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[Author] Jun-ichi TAKADA(67hit)


  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Jun-ichi TAKADA  


    E92-B No:12
  • Versatile Radio Channel Sounder for Double Directional and Multi-link MIMO Channel Measurements at 11 GHz

    Yohei KONISHI  Yuyuan CHANG  Minseok KIM  Jun-ichi TAKADA  


    E97-C No:10

    This paper presents a $24 imes24$ MIMO channel sounder that has been developed based on a scalable fully parallel MIMO architecture. It can be flexibly configured with 3 sub-transmitters and 3 sub-receivers, each of which consists of 8 RF ports. This flexibility allows the measurement for both purposes of double directional and multi-link MIMO channel measurements. Implementation issues related to the multi-link operation on the fully parallel architecture were successfully solved by appropriate system design and applying several calibration techniques. The performance of the developed system was validated by extensive test experiments. Finally, a multi-link channel measurement example in an indoor environment was presented demonstrating the capability of the proposed system.

  • A Spatial Fading Emulator for Evaluation of MIMO Antennas in a Cluster Environment

    Tsutomu SAKATA  Atsushi YAMAMOTO  Koichi OGAWA  Hiroshi IWAI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kei SAKAGUCHI  


    E97-B No:10

    This paper presents a spatial fading emulator for evaluating handset MIMO antennas in a cluster environment. The proposed emulator is based on Clarke's model and has the ability to control RF signals directly in spatial domain to generate an accurate radio propagation channel model, which includes both uniform and non-uniform angular power spectra (APS) in the horizontal plane. Characteristics of a propagation channel such as fading correlations, eigenvalues and MIMO channel capacities of handset antennas located in the vicinity of the emulator's ring can be evaluated. The measured results show that the fading emulator with 31 antenna probes is sufficient to evaluate fading correlation and MIMO channel capacity of handset antenna in the case of a narrow APS with the standard deviation of more than 20 degrees.

  • Spatial Fading Simulator Using a Cavity-Excited Circular Array (CECA) for Performance Evaluation of Antenna Arrays

    Chulgyun PARK  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Takashi OHIRA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E89-B No:3

    In this paper we propose a novel spatial fading simulator to evaluate the performance of an array antenna and show its spatial stochastic characteristics by computer simulation based on parameters verified by experimental data. We introduce a cavity-excited circular array (CECA) as a fading simulator that can simulate realistic mobile communication environments. To evaluate the antenna array, two stochastic characteristics are necessary. The first one is the fading phenomenon and the second is the angular spread (AS) of the incident wave. The computer simulation results with respect to fading and AS show that CECA works well as a spatial fading simulator for performance evaluation of an antenna array. We first present the basic structure, features and design methodology of CECA, and then show computer simulation results of the spatial stochastic characteristics. The results convince us that CECA is useful to evaluate performance of antenna arrays.

  • Optimum Threshold for Indoor UWB ToA-Based Ranging

    Marzieh DASHTI  Mir GHORAISHI  Katsuyuki HANEDA  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kenichi TAKIZAWA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E94-A No:10

    This paper proposes a method for setting the threshold for ultra-wide-band (UWB) threshold-based ranging in indoor scenarios. The optimum threshold is derived based on the full analysis of the ranging error, which is equivalent to the probability of correct detection of first arriving signal in time-based ranging techniques. It is shown that the probability of correct detection is a function of first arriving signal, which has variations with two independent distributions. On the one hand, the first arriving signal varies in different positions with the same range due to multipath interference and on the other, it is a function of distance due to free space path-loss. These two distributions are considered in the derivation of the ranging error, based on which the optimum threshold is obtained. A practical method to derive this threshold is introduced based on the standard channel model. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations, ray-tracing simulations and ranging measurements confirm the analysis and the superior performance of the proposed threshold scheme.

  • Aperture Illumination Control in Radial Line Slot Antennas

    Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E76-B No:7

    A radial line slot antenna (RLSA) is a high gain and high efficiency planar array. A single-layered RLSA is much simple in structure but the slot length must be varied to synthesize uniform aperture illumination. These are now commercialized for 12GHz band DBS reception. In RLSAs, considerable power is dissipated in the termination as is common to other traveling wave antennas; the uniform aperture illumination is not the optimum condition for high gain in RLSAs. Authors proposed a theoretical method reducing the termination loss for further efficiency enhancement. This paper presents the measured performances of the SL-RLSAs of this design with non-uniform aperture illumination. The efficiency enhancement of about 10% is observed; the measured gain of 36.7dBi (87%) and 32.9dBi (81%) for a 0.6mφ and 0.4mφ antennas respectively verify this technique.

