1-2hit |
Nong CHEN Jesse DARJA Shinichi NARATA Kenji IKEDA Kazuhiro NISHIDE Yoshiaki NAKANO
In this paper we modeled and analyzed the ridge type InGaAlAs/InP semiconductor laser with lateral current confinement structure, and optimized the design for the ridge wave guide with the current confinement. We proposed and fabricated the ridge type InGaAlAs/InP laser with a cost effective selective undercut etching method and demonstrated the improvement of the ridge laser performance. This paper provides a solution to solve the cost/yield issue for conventional BH (buried hetero-structure) type laser and performance issue for conventional ridge type laser.
Kazuhiro NISHIDE Kenji IKEDA Xueliang SONG Shurong WANG Yoshiaki NAKANO
Simulation and fabrication results on back-illuminated 4-channel photodiode (PD) array with a self-aligned micro ball lens are described. The channel pitch and diameter of each photosensitive area are 250 µm and 40 µm, respectively. Measured photocurrent is 1.92 times larger than that without a lens. Alignment tolerance between the single mode fiber (SMF) optical axis and the photodiode is improved from 21.2 µm to 42.7 µm. Moreover, the separation tolerance between the fiber and the lens is 210.5 µm. These large tolerances agree with simulation results, demonstrating that the device configuration is suitable for receivers for multi-channel inter-connection. Frequency response and inter-channel cross talk are also discussed.