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Kazuyuki AMANO Masafumi YOSHIDA
We present an explicit construction of a MAJn-2 °MAJn-2 circuit computing MAJn for every odd n≥7. This gives a partial solution to an open problem by Kulikov and Podolskii (Proc. of STACS 2017, Article No.49).
We show that every polynomial threshold function that sign-represents the ODD-MAXBITn function has total absolute weight 2Ω(n1/3). The bound is tight up to a logarithmic factor in the exponent.
Kento KIMURA Kazuyuki AMANO Tetsuya ARAKI
Given a box of some specified size and a number of pieces of some specified shape, the anti-slide problem considers how to pack the pieces such that none of the pieces in the box can slide in any direction. The object is to find such a sparsest packing. In this paper, we consider the problem for the case of a two-dimensional square box using T-tetromino pieces. We show that, for a square box of side length n, the number of pieces in a sparsest packing is exactly $lfloor 2n/3 floor$ when n≢0 (mod 3), and is between 2n/3-1 and n-1 when n≡0 (mod 3).
Recently, Impagliazzo et al. constructed a nontrivial algorithm for the satisfiability problem for sparse threshold circuits of depth two which is a class of circuits with cn wires. We construct a nontrivial algorithm for a larger class of circuits. Two gates in the bottom level of depth two threshold circuits are dependent, if the output of the one is always greater than or equal to the output of the other one. We give a nontrivial circuit satisfiability algorithm for a class of circuits which may not be sparse in gates with dependency. One of our motivations is to consider the relationship between the various circuit classes and the complexity of the corresponding circuit satisfiability problem of these classes. Another background is proving strong lower bounds for TC0 circuits, exploiting the connection which is initiated by Ryan Williams between circuit satisfiability algorithms and lower bounds.
For an arbitrary set B of Boolean functions satisfying a certain condition, we give a general method of constructing a class CB of read-once Boolean formulas over the basis B that has the following property: For any F in CB, F can be transformed to an optimal formula (i.e., a simplest formula over the standard basis {AND, OR, NOT}) by replacing each occurrence of a basis function h ∈ B in F with an optimal formula for h. For a particular set of basis functions B* = {AND,OR,NOT,XOR,MUX}, we give a canonical form representation for CB* so that the set of canonical form formulas consists of only NPN-representatives in CB*.
Kazuyuki AMANO Shin-ichi NAKANO
Let P be a set of points on the plane, and d(p, q) be the distance between a pair of points p, q in P. For a point p∈P and a subset S ⊂ P with |S|≥3, the 2-dispersion cost, denoted by cost2(p, S), of p with respect to S is the sum of (1) the distance from p to the nearest point in Ssetminus{p} and (2) the distance from p to the second nearest point in Ssetminus{p}. The 2-dispersion cost cost2(S) of S ⊂ P with |S|≥3 is minp∈S{cost2(p, S)}. Given a set P of n points and an integer k we wish to compute k point subset S of P with maximum cost2(S). In this paper we give a simple 1/({4sqrt{3}}) approximation algorithm for the problem.
Kazuyuki AMANO Kyaw May OO Yota OTACHI Ryuhei UEHARA
Secure sets and defensive alliances in graphs are studied. They are sets of vertices that are safe in some senses. In this paper, we first present a fixed-parameter algorithm for finding a small secure set, whose running time is much faster than the previously known one. We then present improved bound on the smallest sizes of defensive alliances and secure sets for hypercubes. These results settle some open problems paused recently.