1-8hit |
Yuechao LU Fumihiko INO Kenichi HAGIHARA
This paper proposes a cache-aware optimization method to accelerate out-of-core cone beam computed tomography reconstruction on a graphics processing unit (GPU) device. Our proposed method extends a previous method by increasing the cache hit rate so as to speed up the reconstruction of high-resolution volumes that exceed the capacity of device memory. More specifically, our approach accelerates the well-known Feldkamp-Davis-Kress algorithm by utilizing the following three strategies: (1) a loop organization strategy that identifies the best tradeoff point between the cache hit rate and the number of off-chip memory accesses; (2) a data structure that exploits high locality within a layered texture; and (3) a fully pipelined strategy for hiding file input/output (I/O) time with GPU execution and data transfer times. We implement our proposed method on NVIDIA's latest Maxwell architecture and provide tuning guidelines for adjusting the execution parameters, which include the granularity and shape of thread blocks as well as the granularity of I/O data to be streamed through the pipeline, which maximizes reconstruction performance. Our experimental results show that it took less than three minutes to reconstruct a 20483-voxel volume from 1200 20482-pixel projection images on a single GPU; this translates to a speedup of approximately 1.47 as compared to the previous method.
Yasuharu MIZUTANI Fumihiko INO Kenichi HAGIHARA
This paper describes the design and implementation of a testbed for predicting master/slave (M/S) programs written using Message Passing Interface (MPI) programs. The testbed, named M/S Emulator (MSE), aims at assisting developers in evaluating the performance of M/S programs and dynamic load-balancing strategies on clusters of PCs. In order to realize this, MSE predicts the communication time by using a realistic parallel computational model, an extension of the LogGPS model. This extended model improves the prediction accuracy on a large number of processors, because it captures the master's bottleneck: the overhead required for retrieving arrival messages from the slaves. Current MSE also employs a best effort emulation method for predicting the calculation time. In our experiments, MSE demonstrated an accurate prediction on clusters, especially on a larger number of nodes. Therefore, we believe that our extended model enables us to analyze the scalability of the M/S program performance.
Yuji MISAKI Fumihiko INO Kenichi HAGIHARA
We propose a cache-aware method to accelerate texture-based volume rendering on a graphics processing unit (GPU) that is compatible with the compute unified device architecture. The proposed method extends a previous method such that it can maximize the average rendering performance while rotating the viewing direction around a volume. To realize this, the proposed method performs in-place rotation of volume data, which rearranges the order of voxels to allow consecutive threads (warps) to refer to voxels with the minimum access strides. Experiments indicate that the proposed method replaces the worst texture cache (TC) hit rate of 42% with the best TC hit rate of 93% for a 10243-voxel volume. Thus, the average frame rate increases by a factor of 1.6 in the proposed method compared with that in the previous method. Although the overhead of in-place rotation slightly decreases the frame rate from 2.0 frames per second (fps) to 1.9 fps, this slowdown occurs only with a few viewing directions.
Fumihiko INO Shinta NAKAGAWA Kenichi HAGIHARA
This paper presents a stream programming framework, named GPU-chariot, for accelerating stream applications running on graphics processing units (GPUs). The main contribution of our framework is that it realizes efficient software pipelines on multi-GPU systems by enabling out-of-order execution of CPU functions, kernels, and data transfers. To achieve this out-of-order execution, we apply a runtime scheduler that not only maximizes the utilization of system resources but also encapsulates the number of GPUs available in the system. In addition, we implement a load-balancing capability to flow data efficiently through multiple GPUs. Furthermore, a callback interface enables overlapping execution of functions in third-party libraries. By using kernels with different performance bottlenecks, we show that our out-of-order execution is up to 20% faster than in-order execution. Finally, we conduct several case studies on a 4-GPU system and demonstrate the advantages of GPU-chariot over a manually pipelined code. We conclude that GPU-chariot can be useful when developing stream applications with software pipelines on multiple GPUs and CPUs.