  • Experimental Analysis and Site-Specific Modeling of Channel Parameters at Mobile Station in an Urban Macrocellular Environment

    Kriangsak SIVASONDHIVAT  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Ichirou IDA  Yasuyuki OISHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E91-B No:4

    This paper experimentally studies and models the angular-delay power spectrum density at the mobile station based on the site-specific measurement in a macrocell in urban area of Tokyo. The authors first show the azimuth power spectral density at the mobile station. It is decomposed into the "classes" which represent specific contributions within limited azimuth range, as well as the residual. The site-specific propagation mechanism of the classes are next discussed. Finally, the angular-delay PSD models of both classes and residual are proposed and verified. The analysis and modeling in this paper are antenna independent with the full polarimetric information. Consequently, the results are useful to evaluate the performance of arbitrary array antennas with mixed polarization. Due to the rare number of antenna-independent and full-polarimetric measurements, the significant contribution of the angular-delay PSD channel model can be expected.

  • Waveform Distortion and Transmission Gain on Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio

    Sathaporn PROMWONG  Pichaya SUPANAKOON  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Radio Systems

    E93-B No:10

    A waveform of an ultra wideband impulse radio (UWB-IR) system can be extremely distorted through a channel even for free-space transmission because of antenna dispersion. This highly degrades the link budget performance. Therefore, the understand of antenna characteristics, which effects on waveform distortion, is necessary. This paper studies the waveform distortion due to antenna in free space transmission in UWB-IR system. The link budget is usually evaluated by using the Friis' transmission formula. However, it is not directly applicable to the UWB-IR transmission system. The link budget evaluation formula attended from conventional Friis' transmission formula that takes into account the transmitted waveform, its distortion due to the antennas, the channel and the correlation receiver is proposed. Since the antenna is significant pulse-shaping filters in UWB-IR system, the example kind of the log-periodic dipole antenna (LPDA) is experimentally examined, especially focused on the effect of the template waveforms.

  • Dual-Band Dual-Rectangular-Loop Circular Polarization Antenna for Global Navigation Satellite System Open Access

    Makoto SUMI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:12

    This paper proposes a dual-band dual-rectangular-loop circular polarization antenna for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). The proposed antenna combines two large outer rectangular loops with two small inner loops. Each large outer loop is connected to its corresponding small inner rectangular loop. Each loop has gaps located symmetrically with respect to a feed point to produce Right Handed Circular Polarization (RHCP). The gap position and the shape of the rectangular loops are very important to adjust both the impedance matching and circular polarization characteristics. The proposed antenna offers dual-band Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) and Axial Ratio (AR) frequency characteristics that include the L1 (1575.42 MHz) and L2 (1227.60 MHz) bands. The antenna gains exceed 8.7 dBi. Broad AR elevation patterns are obtained. These antenna characteristics are well suited to precise positioning.

  • Impedance Characteristic Analysis of an Axial Slot Antenna on a Sectoral Cylindrical Cavity Excited by a Probe Using Method of Moments



    E86-A No:6

    This paper presents the analysis of the impedance characteristics of a sectoral cylindrical cavity-backed axial slot antenna excited by a probe. The integral equations are derived based on boundary conditions of the proposed structure and they are expressed in terms of dyadic Green functions and unknown current densities. The dyadic Green functions are obtained by using the eigenfunction expansion method together with application of scattering superposition techniques. The unknown current densities are solved by the Method of Moments. The input impedance is subsequently determined from the unknown electric current density at the probe. Numerical results of input impedance and return loss are demonstrated as functions of frequency for various parameters such as cavity length, cavity radius ratio, slot location in φ direction, slot length and probe length. Calculated results are validated by the measurements. At the operating frequency, it is found that the result is sufficiently accurate. The results from this study are very useful for the design of a sectoral cylindrical cavity-backed axial slot array antenna excited by a probe with omnidirectional beam radiation.

  • Robustness in Supervised Learning Based Blind Automatic Modulation Classification

    Md. Abdur RAHMAN  Azril HANIZ  Minseok KIM  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:4

    Automatic modulation classification (AMC) involves extracting a set of unique features from the received signal. Accuracy and uniqueness of the features along with the appropriate classification algorithm determine the overall performance of AMC systems. Accuracy of any modulation feature is usually limited by the blindness of the signal information such as carrier frequency, symbol rate etc. Most papers do not sufficiently consider these impairments and so do not directly target practical applications. The AMC system proposed herein is trained with probable input signals, and the appropriate decision tree should be chosen to achieve robust classification. Six unique features are used to classify eight analog and digital modulation schemes which are widely used by low frequency mobile emergency radios around the globe. The Proposed algorithm improves the classification performance of AMC especially for the low SNR regime.

