise quantization with optimized decision threshold is applied to enhance the quantization performance. In order to further lower the transmission rate, a multi-level successive structure of lossless polar source coding is proposed to compress the quantization output with low encoding and decoding complexity. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme with LPC-DT and LPSC offers not only significantly better compression ratios but also more flexibility in bandwidth settings compared with traditional ones.
Bo LIU Yao-Long ZHU Ying-Hui LI
A head-disk spacing tester that includes the effect of lubricant will be necessary if the slider-disk interaction is to be considered. The interaction and interaction induced spacing variation can be quantitatively characterized by optical method and by replacing the functional disk media with a glass disk covered with a carbon layer and a lubricant layer of the same materials and the same layer thickness as the functional disk media. This paper reports a tester configuration based on that concept. Experimental investigations into the nanometer spaced head-disk interface with such a setup are presented also. Results indicate that the lubricant plays an important role in slider-disk interaction and the vibration of the slider-disk interface. Two types of interface vibration were noticed: contact vibration and bouncing vibration. For the bouncing case, the natural frequency of air-bearing and its fold frequencies will be excited and air-bearing plays more important role in the determination of the slider vibration, comparing with the contact-vibration case.
Distributed edge cloud computing is an important computation infrastructure for Internet of Things (IoT) and its task offloading problem has attracted much attention recently. Most existing work on task offloading in distributed edge cloud computing usually assumes that each self-interested user owns one edge server and chooses whether to execute its tasks locally or to offload the tasks to cloud servers. The goal of each edge server is to maximize its own interest like low delay cost, which corresponds to a non-cooperative setting. However, with the strong development of smart IoT communities such as smart hospital and smart factory, all edge and cloud servers can belong to one organization like a technology company. This corresponds to a cooperative setting where the goal of the organization is to maximize the team interest in the overall edge cloud computing system. In this paper, we consider a new problem called cooperative task offloading where all edge servers try to cooperate to make the entire edge cloud computing system achieve good performance such as low delay cost and low energy cost. However, this problem is hard to solve due to two issues: 1) each edge server status dynamically changes and task arrival is uncertain; 2) each edge server can observe only its own status, which makes it hard to optimize team interest as global information is unavailable. For solving these issues, we formulate the problem as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP) which can well handle the dynamic features under partial observations. Then, we apply a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm called value decomposition network (VDN) and propose a VDN-based task offloading algorithm (VDN-TO) to solve the problem. Specifically, the motivation is that we use a team value function to evaluate the team interest, which is then divided into individual value functions for each edge server. Then, each edge server updates its individual value function in the direction that can maximize the team interest. Finally, we choose a part of a real dataset to evaluate our algorithm and the results show the effectiveness of our algorithm in a comparison with some other existing methods.
Haibo YIN Jun-an YANG Wei WANG Hui LIU
Transfer boosting, a branch of instance-based transfer learning, is a commonly adopted transfer learning method. However, currently popular transfer boosting methods focus on binary classification problems even though there are many multi-classification tasks in practice. In this paper, we developed a new algorithm called MultiTransferBoost on the basis of TransferBoost for multi-classification. MultiTransferBoost firstly separated the multi-classification problem into several orthogonal binary classification problems. During each iteration, MultiTransferBoost boosted weighted instances from different source domains while each instance's weight was assigned and updated by evaluating the difficulty of the instance being correctly classified and the “transferability” of the instance's corresponding source domain to the target. The updating process repeated until it reached the predefined training error or iteration number. The weight update factors, which were analyzed and adjusted to minimize the Hamming loss of the output coding, strengthened the connections among the sub binary problems during each iteration. Experimental results demonstrated that MultiTransferBoost had better classification performance and less computational burden than existing instance-based algorithms using the One-Against-One (OAO) strategy.
