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Yunsong JEONG Woojin SHIN Hoon JEONG Kyunghwan OH
We have exploited a high-power-tolerant variable optical attenuator (VOA) based on the fused fiber coupler in the all-fiber structure. A newly designed VOA employs the external modulation by forcing an axial stress in the tapered region of the fused fiber coupler. In the tapered region, the axial stress changes the refractive index of silica glasses resulting in a change in the coupling coefficient of the coupler. In this paper, we explain the principle of the novel device, VOA, and the optimized fabrication of the fused fiber coupler for the attenuation. The changes of the transmission spectrum for the coupler and the optical power spectrum for pump laser diode (LD), whose center wavelength is 1.47µm, versus the axial displacement were verified by experiment. The possibility of the wavelength uniformity less than 1dB over the range of 1460-1500nm was also obtained by another coupler under a different fabrication condition. The polarization-dependent loss (PDL) at 1.47µm wavelength was 0.65dB for a maximum displacement of 150µm. The designed device has an attractive feature of another output port of the coupler available as a monitoring tap. The device showed a high attenuation above 34dB and an insertion loss below 0.15dB. The all-fiber structure can provide less alignment, which in turn provides a high power tolerance. This novel design, moreover, has a simple and cost-effective structure.
Jang Sub KIM Ho Jin SHIN Dong Ryeol SHIN
In this paper, a multiuser receiver based on a Gaussian Mixture Sigma Point Particle Filter (GMSPPF), which can be used for joint channel coefficient estimation and time delay tracking in CDMA communication systems, is introduced. The proposed algorithm has better improved estimation performance than either Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) or Particle Filter (PF). The Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) is derived for the estimator, and the simulation result demonstrates that it is almost completely near-far resistant. For this reason, it is believed that the proposed estimator can replace well-known filters such as the EKF or PF.
KeeHyun CHOI HoJin SHIN DongRyeol SHIN
Wireless LAN (WLAN) has greatly benefited from the introduction of various technologies, such as MAC protocol and scheduling algorithm. The majority of these technologies focus on fairness or service differentiation. However, current WLAN technologies do not provide many benefits to WLAN because most previous literature only focuses on the provision of a single aspect of QoS. Unfortunately, multimedia applications require both service differentiation and fairness. Therefore, this paper combines Distributed Fair Scheduling (DFS) and Enhanced Distributed Coordinate Function (EDCF), to simultaneously provide both fairness and service differentiation. The simulation results demonstrate that F-EDCF outperforms the EDCF, in terms of throughput, fairness, and delay viewpoints.
Xiaoyi WANG Jin SHI Yici CAI Xianlong HONG
It's a trend to consider the power supply integrity at early stage to improve the design quality. Specifically, floorplanning process is modified to improve the power supply as well. In the modified floorplanning process, both the floorplan and power/ground (P/G) network are adjusted to search for optimal floorplan as well as the most robust power supply. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to carry out this modified floorplanning. A new analytical method is proposed to estimate the voltage drop while the floorplan is varying constantly. This fast analytical voltage drop estimating method is plugged into the modified floorplanner to speed up the whole floorplanning process. Compared with previous methods, our algorithm can search for the optimal floorplan with consideration of power supply integrity more efficiently and therefore leads to better results. Furthermore, this paper also proposes a novel heuristic method to optimize the topology of P/G network. This optimization algorithm could construct a more robust power supply system. Experimental results show the method can speedup the IR-drop aware floorplanning process by about 10 times and reduce the routing area of P/G network while maintaining the floorplan quality and power supply integrity.
Jang Sub KIM Ho Jin SHIN Dong Ryeol SHIN
In this paper, a new methodology to estimate the number of competing stations in an IEEE 802.11 network, is proposed. Due to the nonlinear nature of the measurement model, an iterative nonlinear filtering algorithm, called the Scaled Unscented Filter (SUF), is employed. The SUF can provide a superior alternative to nonlinear filtering than the conventional Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), since it avoids errors associated with linearization. This approach demonstrates both high accuracy in addition to prompt reactivity to changes in the network occupancy status. In particular, the proposed algorithm shows superior performance in non saturated conditions when compared to the EKF. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides a more viable method for estimation of the number of competing stations in an IEEE 802.11 network, than estimators based on the EKF.
Shan ZENG Wenjian YU Jin SHI Xianlong HONG Chung-Kuan CHENG
Inductive effect becomes important for on-chip global interconnects, like the power/ground (P/G) grid. Because of the locality property of partial reluctance, the inverse of partial inductance, the window-based partial reluctance extraction has been applied for large-scale interconnect structures. In this paper, an efficient method of partial reluctance extraction is proposed for large-scale regular P/G grid structures. With a block reuse technique, the proposed method makes full use of the structural regularity of the P/G grid. Numerical results demonstrate the proposed method is able to efficiently handle a P/G grid with up to one hundred thousands wire segments. It is several tens times faster than the window-based method, while generating accurate frequency-dependent partial reluctance and resistance.
Sungjin SHIN Donghyuk HAN Hyoungjun CHO Jong-Moon CHUNG
Due to the rapid growth of applications that are based on Internet of Things (IoT) and real-time communications, mobile traffic growth is increasing exponentially. In highly populated areas, sudden concentration of numerous mobile user traffic can cause radio resource shortage, where traffic offloading is essential in preventing overload problems. Vertical handover (VHO) technology which supports seamless connectivity across heterogeneous wireless networks is a core technology of traffic offloading. In VHO, minimizing service interruption is a key design factor, since service interruption deteriorates service performance and degrades user experience (UX). Although 3GPP standard VHO procedures are designed to prevent service interruption, severe quality of service (QoS) degradation and severe interruption can occur in real network environments due to unintended disconnections with one's base station (BS) or access point (AP). In this article, the average minimum handover interruption time (HIT) (i.e., the guaranteed HIT influence) between LTE and Wi-Fi VHO is analyzed and measured based on 3GPP VHO access and decision procedures. In addition, the key parameters and procedures which affect HIT performance are analyzed, and a reference probability density function (PDF) for HIT prediction is derived from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test techniques.
Kosuke SANADA Jin SHI Nobuyoshi KOMURO Hiroo SEKIYA
String-topology multi-hop network is often selected as an analysis object because it is one of the fundamental network topologies. The purpose of this paper is to establish expression for end-to-end delay for IEEE 802.11 string-topology multi-hop networks. For obtaining the analytical expression, the effects of frame collisions and carrier-sensing effect from other nodes under the non-saturated condition are obtained for each node in the network. For expressing the properties in non-saturated condition, a new parameter, which is frame-existence probability, is defined. The end-to-end delay of a string-topology multi-hop network can be derived as the sum of the transmission delays in the network flow. The analytical predictions agree with simulation results well, which show validity of the obtained analytical expressions.