  • Human Motion Classification Using Radio Signal Strength in WBAN

    Sukhumarn ARCHASANTISUK  Takahiro AOYAGI  Tero UUSITUPA  Minseok KIM  Jun-ichi TAKADA  


    E99-B No:3

    In this paper, a novel approach of a human motion classification system in wireless body area network (WBAN) using received radio signal strength was developed. This method enables us to classify human motions in WBAN using only the radio signal strength during communication without additional tools such as an accelerometer. The proposed human motion classification system has a potential to be used for improving communication quality in WBAN as well as recording daily-life activities for self-awareness tool. To construct the classification system, a numerical simulation was used to generate WBAN propagation channel in various motions at frequency band of 403.5MHz and 2.45GHz. In the classification system, a feature vector representing a characteristic of human motions was computed from time-series received signal levels. The proposed human motion classification using the radio signal strength based on WBAN simulation can classify 3-5 human motions with the accuracy rate of 63.8-95.7 percent, and it can classify the human motions regardless of frequency band. In order to confirm that the human motion classification using radio signal strength can be used in practice, the applicability of the classification system was evaluated by WBAN measurement data.

  • Field Trial of a Space-Time Equalizer for TDMA Mobile Communications in a Suburban Micro-Cell Environment

    Takeshi TODA  Yuukichi AIHARA  Yukiyoshi KAMIO  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:6

    A field trial, within a suburban macro-cell environment, of a space-time (ST) equalizer for TDMA mobile communication systems is described. The ST equalizer was a cascade connection of two array processors for a four-antenna array and a two-branch-metric-combining maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) that was designed to obtain full space- and path-diversity gains from first-arrival and one-symbol-delayed signals while suppressing excessively long-delayed inter-symbol interference (ISI). The radio frequency was 3.35 GHz, the transmission rate was 4.096 Mb/s, and the modulation was QPSK. The long-delayed ISI reduction and the space-path diversity effect of the ST equalizer was validated by Eb/N0 vs. bit-error-rate (BER) curves with respect to delay spread and antenna spacing as compared with the case of an array processor alone being used.

  • Performance Evaluation of Built-In Small LF Antennas inside a Metal Case

    Kazuaki ABE  Jun-ichi TAKADA  


    E90-C No:9

    This paper describes a method for evaluating the performance of a small magnetic core loop antenna used for radio controlled watches. Recently, amorphous metal core loop antennas are used as built-in small antennas inside a metal case. It is difficult to perform electromagnetic simulation for amorphous core loop antennas because of the complicated laminate structure. Therefore, we modeled the amorphous metal core loop antenna as an equivalent bulk structure having anisotropic permeability property that we can simulate. We analyzed the receiving sensitivity of the amorphous antenna by calculating the antenna factor. The receiving sensitivity degrades remarkably when an antenna is inside a metal case. We performed further simulation to investigate eddy current losses that cause deterioration.

  • ICA Based Blind Source Separation Applied to Radio Surveillance

    Edgar CARLOS  Jun-ichi TAKADA  


    E86-B No:12

    In radio surveillance systems we consider the problem of identifying interferers or illegal radios in licensed communication channels. The systems considered are receivers using arrays of antennas for spatial processing. At the output of each antenna, we have a mixture of communication signals. The mixture will depend on the distance of the source radios and the propagation environment. These signals may or may not have the same modulation type. The main four tasks in the radio surveillance system are: Separation of the source signals contained in the data mixture at the array antenna, modulation recognition to identify the illegal radio, direction of arrival estimation to pinpoint the location of the illegal radios, and demodulation to intercept the information contained within the illegal transmission. In this paper we deal with the application of the Fast ICA algorithm to a uniform linear array. Our interest is to separate the independent source signals from the mixture of signals obtained at the sensors. Since the target system operates in the HF domain, where analog modulations dominate, the impinging signals are assumed analog modulated communication signals.

  • Spectral Correlation Based Blind Automatic Modulation Classification Using Symbol Rate Estimation

    Azril HANIZ  Minseok KIM  Md. Abdur RAHMAN  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:5

    Automatic modulation classification (AMC) is an important function of radio surveillance systems in order to identify unknown signals. Many previous works on AMC have utilized signal cyclostationarity, particularly spectral correlation density (SCD), but many of them fail to address several implementation issues, such as the assumption of perfect knowledge of the symbol rate. In this paper, we discuss several practical issues, e.g. cyclic frequency mismatch, which may affect the SCD, and propose compensation techniques to overcome those issues. We also propose a novel feature extraction technique from the SCD, which utilizes the SCD of not only the original received signal, but also the squared received signal. A symbol rate estimation technique which complements the feature extraction is also proposed. Finally, the classification performance of the system is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations using a wide variety of modulated signals, and simulation results show that the proposed technique can estimate the symbol rate and classify modulation with a probability of above 0.9 down to SNRs of 5 dB.