Collaborative business has been increasingly developing with the environment of globalization and advanced information technologies. In a collaboration environment with multiple organizations, participants from different organizations always have different views about modeling the overall business process due to different knowledge and cultural backgrounds. Moreover, flexible support, privacy preservation and process reuse are important issues that should be considered in business process management across organizational boundaries. This paper presents a novel approach of modeling interorganizational business process for collaboration. Our approach allows for modeling loosely coupled interorganizational business process considering different views of organizations. In the proposed model, organizations have their own local process views of modeling business process instead of sharing pre-defined global processes. During process cooperation, local process of an organization can be invisible to other organizations. Further, we propose the coordination mechanisms for different local process views to detect incompatibilities among organizations. We illustrate our proposed approach by a case study of interorganizational software development collaboration.
Shengyu LI Wenjun XU Zhihui LIU Junyi WANG Jiaru LIN
This paper studies the multi-link multi-antenna amplify-and-forward (AF) relay system, in which multiple source-destination pairs communicate with the aid of an energy harvesting (EH)-enabled relay and the relay utilizes the power splitting (PS) protocol to accomplish simultaneous EH and information forwarding (IF). Specifically, independent PS, i.e., allow each antenna to have an individual PS factor, and cooperative power allocation (PA) i.e., adaptively allocate the harvested energy to each channel, are proposed to increase the signal processing degrees of freedom and energy utilization. Our objective is to maximize the minimum rate of all source-destination pairs, i.e., the max-min rate, by jointly optimizing the PS and PA strategies. The optimization problem is first established for the ideal channel state information (CSI) model. To solve the formulated non-convex problem, the optimal forwarding matrix is derived and an auxiliary variable is introduced to remove the coupling of transmission rates in two slots, following which a bi-level iteration algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal PS and PA strategy by jointly utilizing the bisection and golden section methods. The proposal is then extended into the partial CSI model, and the final transmission rate for each source-destination pair is modified by treating the CSI error as random noise. With a similar analysis, it is proved that the proposed bi-level algorithm can also solve the joint PS and PA optimization problem in the partial CSI model. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm works well in both ideal CSI and partial CSI models, and by means of independent PS and cooperative PA, the achieved max-min rate is greatly improved over existing non-EH-enabled and EH-enabled relay schemes, especially when the signal processing noise at the relay is large and the sources use quite different transmit powers.
Controlling the peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexed (OFDM) transmissions is a significant obstacle in many low-cost applications of OFDM. An coding approach proposed by H.R. Sadjadpour presents non-square M-QAM symbols as a combination of QPSK and BPSK signals when M=22n+1, and then uses QPSK and BPSK Golay (or Golay-like) sequences with a constant PMEPR to generate M-QAM sequences. This paper proposes a new scheme in which M-QAM sequences are generated by QPSK and BPSK sequences with variable PMEPRs. In other words, this new scheme is a general case of the existing approach. As a result, the code rate of the new sequence is significantly improved, while the upper bound of its PMEPR remains at a comparative level.
Yung-Hui LI Muhammad Saqlain ASLAM Latifa Nabila HARFIYA Ching-Chun CHANG
The recent development of deep learning-based generative models has sharply intensified the interest in data synthesis and its applications. Data synthesis takes on an added importance especially for some pattern recognition tasks in which some classes of data are rare and difficult to collect. In an iris dataset, for instance, the minority class samples include images of eyes with glasses, oversized or undersized pupils, misaligned iris locations, and iris occluded or contaminated by eyelids, eyelashes, or lighting reflections. Such class-imbalanced datasets often result in biased classification performance. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are one of the most promising frameworks that learn to generate synthetic data through a two-player minimax game between a generator and a discriminator. In this paper, we utilized the state-of-the-art conditional Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty (CWGAN-GP) for generating the minority class of iris images which saves huge amount of cost of human labors for rare data collection. With our model, the researcher can generate as many iris images of rare cases as they want and it helps to develop any deep learning algorithm whenever large size of dataset is needed.
The ultrasound image segmentation is a crucial task in many clinical applications. However, the ultrasound image is difficult to segment due to image inhomogeneity caused by the ultrasound imaging technique. In this paper, to deal with image inhomogeneity with considering ultrasound image properties the Local Rayleigh Distribution Fitting (LRDF) energy term is introduced into the traditional level set method newly. While the curve evolution equation is derived for energy minimization, and self-driven uterus contour is achieved on the ultrasound images. The experimental segmentation results on synthetic images and in-vivo ultrasound images present that the proposed approach is effective and accurate, with the Dice Score Coefficient (DSC) of 0.95 ± 0.02.
