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IPv6 is realized as the next generation internet platform, succeeding the current IPv4 internet environment. Linux, one of the major operating systems, has supported IPv6 since 1996, however, the quality of the protocol stack has not been good enough for professional operation. In this paper, we show our IPv6 stack implementation design regarding the neighbor management in Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP), the routing table management and the packet processing using XFRM architecture. The implementation is designed based on the Serialized Data State Processing, which aims at simpler object management so as to achieve stable, flexible and extensible IPv6 stack. According to the TAHI IPv6 Protocol Conformance Test Suite, we can show our implementation achieves enough implementation quality.
According to the aging society, it is getting more important for software industry to secure human resources including senior developers. To enhance the performance of senior developers, we should clarify the strengths and weaknesses of senior developers, and based on that, we should reconsider software engineering education and development support tools. To a greater or lesser extent, many cognitive abilities would be affected by aging, and we focus on the human memory as one of such abilities. We performed preliminary analysis based on the assumption. In the preliminary experiment, we prepared programs in which the influence of human memory performance (i.e., the number of variables remembered in the short-term memory) on reading speed is different, and measured time for subjects to understand the programs. As a result, we observed that the code reading speed of senior subjects was slow, when they read programs in which the influence of human memory performance is larger.
Feature interaction detection determines whether interactions occur or not between the new and existing telecommunication services. Most of conventional detection methods on state transition model utilize an exhaustive search. The exhaustive search is fundamentally very powerful in the sense that all interactions are exactly detected. However, it may suffer from the state explosion problem due to the exponential growth of the number of states in the model when the number of users and the number of features increase. In order to cope with this problem, we propose a new detection method using a state reduction technique. By means of a symmetric relation, called permutation symmetry, we succeed in reducing the size of the model while preserving the necessary information for the interaction detection. Experimental evaluation shows that, for practical interaction detection with three users, the proposed method achieves about 80% reduction in space and time, and is more scalable than the conventional ones especially for the increase of the number of users in the service.
Smart city services are implemented using various data collected from houses and infrastructure within a city. As the volume and variety of the smart city data becomes huge, individual services have suffered from expensive computation effort and large processing time. In order to reduce the effort and time, this paper proposes a concept of Materialized View as a Service (MVaaS). Using the MVaaS, every application can easily and dynamically construct its own materialized view, in which the raw data is converted and stored in a convenient format with appropriate granularity. Thus, once the view is constructed, the application can quickly access necessary data. In this paper, we design a framework of MVaaS specifically for large-scale house log, managed in a smart-city data platform. In the framework, each application first specifies how the raw data should be filtered, grouped and aggregated. For a given data specification, MVaaS dynamically constructs a MapReduce batch program that converts the raw data into a desired view. The batch is then executed on Hadoop, and the resultant view is stored in HBase. We present case studies using house log in a real home network system. We also conduct an experimental evaluation to compare the response time between cases with and without MVaaS.
Yoshiaki KAKUDA Masahide NAKAMURA Tohru KIKUNO
In the conventional protocol synthesis, it is generally assumed that primitives in service specifications cannot be executed simultaneously at different Service Access Points (SAPs). Thus if some primitives are executed concurrently, then protocol errors of unspecified receptions occur. In this paper, we try to extend a class of service specifications from which protocol specifications are synthesized by the previous methods. We first introduce priorities into primitives in protocol specification so that it always selects exactly one primitive of the highest priority from a set of primitives that can be executed simultaneously, and executes it. Then, based on this execution ordering, we propose a new protocol synthesis method which can avoid protocol errors due to message collisions, communication competitions and so on. By applying the proposed synthesis method, we can automatically synthesize a protocol specifications from a given service specification which includes an arbitraty number of processes and allows parallel execution of primitives.
Hiroshi IGAKI Masahide NAKAMURA
This paper presents a framework for formalizing and detecting feature interactions (FIs) in the emerging smart home domain. We first establish a model of home network system (HNS), where every networked appliance (or the HNS environment) is characterized as an object consisting of properties and methods. Then, every HNS service is defined as a sequence of method invocations of the appliances. Within the model, we next formalize two kinds of FIs: (a) appliance interactions and (b) environment interactions. An appliance interaction occurs when two method invocations conflict on the same appliance, whereas an environment interaction arises when two method invocations conflict indirectly via the environment. Finally, we propose offline and online methods that detect FIs before service deployment and during execution, respectively. Through a case study with seven practical services, it is shown that the proposed framework is generic enough to capture feature interactions in HNS integrated services. We also discuss several FI resolution schemes within the proposed framework.
To detect the theft of Java class files efficiently, we propose a concept of Java birthmarks, which are unique and native characteristics of every class file. For a pair of class files p and q, if q has the same birthmark as p's, q is suspected as a copy of p. Ideally, the birthmarks should satisfy the following properties: (a) preservation - the birthmarks should be preserved even if the original class file is tampered with, and (b) distinction - independent class files must be distinguished by completely different birthmarks. Taking (a) and (b) into account, we propose four types of birthmarks for Java class files. To show the effectiveness of the proposed birthmarks, we conduct three experiments. In the first experiment, we demonstrate that the proposed birthmarks are sufficiently robust against automatic program transformation (93.3876% of the birthmarks were preserved). The second experiment shows that the proposed birthmarks successfully distinguish non-copied files in a practical Java application (97.8005% of given class files were distinguished). In the third experiment, we exploit different Java compilers to confirm that the proposed Java birthmarks are core characteristics independent of compiler-specific issues.
Hidetake UWANO Masahide NAKAMURA Akito MONDEN Ken-ichi MATSUMOTO
This paper proposes to use eye movements to characterize the performance of individuals in reviewing software documents. We design and implement a system called DRESREM, which measures and records eye movements of document reviewers. Based on the eye movements captured by eye tracking device, the system computes the line number of the document that the reviewer is currently looking at. The system can also record and play back how the eyes moved during the review process. To evaluate the effectiveness of the system we conducted an experiment to analyze 30 processes of source code review (6 programs, 5 subjects) using the system. As a result, we have identified a particular pattern, called scan, in the subject's eye movements. Quantitative analysis showed that reviewers who did not spend enough time on the scan took more time to find defects on average.
Feature interaction is the term used in telephony systems to refer to inconsistent conflict between multiple communication services. Feature interaction is considered a major obstacle to developing reliable telephony systems and many approaches have been explored to resolve it. In this paper we present an automatic method for detecting latent feature interaction in service specifications. This method uses bounded model checking as its basis. The basic idea behind bounded model checking is to reduce the detection problem to the propositional satisfiability (SAT) decision problem. For asynchronous systems like telecommunication systems, however, traditional bounded model checking does not work well because resulting propositional formulas tend to become very large. We propose a new encoding scheme to overcome this problem and show the effectiveness through comparative experiments with traditional bounded model checking and other model checking methods.