  • Software Receiver Technology and Its Applications

    Tokihiko YOKOI  Yoshimitsu IKI  Jun HORIKOSHI  Katsuji MIWA  Yoshio KARASAWA  Akira FUKUDA  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Yuichi KURODA  Takayasu SHIOKAWA  Yukitsuna FURUYA  Shigenari SUZUKI  Yasuhiro SENBA  Yoshihide YAMADA  Hiroshi HARADA  Yasuo SUZUKI  Kiyomichi ARAKI  


    E83-B No:6

    It is expected that software receivers will be widely available for radio communication, broadcasting and radio monitoring applications because they are able to be equipped with multimode, multirate and multiband functions in a single hardware platform. This paper describes the basic techniques required for software receivers for both hardware and software. The evaluation items and methods were studied and some evaluations done with an experimental software receiver model fabricated for radio monitoring applications. Future concepts in radio communication, broadcasting and radio monitoring applications where software receivers are thought to be suitable, were studied, and problems for realization identified.

  • An Optimization of Smoothing Preprocessing for Correlated Signal Parameter Estimation

    Kei SAKAGUCHI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kiyomichi ARAKI  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E83-B No:9

    An optimization of the smoothing preprocessing for the correlated signal parameter estimation was considered. Although the smoothing factor (the number of subarrays) is a free parameter in the smoothing preprocessing, a useful strategy to determine it has not yet been established. In this paper, we investigated thoroughly about the smoothing factor and also proposed a new scheme to optimize it. The proposed method, using the smoothed equivalent diversity profile (SED profile), is able to evaluate the effect of smoothing preprocessing without any a priori information. Therefore, this method is applicable in the real multipath parameter estimation.

  • Double Directional Millimeter Wave Propagation Channel Measurement and Polarimetric Cluster Properties in Outdoor Urban Pico-cell Environment

    Karma WANGCHUK  Kento UMEKI  Tatsuki IWATA  Panawit HANPINITSAK  Minseok KIM  Kentaro SAITO  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:7

    To use millimeter wave bands in future cellular and outdoor wireless networks, understanding the multipath cluster characteristics such as delay and angular spread for different polarization is very important besides knowing the path loss and other large scale propagation parameters. This paper presents result from analysis of wide-band full polarimetric double directional channel measurement at the millimeter wave band in a typical urban pico-cell environment. Only limited number of multipath clusters with gains ranging from -8dB to -26.8dB below the free space path loss and mainly due to single reflection, double reflection and diffraction, under both line of sight (LOS) and obstructed LOS conditions are seen. The cluster gain and scattering intensity showed strong dependence on polarization. The scattering intensities for ϑ-ϑ polarization were seen to be stronger compared to ϕ-ϕ polarization and on average 6.1dB, 5.6dB and 4.5dB higher for clusters due to single reflection, double reflection and scattering respectively. In each cluster, the paths are highly concentrated in the delay domain with delay spread comparable to the delay resolution of 2.5ns irrespective of polarization. Unlike the scattering intensity, the angular spread of paths in each cluster did not show dependence on polarization. On the base station side, average angular spread in azimuth and in elevation were almost similar with ≤3.3° spread in azimuth and ≤3.2° spread in elevation for ϑ-ϑ polarization. These spreads were slightly smaller than those observed for ϕ-ϕ polarization. On the mobile station side the angular spread in azimuth was much higher compared to the base station side. On average, azimuth angular spread of ≤11.4° and elevation angular spread of ≤5° are observed for ϑ-ϑ polarization. These spreads were slightly larger than in ϕ-ϕ polarization. Knowing these characteristics will be vital for more accurate modeling of the channel, and in system and antenna design.

  • Investigations of Radiation Characteristics of a Circularly Polarized Conical Beam Spherical Slot Array Antenna


    PAPER-Phased Arrays and Antennas

    E82-C No:7

    This paper presents the radiation characteristics of a circularly polarized conical beam spherical slot array antenna for applying to the mobile satellite communication subscriber. The structure of the antenna is easy to fabricate i. e. , a ring of perpendicular slot pairs cut on an outer surface of a concentric conducting spherical cavity enclosed by the conducting conical surface with the simple feeding structure, and a linear electric probe excited at the center of the inner surface of the cavity. Radiation fields of a spherical slot array antenna are calculated by superposing the patterns of all the slots. From the numerical results of the radiation pattern, in both elevational and azimuthal planes, it is obvious that the conical beam is realized. The elevational beam direction is low, which is suitable for installing in the land mobile subscriber unit located far from the equator. The tracking system is not necessary because the azimuthal pattern is omnidirectional. Directivity of the antenna for various spherical radii and angles of slot positions are illustrated as the guidelines for the design. Experimental results are in good agreement with the predictions.


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