Meimei MENG Xiaohui LI Yulong LIU Yongqiang HEI
Massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) is a key technology to meet the increasing capacity demands that must be satisfied by next generation wireless systems. However, it is expensive to use linear power amplifiers when implementing a massive MIMO system as it will have hundreds of antennas. In this paper, considering that low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of transmit signals can facilitate hardware-friendly equipment with nonlinear but power-efficient amplifiers, we first formulate the precoding scheme as a PAPR minimization problem. Then, in order to obtain the optimal solution with low complexity, the precoding problem is recast into a Bayesian estimation problem by leveraging belief propagation algorithm. Eventually, we propose a low-PAPR approximate message passing (LP-AMP) algorithm based on belief propagation to ensure the good transmission performance and minimize the PAPR to realize practical deployments. Simulation results reveal that the proposed method can get PAPR reduction and adequate transmission performance, simultaneously, with low computational complexity. Moreover, the results further indicate that the proposed method is suitable for practical implementation, which is appealing for massive multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) systems.
Qinghui LIU Masanori NISHIO Tomoyuki MIYAZAKI Seisuke KUJI
A new system, in which a real-time VLBI (very-long-baseline interferometer) is utilized, for real-time monitoring of atmospheric disturbances on a very-long baseline has been developed. In this system, beacon waves from geo-stationary satellites are used for received signals and public communication lines are used for data transmission. Connecting the system to the 6-m Kagoshima and the 10-m Mizusawa radio telescopes enables atmospheric disturbances to be observed. The cross-correlation phase was calculated from the received signals, and the Allan standard deviation of the phase was obtained. It was found that the Allan standard deviation across almost the whole region of the time interval reflects atmospheric disturbances.
The input queued (IQ) switching architecture is becoming an attractive alternative for high-speed switches owing to its scalability. In this paper, three new algorithms, referred to as the maximum credit first (MCF), enhanced MCF (EMCF), and iterative MCF (IMCF) algorithms, are introduced. Simulations show that both MCF and IMCF have similar performance as the Birkhoff-von Neumann decomposition (BVND) algorithm, which can provide cell delay bound and 100% throughput, with lower off-line computational and on-line memory complexity. Simulations also show the fairness of MCF is much better than that of BVND. Theoretic analysis shows that the EMCF algorithm has a better performance than MCF in terms of throughput and cell delay with the same complexity level as MCF. Simulation results indicate the EMCF algorithm has much lower average cell delay and delay variance as compared to the BVND algorithm.
Donghui LIN Huanye SHENG Toru ISHIDA
Flexibility, adaptation and distribution have been regarded as major challenges of modern interorganizational workflow. To address these issues, this paper proposes an interorganizational workflow execution framework based on process agents and ECA rules. In our framework, an interorganizational workflow is modeled as a multiagent system with a process agent for each organization. The whole execution is divided into two parts: the intra-execution, which means execution within a same organization, and the inter-execution, which represents interaction between organizations. For intra-execution, we use the method of transforming the graph-based local workflow into block-based workflow to design general ECA rules. ECA rules are used to control internal state transitions and process agents are used to control external state transitions of tasks in the local workflows. Inter-execution is realized by process agent interaction protocols. The proposed approach can provide flexible execution of interorganizational workflow with distributed organizational autonomy and adaptation. A case study of offshore software development is illustrated for the proposed approach.
Seung-Hyub JEON Min-Hui LIM Chuck YOO
The execution model of mobile code inherits from traditional remote execution model such as telnet that needs two conditions. First, the proper program must exist in advance in the remote system. Second, there should be a process in the remote system waiting for requests. Therefore mobile code also bears the same conditions in order to be executed in a remote system. But these conditions constrain an important aspect of mobile code, which is the dynamic extension of system functionality. In this paper we propose a new approach, named Function Message that enables remote execution without these two conditions. Therefore, Function Message makes it easy and natural for mobile codes to extend system functionality dynamically. This paper describes the design of Function Message and implementation on Linux. We measure the overhead of Function Message and verify its usefulness with experimental results. On the ATM network, Function Message can be about five times faster than the traditional remote execution model based on exec().