Yasuhiro KAWASAKI Fumihiko INO Yoshinobu SATO Shinichi TAMURA Kenichi HAGIHARA
This paper presents the design and implementation of a hip range of motion (ROM) estimation method that is capable of fine-grained estimation during total hip replacement (THR) surgery. Our method is based on two acceleration strategies: (1) adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) for complexity reduction and (2) parallelization for further acceleration. On the assumption that the hip ROM is a single closed region, the AMR strategy reduces the complexity for N N N stance configurations from O(N3) to O(ND), where 2≤D≤3 and D is a data-dependent value that can be approximated by 2 in most cases. The parallelization strategy employs the master-worker paradigm with multiple task queues, reducing synchronization between processors with load balancing. The experimental results indicate that the implementation on a cluster of 64 PCs completes estimation of 360360180 stance configurations in 20 seconds, playing a key role in selecting and aligning the optimal combination of artificial joint components during THR surgery.
Kensuke MURAKI Yasuhiro KAWASAKI Yasuharu MIZUTANI Fumihiko INO Kenichi HAGIHARA
In this paper, we present a resource monitoring and selection method for rapid turnaround grid applications (for example, within 10 seconds). The novelty of our method is the distributed evaluation of resources for rapidly selecting the appropriate idle resources. We integrate our method with a widely used resource management system, namely the Monitoring and Discovery System 2 (MDS2), and compare our method with the original MDS2 in terms of the performance and the scalability. The performance is measured using a 64-node cluster of PCs and the scalability is analyzed using a theoretical model and the measured performance. The experimental results show that our method reduces the resource selection time by 82%, as compared with the original MDS2. The scalability analysis also indicates that our method can keep the resource selection time within 1 second, up to 500 nodes in local-area-network (LAN) environments. In addition, some simulation results are presented to estimate the impact of our method for wide-area-network (WAN) environments.
This paper presents a fast method capable of accelerating the Smith-Waterman algorithm for biological database search on a cluster of graphics processing units (GPUs). Our method is implemented using compute unified device architecture (CUDA), which is available on the nVIDIA GPU. As compared with previous methods, our method has four major contributions. (1) The method efficiently uses on-chip shared memory to reduce the data amount being transferred between off-chip video memory and processing elements in the GPU. (2) It also reduces the number of data fetches by applying a data reuse technique to query and database sequences. (3) A pipelined method is also implemented to overlap GPU execution with database access. (4) Finally, a master/worker paradigm is employed to accelerate hundreds of database searches on a cluster system. In experiments, the peak performance on a GeForce GTX 280 card reaches 8.32 giga cell updates per second (GCUPS). We also find that our method reduces the amount of data fetches to 1/140, achieving approximately three times higher performance than a previous CUDA-based method. Our 32-node cluster version is approximately 28 times faster than a single GPU version. Furthermore, the effective performance reaches 75.6 giga instructions per second (GIPS) using 32 GeForce 8800 GTX cards.
Kenichi HAGIHARA Kouichi WADA Nobuki TOKURA
Brent, Kung and Thompson have presented suitable VLSI models, and discussed area-time and/or area complexities of various computations such as discrete Fourier transform and multiplication. Although the VLSI models by Brent-Kung and Thompson are suitable for analyzing VLSI circuits theoretically, their models are not yet sufficiently practical from the viewpoint of the current VLSI technology. In this paper, effects of the practical assumptions such as the boundary layout assumption and a restricted location assumption on bounds of the area complexity are discussed, and some technique for obtaining the area lower bounds of combinational circuits is presented on a VLSI model with the boundary layout assumption. To obtain the area lower bounds, a relationship between locations of I/O ports on the boundary of a combinational circuit and it's area is derived. By using the result, we show that a combination circuit to compute the addition or the multiplication requires area proportional to a square of the input bit size, if some I/O port locations are specified. Also we show that combinational circuits to compute the multiplication, the division and the sorting require area proportional to a square of the input bit size, independently of the I/O port locations. These lower bounds are best possible for the multiplication and the division, and are optimal within a logarithmic factor for the sorting.