Ruibin GUO Dongxiang ZHOU Keju PENG Yunhui LIU
Pose estimation is a basic requirement for the autonomous behavior of robots. In this article we present a robust and fast visual odometry method to obtain camera poses by using RGB-D images. We first propose a motion estimation method based on sparse geometric constraint and derive the analytic Jacobian of the geometric cost function to improve the convergence performance, then we use our motion estimation method to replace the tracking thread in ORB-SLAM for improving its runtime performance. Experimental results show that our method is twice faster than ORB-SLAM while keeping the similar accuracy.
Yingzhe WU Hui LI Wenjie MA Dingxin JIN
With the advantages of higher blocking voltage, higher operation temperature, fast-switching characteristics, and lower switching losses, the silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET has attracted more attentions and become an available replacement of traditional silicon (Si) power semiconductor in applications. Despite of all the merits above, electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues will be induced consequently by the ultra-fast switching transitions of the SiC MOSFET. To quickly and precisely assess the switching behaviors of the SiC MOSFET for EMI investigation, an analytical model is proposed. This model has comprehensively considered most of the key factors, including parasitic inductances, non-linearity of the junction capacitors, negative feedback effect of Ls and Cgd shared by the power and the gate stage loops, non-linearity of the trans-conductance, and skin effect during voltage and current ringing stages, which will considerably affect the switching performance of the SiC MOSFET. Additionally, a finite-state machine (FSM) is especially utilized so as to analytically and intuitively describe the switching behaviors of the SiC MOSFET via Stateflow. Based on double pulse test (DPT), the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed model are validated through the comparison between the calculated and the measured waveforms during switching transitions. Besides, the model can appropriately depict the spectrum of the drain-source voltage of the MOSFET and is suitable for EMI investigation in applying of SiC devices.
Zi-Yi WANG Shi-Ze GUO Zhe-Ming LU Guang-Hua SONG Hui LI
Many deterministic small-world network models have been proposed so far, and they have been proven useful in describing some real-life networks which have fixed interconnections. Search efficiency is an important property to characterize small-world networks. This paper tries to clarify how the search procedure behaves when random walks are performed on small-world networks, including the classic WS small-world network and three deterministic small-world network models: the deterministic small-world network created by edge iterations, the tree-structured deterministic small-world network, and the small-world network derived from the deterministic uniform recursive tree. Detailed experiments are carried out to test the search efficiency of various small-world networks with regard to three different types of random walks. From the results, we conclude that the stochastic model outperforms the deterministic ones in terms of average search steps.
Jia-Rui LIU Shi-Ze GUO Zhe-Ming LU Fa-Xin YU Hui LI
In complex network analysis, there are various measures to characterize the centrality of each node within a graph, which determines the relative importance of each node. The more centrality a node has in a network, the more significance it has in the spread of infection. As one of the important extensions to shortest-path based betweenness centrality, the flow betweenness centrality is defined as the degree to which each node contributes to the sum of maximum flows between all pairs of nodes. One of the drawbacks of the flow betweenness centrality is that its time complexity is somewhat high. This Letter proposes an approximate method to calculate the flow betweenness centrality and provides experimental results as evidence.
Ye TAO Fang KONG Wenjun JU Hui LI Ruichun HOU
As an important type of science and technology service resource, energy consumption data play a vital role in the process of value chain integration between home appliance manufacturers and the state grid. Accurate electricity consumption prediction is essential for demand response programs in smart grid planning. The vast majority of existing prediction algorithms only exploit data belonging to a single domain, i.e., historical electricity load data. However, dependencies and correlations may exist among different domains, such as the regional weather condition and local residential/industrial energy consumption profiles. To take advantage of cross-domain resources, a hybrid energy consumption prediction framework is presented in this paper. This framework combines the long short-term memory model with an encoder-decoder unit (ED-LSTM) to perform sequence-to-sequence forecasting. Extensive experiments are conducted with several of the most commonly used algorithms over integrated cross-domain datasets. The results indicate that the proposed multistep forecasting framework outperforms most of the existing approaches.